Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Last night,i helped Eugene to find that opening song for Stairway To Heaven.
Within 4 hours,i finally found the right song.
After that,i watched EPL
And now Edwin asked me for help how to reduce the video's resolution.
Once again,i never falter to help.I guide him how to use Windows Movie Maker however halfway,edwin got interested and know how to do it without my pointers.
Not too bad.Like what i said,if you are interested,you are bound to know how to use it inside and outside.
If you only know outside but not inside,you are the type of least interested person.
If you know nothing,you don't even bother to try out.
3 type of people i know of.
Wah,i heard from some audiophiles about creative xfi sound card.
As you see its selling price too high,at press conference,it was sold to people at half of its price.
Amazing man.Nice small marketing trick to hoodwink
I was told by some audiophiles who were present at creative press conference that xfi definately do well in divx,mp3 and etc but can't beat hi-fi gears and some of technology glimmick.
I guess i will check creative xfi on demo and i would stick on getting professional sound card.
Today morning at school,1hr 30mins teacher celebration is freaking boring.I just want to sleep even though no one is capable enough to produce crowd-enticing music.
thanks god,it is only 1 hr 30mins which is shorter than national day celebration at school.Suddenly,i had this thought that i should be working hard on my accounting because i have hugh interest in it.
I did enjoyed trying accounting question where teacher never ask me to do.
After reading xiaxue's comments,i am really tired of pretty-looking girls at the moment.
I am much more interested in decent looking ladies but great in their own ability.
that is what i wanna interact with them for now so that i can learn something from them and my love may be there.
Looking at Nic Tse's recent photos taken during his 25th birthday,he has moustache there.I am happy to have moustache.
I shave moustache and bread alternative days.
before this picture,i always wonder why he doesn't have moustache.I guess that when there is performance or photo taking for his ablum,he would shave.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:25 pm
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
In school,during the costing lesson,i remembered my secondary school friends in my mind.
I am already sick of people who can't even bother to try and understand troubled friends.
I had a chat with Yuan Xiang.
For once,he told me that he and Joel work at Cafe Cartel(marina square outlet) with wage rate of $5 per hour.
I was told by him that he collected this month pay $250 from his workplace for 5 hours per day(3-4 days per week)
*roll eyes*
That is why i do not want to work like that while i study.So much effort wasted for high 'output'.I actually wanted balanced work and study every day but i think it is no such thing unless u are celebrity.
This week,i feel very disappointed that this two 'snakehead' don't understand.
I am already putting my best to understand everyone.
I learnt a lot about Eugene and i am very comfortable with him because i already know what i can do.
So much effort for myself being indulging into most of my classmates school life.
Both sides must make an effect to do anything for each other.
*thumb down* at brainless people.

The day before was Nicholas Tse's birthday,recent years cultivated his mind did not arrange any special celebration and he was in work all the day discussing the children relationship(i have no idea what it represent).But his Aunt Di Bola(his paternal aunt) wait for him early in the morning to go home.
The night before,he last approached 12 singers in the recording room before leaving.The reporter saw him who was wearing jersey and baseball cap and walked forward to him.He greeted Nic Tse to say happy birthday and asked him how he would celebrate his birthday.Nic Tse said that he was now big boy and he doesn't bother to celebrate his birthday.Nicholas Tse last told him that he had to go home and stressed him that he needed to focus on music work so that he could complete it.Nicholas Tse expressed his feelings only in the music/work and he had not mention anything about his feelings at all.
Although his birthday was yesterday,he did not arrange any special program and had not reached any agreement with his friend to celebrate together.
Nic Tse dislikes long-lived package bumpkin
His aunt has shifted to an earlier time for the birthday celebration early in the morning for him.Yesterday,she indicated in the telephone that she had prepared the long-lived package in home for him and he was big boy who dislike long-lived package bumpkin.She wanted to encourage him to eat and he was reluctant to eat.
He gave the expression of gratitude to his aunt who will be ready to bustle about for the movie "Dragon Tiger gate".She said,"Actually she and Nic Tse went to the temple to pray god and drank tea in the addition his younger sister and his similar time birthday.We once celebrated before we ate."
He saw his younger sister,Ting Ting going and he felt that he should join her otherwise whole family and his work colleague would not go.
Nic Tse's manager,Huo Wenxi wraped 100 yuan red packs.
Moreover,Huo Wenxi reached agreement to bring Nic Tse's aunt yesterday and worked together with colleagues by springing surprise to Nic Tse in the recording room.Wenxi also said that he dislikes the bumpkin all day long, and then I give the share most bumpkin's gift to give him!
The day before Nic Tse birthday,Wenxi deliever Nic Tse aunt 20 Yuan money pouches until the present.Nic Tse saw red '100 yuan'.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:35 pm
Monday, August 29, 2005
To follow up the current blog entry today,i had a chat with Serene Low.
i found out something.
She was kind enough to leave me some generous hints.
I can easily guess but as usual i don't need to point out who.
Such matters must be looked through.
It is either her misjudgement or two 'snakehead' can't believe what friend they have.
No wonder that time,the matter was blown so big between me and Miss Lam because of this.
Aww,i feel that it is so silly to make matter so big for nothing.
It is the process everyone will face where there are two sides.
One side support you and other side don't support you.
It is quite no surprise that it happen everywhere.Like in government politics and singer 'war'.
For my opinion,i feel sad for such this kind of war.
Those people don't really bother to understand how serious situation is.
I am glad that i add this wolf song before i heard all this small shit from her.
I am happy that she has settle down her own personal relationship.
She is much getting smarter knowing where she stand before she open her mouth.
I hope that some of us in our class need to 'play' together with her.
More meaningful than playing snakeheads who will create endless shits.
In year 1,it was Zhen Wei and now in beginning year 2,it is two 'snakeheads'
*slap my forehead*
You can see that there is no ending till i finish my studies with you in few months more.
Maybe i am strongly considering to try out new career that will render me to see my class less often.
I am not going to run away but it is better to work on my interest while they don't have the idea about me as they don't see me often.Less misleading talks.

Pictures taken from Wolf MV.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:05 pm
Today,i felt dizzy going to school.
I lost myself for a while in a daze.
Project 2 is in rush with the deadline of Sept 5th. ~_~
When i do a Microsoft Word to design the front page of project 1,i was surprised to see 'Hello!' program in Mr Sim's laptop.
I have no doubt that he has blog to write!
It occur me that i never felt that he was in different age generation because of his stuffs on laptop.
Geez,i also can't spend a lot of money on things that i want right now because i need to make sure that the money can be used for few years before i am kicking my ass to work.I am contended to do that because Nicholas Tse gave me a 'i am just like you' attitude by saying that he can't spend a lot of money unless it is his favourite stuffs.
Despite of that,i am aiming to get sound card,ibanez JEM signature series electric guitar and marshall speaker within two years.
Nicholas Tse has turn into 25 years old today.
i wonder what he is doing on his birthday day.
To mark his day,we can hope that he has more ideas to sing with various upbeat vocal sing after he have enough rest for 1 year music break.
This is my birthday card to Nicholas Tse.It was believed that it was given to our fellow Nicholas Tse fan in Malaysia few weeks ago.
I am very hopeful for him to see my card and get motivation from my words.
The reason i design this birthday card for him is cartoonish-style tortise(he watch cartoon/anime like me) and he talked anything to his pet,tortise.
Therefore i use this cartoonish tortise to say something to him in a imaginary dialogue.

Let look at other birthday cards from Nic Tse fans.

I believe that it is from chinese-written nic tse based forum.

A replica of Viva Live concert stage but his bandmates were all his favourite pets.

New blog song will dedicate just for Nic Tse's birthday.
Cantonese song,狼 (Wolf)
I find this song so enriching that he need to muster up his courage doing some proper form of defence to protect himself against bad people,things and talks.
In the same way,you can do it no matter how timid u are.
*Traditional Chinese
你以為可趕絕我 我搏命左閃右撲
你恃人多收拾我 要我跪低兼認錯
* 這刻我 沒法可 再退縮 (這刻我 要進攻 不退縮)
死不去 會變得 更有種
每次被攻擊時候 也要去硬哽 每次被屈的時候 卻變了罪人
快到達崩潰時候 有剎那窒息的興奮 會變到最絕最狠
(能讓我更狠) *
我有慈悲的佛性 也有殘忍的狼性
要拚命很傷和氣 怕最後死的是你
Repeat *
每次被攻擊時候 也要去硬哽 每次被屈的時候 卻變了罪人
我到達崩潰時候 會要你亦不能安枕
我到了身心都要摧毀時候 會與你硬撼 燥到極點的時候
會發惡食人 快到達崩潰時候 有剎那窒息的興奮
我勸你以後要小心 看看你我誰更加狠
*Simplified Chinese
你以为可赶绝我 我搏命左闪右扑
你恃人多收拾我 要我跪低兼认错
* 这刻我 没法可 再退缩 (这刻我 要进攻 不退缩)
死不去 会变得 更有种
每次被攻击时候 也要去硬哽 每次被屈的时候 却变了罪人
快到达崩溃时候 有刹那窒息的兴奋 会变到最绝最狠
(能让我更狠) *
我有慈悲的佛性 也有残忍的狼性
要拚命很伤和气 怕最后死的是你
Repeat *
每次被攻击时候 也要去硬哽 每次被屈的时候 却变了罪人
我到达崩溃时候 会要你亦不能安枕
我到了身心都要摧毁时候 会与你硬撼 燥到极点的时候
会发恶食人 快到达崩溃时候 有刹那窒息的兴奋
我劝你以后要小心 看看你我谁更加狠
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
3:18 pm
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Yeonae-sulsa(Love In Magic)
Fabulous romance movie.It is new type.
Not boring or tear-jerking kind.
Fresh type of comedy and action kind.
Click here for official websiteOnce again in 2005 korean movie production,this movie hasn't failed me!
Now i learnt few 'wooing' tricks from them.
I wish i can be like him.
Suitable for all ladies and playboys.
The man who flirt so many girls was tied to the fate that brought him back to the girl together and then married at last.
Yeon-ae-eui Mok-jeok(To Do Or Not To DO)
Once again,another korean 2005 film production.
It is no doubt romance movie but unique as well.
I admire this guy for being so frank with his close female teacher colleague(newcomer).
He wooed her all the way despite of her soft rejection due to her bad experience in love thing.
I really enjoyed in this movie.It went beyond my expectation.
Click here for official siteRating:9/10
Click here for official websiteThe most heavily-anticipated all-out-action movie in this year!
When i was young,i always liked to watch Godzilla classic movies.
In the past,Godzilla always struggle and then finally won the evil monsters.
But now,everything is so modern.
Not too bad storyline.
Godzilla amazingly breezed through all monsters before clashed against the last final monster that aliens sent.
Well done,Japan.
Although it has not exceed my expectation but it just met my expectation.
Rating 9/10
Many people would claim that ethernet solution for internet is better than usb solution.
Both are equally the same with its own problems.
I wonder why the fuck NIC drop the connection itself!
Fucking ass!
I am pulling my hair to find out why it would drop connection no matter how much i reduce the half-max connections.
And i am considering to get PCI nic for it if it really solve it.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:33 pm
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Gah,one week holiday is going to be over soon!
I would like to have more rest until my mind is ready to face to all wierdos out there.
There was a article about well-reputated holland international star,Edgar Davids.
As far as the footballing world recognise his ability by his famed hard work and high determination.
There was an interestion past of him when media interviewed his teacher.
He refused to take teacher phonecall.
Un next day,his teacher asked him why
Davids stood up and walked straight out of the class.
She could see him going in his waggling way,with one arm,pulled up a little the way he often does on the pitch,as if he has to keep himself in balance
She followed him home
She asked him why he has not listened to her.
He explained ,"You shout'here!' to a dog but i am not a dog,i am a person"
She had secretly agreeed with him but said "When i call you,you don't run away."
After that,they had no problem and treated each other respect since then.
After reading it,i have greatly respected him.
I hope that more students can do like Edgar Davids.
Few days ago,i watched the 30mins video clip of Ronaldo.
The famous footballer star got everybody's respect.
During secondary school days,i originally wanted that Adidas' top model predator series but there is no stock for my size.
She suggest to choose another pair.I picked and bought Nike Mercurial R9(ronaldo's boot) at $120.
Since then,i wore it and some junior students called me Ronaldo.
I was amused but it doesn't end.
There was a question(You play like who) thrown between our classmates including me discussion.
They said that i play like Ronaldo.
Anyway,i wasn't convinced but i just was a bit hopeful play like Del Piero.
Today i realised that i do really play like Ronaldo during secondary school after seeing the video.
Before that,all the long i thought that Ronaldo was merely dribbler dude.
Not true,he has another asset other than his interesting dribbles.It is goal-scoring gift.
Very few people have this gift.Owen is one of them.
it is not just shoot and shoot.This gift is like when u can close your eyes and kick the ball against keeper regardless of it based on your human sense,you will still score!
I didn't continue playing like Ronaldo after Secondary school because losing stamina is very taxing as my style was to dribble with the ball forward.
Nowadays,i opt slower and bewitching dribbling skills like Zidane's.
I see that quite number of Nic Tse fans use my translation news about nic tse.
Not too bad.Quite pleasing to see my work being shown to other people.
3 days from now till Nicholas Tse's birthday.
It is about the time to change blog song.
It will be mandarin song sang by Nicholas Tse,天使(Angel)
This song came out in Invisible Album during the period when Nic Tse has the trouble with the law for car crash.
His improved verison for Angel song was recorded in Reborn Live.
This song really made me feel like Angel in the heaven because of his soft-tonal vocal singing.

*Simplified Chinese
不再执意欢喜 反倒让人欢喜
在心里的那些枝节 突然间消失去
天空的星体 那闪耀的讯息
千万个光年 终于传到我的心里
天使也哭泣 谁预见了悲剧
我还不知情 急急的向你飞奔去
三千世界 早已化作微尘 早已冷却
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:50 pm
Friday, August 26, 2005
Click here for official movie websiteAfter fabulous mystery genre movie,Antartic Journal the latest koraen 2005 movie kicked off recently in korean cinema if i am not wrong.
It is called Dalkomhan Insaeng(A Bittersweet Life).
i heard this movie when Lee Byung Hun(one of main characters) came in Singapore few months ago.
After waiting for it for few months,i am quite surprised with this action movie.
Not very strong storyline but fantastic actions and superb philosophy quote from beginning and ending.

From this second picture at the beginning of the movie,there was a nice philosophy talk for a while.
One fine day,a disciple looked at some branches blowing in the wind.
He asked his master....,"master,are the branches moving or is it the wind?"
Not even glancing to where his pupil was pointing,the master smiled and said..
,"that which move is neither the branches nor the's your heart and mind."
Wah,brilliant one i ever heard of.
Indeed we are swayed by our hearts and minds around the surroundings.
Nobody/nothing actually move us.
Another quote at the end of the movie.
One late autumn nght,the disciple woke up crying.
So the master asked the disciple...,"did you have a nightmare?"
The disciple said ,"No" and "did you have a sad dream?", asked the master.
"no"said the disciple,"i had a sweet dream."
"Then why are you crying so sadly", asked the master.
The disciple answered quietly while wiping his tears...,"because the dream i had can't come true."
Not too bad,some dreams can be turn into true and some dreams can't be true.
It is just matter of time how you would do.
If you don't do anything,the dreams will not be true.
Very simple.
Rating for this movie:9/10
Once again,korean movies can do without romance scene!
Antartic Journal,A bittersweet and some life are good example.
I hope to see more asian movies soon.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:28 pm
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Seeing my flat having repainting,i can smell vert strong thinner.
Again,one week holiday for me is filled of thinner smell and before that,my school was also under repaininting process.
Geez,the smell of thinner is there and here lingering my nose.
And so i went out to Marina Square to check out American style fast-food resturant.
Upon reaching there,i was slightly confused with the menu boards.Slightly different from Mcdonalds and Burger King(they show usual style of set meal list)
I must say Carl Jr foods there is quite a bit expensive than Mcdonalds and Burger King.
BUT they retain all-american food taste!I love it.
Ultra big burger man!FUCKING BIG.
Just like american size.
You see those Mcdonalds and Burger king's burger here.THEY ARE FUCKING SMALL!
One carl junior burger is enough to fill up my stomach man!
Free-flow drinks!I can take my empty plastic cup to push the tab of the soft-drink in any time.Brilliant idea to reduce my burden when i paid $10.50 for combo meal.
Fries is slightly similar to Burger King but it is fucking better than BK!
What is more?No salt and oily.
Free-flow chllli,i push 'button' to get chilli on the small cup so that i can dip fries on it.
I love original taste because a lot of foregin food store have to alter the taste of foreign foods to suit local's tongue man!
I really want to go there again!
Meanwhile i walked around Marina Square and i saw some filming in a coffee store.
3 girls were acting.
I wonder what it is about.
I didn't poke my nose to find out more and i just went home after watching as i walked.
When i work in office in future,i really hope that carl jr open more fast food resturants nearby office.The lunch i would think is BURGER FROM THIS STORE!
Click here to know more about Carl jrBack to home,i read a thread in a forum about poor customer service.
One of those complaints made me laugh the most!
*Broken english with singlish slang and i feel that it should be left unedit and original for laughter*
"Had 2piece original set @ KFC redhill for lunch...not shiok about the service. Told the aunt i didn't bring the coupon, ask if i can still enjoy the discounted price or not. She say "no! cannot, no coupon, no discount & we don't supply coupon here in a dead tone. Damn...what kind of service is this?
Can say nicely right? Dun have to say like i'm a bloody cheapskate. Before i can tell her what drink i want, she already hit the PEPSI button, i wan Rootbeer MUG lor! WTF! She should have asked me what drink i want.
Then give chicken ribs...Fark man~ I ask her kindly, if she could change it to thighs. She change, but her gesture in doing it really irriates me. paid my meal and i say "thank you" somemore...WTF lor..." -CISC
"You are cheapskate wah, no coupon still want to enjoy discounted price zzzz"-Reminisce reply to CISC
something new.. no coupon can have discount price meh? anyone do it before?
just like no ticket, i wonder i can enter the cinema?" -Seowbin reply to CISC
"I got a those KFC coupons at home many people have coupons in the queue, that's why i ask. I ASKED nicely lor... "aunt, i didn't bring the coupons, is it possible to order the promotional meals? SHE GOT a stack of coupons at her counter lol...
It's not that i'm whing about the coupons, just that she really shouldn't serve me in such manners." CISC's retort
"No ticket can fly first class or not? The airline desk there also a lot of tickets. zzz" - Reminisce reply to CISC's retort
"dude u r the cheapskate here leh. if she make exception .den every1 start using ur reasons. den wat for need coupons" 123kidy to CISC's first posting
"that's why..........
tio owned....
we don't share the cheapskate mindset.. that's why we don't agree with ur action"
-seowbin's agreement with 123kidy
"S'pore is known for its "wonderful" service. Some more this is a fast food outlet. Personaly I don't see anything wrong with "no! cannot, no coupon, no discount & we don't supply coupon here". She's just stating the facts.
If you were expecting her to flash you a big smile & say sweetly "I am sorry sir, but you need to have a coupon", then you have clearly come to the wrong place.
I would consider it rude ONLY if she added something like "don't be a cheapskate"."
"If i would you... I would had STFU and not disgrace myself here! Just WTF do u think you are??? Its clearly stipulated that to enjoy the discounted price you need the coupon... You think you are tom cruise??? andy lau or wat??? Wake up your farking idea lah... its such idiotic consumers like you who is degrading the service industry in singapore... and please... hereinafter, DO NOT COMPLAIN FOR THE FARKING SAKE OF COMPLAINING!!!"
Very funny,i laughed upon reading it.
Typical singaporean!
Finaly,i can upload a new song onto it.
this time,it is one of my favourite songs i always listen almsot every day.
Cantonese song sang by nic tse is called 不是定理(Not Reasonable)
I like this verison of his singing at Viva Live
He sang in fast tone.
是這樣一些壓抑 或那樣多些怪癖 在意念中侵蝕
若哪夜失碰壁 導致在今晚過激 未發現疑物
壞了血液 生命職極消極 怎求方程式 今期新奇出奇
(The way he sang this lyrics strike me as if i am unsure that somone causing any harm)
And then
he switch the tone to another tone with slighly more on melody side)
錯落填滿世界 這剎那才認*識*...
(This tone touched my heart where i was in the situation of knowing whether it is true or false)
*the last one with asterisk give me the impression of the pain of knowing*
Followed by
he move on lower note(bass)
*這定律 那定律 要你希翼 你有你希翼*
在原地踏步直到死 而其實 有定律 無定律
已看穿你 我已看穿你 被迷幻大特技扮定律欺騙你
(something i wanted to hear very badly to smooth my heart.It is like the consequences you need to know)
*I like this chain of up and down vocal tone*
It give me the feel of being young taking away the pain.
Let do it!
*Traditional Chinese
是這樣一些壓抑 或那樣多些怪癖 在意念中侵蝕
若哪夜失碰壁 導致在今晚過激 未發現疑物
壞了血液 生命職極消極 怎求方程式 今期新奇出奇
驚奇的顏色 色...似世上有動力 無色...
錯落填滿世界 這剎那才認識...
* 這定律 那定律 要你希翼 你有你希翼
在原地踏步直到死 而其實 有定律 無定律
已看穿你 我已看穿你 被迷幻大特技扮定律欺騙你(耍你)
在拚命幾番痛擊 或放任扭曲意識 面對命中宿敵
道理下許多裂縫 為錯誤諸多馴訴 但最後毒藥聚變美食
*Simplified Chinese
是这样一些压抑 或那样多些怪癖 在意念中侵蚀
若哪夜失碰壁 导致在今晚过激 未发现疑物
坏了血液 生命职极消极 怎求方程式 今期新奇出奇
惊奇的颜色 色...似世上有动力 无色...
错落填满世界 这刹那才认识...
* 这定律 那定律 要你希翼 你有你希翼
在原地踏步直到死 而其实 有定律 无定律
已看穿你 我已看穿你 被迷幻大特技扮定律欺骗你(耍你)
在拼命几番痛击 或放任扭曲意识 面对命中宿敌
道理下许多裂缝 为错误诸多驯诉 但最后毒药聚变美食
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:34 pm
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Yesterday my mother told me that she saw green painting being splashed onto our neightbour's door because our neighbour apparently owe some money to loansharks.
I was ignoring this fact until today i went out to buy things for my mother.
I saw green painting being removed by painter.
Not only that,i also saw written signs on the wall and the light telling the whole block that that block number owe the money. is my first time seeing like this.
I wonder how the neighbour handle together with family yesterday.
Imagine the neighbour move out of the home and sell home so that they can avoid loansharks.
the buyer will buy the house from them and then loansharks blindly hound the wrongful person(buyer).
I think the poor thing is buyer.
That is why you gotta be careful when you buy second-hand or third-hand or so on home.
So many unnecessary woes that is done by previous owner.
*roll eyes*
Again,this kind of lesson is something we can't learn by newspaper or book.
Nowadays humans don't learn things seriously and they unknowingly do bad things to their own friends.
The biggest problem in them is that they don't take their own responsbility for their own action.
Put your things aside and have a talk with your friend about 'bad action' you have done.Or it will create multiple chain effect to other friends followed by strangers.
In no time,you can expect world war 3 because of this piece of stupid attitude 'not willing to learn things seriously'
Small matters must be settled at once because it can grown into bigger and bigger matters that will result involve a lot of people in no time.
I want to say ,"Don't be so foolish treating them stupid when you don't understand the meaning of it"
The fact is indeed true when i always hear this when i was in primary school.
One of catholic nuns always tell me that it is hard to be good person but easy to be bad person.
Awww.the server is down and i can't upload song.
Never mind.
This morning i receved two chinese-translated-english articles regarding Nic Tse at Tat Ming Yat Pai concert from Yuri.
I helped her to edit until it is very proper enough to read.
I really enjoyed proofreading it and somehow i have gotten used to chinese writing style.
It is quite no suprise that Nicholas Tse loved to play as if he is kid.
He jumped off the stage and pretend to be unconscious(according to one of two articles i proofreading).
And then sprang surprise to all his fans.
Kudos to his performance.It is very important to keep audiences entertained.
I am pretty sick of local singers we have because they only stand and sing with emotions and feelings.
Why not do some actions as you sing.Not neccessarily a dance.
I know Nicholas Tse watch cartoon but it didn't occur me to think that he is watching pokemon(why would he don pikachu costume and doll on his guitar?)
I am quite amused and pleased with his odd behaviour.
It really entertained me even though i am not there.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:08 pm
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I forgot to mention something in yesterday blog entry.
My friend,Louis once told me that his father had a accident scam.
Even though he knew it but he was so afraid that he did not want to go into lawsuit case because he didn't have money to spend.He gave $50 or something to the scammer so that he would forget the matter.
WHAT THE FUCK!If i were him,i go and repremaid him in proper and sensible manner.
And then take him to have a case with police ensuring that we don't need to go into lawsuit case.
Money is not the question.Poor or rich,we must stand up against scammers ensuring that it do not happen to us again.
Surely you can imagine if we allow scammers like my friend's father,the number of scammes will increase!
These lessons are something you don't get to learn in driving centre.
Gah!I did few hours writing entrepreneurship project today.
I am quite ok with what i wrote but i want to write more.
I need to ask my group members about something.
Tomorrow,i will change blog song!Looking those pictures yesterday and today,i was fucking delighted but i really wished that he do that in Singapore.
I really want to rock and roll with him together in the place where music fill all over!
Seeing those pictures,i swore that i will smile happily more often.


i like this picture the most for that occasion.

Both large pictures made by Nic Tse fan,Yuri!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:53 pm