Sunday, July 31, 2005
Today morning,i went to Tampines to play soccer with Junqiu.
It was very hot weather there.
My intention to go there is to get my blood circulation flow fast as usual so that i can read Costing book clearly.
Not too bad so far.
Click here for viewingThis Keuk jang jeon(Tale Of Cinema in korean language) movie is decent.
Odd film though.
A man was trying to test his own fantasy story whether it is reality as he tried with a lady.
Overall,i didn't understand the whole story other than he was trying to break away from his ideal(being to die) so that he want to live after seeing his close friend who was dying in hospital because this dying man shared the same ideal as him.
Click here for viewing
Namgeuk-ilgi(Antarctic.Journal) movie is really brilliant.
Unique movie.I am proud for Koreans who keep on making different genres of movies.
Fucking hell,it shook my spine and i got myself scared taking much shit!
Never-ending struck in the ending of this movie.
Interesting fact i learn from this movie is the sun never set down every day at Antarctic like we do in Singapore.
It was understood that the sun only set down in few months time.
I had a quick check on real life journal of explorers who travel Antarctic and it is fucking true.
WOW!Imagine myself in that place where the sun only set down in few months.It will be fucking tough for me to sleep.
After this movie,i thought for a while.I nearly sweat as the suspense went deeper!
Sadly,Japanese film is downhill.No improvement in the progress as i see Korean film is getting better and better.
Kudos to Koreans.
For your info,the two korean films i watched are the latest production(year 2005).
I kept on thinking of that love fate concept i watched in Trumiph the skies ep38(hk drama).
It is about the chance and will to meet your life partner no matter what happened.
Am i telling myself a shit concept?
It goes like even you have someone(A) who keep on returning to your item that carry love fate until someboldy else(B) was the last person to return.Does it mean that B is the one you value despite that you have wonderful short memory of being yourself and A?
No one can tell.Let me see the finale epsiode(ep40) of this show and then i resume this in next entry.
To follow up this drama show,i agreed that status is not everything.
Take this lady who want to have boyfriend who look good and have good job tried to hide the fact that she has been seeing with her boyfriend who doesn't look good and lower rank job than her.She even denied the fact to his parents to wicked extent.
He was hurt and asked for breakup as he saw that there was no point of hiding the relationship.
Her best friend taught her a valuable experience.You can't find anyone better than him who look after her,clean her home,obey her orders and cook her.She realised that status and requirement are not everything and she asked her boyfriend to stay with her.
After that,they were happy showing off their relationship.It is open and known to everyone.Both of them are smiling.
That is what relationship we should be having.
Next drama,japanese serial,H2
the drama serial is getting hotter and hotter as i just finished watching ep 9.
This hikari character look decent until i find her pretty after seeing her for long time.
The picture below is hikari.

Although she had a boyfriend,Tachibana who is best friend of Hiro,i am still hopeful that she will be together with her childhood friend,Hiro.
Because i feel more happy seeing Hiro with his first love,Hikari.
If it happen,i will banzai!
I envy Japanese because they have their own training centre to train their own favourite sports.
Japanese is part of asian like us and yet Singaporeans don't have training centres and just a simple place to train.
Furthermore,they have passion to play their favourite sports.
I envy them for having such facilities and having teammates with passion for sports.
I wished that i had such teammates whose passion are amazing high and doing proper skills that would kept me on going on my favourite sport till i turned professional.
Singapore must revamp their sport education system!That is my strongest opinion for young students.
All the while,i will be more determined to provide basic necessity for my future life partner one day.The basic necessity is to keep her to have proper meal and proper home and proper stability.
Further than this basic part,i can concentrate on status or fame.
I don't like the idea of ignoring the basic part and start craving for fame or status and then suddenly draft bankruptcy to protect me from being attacked by creditors or she will suffer.
I swore to this long time ago.I think it is when i am thirteen years old that time.
I can't wait for this day!!!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:57 pm
Saturday, July 30, 2005
To continue off the yesterday entry.
Let consider something with real equations.
To have status,you will have fame being yourself well-known to the world.In turn you get unwanted gossips,disbelief stares and distrust when your focus is only to get status without any achievement within your own ability?
Or you want people ooo-aah or media praise at your when they know your successful ability.
Yeah you got it right when you wear so nice and you have no status.
It is like outside good,inside nothing.
My friend,Mike always told me his fantasy dream.
Everything must be great within inside and outside of you.
Clothes,watches,shoes,wallet are your outside and home,well-obtained status recognition,peaceful and harmony life are your inside.
It is like having both of the worlds in your hands.
Let look what things look so wonderful as we dream off.

hmm,there is one time i went to stranger's home for speakers listening at Yew Tee,i saw things at home.
He had over 1million worth stuffs especially amplifier,projector,projector screen,speakers and etc in his room.Fucking jesus christ,he also have over 200+ dvd titles on his bookshelf.Unbelieveable.
What is more,i went his home on weekday early afternoon.I really wonder what job he is working as to supply his expensive stuffs.
As you see those pictures that contain expensive stuffs and superb home designing,i really like to have my home like this with home designer and zen style look.
Of course,it gotta cost a lot of money.
Next one.Cars

Toyota Supra

Nissan Silvia 15

Nissan Skyline GTR BNR34


Mazada Rx7



Ferrari f355 GTS

Old car but famous from initial D.Toyota Treuno AE86




Nissan Slivia

Toyota Supra


Toyota MRS
All european,japanese and american cars worth $50k-$4million in SGD dollars.
You can't even run those fast cars at maximum or half of speeds on local roads.
So beautiful and yet tad hard to drive it at max.
And much more beautiful things with expensive price tags in the world.
Are we gotta have them if possible?
It will be neverending collection as companies keep on making new things that are beautiful as well.
We can't even carry all of them to brag.What a pity for people who bought them for mere beauty.Hardly
I remembered that i attended communicasia and mitsubshi car show.I saw some rich couples wearing shirt and pants/dress.Outside(design and materials) look so decent but inside(price tag) is quite expensive.
Obviously!I would be laughing at people who don't know how much those clothes worth as they thought they were cheap stuffs.
I really like clothes that look so normal and yet expensive.It give the impression of humble and discreet.
I won't be in awe and having another look at someone who already wore clothes that is expensive outside and inside.I only take another look and be in awe at someone who wear cheap look outside but expensive inside.
Really unbelieveable that you can't even imagine that those couple i saw aren't rich just because of the attires they wore.
Geez,i have been reading a lot of magazines ranging from soccer to fashion to hi-fi to cars to news to entrepreneur.
I gotta admit that my interest is getting wide.
When people say when you wear clothes nice and try to attract people attention but no status,they will definately say ,"bollock!You ain't no better than whore."
No surprise at all.
Why not be simple and easy?
Nobody would snigger at us as long as we keep ourselves simple and easy. V^_^V
I really love to have all of them but i rather flaunt my ability than my own expensive stuffs.
Recently,i have been doing small thing that is not so productive and yet it is fucking giving me fatigue.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:43 pm
Friday, July 29, 2005
Today,i went home early than my classmates because of this silly thing arranged by Miss Lam.
I felt so tired sleeping all the way to home.
Mind that it is only 11.30am!
Slept for whole afternoon at home.
I woke up and then found out a interesting story.
it is about the soccernet founder.
Click here for the story i readWah,it is much better than the local entrepreneurs i heard in every wednesday entrepreneur lesson!
Age of 12..Got the contract deal worth 40,000 pounds at age of 13 when he couldn't spelt properly.Freaking christ!Absolutely brillant. have status is really great thing to have that allow you to do what you want at your will.
At the same time,some people tend to abuse it for bad cause.
Worry in comparison of you and somebody with nice wearing is the biggest highlight in this business world.
The biggest highlight stand by when one flaunt the ability to rule the marketing area.
That is my impression when i watched TVB drama called 'An Era of Threshold' and its character,Ye Rongtian.
Down there,it is pale in comparison with New York when i was at Shenton way/Reffles Place/Tanjong pagar area.
Certainly,there are some good cafes around Tanjong Pagar-Raffles Place with $3++ per head for every meal you could find in menu.
This office lifestyle is too much for a inexperience person with inept ability which spell a lot of struggle in terms of status.
To work in wall street at New York is amazing thing because the work pace there is much high-demanding and fast.
Let treat yourself as simple person with simple dressing code when you are working at Shenton Way/Tanjong Pagar/Raffles Place.There is no place for us to flaunt our dressing power but there is a place for us to flaunt our best abilities.
Whenever i step this place,i would start listening 'Call of Century' before dealing with those white-collar workers for debentures and shares at UOB centre and CDP.
In Jurong and Ubi work area there,nobody give a hoot about beautiful dressing but they will be in fear for position power rank.
It is quite amusing to see different mindset in different working area.
I dare not to think where i should work in Singapore when i complete my own studies.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:34 pm
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Today school was special one for me.
Because not being attending Miss Lam's lesson for today and tomorrow.
It is quite ridiculous thought she had.
In 2 hours break,i went to Orchard and saw local verison of One Inch Closer(packaged by Music Street).
There is some difference between local verison and oversea verison.
I don't mind those differences in terms of looks,shape and size.

Local verison is retangular-shaped cd cover.
After buying it,i went back to school and attened Entrepreneur lesson.
I couldn't bear to skip Mr Sim's lesson because he is good teacher giving plenty of freedom to do projects.
On the way home in mrt train,I talked with Linda and Norfazilina.
The way they told me over the usage of the money to buy cd against to pay for haircut gave me an impression of them that they would think twice before buying music albums.
I also feel that i am one of those rich dudes who just buy music albums.
I didn't know that some people really feel this way.
After Norfazilina left,Linda told me about her family.
I feel sorry for her as she will have to worry for her family.
I am slightly disappointed for her some of siblings and father who didn't make her life easy by not keep her worried this much.
I feel i am fortunated to have my own family in such certain extent.

This is the front cd cover for all albums for different countries.

You can find those pictures in pictures in one inch closer album(*some don't have)

Nicholas Tse was happily feeding his pets.

Nicholas Tse was promoting his One Inch Closer album in China,Hong Kong and Taiwan for past few weeks ever since his cantonese album released in July 5th this year.

His acting role 'Hua Qu Wue' in Amazing Twins/Proud Of Twins drama show!
Someone have drawn this picture.I thank this someone for showing them to me.
Now,i am going to start reviewing One Inch Closer album.
Although i have been listening mp3 verison for 2 weeks before buying cd verison which just release today.
First 10 tracks are cantonese songs and the last track is mandarin song.
Track 1: 狼 (wolves)
This song was beautifully to listen as background song is heavily rumbled by heavy rock music.
He sang stating his intention wanting to stop evil doings no matter how difficult it is.
Great song.
Track 2: 塞車 (Traffic Jam/Traffic Congestion)
You have heard this song because i have played it on my blog few weeks ago.
One of my favourite songs in this album by far!
Written by Endy Chow.
It gave you the feeling of being envious of couples who were sharing something.

Nicholas Tse was looking out of the window in the taxi as the taxi was trapped in heavy traffic jam.

He happened to see a lady who was doing make-up on her lips.Her boyfriend was beside her.

Nicholas Tse was checking his past-dated sms.

He also saw another couple.
A lady who was talking through her handphone was complaining to her hushand who was fed up with her complaints.

He was checking through all past-dated sms.

A lady was trying to tighten up her boyfriend's helment strap.
Nicholas saw them and he was smiling happily for them.
His face has the sign of envy.

The last couple he saw was old man and old lady.
The old lady was sharing sandwishes with her husband happily.
Track 3: 糾纏 (Pester)
Also written by Endy Chow.
So far,it is not too bad song.
Regret of wrongful choice of love.
Track 4: 怕黑 (Afraid of Dark)
One of the best songs in this album.
He sang excellent with unbelieveable low in self-confiddence(of course pretence) on his own strong will not falling into the darkness.
And then he raise his singing vocal notes as if he want to get out of the darkness at his best.
Track 5: 蘇三想說 (Soviet three wants to say more than)
He show the song as if he gave us the slightest regret of doing the act that he never wanted to do but it seem that it meant for people cause.
So hard to please them but so easy to do unbelieveable act for their cause.
Decent song
Track 6: 多得你少 (Are many you to be few)
Written by Nicholas Tse
He wrote it and sang it incidating that the lost of good friend who reflect of the character he used to have ages before.Tearfully to say goodbye to good friend.
Good Song
Track 7: 鷹 (Hawks)
Also written by Nicholas Tse
One of the best song writing by hime and also one of the best songs in the album.
Superb flow of speech tones showing that the difficulty to break 'rock' heart and wishing that you can have happy times with someone ensuring that we will be happy.
Brilliant slow-styled song.
Track 8: 蔓延 (Spread)
Not too bad song.
It send you the image of being lonely bidding goodbyte to good days you once had.
Track 9: 不幸的人 (Unfortunate People)
The sorrow of missing good days when you had good partners.
Today,you are facing new partners and you can't feel anything good which eventually cuase the change in your character.
His emtional singing said it all.
Good song.
Track 10: 同門
Co-composed by Nicholas Tse and somebody.
Nice piano pieces being played.
He softly sang this song to tell us that siblings are great things to have despite of bad times.
We should keep our heads high to have our siblings.
Great Song.
Track 11: 狼 (wolves:Mandarin verison)
Same feeling as the track 1 but it is slightly wierd as nic fans felt this way.
Good song.
Overall,it is fresh new Nicholas Tse you are listening to.
I was stunned when i look at his pictures after i opened his album.
I am damn sure that whoever see his pictures will fall for him.
Cleanly handsome with shining smile.
His vocal style has changed and improved a lot.He focus on more treble(high pitch tones) than bass(heavy sounding) on this album.
Good start with new singing style.
Great album.
The new blog song will be 鷹(hawks)
I really like his singing tone.
Song lyrics below:
她的心鐵石那樣無情 即使可惜我始終不吃驚
一顆心鑽石那樣澄明 不必等她說得出口已經
以一個閒蕩的心情 縮手 出門 方向未明
抱緊我遊蕩的宿命 現在分手可再起程 續集未決定
* 仍然想起她眼睛 仍然跨出這國境 無涯世界這樣闊
還有願望未看清 仍然想睜開眼睛 留神吉川的美景
誰人要埋怨 沒法預計熱戀的壽命
(還能夠微笑 誰人要和我 再乾兩杯贈慶)*
喜歡她 發夢那樣神情 不喜歡她帶憂傷的笑聲
喜歡她正在放任年齡 不喜歡需要當她的棄嬰
我不要如什麼幽靈 苦苦癡纏 不算盡情
我不愛無謂的安定 現在分手不過表情 異樣地鎮定
Repeat *
這麼多人貧病照樣過 這麼多人捱餓最慘不過
如愛人不陪我 還能開懷我精彩
Haha,i have written this entry for few hours.It show that i am very happy to have this album!
Viva Nicholas Tse!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:49 pm