Friday, September 30, 2005
Today,i felt like specluating on something that i happened to see but i am afraid to create untrue conclusion in my mind.
I didn't pursue this much.
After school,i went home.
When i was sleeping for a while,i can hear a lot of thunders.
Wah lau..that is not good sign.
Too many lightings in one rain occasion.
I fear global warming may take its effect worldwide.It is more terffiying than wars itself.
Who day the lightning strength get stronger and it might easily break a building?
For now,given the right target,the ligntning can break a tree already.
I chatted with gunner and envy him.
He is at England now and it is good thing that his relative from HK is living in UK.
Which mean he don't have to worry about rent and he can study at ease.
He visited Stamford Bridge to see chelsea thrashed WBA 4-0.
40pounds for a seat behind the goal.
He told me that the sky was so beautiful at Greenwich.
Unbelieveable which is beyond your imagination.
Wah lau..i want to go to UK!For now,i am tired of Singapore.
Night life in sg suck my ass now.I love going out at night where there is a lot of fun.If it is day,i will just fuck off and relax around.
Wah lau..gabriel finished his poly exam before i can take my exams in oct 17th.
No fun liao!I wanna play pool or game with him.
I love accounting and costing.I am interested in number theories in business situation.
I also like to implement business strategies.
Don't forget that i am lover of strategies.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
5:48 pm
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I think the pain on my left calf has subsided.I got this pain ever since last monday.
I wonder what is the cause.
Furthermore,i never jog/run during last sat or sun.
The moment i woke up last monday morning,i lifted my left leg.I got sharp pain.
*slap forehead*
Last night,i watched Kingdom of Heaven(hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteIt kicked my ass!I was also blown by its battle.
But the disgusting topic behind it is religion war in Jerusalem.
Muslims vs Christians over the land,Jerusalem.
Jesus christ.
This history(90% happened in the past) made me to believe that it is 'holy land'
I simply loved wars that contain brilliant strategies.
Troy was average(fuck that trojan horse strategy.It was not too bad but i am not entertained at all),King Arthur(was impressed by combat strategy but then i am still not entertained).
But this kingdom of heaven...ffwah...i was fucking entertained by strategies after strategies.
The battle between christians(defending the city) and Muslim(trying hard to take over the city) was breathtaking.Way better than LOTR 3(more or less about strategies but i see they are more into brute force).
I always favor precise strategy...To think that Balian use stones and person to measure the distance and arrange the capsule to attack the swarm of armies accurately.Definately hugh blow.
I was impressed that he was mentally and phsyically prepared before the battle started.
Before this battle,i wanna scold two foolish persons,the newly-appointed king and newly-appointed commander.How can they lead the legions of knights and templars to attack muslim based on religious part.
I don't believe in god giving you the power to win the battle.
The outcome was so obvious like what Balian said.No water and the army was crushed by Muslims easily.
I was impressed by Muslims' leader,Saladin.
Best quote from him is "A King does not kill a King."
He didn't kill newly-appointed king.
He feared the dead king.
And also impressed by his thinking.
Never wage the war against Christian by starting the attack first.
Brilliant Saladin.
I respect and admire him!
When the black sheep in christian army killed few muslims,this anger muslims.
In the result,Saladin brought 200,000 armies to reach outskirt of Jerusalem,Kerak.
Upon knowing it,the dead king quickly brought whole army to stop them before they could reach Kerak and send Baldin to hold the line before the king and his army reached.
The king reached there and warned Saladin to stop the war at once or we all die.
Saladin withdrew at once.
Saldin don't let religion into his head.That is why he managed to capture Jerusalem after Baladin forced him to make a term allowing all living Christians to leave without any harm.
Baladin is also brilliant.Saladin army is much 10 times powerful than his army and yet he prepared everything to force Saladin to make a term with him.
I was more impressed with Balian that he rejected King of England's apporach.
After that,England couldn't capture Jerusalem back.It went on for so many years.
Seeing people(who saw the movie) comments about this movie,i agree that there is too little detail how Balian became so brilliant from blacksmith to knight to baron.
I predict that this movie gotta sweep best picture,best screenplay awards!
That is why i dislike religion.
It is ok for people to have religion but i hope that they are not so extreme in religious like you see terriorits.
What muslim law.My foot.They were doing it their own pleasure gain.
Like kids fight kids because they felt the peasure in it.
Today school is boring but i am quite surprised with few events at school.
However i don't want to speculate too much in my mind
After school,i slept for whole afternoon.
Tsk tsk..i am really tired
After i woke up,my mother came home.
She said that today is my sister birthday.
I asked her why she didn't go and buy birthday cake.
She said tired.
I asked her again why she never tell me about her birthday the day before.
She said that she forgot.
I quickly went to Lot 1 and buy a Black Forest cake for my sister.
Since my family always celebrate my birthday every year,i feel that it is a must to celebrate my sister's birthday without any fail.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:09 pm
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I passed dvd+r to Eugene this morning in school.
Nowadays,i prefer dvd+r over dvd-r in any time.
Every weekend,i will do a lot of video and audio encoding until i am familiar.
Every day,i recount myself to sing 'Not Reasonable' and 'Don't Lie' cantonese songs.
Damn pleasing to listen.
Fuck cd lens.i can't be bother with its lifespan of cd lens.
I want to buy new portable cd player but at the moment i need to find suitable one first.
Sometimes we don't know whether we should interpret.Because it is hard to distingish real or fake.Unless it is very obvious,it is something we should be glad or sad with.
You know...i wish that everything is positive for me.Easy-roll for me but it never happen.
Meanwhile outside Singapore,there are so much typhoon/hurricane happenings in South-east asia and West side in USA.
Obviously,it is global warming.
People including us need to moderate our usage of technology.
I like the idea of renting on eco-system based cars.
Hopefully,more and more car manufacturers produce them.
Yesterday evening,i went to meet my mother at MRT station nearby, i arrived too early.While i was standing,i see some secondary school is quite sometime i last seen fair-skinned girls from secondary schools.I saw them talking each other and then bade goodbye or go through the gate together.I was having uh-huh expression all the way.
Not so long ago,i sit next a lady who was looking at notes.I took a peek at the note because i was bored and i don't want to sleep.I see note about hotel's tourists.
Looking at date of birth,there are a lot of people who born in 1930-1945.
I was surprised that they can move about from UK(their homeland) to China to Hong Kong to Singapore and then lastly Australia.*drop jaw*
It was intriguing to see that they requested hotel to hire people to perform lion dance.
I heard Nicholas Tse singing Traffic Congression song at 5th global chinese awards.I was stunned because he sang it in rock way.
IMPRESSIVE!I think he should sing this song in rock style in future concerts.
i really like it.
Finally,i took 2 hours to do short entrepreneurship project 3 until i am satisfied.I will continue it tomorrow.
Time to play happy song.
New blog song will be cantonese song,一了百了 (Let it be over)
My favourite lyrics is :
救了廢了要了我的命 但是從新學會
前額被吻了暖了慢慢便退燒 冷了過了慣了
這種心跳 才明白開心不算少 那天 我心交你手
*traditional chinese
那天 你手牽我手 這天 我手交你手
相戀證物不要被遺漏 沒有歸屬感
別要逗留 如若愛值得永久 誰也找不到
* 門匙被借了退了就像用你手
救了廢了要了我的命 但是從新學會
前額被吻了暖了慢慢便退燒 冷了過了慣了
這種心跳 才明白開心不算少 那天 我心交你手
這天 相片交我手 一式兩份給各自零售
熱愛的日子 就似汗流 沉澱了沒法回頭 餘下
Repeat *
算了 算了 夠了 我滿足不得了 愛了
厭了就像你手 救了廢了要了我的命
但是從新開心不算少 前額被吻了
過了慣了不算少 算了 算了 夠了 我滿足不得了
*simplified chinese
那天 你手牵我手 这天 我手交你手
相恋证物不要被遗漏 没有归属感
别要逗留 如若爱值得永久 谁也找不到
* 门匙被借了退了就像用你手
救了废了要了我的命 但是从新学会
前额被吻了暖了慢慢便退烧 冷了过了惯了
这种心跳 才明白开心不算少 那天 我心交你手
这天 相片交我手 一式两份给各自零售
热爱的日子 就似汗流 沉淀了没法回头 余下
Repeat *
算了 算了 够了 我满足不得了 爱了
厌了就像你手 救了废了要了我的命
但是从新开心不算少 前额被吻了
过了惯了不算少 算了 算了 够了 我满足不得了
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:23 pm
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Yesterday,i tried 9000 and 6000 CBR for mpeg 2 video and it resulted in 6+gb and 4.4+gb.
In end,i reduce to 5000 CBR to fit in together with 200mb+ mpeg-audio layer 2(320kps).
The menu is decent but great video and audio for simple viewing.
The job was done just now.
It was a long one.
I noticed that pal is relatively shorter than ntsc in vidoe encoding.
While my pc was busy in authoring the dvd,i watched chinese debate show that is held in sentosa on tv.
This time,two universities from malaysia and china were debating the fact of kindness.
Obviously chinese people from both countries have no problem talking chinese at fast rate.
It was fierce one.So fierce that whole audience was clapping for approval and laughter.
The debaters were hlighting most of people from the past.Especially Cao Cao,Hua Tuo,Zhuge Liang and few.
It gave an extra view to see where kindness stand.
Last saturday,i watched One Piece Movie 6.
It was about friend saving friends.
People need company from someone.Someone can be a friend or family member.
In no doubt,you should save them from the blink of death.
Luffy worked so hard to save them despite the fact was telling him that it was impossible.
As long as they were still alive,he would put everything what he can do to fight the enemy.
True friend.
Where can you find such friend like this.
The one who can help you and save you from death..
*thumbs up*
Tomorrow,i will start doing entrepreneur project 3 and write interesting thing on the blog.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:51 pm
Monday, September 26, 2005
It is very tedious job.
i need to do it fast as possible before i can start entrepreneur project.
Time is running fast.
It is fun to learn how to do on my own hands and small decent guide.
I am comparing with original dvd with my work ensuring that it is acceptable to Eugene in terms of viewing and listening.
video:704x480,mpeg-2,29.97fps(ntsc),CBR 9000kbps
audio:mpeg-1 audio layer 2,320kpbs
It will suit fine.Anything more than this,i need dual layer dvd!
Decide not to opt for ac3 audio stream.
Be in awe!
More or less.
I am coping very well in my life as long as i maintain my self-discpline.
Yesterday,i took up the challenge to carry 2 bag of rice weighting 10kg as my mother asked me whehter i can buy and bring it home.
In the result,i can carry them but it is a bit uncofortable though
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:38 pm
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Awww,dvd authoring and entrepreneur project to be completed by this week.
That is my latest priority for now.
1)Dvd authoring work must be playable on ps2.And then video and sound must be in sync.
Two questions i need to answer them before i succeed.
2)I haven't complete the first work before i can move on this entrepreneur project 3.The horrible part is 4-5mins presentation work.It require more on teamwork than individual.How to fix it?Only way out is to discuss every one in the group.
So many of people in this entrepreneurship class aren't that committed.
Yesterday,when i was putting subtitle embedded into the video,i can't play or watch my computer.I took my time break to watch CNA channel.
I saw a debate chinese competition held in Sentosa.
Fuck me!Sweden university and south korean university participates(4 from each group) can speak chinese.
Jesus christ.
What is more.those Koreans can speak so fluently and well-manned in chinese speaking.
Much better than any Singaporean out there.
I was impressed and i guess i gotta spend more time on this.
Domestic Violence(Japan 2005)
Not too bad film.
it show how husband beat wife out of frustration on not being able to get along or cope with wife.
Indeed..the growing problem in it is that they are not willing to talk with wifes about this problems and how they felt.
Likewise,they could compromise each other as long as they know each other problem.
I don't see any point of marrying someone who can't say something about the problems otherwise it would hurt each other in no time.
The wife in this show is really incredible.I would definately want her to be my wife.
No matter he beat her,she still treat him as a husband despite of the fact she put him in the jail after collecting sufficient visual evidence.Her lawyer told her that her husband was bastard.She refused this fact and she decided to keep the baby.
I am stunned already!
Rating 7/10
Batman Begins(hollywood 2005)
It is different from other batman films.
Different actor and different impact on actions.
This time,they showcasted how batman was born to fight against crime at Gotham City.
Actions scene are decent.
The main attraction in this film is philsophy on fighting.
Older films are much more value on action.
Click here for official siteRating:7/10
Annyeong, Hyeonga(Hello Big Brother) (Korean 2005)
Yet again,another excellent piece of korean film work.
It is based on real-life story how two kid brothers lived together.
So touching and meaningful.
On a strict note to local film,Jack Neo should pick one or two from those korean directors who direct real-life story.
Even this Jackie Chan bow to the power of people who made the stars and film popular.
He learnt much from Korean film industry.He was dead right about this fact.
It hust to see a young child eating so mucn medicine and get injections every day to combat the tumour.Not so easy.
We are all alive living easy life.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Click here for official filmRating:10/10
Daenseo-ui sunjeong(Innocent Step)(Korean 2005)
I am sure that you all saw a trailer in mrt plamsa tv screen in mrt station.
It caught my attention and i watched it.
Wah.Again,korean films are getting more and more quality and pleasure to watch.
Well done..A 19 years old girl coming from China to Korea to dance with top korean dance trainer in the competition.
But the main attraction in this movie is the defination of love.
Based on firefly,this girl told the man that they will hatch and fly as a firefly glowing in green.At the same time they are waiting for 'lady' firefly to mate.
She believe in waiting for the love she was looking for.
Simply to say that fate need to hand the love she was looking for.
Of course,she found.It is this korean top dance trainer.
Can't forget his habits and character.
Brilliant movie.
What is more.the female lead is a student!Her acting was unbelieveable convincing in the show.
Click here for official websiteRating:9/10
The reason for one mark missing is that the ending has much to be desired although it is good.
Makoto(Japan 2005)
Ah.this is about forensic investigation and a man called Makoto who can see ghosts.
The ghosts are calling him to nail down the culprits.
You know.i was eating dinner while watching it.
I was stunned that they cut the body to examine the cause of death.
i put my plate down and watch until they are done with it.
*roll eyes**Of course,i didn't expect it*
I was a bit scared despite it is not horror because the ghosts expression make me feel like one.
But the sad story is within Makoto.
His wife who killed her lover and then she was killed in car accident.
He found out the truth as he pursed so hard because he saw a spirit of his wife.
He couldn't accept the fact that she killed her lover and later he gradually accept.
What a faithful man despite the fact that he spend too much time on his job than being with his wife.
More films to see but i need to finish two works first.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:33 pm
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Today,i started my work on making soft subtitles into hardcoded subtitles just for Eugene who want to play the video in his playstation 2.
I knew long time ago.Right start the fact that the soft subtitle don't load the way like we do with our computers.
It was tedious learning process to troubleshoot the audio problem until i found out the reason.
I am confident that i can do decent job for it.
Beside it,i hope i can do more jobs like this until i am seasoned enough.
Aftermate of Oh Pil-Seung Boon Soon Young drama show.
Do you know that i like people who have good at character more than people with brains?
i was delighted to see the drama show going the way Pil-Seing,being dubious heir to Chiogo group winning the position of President in Chiogo Group.
But i was disappointed and sad that he couldn't last long after 3 weeks.
But then,his speech to quit the president post and left Seoul for good was awesome.
I am proud of Pil-seung having the destiny effect to change his grandma heart-hardened and devoid from feeling into soft-heartened person.
And also change Joh-sung into a woman who learn how to take things easy with feelings and happy with all kind of persons.
As well as Jae-woong who began to believe love and learnt to see good sides of a person.
Aja Aja!
Final Fantasy Advent Children(Animation Movie 2005)
It was based on final fantasy 7.
A lot of people in the world were so excited to see this movie.
So far,it is good movie.
Cloud's special skill(i do not know what to call it because i don't play ff that hard enough) look beautiful.Forming 7 swords(i think it is) out from cloud's sword was impressive sight for me.
Rating 8/10
Pros:reasonable amount of action moves,good CGI,proper ending
Cons:straight-forward story(no twist)as usual from sad beginning to sad ending,not enough passion to feel from(Jin-roh anime movie gave me a lot of passion)
Last thursday,i was surprised that eugene's watch can fit my arm because previously,despite of being able to wear the watch it was so tight for me.
Right now,there is enough space for me to wear his watch.
I guess few weeks of rehabilition has shown its worth.
Yesterday,i could carry 5kg rice bag from supermarket to my home for 10mins walk.
Not too bad.
I hope that i can carry 10kg rice bag until i realised the last word my father said to me.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:22 pm
Friday, September 23, 2005
Click here for offical websiteI finally saw all 16 episodes.
I suggest you to read the summary story.
It tell you why you should believe in fate and destiny.

Opening show

city of Seoul
A city of 10 million
In there...
10 million stories
written every day...
10 million lives
buffeted by fate...
Fate becomes destiny...
Maybe becomes certainty.

Meeting at chairwoman's home
She arranged it because just now her grandson was killed in car accident and the succoessor post was left in doubt.

strict and deviod from feeling.Shin young-mee

Song-ja was helping Pil-Seung to escape from Busan to Seoul.

Oh Pil-Seung.feeling hungry and he lost the money because his pocket had HOLE!

He bumped into someone and his coins were on the floor

She was the one who bumped him.

She in druken-state thought that he stole her bag.In the result,they were in police station.
Her family came and took her away.At the same time,they invited him to sleep at home at goodwill due the fact that she bullied him and he knew her brother,Jin-pyo.

Soon-young having a piss in the toilet in the next early morning.

There is one more person in the toilet.Pil Seung was bathing in the toilet too.

After Soon-young done her stuff,both of them saw each other.She screamed and whacked him badly.

Another man appeared between their lives.Yoon Jae-woong
Before that,Soon-young got him a job to work at West Market store.
Jae-woong bumped Soon-young and Pil-seung was not happy with him.
And so Pil-seung beated him up for his behaviour asking her to have one night stand with him.

Ko Byung-chul.Manager of West Market
He was so furious that he want to sack him for fighthing Jae-woong(Marketing chief)

Supervisor of West Market(left)
He pleaded with manager of west market that Pil-seung only started on his first day of work.

You can see this chairwoman's home.Grand and hugh
Chairwoman's assistant(jae-woong's father) hired private investigator and he told chairwoman that he found where Pil-seung is after he fail to bring Pil-seung to chairwoman at Busan because Pil-seung mistooked him as loanshark.

Soon-young'sfather and mother,Bong Chang-soo and Park Ok-ja

Bong Jin-pyo,brother to Bong Soon-young

Vice-president,Mr Min and his two assistants.They were in scheme to get Mr Min to become CEO(president) of the Chiogo Group.

Soon-young screamed and scolded him because he didn't work in the afternoon.However,he was so happy to hear her nagging him.

Soon-young was happy talking with Pil-Seung

Jae-woong asked her whether it was him because he was jealous after he saw Soon-young and Pil-seung enjoying each other just now.

Suh Young-gook(wearing black suit).Jae-woong's father,Yoon Sung Hoon assigned him to be Pil-Seung's chaffeur.Before that,he brought Pil-seung to see chairwoman and after an interview,chairwoman decide to bring him in Chiogo group as a director despite of having no education and dubious background.

Soon-young told him off angrily at night before Pil-Seung became director in Chiogo Group overnight the next day.It was because he want to know what she would do if he became a director.It was obvious that he was hopeful to hear that she would like him.

Noh Yoo-jung,Pil-Seung's assistant and he addressed her as teacher.

Soon-young screamed and scolded him again but then his assistant was on the phone instead.

Huh Song-ja finally arrived Seoul to see Pil-Seung

Song-ja stormed in the company office and kissed straight away to Pil-Seung in front of directors.

As Song-ja just arrived Seoul,Pil Seung tried to get Jin-pyo to let her stay in his home.With his rejection,he walked off and bumped Song-ja who just entered in the cafe.

As Jin-pyo looked her shyly,Song-ja looked at him in angry pose.
Pil-seung took the advantage to encourage Jin-pyo to take her home.It was obvious that he had a crush on her.

Pil-Seung's mother in law.She was so sad looking at her natural son's picture because he died so suddenly.

Soon-young was prepared to wear lingere and asked someone(Pil-Seung) to switch off the light.She went out of the room and walked forward to him in dark.Unknowingly,both of them kissed.
They were discovered by Jin-pyo,Song-ja and jae-woong.

Soon-young was worried because she kissed Pil-seung as she was going steady with Jae-woong.

Soon-young was crying as Pil-seung vowed that he would not do it again.

Pil-seung asked her to behave like lady and she insisted him to keep quiet because she was buying him a meal.

Song-ja smirked at Soon-young.

Awww,what a sweet family.

Pil-seung kneeled in front of chiogo group building because he wanted to get back Soon-young's job.She was sacked by chairwoman because the media caught Pil-seung having dinner with Soon-young at roadside stall.

Yoo-jung begged chairwoman to give the job back to Soon-young in the next morning.
chairwoman was reluctant to restore Soon-young back to work.

Due to scheme by Mr Min,the whole staff from West Market heard the rumour that the west market was going to close down.Pil-Seung did not want to close down the west market because Soon-young was working there.The chiogo group agreed to give him an ultimatium to raise the revenue by 10% in 6 weeks.

Staff from west marker were in disbelief because they knew that it was impossible.
(classmates,as we see this 10% as small number thing because of its number.But it is big thing and hard to achieve in real-life situation.That is why we are fucking learning costing)

Pil-seung brought Mr Min and his two assistant to small resturant.Pil-seung didn't know that they were behind the scheme of spreading this rumour to media.

Mr Min rejected the offer and wanted to walk out.Upon him seeing Ok-ja,his expression changed

He saw Ok-ja.He loved her so much and u can see his expression like he had not seen her for a long time.

They saw Mr Min.They instantly recognised him!

Mr Min quickly walked out of their resturant giving them no chance to talk with him.

While the west market staff is on strike,he decided to show an example by doing the storing work.This way,he would inspired them to co-operate with him.He suggested that expensive import goods is one of the reason and so he want to store more local goods.

Pil-seung talked a plan to prevent west market into closure.All staff was motivated to work.

Pil-seung worked so hard to help out in west market despite of his status as director.He ate instant cup noodles and invited Soon-young to eat together.

Pil-seung encouraged her to eat roadside foods.It was unusual for her because she ate resturant foods.That is why high class people like her would cover whenever they eat.

West market female staffs passed out papers to housewifes outside the store.

Pil-seung promoted on west market product.He encouraged the old man to sample more free foods.

whole staff and Pil-seung joined their hands to increase the determination and morale.

During the meeting of director,the west market staff entered with permission and passed the papers that contain signatures of west market staff indicating that they were willing to forego bouns and increament but they only take basis pay until the objective was reached.

directors and shareholders were shocked after hearing it.

west market staff asked them for a chance.
As they managed to get 8% increase,Pil-seung suggested that there is a good chance to reach the actual objective given more time.

west market staff and Pil-seung bowed in front of all directors,shareholders and chairwoman.
And then,the directors approved and they have 6 months to do it.

Pil-seung asked one of those shareholder whether he was the one eating free foods at west market as passer-by.Of course,he was!
And just now in the board of director/shareholder meeting,he rallied most of them to agree Pil-seung proposal.

Jin-pyo went to see Jae-woong and asked jae-woong how much he love his sister,Soon-young.Jae-woong was drunk and was brought home by Jin-pyo.The next morning,they had breakfast together and Pil-seung was happened to drop by.Jae-woong and Pil-seung fought each other secretly.

Soon-young was worried and concerned.

Pil-seung arrived in the resturant at 7pm but the others had appointment to do until they came at 10pm.Soon-young used her hand to push Pil-seung into the cake.

Pil-seung was so happy that Soon-young was around to celebrate his birthday.

Pil seung believe in respecting elders and being filial.He went into charwoman/his grandma's room and massaged her leg with cloth that is dipped into hot water.
It was the second time.

Amist the rumour of Pil-seung is not true heir of the family,he left home and lost his bag.He asked the policeman to let him to sleep in police station as he needed one to sleep.

Soon-young was crying as she asked him to give her up after she realised that he liked her when pil-seung's assistant told her about it.

Woah.Look this picture is train in seoul.Cushion chairs!

Pil-seung prefer to go his assistant because he trusted her a lot.He cried as he couldn't get himself to seperate from Soon-young.

The next or two episode(s)..Soon-young was anxious and worried and so she went to wet market where Pil-seung was working.Again,she bumped him.

Once again,he dropped the coins.Soon-young fnally found him among the busy crowd in wet market.

Soon-young realised that Jae-woong was not the one she want.Upon hearing 'I love you' from Jae-woong,she didn't feel anything.She decided to allow Pil-Seung to be with her again because she kept on thinking of him!WOOT!

After hearing her approval,he was so happy and delighted.

During his absence as director,he had to come out and went to the suppliers who chiogo group have been buying goods from them.Because Jae-woong gave them no chance to neogitate the contract as they wanted better terms.He was so arrogant that he prefer them to abide his terms.

Pil-seung decide to confront the issue of that Joo-young liked him after he avoid her for few days because he didn't know what to do.Joo-young knew he loved Soon-young dearly and pretend to say why she would like him.And then,mPil-seung asked his assistant how to dance.She danced with him.On his back,she cried quietly because she secretly loved him and did not want to tell him about it.
She also taught him when to hold soon-young's hand tightly(girls love it) and let her to trust him(not to ask her to trust him).It proved to be successful as he did it with soon-young.Soon-young was comfortable with him unlike being with jae-woong.

Song-ja changed her hairstyle.

After winning the position of CEO/President,chairwoman showed dna result paper to Pil-seung.

On the day Pil-seung would become president,he decieded to quit after 3 weeks from winning in the election.He said:
Thank you for recognizing
a flawed man as the president of the Choigo Group.
To be honest...since I left Busan...
It has been dreamlike for me.
And I stand here
because of those dreams.
There are many people who deserve applause more than I.
People who taught me
I'm not alone in the world...
Those of you who treated me like family...
And Teach... whom I'll never forget as long as I live.
And a friend(Jae-woong) I couldn't hate no matter how hard I tried...
Through their eyes, I've had a chance to look at myself.
And through their hearts,
I've learned to cherish myself more.
When you get to know me,I'm not all that special.
I only became special because you made me special.
There are many people like me in this world.
Please give all of them your warm encouragement.
I'm sure they'll do a much better job than I.
I'm very grateful for the past few months.
I'll never forget them as long as I live.
I'm happiest when I'm thrown into the world.
I'm leaving so I can be happy.
The past... three months...
I've had a lot of fun.

the audiences clapped!

it was the last glimpse of him in the show as he left.

at the end of story,one-night-stand lady asked him to bed with her but he rejected and asked her to leave out of his car.He began to believe love.

Again,another similar fate happened to Jae-woong.After that,he was smiling and knowing that such meetings are the fate and destiny of love.Because before that,he did the same way with Soon-young.

Song-ja became pregnant with Jin-pyo.Time will prevail as they got the chance to get approval from Jin-pyo's parents.
Meanwhile,Soon-young went to Busan to see Pil-seung.

finally,Seoul in daylight
Thoughts of this story:
Awesome story with meaningful ending.
i wish i am Oh Pil-Seung.
I don't mind all those happy,sad,tear-jearking incidents as long as i can be with someone.No matter how time stretch,the love direction is always fixed as fate and destiny proved it so.
He was so patient whenever Jae-woong was steady with Soon-young at that time.
You can do the same.
If you really don't know what to do,give yourself a day of thought and talk with him/her.Be brave and don't try to avoid it every day.
I am sure that someone who receive from his/her friend who avoid them like plague will be hurt more.Have more confidence that they are willing to resolve it with you.
Fate and destiny of love is so powerful that you can't resist it!
For me,i will wait until it tell me and it is hard for me to know someone like me secretly.It happened to me few times when i was young.
It was good thing that i softly rejected them and i don't want to avoid them like plague.
When i was growing,i learnt not to bear any grudges.You should learn it as well.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:53 pm