Thursday, June 30, 2005
Today school is ok.
After school,i went to Kaki Bukit crescent.
Looking for block 21 where Ban Leong company situated in,i found there.
I was discussing with one of the staff there but before that,a chinese female receptionist attended to me.
I was somewhat struck because most ladies are greek in computer hardware.
Nevertheless,not requesting to ask her to get techician,i was a bit hopeful that she understand the complicated hardware talk for a while.
Computer hardware can be very complicated and wierd.
Recently,i read an public apology from one of the CDL trading staffs about being rude to a customer who send defective product for a repair.
Not so long ago,i went there before.
I have no problem interact with them.
But he wrote 'pms' at that time.
I think it is ridiculous because pms only occur females only.
Why would his mood swing differently every day?*roll eyes*
I am back alive with small troubleshoot with formatting my pc.
When i saw someone but someone never see me looking at her.
Oh well,it is fate after all.
Your friend can be indifferent to you.It can be the lousy feeling you may have but however,it happen to everyone.
Let not be that paranoid/sensitive about it.
Adeline gotten addicted with china stuffs?haha,i long time ago was addicted with china even i never went there.
I know a lot of history about china.*grin*

Nic's Sister, Ting Ting, is still going to skool...n Nic is trying to fix everything that he did wrong. Earlier, it has been reported that he crashed into a lawyer's car..!! Now, the polic had filed the case n said that this will be put on court.
When reporter asked about what Nic will do about this, he said, "i don't know, i'll juss let my lawyer decide....just follow wat they tell me since they know more than i do..." He hopes that the problem will be solved soon!
Nic sister recently had dinner with her brother Nic. this is when Nic finds out about Ting Ting going back to skool. Nic agrees to that because he thinks that the Press/ reporter is giving his sister too much pressure! Nic also reveals that his family is crazy...! they don't care what they do....n Nic is the only person who cares about his sister, afriad that she is going to get hurt....!
What a sibling love you can see as he didn't want her sister to have same regret as him.
The prodigal son returns, changed into home bound guy.
For the release of his new album, fans are all excited about.
All along the promotion process, Nic admitted that he was undecided, attracting alot of joke and talk from other people. Yesterday his all new Canto album was released in to the HK, Mainland China and Macau market. The album by the name 'One Inch Closer' within its promotion , Nic's image was radically changed, no longer the rebellious teenager but the good guy at home. May be his fans have indeed been waiting for this change of image for a long time already, so with this change fans openly welcomed it. With some even commenting: if you remain like this forever it would be great.
Wanting his own image change:
All the promotion and design was entirely according to Nic's ideas. When asked about his thoughts he replied: My fans have always associated my songs to have the feeling of distance, temper and coolness, Therefore using the chance from the release of this new album i wanted to shorten the distance to fans inch by inch. He wants to change the prelonged image of him as a rebel. The radical change into the home man. He comments that after all the events, ups and downs over the years his temper hasn't only changed but matured. He is no longer a boy but a man, and from now on he will no longer be so short tempered. Other than this album, his upcoming mando album due for promtion in august, he will be using this new image.
iMAGE change to friendly and open:
On the front of promotion posters, Nic's new image surprised many fans, especially the photos of him playing with his turtles, were especially liked by fans. member os his company comments that to achieve and go along with the new theme of the album a lot of hard work was required. In the end Nic suggested himself, to use his pets for the shooting in a urban villa in HK, so that fans can see a very casual Nic eating, taking a nap and playing with his turtles. At the shooting Nic's attitude and performance evn surprised co-workers, he was caring to his two beloved pets, preparing their luggage treats and often talking to them or feeding them.
Accepting interview, no longer being distant:
Throughout his promotion he changed his forlonged attitude of being distant to being friendly and welcoming. Day before Nic arrived in Taiwan for his promotion of his album, his changed attitude surprised the journalists present. Due to the lack of speaking Mando recently, the level of Nic's fluency has dropped, for the recording of the promotion tape for radio, he only simply said: Hello everyone, I'm Nic Tse, My new canto album 'One inch closer' is released today in taiwan, even that was no fluent enough and had to be repeated NG and rerecorded. In the past Nic would have simply refused to do it again, but on the day, to the surprise of everyone, Nic didn't fuss and coorperatively repeated the recording until it was complete. His appearance on TVB JSG along with Eason, though he looked cool, dressed in casual white t-shirt and jeans, his whole appearance was clean and sweet, much to the liking of fans.
Fans all agree its good:
After the exposure of Nic's new promotion photos, the reaction has been very positive response. The intense repsonse mainly surrounded discussion of his mew image. On Nic-Zone Forum many posted were made giving positive backing to the new image. Sun, clean were often used in expression.
Fans like this version of Nic even more:
From the reponse of fans, the current Nic is even more popular, many leaving long discussion of the change and improvement and never ending support. With liking to his new closer image, who maturely deals with media. With expression of fans liking the new image with Nic appearing more happy and relaxed, with youth and energy, as happiness and innocence is something that can't be acted.
Listen to the real Nic:
In actual fact the songs on the new CD album, unlike the radical image change Nic's style of music remains the same. By Eric Kwok and others helping in the composing and production opf the songs, the cool style and distance in songs remain. especially the second song of the album 'Wolf' after the release on radio, fans commented that this song is a rebel song with deep basis in it. What is the real Nic then? May be its listening to the song 'Nicholas' writen by Chan Sandee for Nic. This song is named using Nic's english name. Chan Sandee created it whilst working in HK, seeing the the HK media conspire around news of Nic, she has similar feelings from experience. She used this song to oppose the bad news that surrounded Nic at the time. In the lyrics it folows: Your not only idol singer, your not only bad news, youth with be destroyed for you, envy always surround you...... love and hate make you fall, the whole world with be buried with you, Because from his perspective ' Nic Tse is actually very innocent, very honest, and a guy without conspirisy, only with a hint of liking to be cool.'
Ha..Nicholas Tse learnt something from his japanese counterpart in the movie 'The Promise'.He realised that it is better to have some patience to repeat once more.

His pepsi advertisement comments is quite amazing and he will have autograph marathon in for charity sake.His right hand gotta hurt!*grin*
"After Coca cola's contract ended with Nic, Nic was revived by the contract to Pepsi. Yesterday dressed in all white attended a journalist conference, using a tie and collar to repersent the blue color of pepsi. The rebellious guy Nic didn't lick his sponsors shoes and even commented that his blood remains red, not following Aaron Kwok's comment.
In the past Aaron Kwok classicly commented that now blue blood of Pepsi flow in my veins. New member of the pepsi family, Nic when asked about the move of cola 'red blood' to pepsi 'blue blood', Nic laughed and commented: Blood is definitely red, Aaron's comment is too good but everyone's way of expression is different, evn though today i'm a member of the pepsi family my blood remains red.
After joining pepsi, Nic is now part of the celeb family including, F4, Louis Koo and Edison as members. When asked who was the number one guy of pepsi, Nic cleanly answered: as far as i know, there's no leader or follower, everyone's got their own style and part, as when i was in boarding school, there was the encouragement for group lifestyle. Everyone at Pepsi have their own talent and own way, a couple even i especially admire their music talent. After joining Pepsi Nic hope to be able to fulfil his charity work dream, to conduct a marathon autograph sessions to raise funds to help orthanages."
One inch closer will be out in taiwan on 1st July and then in hk on 5th July.
What a wierd arrangement release.:(
I have no idea about SG release date.I hope that it is out tomorrow!hehe
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:18 pm
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Today i have little time to write because of complicated stuffs i needed to attend.
pssst.It is really wierd if you get a real shock from the thing you are very familiar with.
All you feel is to get down and resolve it at your preference and own pace.
By the way,i was surprised to see Raul who will be coming with Beckham to Singapore next week.
That is my 'birthday mate' who share the same birthday date as me.
Most famous figure in Spain with beautiful wife.
I am not sure how i should need to go and see him in action.
Once a chance in your lifetime man!
Oh well,it is sad to hear that Nicholas cantonese album,one inch closer being postponed to early july.I will update you with the it tomorrow.
Pretty juicy story in my opinion.*grin*
i will be back writing a lot tomorrow.*terminator pose*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:30 pm
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Today,my entrepreneur teacher, Mr Sim had an interesting analogy about boys and girls taste.
'She/he is not your cup of tea'...*grin...It spell that you didn't like 'sweet' or 'bitter' after you have tried this particular person.
Laughing my ass out.
Come to think of that,i read last saturday's TNP article.
I was fucking shocked and surprised how such relationship really work like this.
It seem so wonder.
It goes like a man who met a lady through helly kitty queue.
She,being chanted by his generous offer to requeue for her relative to get hello kitty took the liking on him.
Eventually,they were married few days ago.
I can't really believe it but i am glad that this kind of fairytale does exist.
Since you people may not believe but you can dream of one like this.
Shake is not easy to find the one i would fit in in someone life.
Let put it aside.
It is good to hear such news about Nicholas Tse.
"Edison isn't the only old school mates of Nic who have successful created a name in the entertainment business, Tablo an old class mate from high school has just recently graduated from Stanford university of USA and returned to the Korea to start a band and has become the local raising star. Recently he widely commented on a local TV program about the memories from his school days. An self exposed the fact that he and Nic together toyed with a classmate till they had bone fractured and the fact that he was made to leave the school. And the fact that Nic developed an interest in music, Tablo even more thought of the use of adding fuel to a flame.
Tablo comments: One of my best mates in high school, his name is Nicholas Tse, is a very well known singer and actor in HK. Last year in Jackie Chan's film New Police Story, when Nic had his hair over one of his eyes, it looked really cool. I remember once when we had an outing, we found that our room had be recked by someone, later we gathered our other mates to find the white classmates who always challenged us, to sort things out. Accidentally we pushed one of them and they fell, smashing the back of his skull. I was made to leave the school because of that. Everytime i think back about it, i always laugh at my childish behavior.
When Nicholas heard that his old school mate had become a singer, he was very happy. Nic had returned to Canada twice before to visit/contact his best mates. He says: In actual fact a lot of school mates have gone to America, only a couple still have contacts to communicate with. I'll be visiting Korea as part of the promotion for The promise later on in the year, already planned a meal and gathering with Jang Dong Gun, hopefully through him i can get contacts to Tablo."
"last night Nic was at the BeiJing Gym to perform for the "2008 BeJing Olympic motto premiere"...(wat a long title) there were many celebrities who attended, but Nic was the only representative for Hong Kong.
after spending so much effort and money...the 2008 BeiJing Olympic finally found their Motto, which is "One World One Dream"!
Nic was wearing all White that night, to match the idea of olympic...he sung "Fast" for his performance. he hopes that the athletes in 2008 can succeed in wnning...! While performing Nic had many dancers around him. Then he was interviewed..."it is an honnor to perform for this great event..! i am definitely goin to attend the 2008 olympic. N of course i will support my home team! If i don't have any thing to do during olympics, i will definitely go and watch this magnificent event!"
I am glad that he is hot demand in China.
Unforunately,i don't see any one inch closer album in Singapore although it is already out in Hong Kong.
For Huang(yellow) album,from official release date,it took 2 weeks to release it in Singapore.
I hope that it doesn't take so long because i was shocked to find Eason's latest cantonese album,U87 released at once in SG(on the very day of release!)
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:58 pm
Monday, June 27, 2005
Today at school,Mrs Lam,section head did the right thing to make Zhen Wei to realise.
And in the other hand,it wasn't proved to be crucical decisive aim at me beacuse Miss Lam has poor understanding with IQO class.
She claimed that i would throw temper at her.My foot.she has wrong judgement.
There are some things that does justify to spell anger.
Where is her acumen?She is very very very very very weak in this.*thumbs down*
And this former class monitress,zahaidah was another foolish girl.
What do u come to school?Just to study?Not only that,you have classmates to share with,play with and talk with.
If you can't think this way,you have no future.
Where is the harm of doing a short while talk during the lesson?NONE!
Bad day in a morning session for a birthday boy.
the world went crumbling down as i saw this two ladies going down with one stupid vision.
Look further outside the school.There are tons of rude people with more audicity.
there are signs all over telling to stay left on escalator.only 5% of Singaporeans heed.
What to do when u are in rush to catch the train?
1)Be nonchalant person shoving their shoulders as you rush to catch the train.(typical hongkonger/taiwanese style but it is rare sight because they follow the courtesy at least)
2)Politely ask everyone on the way to give way for you.
3)Wait for another train?
Everyone would take different opinion based on their character.
Can you fucking force them to take only one choice that is the same as you?
Of course,you can't.
You never have total control in the class.
You are already adult.Stop acting as naive person.
This is enough to send me to quit the school and to my death.
There is not worth to learn when all important values are gone.
But i remembered what i did before and Nicholas Tse said a lot of regret to quit school.
I am continuing to school-ing with some of my classmates' support.
It strengthen my interest into song-singing and song-writing.
In whole afternoon,i was crying as i was angry with their foolishness.
From 2pm to 5.30pm man!
Oh well,i saw my mother who just came home.I felt happy again.
Ups and downs,my family and i will strive together for happiness.
I had a chat with my classmate,Shirley.
She is true friend who will support you as a friend no matter what happen.
Adeline too.
I just noticed that Adeline has grown physically.I can feel it as i hang with her so long.
There are a lot of foolish people in IQO class.I am disappointed that Aidah didn't justify my faith at all.
I wanted to rest in the place where there are just green grass,clean sky blue,clean transparent blue sea and nice&clean wind breeze.
Just that technology fast evolving with humans that result of less and less countryside area,i couldn't live like what i wish for.
I had to be at school to study.
Bullshit and bullcrap when there are foolish teachers among the sheeps.
I deeply feel so sad that there are so little delicated and good teachers.
I really like Zhuge Liang's lifestyle before he stepped into war politics.
I understood why he want to stay in countryside despite of his extremely intelligence.
What is the point of hawking for short-term imaginary temptation like gold,popular items and etc.
Having intelligence give you the hefty price to pay for.That is what i am reeling from this.
If i am not that intelligent,i will have been like simple person like Kar Ho.
I like to keep myself simple,lest away from smart-washy intelligence talk with idoits.
I am much more comfortable to talk high-content intelligence topic with people who really understand and behave very well.
Why all green environment life in my wish?
Mother nature around us are so beautiful.
It has natural course to grow and wither.
With animals,there is proper food chain for harmony for all.
Suddenly,humans like us outgrown the number of all animals.We have become vile to disrupt the food chain by eating most of plants and animals.
It is enough to make Mother Nature to create earthquake,tsunami,volcano and typhoon.
As you see blog background that represent me as i mention on the main page.
If you throw evil thoughts and plans to polute sea(part of me),i will tolerate
One day,it get too much,it will create a tsunami to attack you with much deadly aura.
It is good as if you are creating another Hilter.
Hitler had no prejudices against jews when he lived in Austria.
Somewhat,jews denied him to enter art university(if i recall correctly) so many times.
Since then,he was so upset with Jews and move to Germany.
That was how he aimed the attack on Jews mostly in world war 2.
If you do not want this kind of suffering,please don't create another hitler that may be one among us in the world.
Leave it alone and everybody will understand how it would work out.
End of the philsophy thought
Ah,one more day to release Nicholas Tse's cantonese album,One Inch Closer.
I owed his comment about his regret of qutting school.
There is rumour as Pepsi secretly said that it will introduce Mr X as new commerical spokesman as it refused to say the name but only specifcally say his surname.
In few days later,it turn out to be XIE TING FENG(Nicholas Tse).
A jump from Coke to Pepsi!
Nic said that he did not like his past mistakes and so he wanted to have a new start and then Pepsi gave him that chance!
Nic's all new Canto album will be out tomorow, recently he has be busy occupied with filming and the promotion of his new album. the idea of the new Cd was origionally nic's own idea. The fact that the feeling fans had to him was distance, temper and coolness. Therefore the idea was to make use of this album to be able to shorter the distance and become closer to fans inch by inch. Therefore Nic even got the two very important and massive turtles of his from home to the shoting studio in a villa, so that people can easily see pitures of the closer nic eating, sleeping and playing with his turtles.
In fact when originally discussing the idea for this new album, it was rather a hard task. how can it be expressed so that people felt they can be even closer to Nic? When everyone was in deep thought, Nic suggested to use his precious pets, even the two at his home. This precious pet is very heavy weigted indeed, each one weigh a good 100 pounds, even required two well built males to be able move each of them. Nic indeed treats his precious pets with all the care possible, on the day of the shooting, he prepared their luggage, without discussion didn't know but even turtles have treats and sweets! When Nic wasn't required in the shooting you could always see him accompaning them, feeding them and talking to them, 100% caring and close lover.

front album cover

his pet,turtle.

the hairstylist style his hair.Pretty good.
Whoops,not-yet-released-song,Traffic Jam sat on 3rd position in TVB JSG popchart!

in TVB JSG concert

hmm,today i keep on wanting to listen traffic jam when i was frustrated this afternoon.
I really liked Traffic Jam especially his vocal singing.
However,i wished that this new cantonese album release on my birthday which is prefect present for me.
My mother bought bak kwa(barbeque pork) and cooked happy noodle dish for my birthday as i told her not to buy cake because she asked me whether i want to buy cake.
Previously,i had western traditional style to have cake and celebrate with my family.
Today,i had traditional chinese birthday.Typical mother i have.*grin*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:47 pm
Sunday, June 26, 2005
i watched Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official website viewingSo far,it is quite decent movie.
This evening,i spend on revamping my blog until it is good enough for a release.
in few days later,i will add few more pictures.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:20 pm
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Let us look back what i did during the first week.
Adeline asked me why i walk so slow when she walked with me.(by then,i was behind her)
The reason why i liked to walk slow is that to look around the surrounding and think things every day on the way to school in slow pace.
If you walk too fast,you may not have noticed any changes in surrounding.
Zhen Wei seem so embrassased to announce his result,A-B-B-B when he told Jasmine in the softest tone as i was behind him.
*roll eyes* This kind of result is good enough to survive.Look at other students who can't get this result are frustrated enough.
Our new class monitress popped her eyes out when i replied to her question 'what did you do during holiday' with the unusual statement beginning with 'Geylang'
ha!I guess that i am unusual among young adult/teengers students.
She remarked that most of friends would say 'orchard'.
Today,i woke up at 6.15am.
Ah,it is something i am used to wake up for school.
and then slept again at 6.30am.
Woke up at 8am and saw Diana's msn nick.
Look sad enough but i couldn't msn her because i thought she may be busy coping with something online
In your ups and downs,you can do many things that are really useful even though you feel useless at the moment for some event you have faced.
Slept again at 10.30am because rain made me sleep!
Click here for official website viewingI just watched Divergence(hk 2005).
A lot of A-list actors!*pop eyes*
Aaron Kwok,Gallen Lo(my favourite tvb serial actor) and Ekin Cheng!
Hmm,not too bad show.
Meanwhile,i will have to think of something for project in entrepreneur lesson.
Don't be surprised if my group is on news headline for invent something.*grin*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:23 pm
Friday, June 24, 2005
Morning assembly today shortened my first lesson,SW because of new class align arrangement.
Our form teacher,Miss Lam as usual sent us into sleep mode with her silly talk.
In my strongest opinion,she should spend the strategy by getting IQO more motivated and excited to study rather than sending us into low morale to study.
After the last lesson,i rushed home despite of the rain at Bishan.
I changed as fast as possible and left home to reach City Hall MRT
At City Hall,i found Junqiu and Kok Wai arrived late.
WOW!Unbelieveable,i thought that i would be the one late!
We went to buy tickets to watch Initial D The Movie in Golden Village Marina Square for 7pm slot.
After that,we went to eat Swenson for $1 unlimited ice-cream promotion as long as we buy set meal or pasta.
After swenson,we killed our time by walking around until we watched Initial D The Movie.
Click here for official website viewIt is my first time visit to cinema since i last went there for 2 years ago.
Initial D The Movie isn't good for every Initial D fans.
Not very original story and everything done in their own style
In tpyical chinese way,we are not spared from getting ourselves laughing at their typical chinese acting comedy protocol.
Poor Initial D.The storyboard was completely edited and cut.
Not impressed at all!
I rate it 5/10.
Before watching it,i wasn't that exctied to watch.
Some of them were cheering and excited to write/scream initial D the movie.
*thumb down*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:05 pm
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I think school life will be hardened for IQO classmates as long as the new form teacher is still around.
I rather go back and enjoy Mr Tang's steadiness.
It is ridiculous to greet good afternoon twice to the same teacher in the same lesson today.
Sickening 4 hours lesson for Costing.Crazy!
It is not easy to get everyone under the control in the class.
One great example ,in the world there are so many criminals got themselves scott-free.
I consider good job when someone keep the morale good enough to get them motivated in doing something.
You want excellent job?Please learn from Great Teacher Onizuka.:D
Her famous quote is 'i am doing my own job'
Wah,i met Freddy in the MRT train as he was going to LOT 1 for Batman Begins movie.
My sec 3 and 4 classmate.No long time no see him man!
He has such character like Naruto's Sakura.Inner anger character that cannot be seen in action.He look like grown adult.
Yesterday evening,i nearly shed tears as Zhuge Liang had lost his most important man,Zhou Yun after Liu Bei,Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.
Zhuge Liang was shocked and he also nearly cried for his demise.
I just heard 狼(wolves) song that will be track no 1 for incoming cantonese album,One Inch Closer.
It was DJ verison and i was not sure whether it is good but i am very sure that it will kick ass with just cd verison itself.

Nic Tse in wolves mv!
Nic was wet in the rain for a total of 2 hrs...while others cant even handle the rain for 5 mins...because of this people joked around and said that nic is a bird!!
OMG,Nicholas tse sang Hotel California song(famous rock&roll song from Eagles).
Not too bad,

I watched tvb music-related variety show dated 19 june 2005.
Ooooo,endy chow who wrote 塞車 (Traffic Jam) song for Nic Tse's upcoming cantonese album sang 3 songs together with Nicholas Tse.
Both were jamming with electric guitars.
It was eye opener that both have different taste on fret use.
Nic Tse love to use tremolo to create great pitch while endy chow prefer to use low bass fret jam.
Endy chow is not too bad rocker with his 3 albums up to date.
One day,i will check out his album.
By the way,塞車 song climbed from outside 20th to 13th to 9th and right now 7th in metro broadcast chart(hk)
Actor Nicholas Tse said doctors have told him that, if his health does not improve, he might need crutches or people to help him walk when he turns 37.
The 24-year-old said his years of acting in gongfu flims have resulted in injuries to his spine, leg and hand and the right side of his body would often go numb.
He said he now cannot bend his right index finger, probably because he over-stressed it using it to grip an iron fan while working on the flim The Promise.
"Western doctors said I had periostitis," Oriental Daily quoted him as saying on Sunday about the inflammatory condition which affects the membrane covering a bone.
"Chinese doctors said I am over-fatigued."
His right leg emanates a popping sound when he walks. To avoid pain there, he has to sit for five minutes after waking up, he added.
His spine also hurts if he stands for too long.
"There's no improvement after many visits to doctors. They told me to be prepared to have someone to support me to walk," Tse said.
But he said his injuries are a price to pay for making films he would not regret about later. He has even accepted a new role in a gongfu film, Dragon Tiger Clan, opposite Donnie Yen.
Oopps,i didn't know like this.During two weeks ago,i had lower spine pain for 2 days and it went away.Similiar like Nic Tse.I can't sit properly!
Further,when my left hand pop,i am in pain for a while and it went away for a few mins.It happened once a blue moon.
What a price to pay for being in action.
I respect Nic Tse more as he is getting more and more hardworking and professional actor.
Today,blog theme song is 爱后余生(Life after love)
It is my very very first favourite song i start to like his song after i bought the first nic tse album,Most Wanted.
I liked all the lyrics fron this song.
(simplified chinese)
假使当初可以为了你 忘了爱所有人
分开手去追寻 足可拥抱千万人
即使天空海阔没有爱 还有你这个人
烧光一个森林 将灰烬里的热能
假使当初可以为了你 忘了爱所有人
分开手去追寻 足可拥抱千万人
即使天空海阔没有爱 还有你这个人
即使不再光临 一想起你
怎么可以 对任何人热吻
I liked it so much that i always have 'staring blank' pose very often.
Nic Tse song accompanied piano playing and his vocal voice tell you that i never had a chance to have your hug and yet i need one very badly.
Long time ago,i badly miss your presence and each time i come to this certain place without your presence,it never be the same again.
That is what i feel.
For more information,it was theme song for a movie,Metade Fumaca that filmed in 1999.
Nic Tse acted in that movie.
I watched this movie after listening this song.I cried a lot in this movie and i really like the story concept.
One of the best Nic Tse performance in non-action movie.

opening picture of Life After Love mv.rain dropping onto piano.

With pitiful expression written on his face,he walked on looking for the one he missed the most.

He turned his head and saw the one he was looking for with solemn looking face.

He was talking with the friend about what he wanted to share his interst when driving.

Talking with his mobile phone,he was excited to tell something

Happily sharing food with his friend as he was talking something exciting

He was crying as he never get the person he loved.

He was in shock as he saw someone he wanted to see badly.

His eyes glowed as he stare at blank.
These are my favourite pictures when i rewatch this mv over again and again.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:47 pm
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Each day in weekdays,i have to wake up at 6am. :(
At least the teaching lesson start!
Whole classes collaboration in 2 hours Entreprenurship lessons every wednesday is very very very interesting.
I respect Kar Ho for being forthcoming and straight-forward person.He raised his hands up to say that he was lousy as our new form teacher asked if anyone thought that he/she was lousy.
How many people can you find that they would admit straight away.
*scream*LIVING VIVA!*scream*
Initial D main characters arrived yesterday and showed themselves in action last night.
Jay Zhou,Shawn Yue,Edison Chen and Anthony Wong.
I respected Anthony Wong for his acting ethics as i have seen him acting in action in many different movies.
In few weeks ago,he said that Jay was gutless to do drifting.It is good to tell the whole world that he is scared.
Last night,he seem that he have taken U-turn stance by answering media reporters that he acted well and walked away.
He was the first person to have shortest time record to walk on red carpet.
Poor him,from what i see,he was asked by Initial D sponsers or staffs or whoever to say something good about Jay after his 'attack' on Jay few weeks ago.
Strait Times rated this movie 3 out of 5 stars.
Oh well,Jay didn't do an serious way as an actor.He should have combed his hair centre-parting just like Takumi.
What a disappointment.
Heck care this and that and enjoy the whole show?I think you initial D fans(animation/comics) will be damn fucking disappointed with the show.
No thousands of excuses can replace the missing originality of the show.
Another rebel,Edison Chen.I praised him for sworing hard that he will never speed his car beacuse he have seen what happened to his friend.He knows that it will throw his life away.
Sad part is that a lot of movies do not show everything exactly like the popular stories.
I will change the theme song soon.
Watch it out. ^_^
Your life is all about what you do in the past,present and future.
You have all ups and downs in your life.
Let move on for bigger challenges as you grow older.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:00 pm
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
This morning,i was woken up by the heavy rain and i slept until the mechanical 'cockerel' chimed with ringtone.
I am still tired as my body system is so used to wake up at 9am or later.
Judging the entrepreneurship lesson today,more creativity will be injected in my head in no time.
Quite a challenge for me.
In the afternoon,the noise from drilling on the ground floor for floor renovation sent me into heavy sleep.
I woke up at 6pm and i was asked to buy 5kg bag of rice.
Oh man,not so long ago,i have carried 12.5g bag of rice and today i need to carry 5kg bag of rice.
Honestly,5kg is breeze for me to carry for long period of time.
No pain,no wobbling walk and no quick pace of walk at all!
Some people would claim that carrying such heavy things never pose threat.
In truth,they would suffer from pain and wobbling walk because they didn't know that it is the sign of not being able to carry well.
Of course,that is why there are so many brainless people around in the world disclaiming such stupidity like this.
I know one who always do that.
The man who always bang his head against the wall with eyes shut and brain being not used get no progress at all.
Services and services...
Lately,there is large packets of poor connection even though there is good tracert record.
It spell the sign of poor dns reach.It either lie on ISP or the webhost itself.
In no time,there will be a lot of alternative routes in network.
The money being spend for your internet connection has been losing its value as it pegged against speed-throttling technologies unsuccessfully.
There is no value for money if you thought bigger numbers with low price is great deal.
There is the tiniest trade secret that we never know.It gotta keep your ass down until you are fooled.
Looking up the sky,there are way so many muddled-thinking people around you.Few stood up and walk out of the muddled-thinking group obtained the guide of the 'light'.
Meanwhile i am picking bits and bits learning of korean language.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:42 pm
Monday, June 20, 2005
Awww.i woked up at 6am with handphone sending the shrill alarm as alarm clock.
Last week,i was so used to wake up at 9-11am.
I recieved new timetable.
Not too bad,it is much better than term2's timetable.
Oh man!IQB become into IQ0 for year 2.
2 new teachers drafted into to teach 3 subjects.
Finally,i take Entrepreneur because Mr Sim,former Banking&finance teacher is teaching in this lesson.
No interest to take Taxation over Entrepreneur due to Mr Sim.
I prefer to have Mr Sim to teach.
9 weeks schooling!
At the moment,we have 3 soft-spoken teachers unlike year 1.
I recap watching Romance of Three Kingdom show.
I laughed for some reasons.
There are a lot of muddy-thinking people out there.
Be sure that someone there know what you are doing in action.*grin*
Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue is complaining about wrong identification.
It was understood that chinese newspaper,Lianhe Wanbao had put her picture into SPG blog article as if she was that SPG blogger.
It is quite horrible to find yourself being mistaken by someone in that way.
A lot of people have been writting and labelling them in such audicious attack without classifying the truth.
The rules that are unable to bend even though they didn't do anything wrong.
haha.It happened in Formula 1 race.
Due to new tyre ruling,they were not allowed to change the tyre in the same event as Michelin,one of biggest tyre makers suspected that their tyres for 14 cars may burst at 300km/h at turn 13 area.
FIA,a govern body for F1 rejected the proposal to change the tyre with premission from 14 cars.It seem that 14 cars had no choice to pull out.
In the end,it was merely 6 cars(with bridgestone tyres) race.*grin*
When there is time to bend the rule,why not do it with utmost consideration?
Recently,the proposal allowing Liverpool entering into ECL was not too bad idea.The rule was only bent in the smallest way.

In a interview,eason says that he never have a fight with nic tse and we get along very easily.

Yesterday was father day.Nic tse attended this event.*grin*

new look nic tse in action in mini concert recently.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:34 pm
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Today,i went to Daniel's home at Ang Mo Kio as he needed my help to format his pc.
I encountered a wierd problem in his pc.It took me few hours to resolve it.
By the way,i didn't know that daniel's family could afford overpriced bose 2.1 speaker system.
It was really overpriced and shitty sound system.
After that,i went to meet Kok Wai and Junqiu at Kallang MRT before we went to eat at Geylang.
The cabbage dish was delicious and we ordered another cabbage dish.So delicious.
That is what i want but my mother would never give some time to pour the sauce to keep cabbages/vegetables delicious.Nowadays her vegetable cooking is so bland that i have to tolerate eating it. :(
After eating,we went town to shop.
We saw Jayce in MRT as we were going home.
I reached home at 11.15pm.
Last tuesday,my mother laughed when i wore white shirt and grey pants for Communicasia 2005 event.I thought i looked like businessman.*grin*
Today newspaper talk a lot about blogs.
That spg blog site..i have read it before 'nude' photos added.
I have no problem with it.I think some singaporeans are way critical for this small thing.Dumb reaction after all.
Wendy Cheng's article for today tnp is good one.I agreed with her.Inflexible marketing.
Never be afraid of writing something! :D
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:30 pm
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Joon-young used his hands as umbrella to give shelter to blind girl,Hae-in.

Park Hae-in gave her necklane to Joon-young.
The first time Hae-in and Joon-young seperated due to the incident.

first meeting since seperation.But Joon-young couldn't catch the moving car as he was too late.

Another meeting and Joon-young didn't see Hae-in in the same train!Alas!!!

Joon-young heard the piano tunes that Hae-in played in the church but he was too late to find hae-in who just left.
He rushed out of the church to find.
The rain bought them togther as you see those pictures as above.

At airport,after finding out the situation from Hae-in's aunt,Joon-young decided to send her to America because her aunt couldn't go America without her.
Hence,from this picture,Hae-in was so angry that she don't want to part with him again.

Ah!Not related to love but i find this girl pretty!*haha*
Gun-woo arrived at america and went to his university.
He got her hooked with him for the first time meeting.

After bedding with her,he ditched her and requested her to get out of his home.

Gun-woo's classmate.
another pretty girl!haha
Again,he got her hooked with him.

Gun-woo bedded with her.After that,he ditched again and asked her to get out of the home.
Both girls can't believed it and did no tanturm as they left the his home.
Back to the love story

Joon-young went there to give his thanks to Gun-woo but he didn't know Hae-in was in that room.
He saw Hae-in's back not knowing that it was her!
Hae-in turned her back and saw his side BUT she could not see as she was still blind!
Of course,Gun-woo didn't know that she was his first love because he only knew him as Choi Joon-Ryu.Blind Hae-in only knew him as Suh Joon-young.
In 4 years later

It was horrible meeting as Gun-woo brought her back in korea and straight away showed her to his best friend,Joon-ryu.
This time,Hae-in could see because she had operation on her eyes.
BUT!!!!she doesn't know how Joon-young look like and she only knew that he was dead because Hwa-jung wrote the letter telling her that he was dead due to her jealousy.
Finally,she found out the truth

Joon-young protected Gun-woo from being shot.
It is true friendship!That is what you should know how it is like.

Knowing that there was no chance to survive as doctor told Gun-woo.
Joon-young requested him to bring him to see Hae-in
As being true and concerned friend,he brought him there.

After musting his strength to see Hae-in to finish singing her song,he had the last breath!

After joon-young death,Hae-in with her son(look like young Joon-young) was thinking of him and love.
End of the story.
From this drama show,i also learn what recording industry is really look like.
I am interested into that recording industry.
I do not know if i have a chance but hopefully!
Today,i went to nus for soccer session with Junqiu and Kok wai.
Wah,i saw 'Shevchenko'
Similar build,similar hairstyle,similiar soccer skills!~_~
For those who do not know Shevchenko,he is one of famous soccer star in present world.
I have added a new song for blog theme song.
I liked whole lyrics from this song.
*simplified chinese
说再见别说永远 再见不会是永远
说爱我别说承诺 爱我不需要承诺
不退後就让它心碎 宁愿孤独的滋味
反正爱不爱都有罪 要走也要擦乾眼泪
别问爱过多少人 在一起的人 只问爱你有几分
别问太多的伤痕 如果不懂伤有多深
别问最爱我的人 伤我有多身深
现实总是太残忍 我早已付出了灵魂
From Grateful for your love 1999 album cover,it read as
"Once,I was alone in a foreign land for a long period of time.Alone,I spent my days without anyone to share my ups and downs with.I will never be alone again."
Oh well,whenever i listen this song,i always feel that i always remember my ups and downs when i have no one to share with.
i am always so grateful for everybody love to care for me.
Psst,it is the song i always sing in the bath.
the vocal to sing this song is my one of my favourite style.
Nic Tse's vocal tell me that he can't pay this much back to everyone after he had done good and bad things so much for his ups and downs life and he was so grateful and sorry for everyone's love.
I will change the theme song after this song for few days run.
Enjoy my opinion and thoughts!:D
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:45 pm
Click here to know about this drama at official websiteFinally,i watched all 20 episodes.
Excellent love story and ending.
It gotta sweep MBC awards this year.
Love Story at Harvard(another korean drama 2005) too.
Main Characters:
Suh Joon-young(male,Suh is his mother surname)/Choi Joon-ryu(same person,Choi is his father surname)
Park Hae-in(female)
Lee Gun-woo(male)
Cha Hwa-jung(female)
In normal days in primary school,Cha Hwa-jung who has the liking on Suh Joon-young.
Until,a new transfer student came in,Park Hae-in who was blind since 7 years old appeared between their lives.
Park Hae-in also live in the same block of home as Suh Joon-young.
Joon-young was asked by his mother to take Hae-in to school and back to home.
Sulky boy didn't want to take her to home because he wanted to go his own secret hideout.
Hae-in didn't mind as she walked on her own!
It took so long for Hae-in to reach her destination.
Hae-in,being blind was walking and got herself trapped on the train tracks as the blocks on the two sides were deployed.
Joon-young,back from his secret hideout saw her and the train master who was taking charge of the block to stop the cars and people tried to blow whistle at her.
Unfortunately,Hae-in didn't know what to do and she fell.
Joon-young who was feeling gulity for not guiding Hae-in home quickly took her away and jumped over the block as the train went past.
What a close slave.
Now onwards,Joon-young decided to take her to school and back to home.Not only that,he showed Hae-in his secret hideout.She was the first person he has shown.
The love began to develop.
As they grew up and they studied the same high school.
Hwa-jung was also studying in the same school.
Hae-in even know how to count the steps to the tree and then turn the right and count the 50 steps to the secret hideout.
Hae-in,being happy and bubbly girl told him.As she told him that as she reached the tree and turn around and she would find him,she turned around and they nearly kissed each other unknowingly.
Ah,love was been bonded stronger and stronger.
Joon-young promised her that he would complete the song writing just for her by christmas and she also promised that she would finished the a pair of hand muffles by christmas.
There was unfortunate event.
5 naughty high school students who were in the same class as Hae-in and Joon-young played around and took her to somewhere quiet and dark.
After finding the one hand muffle,he ran and found hae-in disappeared.
He was so worried that he ran around the neighbourhood until he found them who tried to play dirty with Hae-in.
He was so angry that he fought 5 of them in order to protect Hae-in.
He was beaten so badly as the gang outnumbered him.
Hwa-jung brought cops to stop the fighting.
At this period,his mother(boss of the club) was so angry that she want to send Hae-in and her aunt to Seoul.
Meanwhile Joon-young was recuperating at hospital and quickly went back to his home,he saw Hae-in being taken by her aunt who stole the money from his mother Treasury into the taxi.
It is the first time they were being seperated.
Hae-in didn't not want to leave him and she cried.
Joon-young was frustrated and he wanted to see Hae-in.
Joon-young couldn't find Hae-in in his neighbour.
He was so angry that he went to find the gang and whacked them into pulp because this incident cause this seperation.
In no time,he was released from police station by his mother,she decided to send him to Seoul as his father lived there.
Charlie,waiter for the club whispered Joon-young that her aunt had her best friend who live in Seoul.
He was determined to find Hae-in in Seoul.
At Seoul,fate did brought them together but they didn't see each other!
*wah,that is frustrating*
It happened few times.
Hae-in prayed Mother Mary to lead Joon-young to see her.
As she was playing the piano,Joon-young heard familiar tune and quickly ran to the place where she was playing.
He found that she just left.He quickly ran to catch her up.
The rain began to pour.
Finally!The fate decide this moment of the rain to let Joon-young to meet and see Hae-in there.
Joon-young hug her tightly.
But the next day,he had to part with her again because he found out that her aunt wanted her to go America with her and her newly-wed American husband.
Hae-in was crying and unwillingly to leave him again.
Joon-young told her to go America and he would find her no matter how diffcult it is.
She was reluctant to go America.
Few years later,he went to America with his own saving money and his friend's support.
*His friend,Lee Gun-woo knew him as Choi Joon-ryu
Again!Fate decide not let them to meet each other even they were so close each other!
Hae-in was staring at him who was busy talking with Gun-woo behind the door in hospital but she couldn't see as she was still blind.
*wah lau,that was really frustrating*
They want to see each other again so badly.
In the end,he had to go back to Korea without any success to find Hae-in for a month.
In four years later,horrible nightmares began to appear as Hae-in who can see due the surgery come back to Korea as Gun-woo who loved hae-in brought her and her aunt back.
The first thing was he went to show Hae-in to Joon-young.He was so shocked that she was the woman Gun-woo was seeing for 4 years in America.
Unable to accept the fact,he pretended not to know Hae-in who recognised his voice but she didn't think that he was Joon-young!
Poor thing!
trial and tribulation for their love has started.
There were a lot of up and down for Joon-young and Hae-in.
After so many years,Gun-woo who found out about it decided to let her free from the cage.
Joon-young realised that he could not live with her and Hae-in had enough to pretend as she found Joon-young.
Eventually,Joon-young proposed her and she agreed.
In the next day....
But he was shot for preventing Gun-woo being shot!
At hospital,the doctor said that there was no chance for survival.
Joon-young requested him to take him to see Hae-in as he want to see her for the last time.
Embracing his strength to see Hae-in singing in her own concert with the aid help from Gun-woo,he finally breathed the last.
As he died.
What a love.
I envy them.
Seeing Joon-young and Hae-in suffering and survived together for love,i felt elated.
The best statement Hae-in told him is that whoever Hae-in has are his.
Geez,Park Hae-in was the great woman!
It tell you that if both of you have heart for each other,you two will have the fate being together.
If u are always upset and uncomfortable with him/her all the time,it is not the way u should keep on relationship.

Recent picture being taken at jewellery promotion.
Nicholas had an interview at broadcasting (Cantonese: Sir Yeah Dian Toy) (Mandarin: Shang Ye Dian Tai) in Hong Kong 2 days ago. He mentioned about he used to be checked his SMS by one of his ex-girlfriends, but he did explain to her frankly, ‘this is sending from the hospital, you can call it back if you don’t trust me…’
Hence, now the reporters/media think that he is talking about Faye Wong and Cecilia Cheung, as Cecilia Cheung had an accident years ago.
During the interview, he also said that he is a selfish and overbearing boyfriend; he wants to have the whole girl. One day in the past, he asked her girlfriend, ‘Why are you dressing so sexy? What for? Where are you going? Does it help for the interview? Or can this deep V cloth help your singing?’ and then her girlfriend replied, ‘Well, then why did you take off all your shirts (topless) in your Viva concert?’ Then, Nicholas didn’t know what to say next.
And he also talked about he will never call her girlfriend ‘my squeeze’, he only calls her, for instance, ‘my girlfriend’ or ‘my woman’. At the same time, he wants his girlfriend can do the cooking, whatever it is just as simple as sausages + eggs + noodle (traditional HK style), he will still feel sweet about it.
Besides, he also mentioned about some 'sensitive' questions, for instance, first kiss, first night and his first sexual illusion. Nicholas said, 'I am not going to talk about my first night, but anyway, I wasn't an adult (i.e. not yet 18); I have been dreaming lots of women in this week'. Nic was being asked by the broadcasting host for so many times who that girl was, then Nic said, 'a person who i will never forget'.
Wah,i didn't know that he had girlfriends during that time.
I bet it was Cecilia Chung(Zhang Bo Zhi).
Meanwhile,his mandarin album is scheduled to release by end of September and after that,he may act in a drama serial which mean he may have to cut his hair bald!
Haha,i never seen him being bald.
I am looking forward for his cantonese album,One Inch Closer at 28th June and his mandarin album.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
2:46 am
Friday, June 17, 2005
Woo.My mood is back.
I can start watching Korean drama serie.
I wanna share this nice and interesting love thing you should need to know.
Once i finish watching it,i will tell you all.
Check it out!
I need to sleep before i can go out and then watch the remaining episodes. :(
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
3:00 am
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I just went to play soccer with Junqiu at NUS
From 5pm to 9pm,my jersey,short,brief were WET because i ran non-stop!
I like the last team i played with at 6pm to 9pm.
Short passing,quick closing down and playing as one unit.
That is what i would want to play at maximum performance with such team.
I am considering to pick up tennis if given opportunity.
Oh ya,i forgot to mention something when i post a photo in other day.

The Chinese Golden Record Award was held 13th June in Beijing, China.And Nicholas Tse won the "most popular award" for the region Hong Kong and Macau.
Great.I understand that he is gaining popularity in China but losing popularity in HK.
A bit sad.
His last two albums was mandarin album 'Listen Up'(all mandarin new songs) and 'Huang'(Yellow) album(only 4 new cantonese songs)
It is understable that he was losing popularity since he was away from hk so long for drama film production in china.
Almost 1 year.
He will be in HK more often.
I hope that new cantonese album,One Inch Closer will help his popularity in hk.
Bish,i heard a news from Lianhe Wanbao,Local chinese newspaper.
Some people stole huge initial D posters consisted of Jay Zhou and Edison from IMM on display.
I wonder how the hell they do it.
It was damn hard to take down the huge poster that is display on the wall(outside IMM building).
Fucking surprised.
Another news to add...
Changi Airport didn't get 1st spot for best aiport and SIA landed onto 5th.
Click here for full detailsI rather book Cathay Airlines.I really like their services.
Today,i felt something.
No matter how huge gap is between you and people you know,you need to carry on with positive stances.
Never try to do harmful methods to close down the gap in your owm and people expense.
One day,someone will cover up this gap and you will be more happier than usual.
I will change my blog song to reflect it this week.
For now,no song being played.
Click here for day 2 communicasia coverageOMG!i didn't see taiwainese mobile phone yesterday
I am really stumped.
Look out for new blog song.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:31 pm