Friday, December 30, 2005
Bul Sae(Phoenix)*Korean drama 2004)
It is great korean drama show i ever seen.
It is like learning a lesson what love life should be.
Click here for official websiteSimply brillant.One of the best korean dramas i ever seen.
Japanese dramas are easily put a shamed when compared to this drama.
If Densha Otoko(japanese drama 2005) is all about luck in your love life,then this Phoenix is about love timing!
I love Phoenix's love content much more than Densha Otoko!

The main characteres in this show who are being entangled each other in love web.
the male character name is Jang Sae-Hoon and the female character name is Lee Ji-Eun
They met each other when she crashed her sports car into office room at the petrol station and he was happened to be in the room trying to avoid the oncoming car.
It was so irony that the relationship start from that point when she requested him to pretend to be her boyfriend so that she can get back at her friends.

During the conversation(very interesting;a must to know):
Ji-Eun:What's a phoenix got to do with love?
Ji-Eun:Have you ever seen a phoenix?
Sae-Hoon:It's a bird from Egyptian mythology.
Sae-Hoon:It was a bird named Phoenix that lived in the desert for 600 years and then
consumed itself with fire.
Ji-Eun:That's sad.
Sae-Hoon:But it's renewed from the ashes.
Sae-Hoon:That's why it looks so passionate.
Ji-Eun:Love as passionate as the phoenix.
Ji-Eun:Maybe the artist was trying to convey sacrifice through love, and not passion.
Sae-Hoon:Just as the phoenix consumes itself with fire,and then is renewed from its ashes,love means sacrifice.
Sae-Hoon:I think that's what it meant.
Ji-Eun:No, I don't like that.
Ji-Eun:I want to think that the artist wanted to express passionate love.
Little wonder,this painting picture of phoenix is the catalyst to trigger the love between them.

Lee Ji-Eun's father who objected strongly to her daughter's relationship because of Sae-Hoon's current status.

Ji-Eun's sister

Sae-Hoon's close friend and Ji-Eun's friend

Ji-Eun's best friend,Nam Bok-ja(her facial shape is a bit unique because she seem to have mixed blood in korean and european)
It was Ji-Eun initative to purse Sae-Hoon who did not want to have relationship with her because he didn't want to continue (relationship) on this dead-end street.
Sae-Soon was relucted to love her.
Despite of her father's disapproval because Sae-Hoon was orphan since young,she tried to get herself pregnant by sleeping with him in sly way(wearing sexy undergarment grown).It mean it will get her parents to give in to her so as she can get closer with him.
Indeed,it did and he took his responsibility to marry her..

Sae-Hoon did all cooking while Ji-Eun,carrying baby in her tummy slacked because she couldn't change her rich lifestyle.
At this point(picture),Ji-Eun asked him to buy lobster for dinner.On the way buying them,his heart ached when he saw the hefty price to pay those lobster when he has only part-time job pay which is enough for himself and his own studies.
Nevertheless,he took it to his stride.
However,whatever they do the marriage couldn't last long when there was a small misunderstanding.
In the end,she decided to dump him by divorcing him because she had no will to follow his request(not to accept her parents' money or gifts)
Sae-Hoon was so distraughted that he couldn't leave her that easily.
In the end he agreed with his professor to go for student exchange at America.
Ji-Eun overheard how her mother bribed him with some money to leave her and Bok-ja told where Sae-Hoon was doing.
She quickly drove her car to airport as her father was trying to catch her up asking her to come back.
A horrible fate..Her father died while walking on the road as her car was strucked in the traffic jam.

10 years later...
Ji-Eun and her family was no longer rich.

Woah,look at her hairstyle,it certainly increase her age appearance.

Ji-Eun's sister became wild girl who always go out at night.

another important character appeared.
Seo Jung-Min...a rich womanizer and the man who never love any girl.
He suddenly liked her after met her in a bar as she was trying to take her sister to home.
She was working as a personal and professional maid...
She was shopping for expensive clothes for her client.

Another important character apppeared.
Yoon Mi-Ran,Ji-Eun's friend(knew each other through their rich families) and she knew Seo Jung-Min(studied in the same university and both Yoon and Seo family knew each other)
Ji-Eun met her...They talked for a while..
Mi-Ran want to show her boyfriend called Will.She met him in America.

Mi-Ran's boyfriend will.No doubt,you are not seeing the wrong person.It is the same person,William Jang Sae-Hoon!In 10 years ago,he swore that he would never come back to Korea but Seo family bought some of his share(his company at america) and hired him as CEO for Seolin enterprise.That was how he came to Korea because of that.
When Sae-Hoon saw Ji-Eun,they were so shocked and flabbergasted.

They didn't tell Mi-Ran about their relationship.
They kept quiet and treated each other as a first-time friends
Seo Jung-Min(Seolin's exceutive and then vice president of seolin for financial sector) pursed with a lot of passion and love with Ji-Eun.
Originally,Ji-Eun couldn't accept his love because of her past relatsionhip with Sae-Hoon and her love for Sae-Hoon never died.
Until a certain moment where Jung-Min saved her in a fire,she was relucted to love and marry him.
Guess what.It was a lesson for her.Ji-Eun is living the life that is similar of Sae-Soon of 10 years ago.
She realised how Sae-soon felt in 10 years ago with all kind of suffering.
Sae-Hoon wanted to get back wtth Ji-Eun but she firmly reject because of her father's death.Mi-Ran was jealous of Ji-Eun and at the same time she tried to destroy him and herlsef so as they can get back together.
Sae-Hoon broke up with Mi-Ran as he couldn't handle her after he found out that Mi-Ran secretly practise how to walk(He felt responsible because he indirectly caused her to lose the ability to walk temporarily in accident).By the time,he made Mi-Ran show her true colours and then he broke up with her.
Ji-Eun did the same way as Sae-soon of 10 years by telling her family not to accept money or gift from Jung-Min
BUT!!A horrible truth was about to reveal to Jung-Min first.It was about Jung-Min's father who asked his aide to 'kill' Ji-Eun's father but he didn't expect that he died.
Jung-Min was heartbroken and decided to be croward because he did not want to lose Ji-Eun's heart.
He kept it so long until...
He played a voice recorder(his father's aide left there) in front of Ji-Eun as he was so curious.It is when she agreed to marry and never run away no matter how difficult it is.
The horrible truth was out.She heard it and asked him to play but it didn't play because Jung-Min quickly erased it.
Ji-Eun was so shocked to hear such truth...
Sae-Hoon found out from Ji-Eun and they went on hot heels to get evidence from Jung-Min's father.
They never got evidence.
The 'war' broke....Jung-Min knew that he couldn't ask Ji-Eun for forgiveness and decided to turn his back against her to protect his hatred father.
Mi-Ran who torture herself,Jung-Min,Sae-Hoon and Ji-Eun(they all involved in one love web) until she realised that her efforts was useless...
She wrote two seperate letters to Sae-Hoon and Ji-Eun how she felt and apologised.
By the time they read,she poisoned herself.
She died with a hope that she wiill meet Sae-Hoon earlier in her next life.
It was sad...
The war ended with police exposing the dirty linens that Jung-Min father did so much bad deeds to make Seolin entreprise famous and rich.
Jung-Min decided to leave Korea for America.
Sae-Hoon never hated Jung-Min despite how bad Jung-Min was to Sae-Hoon.
Sae-Hoon asked Ji-Eun to give Jung-Min another chance to forgive him and go to see him at airport.
Ji-Eun did went and saw him(only his back) but after seeing his back,she walked away.
Fortunately,Jung-Min turned his back and saw Ji-Eun walking away.
He felt relieved and he thought that was enough.
He left Korea...
What happened to Sae-Hoon and Ji-Eun.
They didn't go into another relationship because they were mentally tired from all happenings even though they didn't reveal how much they love each other.
They merely swore that they should withstand all kind of pressures and problems(to avoid 10 years ago marraige tragedy)

3 years later(10+3=13 yrs later from start)
Sae-Hoon managed to restore the reputation of Seolin and his campaigns for mp3 player market was successful.
Meanwhile Ji-Eun became successful fashion manager.
Little wonder fate again arrange the meeting for two.

AGAIN!the painting picture of phoenix in the hotel.
Sae-Hoon saw it and admired it once again.
Followed by few mins later,Ji-Eun saw Sae-Hoon looking at the painting.
Ji-Eun walked up and stand next to him!
BUT they bade goodbye on each other and left!(what,i knew that they would marry again but i didn't expect this)

Jung-Min came back to Korea for business deal for his America-based company.
(Woah,he shaved goatee.He look more mature now as if he has turned into the man who has forgiven by someone after what he had done horrible doings.)
He went to that hotel where Sae-Hoon was.
After that phoenix painint incident,Ji-Eun was talking to her client.
He saw her and stand behind watching her finish talking with her client.
Suddenly,she dropped her portofolio and Jung-Min took it and return it back.
She was shocked and smiled.
They parted and Jung-Min went to see Sae-Hoon.
Few days later...
Sae-Hoon went to Jeju island to relax and retrieve the memorise of him and his ex-wife.
He was at the beach and he was about to throw the letters(Ji-Eun and Sae-Hoon wrote each other during their courtship days) and photos of them to the sea.
While...Ji-Eun was also in Jeju island.She was at hotal to finalise the deal with her client.
She wished that she should have told Sae-Hoon how she felt earlier...
She walked to the beach and saw Sae-Hoon.
Both were not shocked and they were smiling to the fate who arrange another meeting for them.

Finally,they kissed each other.
That is the ending.
That is what i am talking about in my previous blog entries.
It is all about timing when come to love.
I has the same opinion as Sae-Hoon of 10 years ago when i do not want to get into dead-end path love relationship when i was young.
But now?I am ready but i am waiting patiently for the fate to arrange it.
It is like unexpected thing.
I like it!
I revamped my blog to angel style blog.
I was touched when i saw a video where Nicholas Tse sang 5 mandarin songs in front of taiwanese audience in 2001.
He cried and then he sang Tian Shi(Angel) song.
I decided that it will be the theme of the blog.
It took long time for me to like this song.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:43 pm
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I must be dreaming of wanting to take 10 notes of $50 on the floor if it happen.
I am going to save certain amount to buy electric guitar and speaker for guitar.
I feel i am heavily influenced by the revolution of 90s music evolved with guitars and 80s guitarists.
It is great to have some excellent singer and bands around.
You think bad times is now?Fret not.
"What come around will come around"
You will more likely hold new things/found the lost things more tightly than before because you knew the feeling of losing something.
What you have done and it can't be undone.You must take responsibility and face to future with it.Be sure that you are strong enought to ride on the rough,bumpy and crooked road before you see the light.The light you see to take you to happiness and good times.
Nowdays,i have not been playing games very often as before.
More likely spending time on practise something for possible future career.
Audit case is pretty tough if no one is willing to put 100% effort as much as the partner.
I will try to work out a way that will keep ourselves easy and comfortable.
"Please come to me becuase i am the sweetest person to you.I can't think anything else why you can't accept my existence of love.Never look away...please...
Can you see my thumping heart whenever i face you...Please tell me what i need to do in order to get your heart...the path to trust me and my love!"
I got this idea and wrote it down when i recently watched korean drama.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:03 pm
Monday, December 19, 2005
Saturday,i saw an article in the news paper.
Before he went to IMM,he was in press conference for Chinese Tall Story movie at Oriental Hotel in Singapore.
He told the reporters that Jeff(director of this movie) wanted him to play Tripitaka beacuse Jeff saw parallels between them.
Jeff was clearly inspired by the tabloids' close scrutiny of Nicholas' turbulent love life.
Jeff told him that everyone will be wondering how Tripitaka can fall in love.His name like his is a burden.
Jeff wanted to raise the question: Why can't we fall in love?"
He gave no direct replies to reporters but instead of choosing to spin metaphors on the his love life suject.
Nicholas' Tripitaka is a softie who bursts into tears at slighest agitation.
Nicholas explained that he(Tripitaka) is just naive because he cries in the fact that he can not understand how there can be bad things in the world.
"But towads the end,he was crying for love that he cannot have.That's what the story is about"he continued ,"if Tripitaka is supposed to love everyone on earth,why can't he love one more(Meiyan)?"
Jeff had mischievously revealed in an earlier interview that Nicholas' tears flowed readily whenever he thought of the girls he had hurt.
Nicholas defended this by replying that love is not just one person's effort and it take two hands to clap..There is no returns on love.There is no right time to give up."
Reporteres asked him whether he was refering to his failed affair with faye wong or with Cecilia.
Nicholas pre-empted those questions with a hint of smile saying that he will not say who he was thinking of.
He continued to say that he would shed tears for his family.
"So do his failed love affairs make him cry?"
Nicholas replied ,"No,not really"
*Taken from The News Paper and edited by me for simple read
Fwah,i have some similar opinions as him.
I do agree with him that love need two hands to clap.
Unfortunately,i only cry when i couldn't comprehend the difficulty of love.

Wah,Joey Yung look cute with this kind of facial expression

I went to shop for a pair of new shoes for various purpose.
New Balance basketball sneaker($110+ - 15%discount),Adidas Telestar($109;no discount) and Puma Ribera ($89.90-10%) caught my eyes.
In the end,i choose Puma Ribera because of its colour.BLACK!
So that i can change my black shoes in alternative days.
Today,i feel very elated and pleased with the mood i have.
When i was in Primary 5 or 6,i found a note of $10 on a small bush when i came home from market.
And today,i found 8 notes of $10 on the car park road when i was going home from school.
Fwah,it wasn't kept in the wallet but just 8 notes of $10 on the road.
No names or I.C..Too bad i can't return to the rightful owner.
I decided to keep it and spend some items.*grin*
I just can't believe my luck.
In few days later,i will write a korean drama review i am currently watching here.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:25 pm
Friday, December 16, 2005
I went home straight after school today so that i could quickly go and see Nicholas Tse for second time.
This time,i see Nicholas Tse very closely.
Wah,he is few cm taller than me.
On the way to IMM,i was stopped by a lady for a survey talk.
As usual question popped up to me,you can easily guessed it.
"Are you Singaporean?"
"then,are you
?" *roll eyes*
Every time a lot of girls stopped me for survey but not guys except the male salesman asked me to sign up Singnet broadband.
I went to IMM(a shopping centre in singapore)
Ah Sa and Nicholas Tse came.
Nicholas Tse's hair was used with gel and hair-spray to push his long front fringe up.
He wore sunglasses and blue shirt and demin jeans.
He flashed a smile the moment he appeared before Ah Sa appeared.
He took only 10mins to talk about the movie and a quick autograph on movie posters.He took off his sunglasses so as he posed with rock hand sign :rock: for people to take picture of him afar.
Many fans from Nicholas Tse fan clubs(Singapore and Malaysia) had no chance to take a picture close as security guards denied the access to it as they were queuing up to collect posters with autograph.
Suddenly,he was ushered back to airport.
I couldn't ask him if he is really quitting music because it happened too fast
Security guards guide him in quick hurry.Nicholas Tse turn his back to sign an autograph on i-weekly magazine and then again turn his back to shake hands with a fan who called him but the security guards insisted him to go now.Nicholas Tse tried his best to reach his hand to his fan but he couldn't and went to the exit.
While Ah Sa was left to continue to sign autograph on posters with no contact with Twins fan club.Basically security guards never gave them a chance to shake hands or whateverso.
I think security guards from focus security are too harsh.
Honestly,if i were him i would told security guards ,"my fans supported me all the way here please let me do what i want for a min before i go."
He is very friendly.He is now very tanned as Louis Koo.
It seem that my friend ws spot-on about the information of nicholas tse.
Nicholas tse has few hours to stay in Singapore before he leave singapore at the same day.
EEG must be overworking him with too many work projects.I can really see as if his face is written with tiredness.He is very thinner than before i last saw him.
I don't like EEG at all.He should follow Eason chan's path once his contract with EEG expired.
I love singing as a singer but i need to learn how to talk chinese because i am chinese myself.
Too bad,i can never be singer unless i mastered this chinese language.
My mother always ask me to grow a bit taller.
Shall i try to grow taller?*roll eyes*
I have no idea if i can grow taller at my age for now.
I think i will revamp my blog during my 1 week holiday.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:54 pm
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Today,Mrs yu did a spring surprise by conducting a short revision test whether we could remember the words to write on the empty blanks.
It was good one.It will boost their morale if they get some correct.With this much contention,they would feel some mood to do well.
I took my time to look back by rewatching Romance of Three Kingdom.
Zhuge Liang was certainly brillant genius at his time.
It was pity that his last involvement in military war was marred by his failure to predict the weather forecast.That is where he is good at.
The plan to kill Sima Yi was ended by a lucky rain.
He closed his eyes as the rain destroyed his great plan knowing that he would never had another chance like this to kill Sima Yi before he could fulfil his master,Liu Bei's wish to restore the Han house.
He fell ill for overworking to find another plan to advance his army to Chang'an
After his prayer offering was spoil by Sima Yi's 'check-out' raid attack at his camp,he had no more energy to write or think anything.
He went up to see how his soliders trained and he sighed with his last words ,"I can never go to Central Plains and lead the army again." before he gave out his last breath.

This is my favourite view when i want to rewatch The Romance Of Three Kingdom.
It serve me a reminder that i should carefully do work efficiently and proper hard work.
Some classic story can be useful for you in your lifetime.
Seeing marriage related stories in today TNP is quite bad.It is agreeable that you need a lot of time to understand each other until you have know each other about good and bad things.
Again,you can't even measure the time before you are ready to marry.
Watching few favourites scence of Romance of Three Kingdoms certainly warmed my heart and get some ideas what i need to do.
Tomorrow i will be very 'busy' since my schedule is so packed.

Nicholas Tse in Chinese Tall Story promotion.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:30 pm
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Too bad,i never attend to heeren shop to see Jang Dong Gun today evening because i need some rest to prepare to see Nicholas Tse this friday.
As per topic,it is important to have good sense of character and maintain it.
If you can't maintain,you can be another similar image of George Best who said that he had slept 4 Miss World.Forger your roots and you will not get good things for a long time.
Two chinese movies around the corner this month feature Nicholas Tse.Don't be mistaken..
Just that the promise was finished before EEG movie project, Chinese Tall Story started.
It certainly took a long time to edit the promise till this month release.
In my opinion,if i were him,i cam feel that he was already overworked himself.
In this year,finish filmed a chinese drama and then start recording cantonese songs for One Inch Closer album and then visit China and south east asia and followed by the promise filming,'The released' album togther with Chinese Tall Story at the same time and now acting another movie that taken from chinese based comics.
No one can work like this in their own worklife at such pace in a year.
Nicholas said that it was his first time to invite a lot of song writers to write songs for his 'released album' because he never spent much attention like this before and he was inspired by his fans(i believed that it was our birthday cards to him including mine).At the same time,he heard from his fans that his cantonese albums were much better than his mandarin albums and so he aimed to break this.
At the same time,he was afraid that the fee for released album may go over the limit of the actual budget*that is why i learnt costing last semester*.If it happened,he promised EEG that he would put his money so that he can released his last mandarin album.(That explain why many albums by other sings aren't incomplete or improper selection of tracks in it)
(I don't think any chinese-speaking singers can afford this because they have already spent a lot of money on looking after themselves.)
At least he is worth to be my one of my favourite singers.He knows the root.
Not only him,we must know our own roots.
Wah,media focus on Zhang Bo Zhi and Nicholas Tse during the promise promotion at China.

*rock sign*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:01 pm
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Today,after school i went to swim until the rain appeared.
I enjoyed swimming.I am going to do it once a week until i get the mood to start learning how to play tennis.
I am about to able to swim 30-40 laps.
For now,i can do 20+laps.
I enjoyed hot water pool as i rest there during the 10minutes rain.
It was really refreshing for my body.
That time,i really missed some.The ones who i used to love.*shake my head*
I am always one step behind when i get involved with 3 of 4 girls.
it is because i prefer slow and steadyfast so that i can know more.
I am still the same at this method*grin*
I am thinking of my own eyesight.I am going to wear spectacles after my schooling days because in no doubt,i will need to see things at far distance.
No contact lens for me.
Comfortablility come first and appearance and fashion come last.
That is the whole thing.
"Missing someone during the day of your enjoyment may be good thing.Drifting down to this thought and i wander on the windy day.The wind blew feriously at my face as my eyes weep away with imaginary tears.The desire to dream someone grown stronger and i quickly sleep and has a sweetest dream."

Nicholas tse in the promise at china's great wall.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:14 pm
Monday, December 12, 2005
Conan's female classmate Haibara Ai told Conan that girls who like boys don't like to let them to see their bad sides.
I noticed few things recently.It was true.
After hearing it,Conan went -_-" because he wished that Yoshida Ayumi found someone else instead of him.
Mister jubu quiz wang(Quiz King)(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official website
It is about a guy as house-husband taking part all-housewife related Quiz Queen competition.
It changed everything in Korea!AJA!
The ending is very good.In front of the show in live,he asked his wife to remember what she need to answer when he asked her a question regarding of important thing for their love.Whole koreans were touched and began to call their spouses 'i love you and i will take care of you better!' *thumb up*
I also don't mind to be house-husband if my wife prefer to work. :D
Today is average day.
Jang Dong Gun is coming to Singapore this wednesday afternoon.Too bad i can't go and see.
He is the last korean heaven king to vist Singapore because the other 3 korean heavenly kings has already visited.
The promise seem good as i saw its trailer.Very poetic story.
Hopefully that some scenes are not censored in cinema because i saw sex-romp scene.
I was shocked because it wasn't RA movie to begin with.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 8:52 pm
Saturday, December 10, 2005
My mother told me that she was going to make a quick purchase and then sell a share she never bought before in one day so as she don't have to pay.
No wonder a lot of people were tempted into greed if this gamble backfired.
Sure way getting oneself bankrupt if it drop by few cents.
Fortunately and unfortunately,the share she bought and sold gained by 0.01 cent.
The moment i heard from my mother,i immediately raised my eyes because there is no more money in the bank account that is linked to stock market although we have another one for other purpose.
That is how my late father did.It was quite smart thing.
I re-watched Metade Fumaca film.I did mentioned about it in the blog few days ago.
I really love it.A look that contain sentimetal and love nicholas tse gave when he saw Shu Qi when she was leaving after having a dance with Eric Tsang.
And then 'Life after love' song appeared.
I want to have this kind of thing in my life.
"When i am not with you,i know i can look at you a bit lest i don't need to make such complicated thoughts.All i can is to smile and always remember you.I walked down the path of not getting involved because i knew that it is much better than hurting you in mind game"
Let not affect people you know with your silent frustration.Let share it with us and your heart will be lighter and happier.Trust us that we will make you much more happier
Today,i went with Junqiu and Kok wai to eat Carl Jr.
Interestingly,they ordered fries with beef sauce.It was very very very good!
I was surprised to see Kok Wai with curly long hair.
It is pity that Kok wai's hairstyle lack of volume.
Finally School rumble finished with 26 episodes.
I like the theme story but didn't like the ending.
Click here for official website

TENMA!A blur girl with cute thin cheeks.
Blur Tenma support Harima who liked Tenma to get closer with their female classmate,Eri Sawachika.

HARIMA!The rascal feel so sad in his heart failing to tell Tenma that he love her.
Rating:9/10.Comedy animation serial with average ending.
photos in 'released' album book cover.

I ordered G3(1996),G3 In Denver(2003) and G3 In Tokyo(2005)!I am waiting for them to arrive.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 7:59 pm
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Yesterday i saw a variety show about 20 girls and Nicholas Tse.I was shocked to see one of 20 girls look like animation character,Tenma from School Rumble.WAY TOO SIMILAR!I liked this kind of look apperance.
Very concerned and blur blur kind.Just like Tenma who leave excellent impression on rescal who has hard heart against every girl.
It was no suprised that that girl won the prize in the variety show.
Nicholas Tse has been promoting heavily in Taiwan
Let see what Men are capable of.

that is the show i am talking about.all 20 girls get to touch nicholas tse's chest and the tall guy's chest.
I was really surprised that taiwanese girls were really so eager to touch.The tall guy had enough and the two girls insisted that they wanted to touch!


Just now in the morning,i was in MRT train on the way to school.i saw a kid playing around.It reminded me of myself playing up and down in the train.Holy shit,it is really similat exact.I sat there watching him play while another female kid was so curious and stared at him.
Woot!This girl is so eager that she want to try!
Can you really remember your childhood on what you did?
My mail has arrived!It is brown box addressed to me from Hong Kong to Singapore.
Finally,my 'released album' hk verison arrived at my home.
Local(singaporea and malaysia) verison imprinted with one additional logo named Music Street cost at SGD$18.90 while taiwan verison published by vogue music cost one dollar more than hk verison published by EEG($25.32).
Since on 23th Nov 2005,Nicholas Tse heavily marketed his new manadarin album in taiwan.
I have seen the show where 20 girls touched his chest in a variety show.
He explained few terms how he sing and show the way how he sang it in high frequency tone from his stomach technique control.i was quite impressed.
I couldn't comment much when i heard them in mp3 verison.But i want to say a lot of things once i have heard them in cd verison because cd verison is much better dynamics and clearer than mp3.
The first impression i heard this album in mp3 was like 'hey,i think i have heard the background music from some songs are similar from somewhere."
Actually,i don't give a damn about who is the first one to play this background music.I am only interested in songs that has good compliment mixture of vocal singing and background sounds than who own this music.
the cd cover is like a box of diary with a 'book' inside.*imaginary thought i had*
勇者之歌 (Song of Courageous)
The song tone is nearly similar to Grateful For Your Love 1999 song since both are written by the same person.
A way of saying himself to be more strong person and it can be the reason why he like this lyrics.
It is the heaviest song among 12 songs in this album.
爱回来(Love Return)
Wow.A mixture of english and mandarin language into one song.My friend commented that this song is good and it is very smooth.
I also agreed as well.It seem that he couldn't run away from singing a song that contain love as he wanted to.
Straightforward lyrics to show that he doesn't know what he should do as a way of his love.
你微笑时好美(Pretty when You Smile)
Ah,it is happy song no matter how many people look at you and yet you still look happy.*grin*
河水倒流(river water reverse flow)
It is about human nature around the world having so much distress because of illness or disasters.Nicholas Tse did talk about this song in the variety show.
So far,it is heavy on bass guitar play.
拒绝孤独(Refuse to be Lonely)
Nicholas don't like to be alone and he want to be around with his friends and family.Very eager to share his problem.
Wu Bai's song strongly match nicholas's view.
Remember that he would tell his problem to his turtle.
寂寞堂口(the path of loneliness)
A trace of sadness that he is lonely.
The electric guitar play is decent.It is quite fast and delicate touch on strings
上一次下一次(last time next time)
About that we will have bad things first and then we will have good things later
He is very hopeful singing this song.
别怕(Don't Be Afraid)
It is good hum singing by Nic Tse.
烛光(Candle Glimmer)
Fabulous singing by Nicholas Tse with chain of low and medium and high frequency.
给天使看的戏(the play for angels to see )
It gotta be the least attractive song among all the songs in the album.
But it is not too bad to have nic tse mix with electric piano and background vocal singers.
Sole singing verison.It is quite comparable to Ekin Cheng in term of that kind of vocal singing tone.
i believe that it is based on movie story.
Ah Sa and Nichoholas Tse sing this song.
the combo of Ah Sa's and Nicholas Tse's voice even though they didn't sing together is nice.
I think this 'released' album is better than all previous mandarin album.
His mandarin pronunciation when singing is getting better and clearer.
What is every song,the background music are spot-on playing with nicholas tse's vocal.Not like most of the his mandarin albums.
the song arrangement based on its music is pretty good.
I liked all songs because i enjoyed listening from track 1 to track 12.
He did the right decision to choose this kind of concept music because his present and chosen vocal tone he want to sing can't compliment heavy rock music most of you wished for.I don't want to see him to flop music just because he had to please us just for one kind of music like heavy rock.He is still singing naturally as he is growing.
What attract me to listen his songs.His previous songs offer me the feel of youth and today, i get the feel of maturity. I don't see any mistake he has made.
It is quite short time for him to sing and produce mandarin album after one inch closer and movies.It must be that he express his opinion and feelings to those singers-composer.So far,he sang those songs with his real and actual feelings.
Judging from his album starting from Horizon until now,there is hugh improvement as he has grown older and mature.
His first few albums always contain low frequency and heavy tones he would sing in.After viva live concert,he started to sing more in medium range frequency and light tones.When he had a brush with the law,i was stunned with his overnight music change when i heard his Reborn album.Not really my cup of my tea but evertully i began to like Second Lifetime song.
Listen up album is nearly disaster album for him as no one nearly appericate it.
You can see a lot of listen up albums unsold in many music stores compared to other albums.It is obvious sign.For me,i listened it few times until i appericate 'fast' song.
Thankfully,he made a u-turn to start with One Inch Closer.This year,he want to sing songs more happier and more into high frequency and clear pronuncation.
The evidence is very clear in comparsion between Viva Live and Reborn Live concert.
We all know that he is going to take a break from singing for one year starting from next year.There is a small rumour which is unconfirmed that he do not want to sing any more.
If he didn't want to sing,that is it.It mean he has lost the idea what to sing for next album.
If he take a rest and then resume singing,he would try something new concept for next album.
I feel that if he keep up this momentum and improving his areas where he is poor at,he can surpass many chinese-speaking singers as long as he keep our money being spent for his album worthwhile.
I strongly believe that his music is largely influenced by his working experience especially the concert he sing with Tat Ming.
It is about the time for us to respect his decision because he know what he need to do.Cheers Nicholas Tse.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at 4:56 pm