Saturday, April 30, 2005
I slept at 4am and then woke up at 8am.
I told Jasmine that i am not coming as i am very tired.
This afternoon,my friend,Zhongming came over to pass me most of episodes(Lover In Paris)
I have seen ep1 ages ago and Adeline asked me this.
I am so jealous that Adeline have seen 20 episodes already.
It is about the time to see them!*flashing my teeth*
I have returned all 5 webpage-related books to library.
Enough of it.
Time to revamp my blog.It is all about me,my thoughts,my life,my favourite things.
I have changed my song theme.
This time it is a Cantonese Song called '不要說謊'(Don't Lie)
Nicholas Tse sang this song.
I like this song the most among few albums and concerts.
The one he sang at Reborn Live Beijing was great.
Very very meaningful and honest song.
In the first few minutes,the vocal he produced was awesome.
My ears was instantly attached with this kind of vocal technique.
The feelings,emtion and meaning of the songs goes like 'You can easily promise good things but you still want to explain why you are unable to fulfil that.Always never lie if you don't want to hurt someone.'
The lyrics i enjoyed the most for this:
在那日虔诚渴望 亲口跟你讲
剩下口耳眼鼻缠住你 该不该欢喜
心似羽毛 随时被吹起
但愿一旦兑现留住你 该不该舍弃
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:11 pm
Friday, April 29, 2005
Today is decent day for IQB.
Eugene must be damn sad and tired for two days already.
I just realised that i have forgotten about Gumiho drama show.To think that i have forgotten this show because during time,my mind was all about Wanzhen when Adeline and Eugene encouraged.
Good thing that there is a public holiday.I gotta complete this show.
Never mind about this period.
No one is at fault.It is all life transition.
I chatted with Adeline.Suddenly she asked me so many unqiue questions.
Very interesting indeed.
Who in IQB is hypocrites?
No one except Zhen Wei.
Gave him 6 months to clean his stupid ideals and acts.He failed.No more chance.
The rest?Some of them may have done bad things but it doesn't say they are hypocrites.They don't repeat over again and again.
Even though,some of them disappoint me but i do understand their case and position.
Know your fact and scenario before you do anything,Adeline :D
Wait until i found Diana.
Let see how i gotta feel after not able to see her for 4 years.
My heart for love remain the same.Didn't change.*surprised*
I loved to have fairytale love ending/story in reality.I don't care how you think but i do believe it will happen one of those people in the world. ;p
When we are at it,don't sway too much by your own emotions.
It is the time for us to weigh the pros and cons ensuring that you want this outcome.
Love DreamIn your dream,someone i loved appeared
Everything i wanted to do with someone can be achieved.
In walking cloud
dreams was making me happy
lord,can you make those dreams true?
i really love thos dreams
but in realistic,they went opposite.
Why did u do that to me
I was told to find the gate
Unlock it
dreams will not go opposite in reality.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:19 pm
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Today,i went home from school with some of IQB classmates at 6.20pm.
It was really fun and shiok.
We talked cock and joked on each other.
Ohhhh,i missed my time when i had a joke with my friends.
It was like 3 years not being like this!
On the way to home,in MRT train,i saw about 6 female koreans and 1 male korean among the crowded people!
I must admit that they do look unique and special in their own dressing and appearance.Fresh look in my eyes?Probably.
Oh well,a lot of female singaporeans put way too much make up onto their face or make out of proportion on their hairstyle or wear push-up bra to improve the shape of boobs or wear non-vpn panties to enchance the shape of bum.
Oh well,it will be excellent if you keep yourself natural without them.
If not for them,we would have been seeing very little and little pretty girls out there.*wink**grin*
Latest news:Zhen Wei's msn nick say he was ditched
I overheard from someone who said ,"after most people become 16 or older, they become bastards, they have friends just for self benefit"
If you ask me for this whether it is true?It is quite true for most of them.
Good example is ZHEN WEI!
And who knows you have friends like this as well.
After seeing koreans,i feel like migerating to Korea NOW!
Damn shitty memories i got in Singapore.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:35 pm
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Today,i feel there is different world between me and some of my iqb classmates.
It is like me with higher standard and some of them with normal standard to begin with this-can-do-liao attitude.
I guess i can learn something from them and see what this attitude bring them about.*wink
For iqb classmates,it is about the time for me to lower my standard.
I saw a young couple(i think malaysian).They were happily playing each other before she show something from her wallet to her husband and then this man's eye turn gold.She quickly close her wallet and kept in her bag.He cursed her like mad with fiery eyes.
Like that,one can be unhappy any day.
Someone said that there was no point having marriage.When the love died on each other,they will have to fend on each other by looking after each other and bills.
Since it is so,i dread this thing.
From this situation,i believe that the love is merely half-completed and vanished like that.
In this world,there are not many wonderful couple who carry love every day till they died
After that,I reached home and then went out with Kok Wai.
Took a lot of pictures.Quite funny!
Finally,after watching Tenshi Na Komanmaiki anime(not yet finished to 50 episodes,only 4 eps left) i decided to finalise my 3 options choice
It will be myself following my heart and keep on dreaming of being myself with the ones i like/love until somebody,by destiny will break it and we go together as a couple.
There are some scenes from this anime that make me confirm this choice.
Scene 1)The girl who dislike and jealous of Megumi asked Sogu about what sort of things he like(food,favourite type of girl,favourite way of being dressed,favourite colour and etc).Sogu replied MEGU MEGU MEGU MEGU
*MUAHAHAHA,that is cute way to love someone by saying her name to every question.WOOT.I like doing that but nobody ask me this question :p*
Scene 2)On Megu's birthday,his dad invited a lot of rich men(18 yrs old and above and Sogu whose age was 16 being banned from the party),a prince from france wow-ed her and she quietly withdraw from the party very quickly(she was not keen to talk with them including Prince)
The next day,Megu had to accept his invitation to go out because of someone she know.
Prince was so graceful to take her out in many ways.Indeed gentleman but inside his head,he would willing to give up 99% of his 50 girlfriend just for Megu because Megu was so pretty.
*Geez,he really look handsome like i fancy for myself.I was taught to be gentleman from my father.But still,i don't like being myself collecting so many girlfriends in my 'pocket'No way,i am not going to follow like him.
I know that i had a lot of female suitors when i was in secondary school.My classmates urged me to go relationship with one of them each time they told me about what those female suitors feel for me.
From chinese to malay to indian-race girls.That was enough for me.I smiled and rejected in the most sofest way to do within a min.Not just because of second love,Diana.It was just not really meaningful if i don't get along with them in future once i might go steady with.I would prefer to know them longer before i am very sure.Peng,one of my classmate said that here is your chance to fuck and another said everybody got steady and i don't have.I resisted them all.Maybe i was too focus to have the right lady for myself.At least i don't have girlfriends but just female friends only.I hope to stay myself pure gentleman with clean thinking. ^_^
It is not the case of 'i don't like but you like me' and it was more likely the case of myself not knowing them well.*
Scene 3)When Megu praised Sogu(rarely do tat because Sogu was so single-minded that he used only violence to settle the problems),Sogu will go over the moon by swimming out of blue or his body go happy.
*I like that.I don't mind doing extra things as long as the ones who i loved say something like that.It will leave me comfortable.*
That is all.
I will try my best to look for Diana and keep in touch with her.
Hehe.I publicly told my sec 2 and 3 classmate,Remus(he also like Diana) that i liked Diana.I believed in honest and straight-forward and clean competition.
He was smirking at me.I could easily see,talk and play with Diana because she and i stay in the same area while Remus lived other area.
Furthermore,Diana and i have some same set of friends who i used to hang out with at Lot 1.
She asked Kenny(our friend) to ask me why i never woo her.I wonder why she suddenly ask.Quite rare act from any lady!She want me to woo her?*shocked mode*
Honestly,i prefer to leave the things as per normal while i don't mind letting Remus giving small gifts to her.I just want to win her heart in gentle and comfortable way rather than forceful method.
I didn't woo her.That was true.
For once,some girl left me a good impression.But i never purse her even though we looked at each other so passionately.My friend told me that if i purse her,she and i could be in relationship by then.But i let my other friend who liked her a lot,much more than me woo her.My friend kept on doh-ing at me each time they talked about her.
Alamak,It is never mind thing for me.At least my friend enjoyed this day.
Chances and chances disappeared as i don't value them.*grin*
For now,i see girls in proper way but i won't look at them so passionately.I am afraid that they would get the wrong impression.
To be fair,if i looked at you closely,that mean you are cute or pretty in my opinion.
Don't take it so seriously.Take it seriously if we know each other so much.
That is what i think.
I only treat the ones i liked a lot as a friend.No extra good treatment.Just normal.^_^ You can trust me on this.
Anyway, i wonder how Eugene reacted after seeing someone tonight.
Let me know,Eugene. :D
Zhen Wei abused the one he loved.
According to his msn nick,he publicly said SHE WAS AN IDOIT(anger mode) and then suddenly say i love you because blah blah.
What The Fuck.
If u got girlfriend(who keep on say you are not handsome and then say i love you or harbour any evil intent) or boyfriend(cursing you for his selfish gain or something),i suggest you to break them up and don't waste your time nursing your heart so that you hope that you and your loved one last long?
I will be fucking surprised if someone tell me that the suffering from the abuse was the reason of long term relationship or suriving marriage!
Don't try to lie yourself that she/he loved you.They are more likely using you for some purpose or pleasure.
I don't really like to use girls like that.I prefer mutual or happy-to-do-without-questions trust to do anything that related between me and my loved one.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:24 pm
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Today,IQB joked a lot.
At least i enjoy playing and listening music in IT lesson for a while before Mr Tang entered.
But then,the humid weather was killing me leaving my brain,legs and arms extremely tired to do anything.
Sigh,every day i always think of the girls i liked and i wonder what these who i lost contact with are doing.
Fucking hell,i always switch this thing into music composer especially vocal tune.
I read Wendy Cheng's plight about her love experience.
Very sad thing.
Once you introduce the one you love to your friends and suddenly one of your friends took the one away.You feel so frustrated.
Damn it!
Heck care.Just get straight to the point and settle it.
That is what i feel if i were happened to be in this situation.
She just lost her friends who got into relationships with the ones she liked
Another guy i heard.He hate seeing pretty girls falling into the arms of ugly guys.
Next time,i am not gotta engaged some ladies for such comments and i don't like myself getting into ugly things and let some ladies stab their friends' back.
Like someone?just walk someone and say it rather than hiding to your friend who like this someone as well.Be more open-minded that will give small crack on your friend's heart rather than closed-minded that might stab your friend's back so badly.
Please take this advice for those who are in this shoes.
In secondary school,my sec 2 female classmate who really look like a cute rabbit told my male classmate that Benny(my another male classmate) and me were the most handsome in the school.I raised my eyes when he told me this.I said "REALLY?"(because i don't think myself too highly but i value my own ability much more than appearance) and i am so amused that it was just me and benny and no one else in the school.
I have heard umpteen times that why i,handsome guy haven't got girlfriend.I also can't believe it too.
People would acclaim that handsome guys all over in the world would be attached by then.MY FOOT.Why i have not attached by then?Each time i get a shivering feets when i see pretty girls(i would rate in my own view than people view) attached with ugly guys.If everything is like this,can you give me ugly face with high pecentage of being attached with superb-looking lady with excellent heart?*bleah*
I feel sorry for Wendy Cheng and i like her writing style.I also didn't know that she was also the columnist writer for SG MAXIM.
And i can only dream of myself enjoying sweet things with the ones i liked.*sob*
Guessing LoveI am always in the guessing game.
Guessing who she want.
Walking on the path with my shaking hands
I heard the truth that disclaiming my thoughts
the outcome is always opposite.
Disbelieveingly,i could only walk away and send my soul out to the heaven.
For a while,my soul turned back and i carried on the life in hope for next renewed love life.
It is better not to guess but *screaming*i should grab her hands and run away leaving no one knowing the truth!*screaming*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:25 pm
Monday, April 25, 2005
Today,nothing special at school other than crapping and playing around with IQB classmates.
I got some inspiration to think of happy and smooth-beat song like Chen Xiao Dong's No Way.
At home,after school,Edwin chatted with me.
Now i know his intention.
I am satisfied with him and his decision.
IQB will wish him and Sihui all the best.
In the class,edwin and sihui may not be around,IQB will still remember them.*wink*
It seem that it was destiny for Edwin and Sihui to meet each other.*grin*
My IT project is 90% complete but it may be superb nice.
I am just merely
novice in some areas.
I watched Tenshi Na Konamaiki anime from ep 38 to ep40.10 episodes to finish the whole 50 eps.
Very funny and cute.
a lot of relationships
This Sogu dude would lay his life to protect boy-turned-into-super-pretty-girl,Megumi(because evil wizard turn him into like this) whenever there would have some punks picking at her.
Megumi do something and Sogu would go crazy with her good intention.
HOHO!I wish i can do that.
I will post some funny scenes of them tomorrow.
That is why i want to get into such relationship like this.
Blitzkrieg StepWatch out for steps.
Each step you take,there is a change in you
So quick in a change that you might wobble
In the quest of looking for glittering success,...
you will thought this step seem to be the one
Either it say yes or it say no.
Don't be afraid to find out the answer.
You always have chance to pick yourself up again.
Till you found the correct step you have walked.
So beautiful to see the beaming light shone on your face that you need to take difficult path to get down onto.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:57 pm
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Pasongsong gyerantak means Cracked Eggs and Noodles in korean.
Click here for official website viewIt was about a kid finding his dad.
His dad didn't know that his mother bore him and never told him about her misery.
His dad found out that he had cancer and during the trip to DMZ area in korea,he found out that her friend told him that she died from lung cancer and the things she suffered and why she left him at orphanage.
Pity,she died without any family support and his dad's support!
His dad began to cry.
It is very touching story.
Well done,Korea!
I am fast becoming Korean movie watcher!OH MY GOD :D
Watching this movie,i remember what i did with my dad.
I always find myself to play rather than reading as he wanted.
That is what you see my brain filled with logics and knowledge inside.
This hymn is delicated for this movie.I has a lot of mixed feelings watching it.
Life with parents when you are youngIn growing time,child would be playing about.
Taking no notice with all adult stuffs
Parents watch the child with bagful of sharp eyes.
Child couldn't tell it was really concern from them.
Not heeding of parents' behaviour,child cared for own welfare to enjoy the need.
Was it everlasting moment to be with them?
Couldn't ask for more..
Being content to be with them.
I need them to be with them
Cos i won't be that lonely.
Sorry,i couldn't be this smart enough.
Being so much burden to you,i used up everything what you have.
All i do is have the feelings from the them to be comfortable to live.
If anything in real life happen like this,i would accept her and get on the life with her and a child.I don't like to hear hurting truth if i never accept her.
I just want her to live happily with my moral support.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:05 pm
I have been sleeping on and off today.
Damn dizzy!
This morning,i watched Initial D ep 13 and 14.
Damn cool especially the ending song and relationships.
That Itsuki dude tried to get back with Kazumi after a few months seperation due to the different state they live.
Ending story was him letting Kazumi to make a final choice which man she gotta go for.
It turn out to be bad ending for him.She chose somebody else.
His heart was broken.Complete shattered.
*I would have done the same thing if i were him.Of course,i will be utter sad for that decision*
Takumi was busy to instill the power and stablity of Subaru WRX into his beloved car,Toyota Treuno AE86 but he unable to understand why he can't do that with AE86 while he can do that with WRX.
Suddenly Takumi miserably thinking of Mogi and wondered what she was doing nowadays.
He told himself ,"I bet that she never feels lonely" and he understood that he was so busy with his Project D team.He can't help himself to keep on thinking of her when he was not in mood.He felt lonely.
*Honestly,i also thought that way like him many times when i am not doing anything productive but still i would dismissed that she won't be lonely*
Talking about getting into to new level,i can understand how Takumi feel.
I would tried to introduce some highest level soccer skills that doesn't fit in well but i couldn't solve the clue of it because it require higher competitive aura to begin.
All the time,the games i played this year weren't that competitive enough.
Of course i love competition in any areas except love and relationship.I don't believe in competition in these two areas because it is too forceful be like that.I am very soft for this part. :(
I have changed the song theme for my blog.
This time,it is 只要为你活一天(Live For You Another Day)
I began to like it when i heard improved verison of this song from Reborn Live even though i have heard the song from older album and concert(谢谢你的爱1999 and Viva Live).
However,Nicholas Tse sang 只要为你活一天 so magnificantly.3 times better than the form he sang for 谢谢你的爱1999 and Viva Live.
the way he sang is like as if he put his maximum effort to live for somebody he love despite of miserable love story.
I like this feeling of listening this song.
"上天给了我多少时间 全都给你 我忘了我自己
赶在生命里有限的时间里 就让这一刻停在这里
只要为你再活一天 我愿意 不管明天就算有更坏的消息"
This part of the song he sang is very sentimental thing for me.
It bring me a lot of memories i tried to love for my loved one.*wink*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:48 pm
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Today,i woke up at 6.30am.
That is my habit doing that because i have been doing that for weekedays.
I chatted with Junqiu who was installing WOW during that time.
After that,i took another 45mins nap and then woke up again.
I did a short database for IT project and then went alone for swimming.
I left home for nearby swimming pool at 10.10am.
I swam for about 6 rounds in an hour.
Meanwhile i was thinking of what Jayce think of her love philosophy "Easy to give up on a relationship but hard not to love someone."
On the way to swimming pool and back home,i thought that single is not too bad thing but having female partner is not too bad either.
After that i bought takeaway lunch and took a rest.
Until,i woke up and saw 5 msn messages from my classmates.I click the link from one of 5.Fortunately,SP2 security feature saved my ass as i realised that that is virus link shit as i noticed all 5 similar links from 5 msn messages.If i am using sp1,i would have panic like mad.
Well done SP2!
I arranged with Kok Wai to go orchard and do some photography with kok wai's olympus µ-mini digital camera.
In tne the Marina Bay platform train,kok wai took some pictures of pretty female shorthair camera can invade your privacy and even enjoy the moment of someone u want to see on the picture.One good and one bad.*_*
She alighted the train at Woodlands.I was bursting out my laughter because a old lady took her seat.Imaging that kok wai taking picture of old lady!LOL!
We went through branded stores in taka and we browse paintings in gallery.
I saw the store owner(i think he is really the one).A foreginer.Quite handsome and sauve gentleman.
Apart from his looks,i couldn't tell head or tail why i would look like 'ang moh'.
I only struck into my mind when i saw store's owner facial feature.Now i know why adult-fledged 'ang moh' are the most wanted thing into some ladies' wishlist.
I do not look like young-fledged but do carry some genes of adult-fledged 'ang moh'*ah i can see hairs(more likely beard) on my sideburn if i look closer on the mirror.very unusual feature for a chinese*
We then walked to tangs.
I didn't see Steven Lim there and so i told kok wai about what i saw last thursday night.
Suddenly,Kok wai pointed me at someone.STEVEN LIM!
I am shocked liao.
Same usual attire.
Went through Tang's first floor and then went to see some clothes and necklanes at Far East Shopping Centre.
Some clothes caught my attention but i need to think what to match with what type of jean/pants.*I like Louis Vuttion jackets(not very obvious to see any logo label) but didn't like the rest of LV stuffs because of the obvious LV label logo.
I prefer to wear authenticated branded clothes that are not very obvious to people.*
We had a lunch at Far East Shopping Centre and then read magazines at borders.
On the way to Orchard MRT,i saw two fully-grown hugh dog.Kok Wai was busying editing his camera's option.After he was done,he looked up and got himself shocked when he saw two hugh dogs out of blue.I bet he thought wolves,not being manned were walking past him.*grin*
We went home.
Pictures taken:wheelock place building,me,LV stuffs,Royal plaza,Orchard park's building.
The way i look at kok wai pictures,i think his photography skill has improved.
I would love to hone on photography hobby but i am being squeezed into my audiophile skill.
End of the day.
I think Jayce is into turmoil.
She was prepared to have the ending of parting with her boyfriend.
I am very impressed with her mentality and awareness.
What a pity.When you tend to feel that your closed one don't give you the togetherness feel but more likely drifting apart.
As for my case,i can only treat Wanzhen as a friend and the rest as forgotten friends.
Bitterness is part of your loveSomeone walked away from my heart.
Each step increase the distance.
My heart began to become smaller and smaller.
In hopelessly state,i couldn't believe why it happened like that.
It was so long to be with you and yet..
i felt that it is not the case to be with you forever.
The moment tell us to part.
I had to leave you.
It was so sad to have such ending.
PS:According to his msn nick "Sorry gl lol me love you",Zhen wei apologise the girl he loved.How many times have i heard it?IT is already second time.~_~
I hate to see guys keeping on apologising to the ones they loved for granted.
say sorry and then say lol.
That is a hugh slap on her cheek by writing LOL.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:53 pm
Friday, April 22, 2005
Yesterday night,i saw Steven Lim outside first floor's make-up section area at Tangs.
When i was walking with juniqu and his friends,i saw him jumping out of blue on a lady like a wolf.He explained his service to this lady.Must be eyepluck service.
Because his action is very well-documented in internet.
That is how i know him by his name and his famed&infamous acts.
For your info,his website is
http://www.stevenlim.net1)He did feature in Singapore Idol.All he did is to sing out of tune and strip himself off until his swimming trunk was the last piece.
3 judges were covering their faces with hands by then.
2)In CH8's top fun show,he also did the same stunt in front of fann wong,jacky neo and some.
Click here for viewing of his act in that show3)He once took picture of himself being nude and post the picture in the internet.
Fortunately his pose cover his private part by using his leg tight to cover it up.
If you ask me,that is freaking gross.
4)He pasted a printed paper of advertising his website on his forehead.He walked about in orchard.*my eyes popped*
Check it out.5)Two contradicting stories
This post was someone who saw this happening and tell us about it.
"I witnessed the most shocking thing that ever happened in every day life to me, for a long long time.
I was walking at the underpass between Orchard MRT and CK Tang (you know the one with the blind accordian player, you know him!) and when I came across what I thought was the most attention grabbing marketing gimmick in a very long time. There was a girl standing in the middle of the path with A4 print outs on her back and on her forehead which had "" on it.
The girl was using a newspapers to cover her face too. Wow, I thought to myself. This "Steven Lim" guy has a completely new "out of the box" method, perhaps "artsy-fartsy" approach to getting his website known! I mean, EVERY SINGLE PERSON was literally stopping dead in their tracks to look from either direction!
Excited, I quickly called my friend Elgin that I was supposed to meet at Far East Plaza to come along to have a look. Before Elgin arrived, I found a tall guy in his late 20s wearing a black sleeveless tight t-shirt hanging around the side of the underpass, and I presumed him to be the "Marketing minded Steven Lim". I told him that I was impressed by the idea and asked
him how he got it. He told me proudly that he thought about it himself. However, I couldn't help but keep looking at the girl but feel that something wasn't right. I also noticed that the girl had two girls on either side of her who seemed to be encouraging her in a "don't worry, we're here for you" kind of way.
"Who is that girl? Did you employ her? She's very brave! Where did you get her from?"
Steven replied by saying that it was his girlfriend. The horror hit me when when her friends came up to me and told me and Elgin that she was doing it completely against her will. Steven has asked her to do it with funny sunglasses and when she refused, he got angry. Apparently she loved him so much that she didn't want him to be angry with her and so she'd rather bite the bullet and cover her weeping eyes with the newspaper the whole time.
And what did this 28 year old hunkalot Steven do? He stood by the side and soaked up the glory and attention that he got as a result of his 16 year old girlfriend's humiliation. Angered, Elgin and I questioned him about his "business practices" and his only defence were lines like "I'm paying her $5 an hour" and "Of course I got unhappy when she didn't want to do it for me, it's only natural"! The whole time his poor girlfriend stood crying next to us, and her friends started looking to us for reason and support.
Elgin and I went on to give him a half an hour lecture on how NOT to treat his girlfriend and suggested other ideas to market himself without having to resort to emotional blackmail. His final response was "Thanks for the advice, but please visit my website. It's really good. Ask your friends to visit it as well!"
I felt so bad that ANY girl had to live with loving such a person that I ended up giving her a $300 watch loupe that I just happened to have on me. I just felt so sorry for her, and even more than such guys existed.
This pathetic excuse for a human's friendster page says it all. It's really a must visit - even if you've never signed up to friendster before.
During the half hour lecture, he also asked me to support him on Singaporean Idol, let other people know about his website and how interesting all the new stuff is, and how he thinks he'll succeed in life by doing things like that.
God Bless his girlfriend, and all who stood with her.
PS: I've attached a photo that I took of the "ad campaign" before I found
out the truth. I'd like to hear your views, but please let me know if
you're going to do anything drastic or public with this.
click here for the photo"
*Good thing is that handphone with camera are in thing.You can see visual picture as a proof to believe it.*
His response?
"I am looking for a girl friend now for a serious relationship!!!!
My trust had been betrayed by a 16 year old girl and we ended our six months relationship on 26th December 2004. All the promises she had given cannot be fulfilled but all turned around and laughed at me at the last minutes. She used to listen to me and put me in priority. She had changed suddenly and heartless and I am so so heartbroken because I really love her. I cried so badly while walking in Orchard's shopping malls feeling betrayed why she had chosen her job over me. She dun care about me anymore! Many people recognized me as Steven Lim and feel puzzled why the sadness. All I ask from her is to get a job that ends earlier like 8pm not after 12am everyday, so that we can spend more time together like before. That is wrong!?!? Relationship needs time together to be healthy n sweet! But she dun listen to me anymore!!! I am a Virgo and I had to admit that I am a demanding/picky boyfriend and
I need someone (a gal) that dun argue too much and rather be submissive towards me to save time on quarrels, supportive towards my passion in performing art, pure and can gradually give me 100% of total devotion, pretty, slim, dun irc, dun smoke/drink, preferably no curfews so we can roam together if we want to, close to female friends rather than guy friends and age between 16-21.
Follow me wherever I go, lift me up when I fall and I would like to bring u see the sunrise, sunset and walk the globe with you or on my motorbike, holding your hands tightly till the day we die. Love me for what I am, Steven Lim is earnestly waiting for you. Eye for a girl. Contact me with the following numbers and email me with pictures if interested. Thank you. Extra note in case you regret you contact me. I always subsidize 2/3 of my girlfriend expenses only, not full. Just my way of doing things."
*bish,it remind me of Zhen Wei's actions.Too much denials in similarity"*
I thought "eh,no wonder people talk about him a lot all over internet."
I pity girls who got such boyfriends like him.
Pish,Wanzhen look abit different today.
I can be very sensitive when come to anything even it is just 1% difference.
Actually,the difference is she was much prettier today than previous ocassion.
Believe it or not?I guess not.That is what i am telling it to myself in my head.
It is not too bad thing for her to enjoy being pretty.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:26 pm
Today at the school,I am very tired to see or hear anything but i put more effort on listening one particular classmate.
I have not eaten anything last night.I only ate 3 pieces of breads which is insufficient for me.To think that i tolerated my stomache grumbling when i was sleeping last night.
I am quite upset and disappointed to find out that Edwin and Sihui quited school together.
Anyway,if you happen to see them,please give them our best regards,IQB
I hope that edwin will tell me the reason why he quit when everything settle down.
Screw NKF for having 3 charity donation shows and getting students to ask donation.
NKF cancer and NKF kid foundation should be having one charity show once a year.
I rather tell people to donate money to people who are struggling for family's living.

This small boy from China is being sponsered by Nicholas Tse for his studies.
I hope that local celebrities here do the same.Just forget about NKF and your stunt acts.Just donate money to children who need the money for their own studies.
In life,there is always bitter pill for us to swallow.
Let me pick an example of Nicholas Tse had when he was young.
When I was in America, in the shcool. I can say it's the start of my music carrier. I've gone up to 10th grade then 11th grade in America. Because I went there by myself and lived by myself so it was VERY boring, just don't feel like going to school. I'm not afraid to say that there has been a time when I was really bad and have even jigged shcool.
But the real reason I don't like to go to that shcool is because I find it's very different than I expected and I had a hard time copping with it. It was a public shcool, had students of about 3 to 4 thousand. They are all sort of bad students, all had dyed their hair and wearing weird clothes to school, some even had a nose ring! That school from top to bottom is a rubbish school. The teachers are even more pathetic! Students can chuck stuff at them and they won't even do a thing! How can I learn in a school like that? I was thinking to go into Unit after high school but the enviroment there is just too bad.
Then all of sudden I heard my parents were in trouble in HK so I left and went back to HK to see what hapened. After my family spited up, under the request of my dad and mom: I went to Japan, Tokyo music institution. My dad sent me there because he think the sutff I like might come in handy in my life, and since the school expected me and they heard it's a pretty good shcool too so he decided ot give me a chance at music.
The life in Japan, you can definitely use the words "Hard and exhausting" to describe. Most people wonder why it will be hard in an advance country like Japan, the reason is easy, one I think most people will not believe, I don't have much money with me when I have gone to Japan. A lot of people believe that I was born in a pop star family and I can have whatever I desire but that's not ture!
I was living in the country area rather than in the city. Because the distance between my house and shcool I have to wake up REALLY early each morning. I have to take my textbooks and guitar wth me everyday and theses thing at least adds up to 25 pounds, then slowly walks to the train station to get a 2 hours ride to school.
Comes to eating, of course not those expensive Japanese dished, just some cheep Obentoos. (Obentoos are type of Japanese lunch boxes) If the canteen's not open then I have to go to the supermarket to buy 5 or 6 triangle breads that's 100 yans each with a bottle of milk and that'll last me the night. Other than that I've saved some extra food as well as if I'm still hungry I can always go to that.
Although Japan has a lot of entertaining stuff, to a poor guy like me it's just too expensive. I won't even ride a taxi, how can I buy clothes and tickets to the movies. In Japan my greatest happiness is to combine work and music. I go to bars to perform, first it can train me to do live performance, and second I've nothing to do anyway, might as well get a job. There was once that after I finished my performance it was alreay 1 a.m. The Tokyo train station closes at 12. I've only got a couple thousand yans, it's not enought to get me home. So I stayed at a very old motel for the night. I'll never forget the night's experience.
Under the harsh enviroment, the most I get out of it was not the improvement in music but the training in my spirit. Especially when you're all alone with no one to help you, then you'll really know what to do. In Japan I'm always wearing an old T-shirt, jacket, jeans and a pair of joggers on my back was my guitar and school bag with just a couple thousand yens in my pocket and just wondering in the streets, I felt like rurouni (wonderer) The time in Japan was a time of experience but if you ask me what I've understood or felt then I've no answer fo ryou. It's indescribable by words."
At least,he had a headstart to fulfil his course as a singer by signing with Fitto company who nicholas tse's dad own them a lot of money and rejecting the rest of recording company.
What about you?Consider it.
"Life's short or long isn't improtant, what is important is to live it VIVA. I've never thought I'll be joining the showbiz at that early age of 16, because I was thinking of finishing school first. But with the divorce of my parents my thought has changed, I think I should get independent earlier. When there is a change I should use it because if you missed it might not be anymore to come to you again.
A lot of people think when I signed up for Fitto, it's because of money, but really it's not. That time there is a lot of other Companies that had much better offers for me, but I chose Fitto because the companies boss is Yan Shou Chen. Our family owes him too much.
When I was new to the ring it was really hard ot cope. Everyone expected so much of me. I feel so pressured. Every event I tried my best, something people would normally pratice an hour, I praticed 2 hours wishing to be better than others. This is nothing. What I'm really unhappy about are the news reporters. A lot of negative stuff they said has nothing to do with me but some how... managed to write me into it. But I've never regretted my choices, from Decemeber 27th 1996 when I joined showbiz till now, I've never regret I chose this path, although this path is hard, I'm happy to contiue walking. I don't know how its' going to end, but I've already found my way of life, I'll never give up, my goal is to let Nicholas Tse be the one and only Nicholas Tse. Like Jacky Chan, not only the Chinese know who Nicholas Tse, I want the whole world to know the name Nicholas Tse. I didn't set a time to achieve this goal because I know I have to be patient, waits for my chance."
I always put more effort on doing studies and work so that i can do well as you.
If you introduce me something that i never tried before,i will put effort to be good as you.And then,we can enjoy doing the same work together with real teamwork and competitive spirit.
Yesterday was really terrible day for IQB.Complete misery for IQB.
I am tired and i need to sleep in order to recover my 'health point'.
I will write some topics i wanted to say tonight.
Will you watch them?
The day we saw each other.
Very first time,i knew you
We played together for common goal.
For us,we would forget the things that we supposed to do.
When the playing time was over,someone began to walk away.
Drifting further and further away.
When there is joy,we open our eyes to enjoy.
When it come to studies,we half-open our eyes to make sure that we achieve the purpose of coming to school.
When we faced someone who quietly walked away,our eyes completely closed.
I know some of us have forgetten.
We live with each other to continue the life.
Shattering happiness break the whole meaning of having togther.
Will you walk someone together to the common meaning?
The playing time never die as someone is willing to go with you.....
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 2:44 pm
Tonight,i went out with Junqiu to partyworld ktv at Orchard.
I didn't realise that his birthday was on 21st.*shocked*
On the way to there,Junqiu and his friends(3 males,2 females) with me passed through Tangs' first floor.I was in hope to see second love,Diana working there because i heard from my secondary classmate,Joel that he last saw her working at Tangs.
I am disappointed that i didn't see her. :(
I just wanna chat with her again.
Nevertheless,i still enjoyed hanging out with them.
Kok Wai joined us later on.
Yeah,i sang Robbie Williams' 'Better Man' but i feel that the colouring wording is off-key slower than the usual.Too bad i was off-key for the first part of the song.
I reached home at 12.05am!
End of my day!
Let move on to the next topic in school.
I scored very high in Accounting.I believed that IQB went ooo-ahh expression but then i am used to this kind of atmosphere.
I am quite tired of some people labeling me as prodigy long time ago.And that was why i never bother to study a lot during secondary school days.I am more willing to score the marks equally with whole classmates.No need to stand myself further up.
Haibi wished that he would be smart as me.Why not?I can give up my intelligence and pass it to Haibi.
There is a winning formula to do well as long as you focus on your best ability.
Like FangHui,she has the competitive spirit.Imagine that she put this thing into use.She could do equally or better than me.
Some people have some abilities but just that,they don't use them in appropriate way.
Thanks to my primary school form teacher for pri 5 and 6,Miss Han teaching me to use my best ability.
Thanks to my mother who drag me to dentist every time when i was in pri 3-4.That is why my teeth is shiny white and well shaped after having teeth braces for 2 weeks.
Thanks to my mother who keep on insisting me to look after my own skin and facial thing.
Typical mom i have.*roll eyes*
I hope to get myself back to the music.I was almost joined music band but my attitude and no interest into the music even though the music teacher recognize my ability in music left me to drop out from music band.
Now i have the interest.I am back to pick up music learning curve.
Just now,i noticed that Jay Zhou's songs are more on soft-mellowing tunes and very few on fast beat music.I feel that he should adjust his music taste more often each time he make an ablum every year.
The more soft-mellowing kind songs he make,the more i detest.*eek*
One of his mtv..carbon-copy dragonball Z scene where son goku had to repel the power blast from frieza.*shocked*
Andy Lau.Old fashioned songs as usual.Not sure about his new songs at the moment.
Wang Lee Hom song.Good beat.One day,i go and listen his best songs.
Beyond.Good rock band.This old band had similar vision what Nicholas Tse want.
Nic Tse wanted is to have everyone is a musician and singer combine together playing rock music.
S.H.E This all-girls band...I heard one song.I really like this song.Kok wai,can tell me what song title it is?
Yanzi...Not sure but i find her taste on singing is good.I hope to know more about her music.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 12:07 am
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Today,i am decent mood to do anything.Everything is all right in IQB.
Just that 3 girls cried.Very very infectious.
About that Adeline,it is hardly a bully scene.More likely 'attacking people who can't justify the belief into the real meaning' syndrome
It is not the first time i have seen such case.
This case often happen to the teachers who have strong belief.
When the teacher first start working as teaching profession with a strong belief of something,he/she tried to get his/her students to do what they supposed to do.
The students somewhat don't believe in one or two thing because they think inside themselves that they get the life answers that rendered to do this way.
In the result,the students would verbally(in their own tainted belief that contain 1% truth) 'attack' by saying something or do some actions.
You won't get to see the teachers crying at once.They were trained to think and know what they should do.
They go by professional way.Be strong in the school and then cry and throw things about at home.
That is how teachers suffer.
In No-man's land fashion towards the truth of smoking,anyone who has smoked before may not find the horrible things hitting them.
We all know what smoking can cause.
Of course,you may not have this happening instantly.It does take a long time to reach the real truth.
Smoke or not.It is your choice.
What do we breathe?Of course oxygen.It will go to our lungs and then mix wtih blood into the veins and then circulate the blood that contain oxygen molecules all over your body.
In similar,smoking also exhibit air(it contain different type of things,such as nitrogen and etc).We can't just run away from chemical reaction fusion.
Eventually,the air from smoking will enter to your lungs and mix with blood and then circulate to body.That explain why a lot of smokers find it hard to quit.
The rest?I leave it to you to think.
There are plenty good and bad effects for smoking.
Since you smokers choose to enjoy only good effects,you can carry on doing that.
Not so hard why we get to see a lot of warning advertisements.
I am not ashamed to say that i used to smoke due to stress.
But now,i convey smoking to something else to reduce stress. :D
For Adeline situation,it is quite small isolated issue.
There is no room to say 'don't cry' but there is room to say your honest opinion.
My honest opinion to her is that she had done well.That is what we should be doing.
Such situation like someone hurt somebody VERY VERY BADLY,i would take the chance to scold upside down.
No one is in the fault.I don't like the idea of pointing fingers on someone who 'bully' who.Just forget it and carry on as usual.
How many times have i cried?Countless times.
No need to feel embarrassed to cry in front of classmates.
Crying is our passing phase.
How many of IQB classmates gotta cry?
Quite number of us including cried in this month.
I hope that the other two who cried get stronger.
Opps,i gotta run to somewhere.I will update you more tonight.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 4:40 pm
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Tonight,i went out and i suddenly remember funny things i had with my friends in the past.
1)After playing soccer in training game on Saturday,Mick,Ah Ken,Hui,Aaron,Louis and me went to Queensway shopping centre for pool session(in few years ago,there used to have pool centres there).Oh well,we were all in soccer jersey and shorts with slippers.In pool centre,the requirement to enter was to wear jeans,shoes and shirt/t-shirt.
Mick who has membership card with that pool centre heck care about the rules.Some of us raised our eyes and nevertheless we went along with him there.
We played 2 rounds.A man tapped Mick's shoulder and ask him why we are wearing short and slippers.Mick said ,"What wrong?"
The man decided to show us his identification card saying that he was plainclothes CID cop.Mick's eyes nearly pop out.*peng*
Mick explained him that we just came from playing soccer.He profusely apologised and the cops excused us and we got refund.The store workers also apologised Mick.
It was hilarous funny as i looked back to this memory.
Mick said that it was the first time for him to encounter such raid in pool centre.
The priceless words were "WOW!Police raid the pool centre.NEVER HEARD OF IT BEFORE."
*laughing out loud*
2)Aaron,Ah Ken,Louis and i had nothing to do after dilly-dally at Lot 1.We decided to take bus no 185(today,it is 985) from cck to bukit timah(loop).
At Bukit Batok West area,we were talking cock at the back of the bus.
Some young ah bengs(gangster in hokkien)(outside the bus) used a laser pen to flash at our direction.
Aaron was so pissed that he showed middle finger on the back mirror of the bus.
Ah Ken quickly put Aaron's arm down and told him about them.He said that that ah beng like to brandish a small sharp knife.
That ah beng saw the signa nd called his friends who were walking with him to run after the bus.
They ran like mad men as if there was a dinosaur running and eating them.
We all see the side of the windows.We could see them running after us in the bus.Because there is the next bus stop.
Aaron,seeing them running had his heart pop.Of course,his face was in white sheet!
Our bus stopped at bus interchange.
I saw my secondary school PE teacher entering our bus.
But ah bengs didn't made it.Our bus managed to take off before ah bengs could reach the bus stop.
Aaron was relieved at once.*laughing out loud*
We could see that they were cursing us loud with hokkien vulgarities.They wanted us to come down and fight with them so badly.*roll eyes*
Ah Ken told Aaron why he did that.Aaraon said that he didn't like the idea of himself being laser-rayed by them.
3)Every Saturday,we have nothing to do at night after finish soccer training in late afternoon.We would play soccer near swimming pool at Clementi.
We played happily.Suddenly Louis kicked the ball out.Few of us went to get the ball.
GUESS WHAT!We saw a young couple(16-19yrs old) having sex publicity there where the ball landed onto.*peng**laughing out loud*
It was really oh-my-god thing!
They went hushed by covering themselves in hope that we don't know.
*roll eyes*
Nowadays,teengers are so desperated to relieve themselves from this desire.
4)My friend who always change his girlfriend whenever he see pretty girl told me about his experience with his poly friend,Robin.
Mike also know him as well.They said that Robin was extremely arrogant that he behave like emperor wearing flashy clothes.
Much more flashy than Mike with branded clothes from head to toe.
One day,my friend and Robin were in Orchard.Some ah bengs questioned Robin fiercely.
Robin boasted and Ah bengs went scared having chicken feets.ah bengs walked away and one of them made a handphone call.My friend said ,"Hey,this man may call his gang to come down and whack you." Robin said that it was nothing.My friend's eyes pop out,being amazed by his calm and cool reaction towards it,Robin assured that they won't come with their gangs.In 30mins later,NOTHING HAPPENED as my friend and robin sat at the same position.
It was funny.
That time,singaporean weren't so
liberated that time.
People would label some who dyed their hairs as gangsters.*peng*
But now?almost 7 out of 10 in singapore dye.*roll eyes*
Singapore is getting more and more liberated country.
That time,i dyed my hair gold.I was mistook as ang moh(yellow haired foreigner in hokkien).What a pity.
I saw a truck that look like ripped verison of japanese truck riding on the road.
something like that!
*roll eyes*
I would prefer to see original things.Don't like to see copycat stuffs too much.
That is why i prefer ladies with curly long hair.
Even some ladies try to have this hair cut,it won't look nice.Best chance to laugh at.The originality thing of having curly long hair is to have proper face shape feature.It is something that you can't just copy straight away.
I like this part.
I always aviod stuffs that people go crazy for.I always look for unusual and unqiue kinds. :D
Limited edition stuffs is nice to have but come with high price tag.
Sigh,I talked with my secondary school mate,Yuan Xiang.He like Slam Dunk a lot and he kind reminded me of Slam Dunk's Sakuragi who fell in love in Haruna,basketball fan but she loved the cool basketball player guy.Sakuragi decided to join basketball(his most hatred sport) school team just in order to get close with her.
Quite sad.
And i overheard a interesting conversation.You girls may want to know as well.
this kind of gf is to practice courting skills only
cannot take seriously
sucker sia
jc gf no point
depends on ppl la
later u go NS
you think she will wait until you grad isit
she go U
fat home pan
u get to deflower virgins
dats why
Wow,some guys think like that.It is like a fun game thing.It will be sorry sight if some of you get this kind of thing.
Come to think of that,i remembered GTO scene where a girl liked a guy from other school because he looked like her ex-bf.At beginning,it was sweet and nice things for her but later he took her to a circus midnight.He dumped her and sent her to his classmates for a rape session.*roll eyes*
I can't help to think of some girls i loved a lot especially Wanzhen.But then,i am always been loser in this love thing.
I won't do Sakuragi's action.Too drastic thing.
For now,i haven't decided the three option thing but i will be still faithful as usual.
Cheers.It was fun to recall some pasts i had.*good guy's thumb up pose*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 9:35 pm
Today was fine day.
Although yesterday was horrible day because some events made me like that.
Today's events look fine.I am very comfortable with it.
It never meant to be anyone fault.More likely that life is playing with you.
On the way home to Bishan MRT station,i saw someone pushing the wheelchair(a old granny sit on it) on the road.The bus no 410 has to move to the right because someone can't push the wheelchair to the pavement as there was no flat path.They had to move until they could push it to the flat pavement.I was damn shocked that it was a old man doing the job.I was under impression that they loved each other and take care each other.
I envy them because they got the meaning to live long.
In the MRT,i saw two small girls aged 4-5.They were playing with the poles.
i really envy them because they don't care what people would look at.
Free from the mind,carefree thoughts and people would think that they are cute doing that.
Imagine that an adult doing that.IT WAS LIKE DUH!*peng*
I wish that i should stay small and kid forever.Nobody would bother me this much.
I tried to recall what is my past memories?I couldn't remember what i did as a kindgarten kid but i only remember the primary school days.
Will you believe that i am thinking that timing may be off for most of the time.
Yesterday..imagine that Mrs Yu attended the accounting,i would never saw Karen and her classmates there.
Or even i might gone with Diana which mean i will never been a part of IQB.
And it goes on and on.
Geezz.Obviously,life is playing with me.
I am in fine mood to do projects at the moment before i go out at night.
Keep in touch,readers!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 2:28 pm
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Tonight,i went out for a while.
I am getting much and much better.
I returned book and didn't borrowed computer books for IT project since they are not helpful like the javascript book i have.
On the way to home,i saw a man doing taiji excerise on the small grass area alone!
WOW.I am impressed that his mind is very still.Not being distrubed by the fact that he was alone himself surrounded by cars,strangers and noises.*thumb up*
Suddenly,i remembered a korean drama i saw.It was called Full House(korea 2004).
There was a guy (Young-jae)who secretly liked a girl and ended up with another girl who he used to dislike.
Click here for Full House Official website
I was somewhat similiar like him.
He and i would secretly like someone and but someone like somebody else.
At most we would hope that they will be happily together.
We are too embarassed and shy to say "i like you"
I don't like to see people who i know suffering.That is why i hate to live long!
I hope that Selyn and Wanzhen happy in their own relationship.
I don't mind at all.
Selyn relationship is pretty good and long.No worry at all.
the rest who i like?I hope they can last long.
I ptay for them. :)
Ah.I changed the song.
This one,it is 第二世(Second Lifetime)
After Nicholas Tse finish his sentence that the judge passed on him for making lies to the law,he went on to to produce new album called Reborn and EEG promoted/branded as a new person.
At Beijing,he had a concert there.He showed his improved verison of Nicholas Tse
Really fantanstic man!I was stunned by his improved vocal singing and improved rock music(unpure to a bit pure).
His vocal with emtions he sang this song show that he was grateful to have second chance to live after his horrible experiences that he never really meant to do.The rock music background with guitars was awesome sending me into beliving that we do really have one more chance!
Indeed,we need second chance..
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 9:16 pm
Today,i woke up at 7am by myself.
I instantly open my eyes.
Luckily,my left toenail condition was pretty good.It recovered faster than i expected.
It means i don't have to bandage my left toenail leaving to my left leg not getting wetting during the bath.
That is why i can play soccer starting from yesterday and i can enjoy looking my face on the mirror leaving myself(including my left leg) wet.
I left home at 8am.
Took MRT train at 8.15am.I saw a lot of interesting office ladies.
But still,i don't like the idea of looking them at the moment.
I arrived Bishan MRT at 8.45am.
I walked slowly to the school.
I saw Connie,Adeline,Linda,Shirley and all malay ladies gang on the 3rd floor,locker area.
I am fine with school occasion.I adjusted my own mood to match the class atmosphere.
Before B&F lesson,i saw Karen and her IQD classmates walking towards to toilets.
I am ok with that.Kinda pity her and so i stayed cool.My purpose is to leave an silent message 'just forget it and carry on with your usual life'
After IT lesson,Yang Long,Kar Ho,Eugene and I went together to Junction 8.
On the way there,we had to decide one of us to lead us to a eating place.
It was Kar Ho turn.
Kar Ho brought us to basement 1 in Junction 8.
Nothing interesting.We went up to first floor and then Kar Ho saw Aijsen Ramen advertisement.We had to go down to B1 again.We looked at the pricelist.
Bloody expensive!Typical japanese food pricing.
We went to Mcdonalds on first floor.We sat there to discuss.Kar Ho wanted to go to al carter(french resturant)
We follow Kar Ho there to eat.
We ordered lunch set.$9.50 each.
Tomato sauce,a set dish,drink & free flow of bread=$9.50 offer.
It was my first time to eat real french food other than eating french breads.
After eating them,i realised that french food is all about seasoning and sauce.
Look like we enjoy eating free flow of french breads.*roll eyes*
After that,we walked back to school for Business Communication lesson.
I saw Karen and IQD classmates again walking in opposite direction.
It appeared to be that they were going home.
I am ok with that.
I act as cool man to walk with my chinese male classmates.
We were in the classroom A4-02.
When i was looking at my malay classmate's accounting paper,Wanzhen and FangHui entered the classroom.
I was quite surprised but then it wasn't the first time.
It was like out of sudden to me and then i felt so tired.
There was no accounting lesson.I walked with Adeline,Shirley and Eugene to Bishan MRT station.
AGAIN!I saw Karen and her classmates at Bishan MRT.
I felt more miserable.
I went to favourite place in Bishan MRT.
I like that atmosphere.That was where Adeline first introduce this area.
After going there,i somewhat had a liking for this area.
Dark,quiet and cosy.Indeed!I put myself on the wall and spend some thinking.
I saw Grace and Kasthuri.
We took train together.
At home,i found nobody at home.
Sad thing.
Nowadays i received a lot of shares letters.
I just slept straight away.
Very very tired.I am miserable as well.
I woke up at 5.30pm.
I am now blogging.
Eh,i overheard someone saying "Did you know that in Gainsville, GA, Chicken Capital of the World, it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork?"
WOW!That was an interesting fact!
I am getting much better in my mind.
What am i thinking?
In fact,i was sad,miserable and upset.Eugene,Karen,Wanzhen and some i know in the school.
How much longer can Eugene hang on.I want to help him but i can't do much as he see Adeline,Shirley and Linda as his best companions for him to hang on going to school.
I was upset that life was this miserable at the moment.
I was sad because Karen has gotten though rough time.The price was distance apart.
I was miserable because my mood was somewhat spoiled when Wanzhen suddenly came to school today.
It wasn't their fault.God seem to arrange this way.
It was not even my problem.More likely feelings.
I thought that i should have died as a baby when i had a chance.
In fact i delayed the birth in my mother womb but still,i was out of her womb.In the result,i got mild hearing nerve damaged.
If i was dead and not around with you all,the outcome would be different.
My rough guess is that some of IQB would have living much better.
I guess it is heavenly secret that we can't see what lead us to such problems.I don't know the actual content of the secret.
One thing is for sure is if we are very truthful and open-minded,we would discuss about the linkages of problems.We would have found out the painful side of the heavenly secret.
I had myself to be blamed for being alive.
Even though there is a tiny glimpse of myself having prodigy ability,i am not happy how the life work out.I rather close my eyes and never wake up until the chosen one wake me up.It was like sleeping beauty.*hehe*
That is all i wanna put this thought down on this blog.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 5:30 pm
Monday, April 18, 2005
Today was nice day for me and IQB.
Running at full speed during S&W lesson.
Ironically,my heart would have stoned but my heart gradually beating as if it is learning how to expand the air capacity within breathing respiration in the short time.
Mrs Yu was back teaching us accounting.
I missed her style of teaching.
I received two CA2 papers for Accounting and Banking&Finance today.
I must say the score from accounting paper caught me by a surprise.I guess i got such marks by luck because it is unusual of me to double-check all over the answers many times the day i wrote CA2 paper until the time had ran out.
Mr Sim said that IQB and IQE had scored the highest than IQC and IQD.
Today weather was not too bad since it was raining.I liked running myself without umbrella or raincoat through the rain.
Suddenly,i thought of a song but then the lyrics was somewhat out of match.
With such good mood,i got a breakthrough with my form.
I am quite pleased with my discovering but i wonder why i never discover the thing few days ago.
Do you know that i spend on this form problem for one freaking week?
I just finished the accounting question 2 unit 7.6.
*roll eyes*
Oh ya,i saw whole IQD passing by A4-02 during accounting lesson.I saw Karen and i think i pity her for going through such turmoil.
I haven't hate anyone in the school so far.
I feel that when we don't even understand the thing but eventually,we will find out the truth later.By then,you will have understood why the events happened to you and someone were like that.Not too late for you to abandon hatred.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 9:11 pm
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Both teacher-related japanese dramas are quite simiiar but there are few differences.
Click here for Gokusen((2002)12 episodes
Click here for Great Teacher Onizuka(1998)(12 episodes)
1)Onizuka taught his students about the true friendship and Yakumi taught her students to help each other as friends/classmates.
2)Nationwide media attention onto Onizuka and his action to save his student.
Incoming ep11 of Gokusen,it seem to be the same but i have not watched ep 11 although i saw the preview of it from ep10.
3)Onizuka and Yakumi used fists to protect their own students
4)Onizuka used to be former bike gang while Yakumi is the only daughter in big Yakuza group.
5)They aspired to be teachers.
6)Their students don't trusted taechers at all
1)Onizuka's school was quite well-reputated while Yakumi's had the bad reputation.
2)Onizuka hang out with his students while Yakumi would appear when her student get trouble.
Ah.I really loved those scenes from Great Teacher Onizuka and Yakumi.
After watching Great Teacher Onizuka during secondary school days,i found the show meaning restored my life in fact.
Who would thought that friendship is great thing.Until this Great Teacher Onizuka taught me.
There is one occasion i standed up for my classmates.
That was after my secondary school.
First few weeks in Ite Clementi,there is a form teacher who say such words looking down on my classmates.
I understood that they are lazy but still,they are trying their best to do the work.
Unfortunately,such school system there sent me into illusion.
Frankly,a lot of my female classmates would support me even though male ones are much nonchalant kind.
I was so upset with her comments about my classmate that i threw calculator at her with all my might .I don't like her idea.
After that,i was asked to go and see the principal or head of the school.
Eventually i was suspended for 3 days and was asked to write apology letter to the teacher.
After 3 days,i told them that i decided to quit since there are not much things holding me here and i don't like to see my primary school classmate(he died long time ago) there.
The last time i ever step in that classroom was the day i gave the letter to the teacher in front of my classmates there.
Some of female classmates were so concerned and gave a loud goodbye.
After that,i smiled.
Why would i write that?
I want you to know that there is true friendship.Go and find the real friends.
The ones who show their action based on what they said and support you.
In Gokusen ep 10,everybody didn't believe Yakumi's students(5 of them) when they were wrongly caught as shoplifters because their school had already bad reputation and their class is the worst of all in the school.
Yakumi asked them whether they did it.They told her that they didn't.
Everybody except Yakumi thought that they lied.
Yakumi belived them because she knew their character despite it was only 3 months.
In any case,i would do the same.
Always fulfil the words you have said to your friends.
Never turn your back against them by forgetting your own words that you have said to your friends.
However,i won't do such thing for Zhen Wei.Very irrating and he broke so many commandments that will prove to be true friend.
Turned his back against some of IQB classmates by forgetting their help
Very demanding that he expected us to teach him until our blood were dried.
Convey his stress into anger against IQB until he feel so comfortable bad-mouthing IQB.
He had no trust in me.Each time he asked me whether we were friends in first six monthsn(that is when i am still friend with him).I said yes but still,he went asking the same question.More likely making use of me as he once told me in envythat i had everything.*roll eyes*
The latest news is Zhen Wei kept on changing his msn nick to sweet-mouth a girl.
Somewhat,she felt into his 'trap' by liking him(perhaps) because his msn nick was like as if he was so happy that he got her as his girlfriend.
I thought "EH!"..That is during the period i had to give up Wanzhen.
I guesed that he was lucky than me.
Today,his msn nick said that he want to apologise to her and give him another chance.
The last msn nick of his is "I will always love u and dote u..ql?"
I was furious that he was obviously playing her feelings.
Leopard never change its spots!His famous antic is to apologise and then hurt classmates and then apologise and hurt again.
It will be the same thing on her.
What the fuck!How could she took some liking?
I guess girls like to hear sweet things coming out from boys' mouths*sigh*
I am not that kind of person who would say sweet things to girls but say honest and straight-forward things.
I don't like to see this kind of love and relationship.
I had enough with the relationship of my mother and my father had together.
I began to dislike of seeing incompactible couples and such love&relationship like the one Zhen Wei may have.
I swore that if i have wife,it will be different from what my parent had.Much double happiness and exciting than what my parents felt for each other.
Fortunately,i lasted this long in my present school.I nearly quitted.*grin*
I cannot say if i can graudate from this school.I hope that everybody hang on and i may have a chance to graudate.
Don't lose your friends and classmates,IQB
And don't think that you have the worse situation or problem than us.Your problem is no different from us.There is no real comparsion which one is the worst.
Please look us up and we will work out to solve yours,IQB
Let see what IQB will behave tomorrow.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 10:27 pm
Last night,i saw 'Meet The Fookers' movie(hollywood 2005).
I liked it a lot.Laughed a lot
the name is so funny!
I like one of the moral story concept.
Don't wear mask.Just be yourself to anybody.
It reminded me of Adeline telling someone not to wear mask.
It is already bad enough wearing mask cutting away from your actual character.
Last friday,i read reader digest.There was an interview for Avril Lavigne.
Her replies to questions on the article were excellent.Similar what i would have answered for.
'be plain and be true of your character' is what she and i believe.
One day,i will give a try to listen her songs ever since i last heard her first few songs on her debut.
I took whole afternoon to do e-commerce project.
After that,eugene and i talked for a while.
He was on the track to do e-commerce project.That is good start.
Glad for him.
I am not satisfied with frontpage book i borrowed.And so i went out again to Woodlands to return it back and borrow better one at night.
and then i went to kok wai home to get the FIR songs.

A small humble review from me, keen music listener.
I am playing a pair of klegg speaker powered with klegg m8avr and klegg m8 subwoofer through both analogue and digital.Much more powerful than any computer speakers.
This album pack more bass extension.Much more powerful than Nicholas Tse's Living Viva song.
Aided by string accompaniment performed by twenty-one members of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and sound mixing done by the famous musician Mike Pela. Mike Tylor, who recorded the score for Lord of the Rings.
However,i feel strongly that it should be done recording in the most sensitive way but it didn't because there is orchestra playing.I can feel there are more or less bass reflection.
Track 2 千年之恋(Loving of the millennium)
Track 5 应许之地 (Promises the place)
Track 6 把爱放开 (Likes letting loose)
Track 10 爱的力量 (Loves strength)
Those 4 songs as mentioned above are worthwhile listening.
Unforuntately,main female singer,Faye's high pitch voice is not my cup of tea but her pattern of singing speech is pretty good.I like her pattern.Still,i hope that she learn one or two from Joey Yung how to control the high pitch voice in the proper way.
Today,i was blown by Eason Chan's songs.Truly king of versatile singer!
His singing tune,pattern of singing and emtions is what i liked the most.
I always loved to sing like that.
When i heard familiar song,改造人(Transforms the person) that Nicholas Tse also sang before.Eason Chan sang this song and i find that Eason sang much better than Nicholas Tse but then Nicholas Tse sang that song when he was young.I am sure that Nicholas Tse right now can sing this song as good as Eason Chan.
Eason Chan got my respect!
If he is working for other recording companies,not EEG,he will be very very famous as Jacky by then.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 12:03 am
Saturday, April 16, 2005
I had a chat with Eugene and Jasmine last night.
Some situation that cannot be seen in IQB is pretty bad enough.
Let me repeat.I still hope that i or iqb classmates can help you in some ways.
I also talked with Kok Wai about working environment.I got myself shocked about his company policy to quit work without 1 month notice by working overtime more often to accumulate the hours to match 1 month notice.It is really unheard of.Not really standard policy around.It was quite scary if you suck into office polities.
To IQB,i can tell you that office polities is much more horrible and painful than school or internet polities.No such thing about comfortable life in office as white-collar worker.
Finally,Zhen Wei turn into scheming person.
He sent his so called complaint to someone who in turn got Mr Tang to classify the matter with Zhen Wei last Wednesday outside B1-04 during IT lesson.
The actual purpose was to get Mr Tang to do dirty work by forcing IQB into making friends or talk with him.
Too much force in silent way.
Again,not very scheming enough.Very very amateur thing which is nothing compared to cruel and tough office polities.
I shall join the 'chess game'.You will see my next move.
It won't be very very bad thing.Painless and gentle move from me.
Jasmine consoled me.
About my love future,i have a lot of options.
For now,i won't do anything that is related to love.
What are the options i have?
Option 1)Wait and find the dream girl through destiny
Option 2)Wait for one of those girls i loved.
Option 3)Have a fling and choose one of the girls
Actually,i haven't choose the option.
I already forgot about Selyn even i saw her occasionally.
With much Adeline and Eugene support,i still get the same ending and eventually,i took a rest and forget the matter as her request.
I have no wish to hurt anyone.
Today,i watched Prince Of Tennis Ep 147.I must say i was inspired by the intense competition between the tussle for the power and 'who-is-the-king' position.
I wish i am part of either one of the team.
Not to forget,i went to library to borrow two books relating and frontpage 2002(graphical pictures to guide me).I went home carrying two books,a 5kg rice,deyer ice-cream tub and take away long john silver.*roll eyes*
I slept from 1.30am to 6am.Very pathetic when i couldn't help not to notice internal stability in IQB.I went to surf for any inspiration.
In one of local forums,i stumbled upon an interesting guy who write a lot of interesting posts and a few naive and funny people.
1)"just talked to one of my long time female ex collegue yesterday. she is 25 and no longer getting younger. she says that she longed to get married. i asked her why don't she just marry her current bf. she told me that he, 25 also, just started out in his career as he had just finished his Uni studies (because of the stupid NS! make us guys waste 2 years +) and doesn't even drive or own his own place, marrying him would meant a hard life for her in years to come. no security she says, both financially and emotionally.
she says that she would prefer a guy who is more established and more financially secured. normally these guys are ranged 30+ or older. unless the guy get lucky during his 20s and make it big. establishing a good career takes many years. and that a woman's biological clock is ticking away every min. woman in their 30s find it harder to conceive and they are no longer getting youthful. but that doesn't mean they are no longer attractive, just that their mindset and determination to settle down gets a huge blow and they no longer hope much."
2)"i dont think so........coz good looking men are automatically categorised as "eye candy" by most women....coz...all good looking guys are jerks,gay,married...
i wanna introduce my good looking schoolmate to another schoolmate of mine...and she said.."No...i hate him...he's a jerK!!"
but the thing is...he's not a jerk at all...sure women like him..but he doesnt play with woemn's feelings.But my femal friend just chose to think that all goodlooking men are jerks."
so...they like ugly men.:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
my schoolmate is that super big breasted and leggy model im talking about who met her bf on IRC!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHe loves looking at white men and hangs out at carnegies(shes a semi SPG)...but still sticks to her unromantic,skinny,boring bf.
TIAN AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
I know most of you wont feel my frustration...."
3)"But grads with honors are bending their backs down to take up lower salary jobs now, so i dont think it really makes much of a difference in this economy.
My friend went for an interview for this so called customer service officer position. She's just a normal NTU business grad and she told me the job content doesnt actually require a grad to do it cos it's just going down to carparks to check some stuff and handle public relations. That's abt it. n there were people with masters and honors going for the interview. She felt so small there then. haha"
My reponse would be
1)Do you know why i prefer to have singaporean chinese girl as my wife?I love Singapore and i want to carry on chinese roots despite myself being westerned-orientated.
2)Come on ladies.If you are desperated,u should wait for the right one rather than grabbing ugly boys who are not in the shelves or accept the proposal of going steady from one who you don't like.
3)A guy said he aim to have maturity pay of 5k per month.*peng*
If it is that easy,everybody will be earning by then.
Don't be shy about the studying cert you got.All you need is to show your ability to work.
I loathe people who got good cert but can't do work properly.Guess what?It sound like someone?ZHEN WEI!*haha*
Jasmine is very strong girl.Probably strong as my mother.
She is out of my worry list.
I hope that she will ask for help when she can't solve the problem alone.
You know..i watched japanese dramas,Great Teacher Onizuka and Gokusen.
i like similarity part of both show is to get all students to graduate together and no one quited because of their friends and teacher.
I hope that IQB apply it the same.
PS:This song i added onto my blog is one of my favourite.
Originally,i didn't bother to listen only until after few times,i began to appreciate this song.
I compare this song he sang in Viva Live and Reborn Live.I liked the one sang in Reborn live concert.Improved verison and much purer rock music.
Nic Tse composed this song.
From what u hear this song the lyrics,step of speech sync,pickups(guitars),feelings are just prefect to say 'IT IS REALLY UNREASONABLE!'
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 1:14 pm
Friday, April 15, 2005
Maybe it is about the time i revise the IQB relationship.
Outside the surface,it look good.Inside,it look bad.
Quite miserable.
Can you kindly ask for any of IQB classmate for support?
If not,just tell me what your problem are and what you do need.
Whoever in IQB is welcome to ask me for lending my ears to listen you.
I don't see any problem with malay ones but still i will ask them about their life.
What about chinese?
Let me count who are chinese ones.
Edwin,Sihui,Wanzhen,FangHui,Connie,Siying,Adeline,Linda,Shirley,Serene Low,Serene Aw,Angie,Angela,Jasmine,Kar Ho,Yang Long,Eugene,Daphne,Grace and Jessica.
I know that some of them have held on some of IQB classmates' support.
What about the rest.
If anything convenient,please share your problems with your iqb classmates.I rather you to depend on them rather than your own close friend because we see each other very often in IQB class.
I want to see everyone to graduate.
I don't like the idea of dragging the matter.
Need $$$?Want me to work and give all the pay to you?
Let me know.Anything is possible.Nothing is impossible.
I rather listen scoldings and cursing from you rather than sweet-mouthing talk.
Eugene,if u are not comfortable,just scold me.I will be there to listen all rubbish no matter who is in fault.
IQB,don't miss out our classmates' problem.Either we console/help or we are better off dead.
This Zhen Wei.*slap my forehead*
He thinks too light on us.
I have to deal this shit again.
Wait and see.
You want to eat lunch with IQB.You shold ask rather than keep quiet.
I ain't moving my ass for you because you can easily break IQB apart with your silly behaviour.
Isn't it enough?
Classmates are much closer to you in class
The day i saw you all in the school.
Like fleging birds,we learnt together.
We have lessons for each other.
We taught each other about the things we don't know.
How far apart are we?
We were teaching you how to live.
I know that some of us have fallen to stony ground.
Care among classmate is all round in the class
Never go away from us,why did you join in this class?
I will be there for you quietly.
Remember me always.
Lord,will you bless this class until we all graduate?
CARE from us is there for you to have.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 10:40 pm
Today morning,i saw Wanzhen coming to school with Connie.
I am getting much better after seeing her.
I am not feeling hurt or embarrassed or horrible at all.
Slowly,i am used to see her with such feelings.
Of course as a friend.
Don't get so much wild ideas dudes
She will not spoil my mood no mattter what she do or where she is.
Trust me.
All i need to run 第二世(Second Lifetime sang by Nicholas Tse) song in my head.
I need a second chance for myself and her to be normal friend again.
I am strong enough but i am still trying to be more and more stronger in many different ways so that i can use them for my future.
Thanks god for arranging IQB class.It is one of two best classes i ever had.
With all of my classmates without Zhen Wei,they gave me the meaning of my new life and they will be there for me to warm my heart.
By the way,i am still thinking what to write song for IQB only.
Poor Eugene.He slept at 5am today because he talked so long through handphone.
He look moody today.Lack of sleep can cause moodiness and blurred thoughts in mind.
Aprilete asked two very interesting questions from my tagboard.
Is that power of love great?Definately but we still have sad moments of love.
Falling in love send us falling?No
We will learn experiences and we will be stronger.
What is the magic of love i am talking about?
You can roughly see the estimation magic of love that can be seen through most of korean dramas and movies.
There are few scenarios i will like to approve.
1)Summer scent (korean drama 2003)story-Min-woo loved a girl(A) very dearly and she died due to her accident.Her heart was transfered to another girl(b).
He met her without knowing that she got her heart.
The love romance started from there.
That is the magic of love when he sensed that she(B) got her(A) heart.
The ending story showed that she(B) had her(A) heart removed and replaced by another new heart and Min woo still loved her(B) regardless of whose heart she(B) had.
*thumb up**one of magical true power in love*
the true love with small amount of magical moments.
How would u know?
#One need not to beg for love.No need to ask her/him to love you.
#One need not to force one-sided love if she/he doesn't show slightest feeling for one.
#A couple may have feelings first but feelings faded?That is no magic.Because temporary feelings only propel them to this relationship.Time to part.Don't waste the time hurting yourself and your so-called loved one.
#Mere simple tasks by seeing someone home or looking after someone who is ill or familiar sights you can see teenger couples showered each other are no magic either.
It is temporary measure.It can't make them to knock your so-called loved one onto your heart with a nail.
*Actual defination of love.There must have element of surprise,a packaging of gentle handling and the belief of one's character.
*What is an element of surprise?One can surprise loved one who do not expect.
*What is a packaging of gentle handling?Based on one and loved one pesonalities and characters,one able to interlace both of them together till two will joined into one.
*Belief of one's character?Since one know loved one's character,one must be able to know there is any change in his own heart.The real power of sensitivity.
True love only appear when loved one has incurable illness or something horrible happened to them.The question will be left to one whether he/she can look after or not?It gotta be a long process in your life sucking away your effort,energy,enjoyment and happiness.
If there is no magic of love or true love,that is why there are a lot of break ups everywhere.
They would tend to think the source of healing the wounds like having flings to relief them or senselessly engage sexual experiences.
It will proof as Devil's part of plan.
If you have your own opinion about it,e-mail to me,Aprilete.
When i was on the way home,i saw two persons.
One is a male adult having nerve hormones problem.You can see that he do such wierd behaviour.
another one is a lady whose right side of face has a hugh lump or is swollen.
I wonder if one can look after tham even though they thought they loved them.
Let see whether u would freaked out of this idea.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 4:33 pm
Thursday, April 14, 2005
WAH!That is nice movie.In my opinion,it is best for mature guys and curious girls.
Click here for Jeni Juno official website
It is damn intriguing to see.
I didn't know how young girl would do with pregency test kit in the toilet.I saw how she did it in neat way.Not so disgusting way.
Something new learn to my head.
She told her boyfriend what he would do if she got pregnant.
He was lost for word and somewhat went to avoid her in next few days.
*if i were him,i will support her decision and have a baby.heck care about the rest*
After that,she had enough of it.She confronted him and he said that he wasn't avoiding her but was thinking of it. ~_~
*fuck don't need to avoid*
He accept her and their baby.
He have to work harder for his baby and he would take care of her.
24 hours standby. *drop jaw*
When he was half asleep or asleep,his hand always held onto mobile phone just in case she need him.
*thumb up*
*which boyfriend can do that for you,girls?**i am willing to do that for 24 hours every day even she is not pregnant*
Obviously,they are growing to be mature persons.
In the end,he tried hard to find her who was taken away by her parents to a quiet and secret place.With his persistent,he got her back and both familes let them be together and have a baby.
Not too bad ending.
Finally,Korean movies standard has really improved by double comapred from 2004 to 2005.
What about our local movies/drama shows?A PIECE OF BULLSHIT WITH NO TRIGGERING OF MY FEELINGS. ~_~
Come on,Mediacorp and Jack Neo..Be more original and show a piece of excellent work that bring out my emotion dude.
Latest news about Zhen Wei.
His msn nick..'learnt my misake...that is to pay my bills before my line is kanna cut off'
MUHAHAHAHA!He has no common sense to stem his number of calls and sms.
Obviously,he always call or send sms to solve his maths and accounting problem.
Each time he hold his hp as he write in the class.*roll eyes*
I bet his bill cost more than an gangster paying for his use.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 10:58 pm
This morning,after assembly at school,Eugene asked me if i am heartbroken.
I told him that i am not heartbroken.
I am just disappointed to have the same ending of this story.
Today Banking&Finance CA2,i have no problem filling up all the blanks.
Not too bad day for me.
But i felt stomach pain.
Sickening.That is why i don't like to live so long when there are much personal suffering.
However the pain disappeared within 30minutes and i decided to go safe option getting porridge and tomato juice can.
After accounting lesson,Eugene and I went downstairs from A4-02 class to assembly sitting area.
Eugene turn his head to the right towards the stair.Out of curiousity,i also turn my head to his direction.I saw FangHui and Wanzhen walking down.
Oh.This feeling was somewhat horrible.I think it was awkward to see her.
But i will get used to it and it will be ok for me to see her again like that.
Since it happened out of hand,i hope that she give herself a chance to forget it as she can.No need to go through such lengths.I haven't done that to every girl.I thought i would be fair to give them a chance to forget this embarassing thing.
No wonder,boys would curse those girls behind their back for not giving them a chance*slap forehead*
It ain't work this way.Just let it go and move on for new story.
Girls also would curse boys as well for not giving them a chance too.*roll eyes*
Eugene is jolly waiting for the next chapter of the story with Siying.*grasp*
At home,i do frontpage programming based on javascript.
wah lau,form thing is really pulling my hair.
I need more information how to build database.I guess i gotta schedule properly on Sat and Sun.
When i listened Eason Chan's songs,i suddenly remember some real life ones where opposite genders may not able to satisfy the needs and desire of their loved ones.
Even though they are married,some of them suck their thumbs or felt so sad.
Case 1:A wife tried everything to get her husband to satisfy her needs.In end he ignored her upteen times and told her to stop it.
In the end,she fell into 'web' by having adultery with other men because they could make her feel good while her husband couldn't.
*this make me sigh greatly*
There are much more ugly things in adulthood life.They are much more painful than teenger and young adult life.
I cannot tolerate this so long.
I guess i go and close my eyes and walk away because i can't do anything to this.
It is your stand whether you reject the devil's temptation.
Zhen Wei's msn nick..*hugh sigh*
His msn nick said like "Can i treat IQB a lunch as apologise?"
You think you can buy friendship and our souls with money.
One day,you would buy love with money.
Damn sickening.I hate buying love and friendship.
I had this kind of experience before and so don't attempt to do that in front of me.
I do not want to ignore you.
It was so worthless that i can always see you again and again.
I rather smile at you and let you know that you don't have to think of this worse thing.
Just walk me out to the path of friendship.
I have already had my heart nothing for you..
as you requested for.
My hear sparkled as the wing on my back began to show itself.
I am flying to become a person with good natured heart.
Can you not ignore me?
Since i never ignore you,will you to do the same?
With your acceptance,i will be true angel.
My last advice to you.'Don't make things too difficult for each other.'
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 7:35 pm
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Just in case,you don't believe me.I am ok.
I just want to move on with my positive thoughts on other things and i had to leave sad thoughts about love aside.
I am doing that now. ^_^
IQB may not able to see the past of me when i was 14-18 years old.
What you are seeing me the new Tony ever since you saw me right start from the day of the school.
Even though there are a bit of habits i never get rid of,i am ever improving myself to be better man.
I am just unhappy with my own life even though i seem to have everything.Sad after sad love thing can't put me down this much.*wink*
I wish that i have shorter life span.
To Kok Wai,i will support your decision to quit work and take up new challenge to study life science!*SHOUTING IN CHEERS*
To Champman and IQB,i will be there to support you as a friend.
Even though i have lost my primary school classmate who died in accident,i want to reach my hands to you all to get you up.
It is never be too late.
I have been spending on IT project and reading up B&F.
Tonight,i went to library to borrow dreamweaver and flash mx 2004 books.
I had to buy dinner at food court.I happened to see a mid-20 years old working lady walking in my direction.
Woah.Overall appearance packaging,she was really my type.
I will turn my back against love for a some time.
OOOO,i drank Galsberg beer but it will go well with chinese delicacy,barbeque pork
Ah,another interesting topic from local forum
The topic says 'girls say handsome guys don't have sense of security'
Few threads in response for this topic with a starting thread 'why in the first place, they want handsome guys to be their boyfriends? weird...'
'advise dun spend too much on ur gal friend
i believe one day when she left you
your money will go to waste
the final stage to a love relationship is still not marriage after marriage still got divorce that is the failure of marriage
so stay single is the best
so i advise to stay single as you said gals want money and you are rite
so when not save up abit and marry thailand or vietnam or china or korea gals ,etc ....
or buy the things you want in life
nowsadays gals easily pull the plug
especially singaporean gals'
'girls full of sheet laa....
never ending nonsense... just have to live with it'(sheet=shit)
'small girl(sec 1 to 2) like handsome guy.. can show off to thier fren..
when they reach working age(25+), they wan $$ cos they know need $$ to have comfortable life
character? this is non existent to the girls'
To girls,how are you gotta respond to this?
To me,if it is true,i will be amused that this reason is the cause of why i am singlehood.I trust girls' judgements telling me i am handsome or cute even though i don't think i am handsome myself.
This rap song reflect my slamming on this kind of thoughts if it happen to be true
what do you want,girl?
Boy have given you everything.
You got them and WHAT!
Being still unsatisfied,what you should need from boy!
Try swearing that you can find another boy.
The one who can give you much more than boy can offer?
Not a thing..You may get more worse boy after him. you feel foolish?
You just need to quit doing those silly things..
You should fucking be contented with what you have now.
My last word for you is to stop dreaming.
Leave this stupid shit aside.Very sickening.
To my friends,i strongly believe that we need another chance to reclaim the friendship tie.
Pity,Zhen Wei threw second chance to the bin long time ago.No excuse for him.
Second Chance
I fell from the hill
With broken limbs,i never thought that i would come back.
Someone from the sky told me that i can.
All i need is to improve myself.
To be better man,i will be there to support you as a true friend.
That is what i can offer even though many eyes stared at me with distrust.
It is this much i can do for you.
I still hope that i can repair the broken engines between you and me.
It will be good as a new.
Will you believe in giving me a second chance?
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 9:41 pm