Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Today i visited my aunt house at Ang Mo Kio.
In the lift at my block,my neighbour from 13th floor with her daughter went in before we went down.
She had the appearance of 'tai tai' as if she was going to function.
I wonder how many moms are like that.
Some more,she has quite stunning figure.
At AMK,my family and i was on the way to there.
While walking,i saw a big chinese guy(as if he was thinking to act arrogant dude) with a young girl.
Judging the behaviour they were doing as they were walking..ugh,were she looking for accompany or some sort of comfort and then change boys in her 'book'?
Try to question the statistics of those poor relationship at their age.
It should give you some idea.
At my aunt's home,i saw hugh different portion of foods.
Wah lau,i just ate at home that my mother cooked.
I asked my mother to look at the table and tell me why you were cooking at home.
tsk tsk tsk
I had to pick little food from each plate and ate.My stomach was around 90% full.
I took my time to sit down on the sofa in the living room until my cousin asked to play scrabble.
I went his room and saw a young girl and other two cousins(from aunt's side).
Wah..this young girl appearance from head to toe was too identical..look like karen.
dot dot dot.
She is actually older than karen.
(i hear from my mother that she is my cousin's girlfriend when we were on the way home)
oooooo..okie dokie.
but then,it is small verison of scrabble.It means 4 players are needed.
His girlfriend couldn't join to play.
I was playing against my 3 cousins(my mother side).
In end,i won the game by leaving two words extra.
i thought it was no surprise that i had played this very often..much more than they do.
geee..before studying accounting course,i had been playing scrabble with a older lady who love to push people around online.
Till late,i learnt a lot of trick.one or two..
After that,i went back home with my family..
Wait.i think i saw someone face whose shape look like kar ho..
wah lau..again...
that guy is quite a bit bigger than kar ho...
Ok lar,i turned my face and walked towards to mrt station.
What a day.
Better avoid girls' particular looks than being myself joining the 'look game'
Nowadays leaving computer on for whole day is common.
I saw my cousin(younger one from my aunt family) leaving his computer on.
Doom(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteWoah,this movie is based on famous computer game.
last 30 mins or something..wah,it is fps style look.
I never played Doom before and so i have no idea where or which part of story has been edited.
Not too bad.
I think it whack any game based movie out there.
Rating:8/10(2 points missing due to lousy dialogue and shallow storyline)
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:27 pm
Monday, January 30, 2006
Last Sunday,the first Chinese New Year of this year..i visited to my aunt(mother side) home where whole family from my mother side would gather.
Nothing exciting..
Today,i visited Gu Gu's home because her family was avaiable.
Talked for while.At least they are very oriented abit in western.
She teased by asking me whether i got girlfriend.
I was huh and said that i did not have one.
see..the difference of the culture.
wah lau...
Khek and cantonese culture..tsk tsk..
What i want is one centralised culture and cut down all stupid shits.
That gotta save your ass from doing unnecessary things.
one is conservative and the other is not very conservative..awww
Serenity(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteit is sci-fi based movie.
So far,it has quite good story but average ending.
It was trying to expose the bad doing of the government organisation.
The Legend of Zorro(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteThe story is not too bad.
Wanna be hero?You must share all the secret with your family.
Mr Socrates(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websitefwah,unique story....
Not like usual gangster soap story..
Once taught how to be 'dog',you will behave like one but not for a long time.
You will do your best not to be a 'dog' any more.
That is the thing.
Junqiu showed me
this website.
My result is :
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:12 pm
Friday, January 27, 2006
I was totally blowed by this movie called Transporter 2.
Transporter 2 (Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteI have not seen Transporter 1.
Despite that,i enjoyed Transporter 2.
Mind-blowing actions..average dialogue..great beginning to ending.
It is a 'MUST WATCH' action movie you need to have.
Rating 9/10
Frank character in this movie is something what i want to be.
Clean..wear suit,shirt,pants..efficient..use wits to prevent unnecessary things/actions.
*thumbs up*
Today,i was so sleepy that i wanted to sleep throughout!
but the CDP talk by Mr Liew was interesting.
I didn't know about covelette until he brought it up.
I agree that people around you when going up are so struck up..
I read Linda's Cleo February issue magazine..Nothing fantastic about sex and enjoyment.But i spot an interesting article about keeping pH level neutral for vagina.That is some insight that i have not learnt before.
For my age,this kind of sex talk is fad for young people but it will excite younger people.
Bring it on.i am looking foward for exciting challenges.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:55 pm
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Today is very tiring day.
I was exempted from napfa test.
It was all because of my powerful talk with S&W head,section head and Kevin in Sechion head room.
He decided to exempt me from napfa test.
I asked Kelvin last week if i need not to attend napfa test since i am not doing.
He said i should come and help him in station.
In the end,i saw so many girls..Of course in the school there are more girls than boys.
What i can do?dodge myself to somewhere quiet in a corner.
Some try to look pretty on face...
I don't fall to temptation of good-looking face.I am very high tolerant in it.
I know there are so many pretty girls in one big world but i can't possibly go and admire every face.
But i am much more into love thing.It is something you don't feel it every day.
It is like once a blue moon.
I couldn't avoid my eyes to look elsewhere because there were girls everywhere.
Some of them look good especially they choose the right hairstyle to tie their hairs.
Not too bad but i am trying my best to think of something else
too faithful?maybe.
After that,i went to NUS to pass to Junqiu all 3 new dvds that received from Amazon USA and one dvd of his and a 'battle royale' book.
So tired!My eyes twisted liao..see too much 'candy'
Chinese New Year is coming..
relatives and relatives...
"i can do nothing other than see around the surroundings.
smiles smiles i can give
My eyes say no to every sight i saw
What should i do?
I need to dodge every time i see a 'candy'
When it reach end of the day,i can happily go away to elsewhere"
I am not really keen toying girls like young guys do.
So many girls are so fickle.
So tired of them.I am not getting young any more.sigh..
Last week,Hk media spotted Cecilia Cheung visiting to Nicholas Tse's home.
After that,she quickly abandoned her mini cooper car to take taxi to avoid media's questions.
Nicholas have no comment for them.
I can understand him.
Nicholas may be helping her to console or get her happy after it was understood that she broke with her foreign boyfriend.
I would have done the same as well.
It is hard to please everybody. =(
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:02 pm
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I was reading Saturday and Sunday edition of The News Paper.
I knew that they would be some ladies being mistress for rich peoples but i didn't expect to see so many of them.
What is dignity to you?
To me,it is nothing other than invisible thing.
One of them admitted that she may never have love other than offering 'wide range of entertainment' to him.
Society is fast changing.We have gotta prepared for more surprise and shocks in near future.
Today is quite funny thing about Zhen Wei.
I wonder what the hell he was thinking of on that day.
He is fast becoming mad man liao
Just realise that people like Habib prefer to do work based what they saw(copy and copy) than practise for the right concept of work.
He gave up the confusing Mrs Yu's working method at the end of accounting period.
I guess his future is made to be like this.there are some jobs that fit his style.
No need to fret for him.
Life may be that difficult for us but we need to get past this kind of feeling that gave us the idea of itself being fucked up so badly.
How are we fucking do it?For a starter,why don't we spend our time on developing our favourite doing as money-spinning ability or for enjoyment?
The failure with much constant practising on our ability will spur us into some kind of achievement.This way,we are gotta fucking get over again and again.
If relationship thing?I think i have been hearing it everywhere.
Honestly,i seriously think that communcation with open minded way and never keep secret from your closed one will work out.
There is no alternative way that keep relationship so well.
What is there to be shy?Just sit down and talk as much as you can about your bright and dark life with her/him.
That was the main meaning behind 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind'
If you are struck,you may try watching this 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind' movie.It will give you some ideas.
If money issues?Alamak,it is no-brainer thing and yet many are not able to grasp how to earn enough money.
Option 1)develop your ability into world class level that bring you money.(e.g sportsmen,entrepreneurs and capitalist)
Option 2)let the money tree grow as you feed it with proper water and fertilizer.Of course,it will grow nicely and your pocket will be full by then.Be reminded if you want short cut,it will result in short-term gain as if you are giving 'fast-growth' drug to the money tree and money tree die after reaching its growth limit.
Option 3)Talk with respect and tact.It can also bring you money.(e.g businessmen,salesmen,investors and auctioneer)
Now you pick one of 3 options.
It is important to pick life-based skills because they are something that are not taught in the school.To learn,you need to do it and know they can do.
If u got some of them,your life will be better.
I think there are plenty of books that speak about authors' opinions.
I saw a book and it said 'we are not free from all problems'
Brilliant thought.To solve it,we need to sit down and think slowly and carefully.
Picking some ideas from books is not too bad thing.
I have learnt great deal from reading Sun Zi,San Guo Yan Yi and some self-help books.
Picking a cue from Zhuge Liang,I am very cautious person who take careful step before commiting myself into something.
Gabriel complaint that i am too cautious when we were playing Civ 4 together online.
haha..If i don't withdraw the attack on roman,the french would have bite every city of mine that contain small number of armies.
Wasting resources so much hurt me the most as i prefer to use them efficient obtaining equal or double rewards.It is like giving up my weak warrior to opponent's superior warrior while i conquer them with my best and 2nd best warriors against opponent's 2nd best warrior and weak warrior.
i pick this one from Sun Bin.
I love those kind of application when i laid out all kind of strategies i designed for situation.
"walk a bit more
You will find good things towards the end.
it is like from young adult to old adult."
Lifestyle..i really took the thought of slow down my own lifestyle.
Less and less nightlife for me.
What about you?Have you ever thought of reducing it and spend more time on practise something?
Everybody have something to practise.They also need time to settle down and practise..
We can expect improvement!*clutching my fists*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:39 pm
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Today,i am feeling something new in myself.
What i really want is to keep them comfortable and i take myself.
You good..so am i!
I am still thinking well of everybody.not even a harsh and evil thoughts..
I think i am very tired how far i have walked.
Thankfully,there are 3 mandarin songs that motivated me to move on and enjoy the past.
'Ying Wei Ai Suo Ying Ai'(Because of Love,that is why i love)
'Xie Xie Ni De Ai 1999'(Grateful for you love 1999)
'zhi yao wei ni huo yi tian'(Live For You One More Day)
Listening them make me so peaceful and happy again.
Great tunes based on its lyrics.
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind(Hollywood Movie 2004)
Click here for official websiteJunqiu said it was good movie.
I went ahead to see it.
Fwah,it is quite similar storyboard pattern as japanese's ju-on but not worse as ju-on.
It is about love.
After erasing your beloved one out of her/his memory,they still go back even they don't remember each other.
unbelieveable ending!
Two marks lost:Average dialogue and the scriptwriter or director should have make it least boring and slow motion.
It is what love should be.
No matter how far apart the couple is,they still see each other again.SO WHAT ABOUT quarrels,insults,abuse and etc.They will still go back and hug.
'i miss you so much and i want to be with you once again'
yeah yeah yeah..
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:41 pm
Monday, January 23, 2006
"There is a long road.
You painfully walked on it
Each time i made each step...
every step led me seeing different surrounding as we move on.
There will be an end for this trip.
By the time you reached the end,the answer is there for you to learn and accept it."
Oliver Twist(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for websiteOnce again the director of 'The Pianist',Roman Polanski brought out fabulous sad story called 'Oliver Twist'
Showcasting the dark days of England in the past,there were so much things to desire to keep streets clean and free from crimes..It was fucking far cry from modern England.
*I understood why people have intitative to keep things clean and neat so that other people will use it in peace.It goes on like a virus spreading.*
It was good thing that Oliver Twist never find the path to do vices.
Simply smart and brilliant kid i ever watched.
*I felt saddened when i saw the bad condition in England.I feel like saying "Long Live England.We love the Queen".Hail England*
I can't find any flaws about this movie.
Once you watch this movie,it will haunt you with memories of poor condition of a country and people lives.
One mark deducted because it is like reading storybook without jumping off from your seat for a shock or excitement.
On the first day for January intake first year students,i saw a first year guy..His skin was fucking so fair..much more fairer than any singaporean women out there.
Jesus Christ,has he taken outdoor activities?
Women must be damn jealous of his fair skin and they gotta find ways to make their skin more 'white'
I think he is eurasian.
Hail to Nicholas Tse.
Studied in Canada so long and he strive to practise on Mandarin and Cantonese.
His friend told him that he made one mistake prouncating a word in 'Ai'(Love) song.
And so,he intend to re-record again to make sure it is correct and release it for the next edition of Shi Fang 'the release'.He insist doing it despite of EEG's suggestion to let it past.
EEG thought it was crazy enough to re-record again.Of course,it gotta cost some money.
In Guangzhou fan meeting,Nicholas Tse worked hard enough to keep his fan happy.
"If you are not tired,i cannot be tired."

I think i have picked some interest in western or chinese classical music.It will be nice if i sing some slow number of tones with it.
I guess i am going to sleep with the memory of Oliver Twist movie.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:14 pm
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Last friday,i saw the concert for old folk home.I saw last two events that related to some different genre of rock.
The first one..I saw guitars they hold.I am quite disappointed.
Fender and acoustic guitar played together with another two persons(male and female) and drums.
Jesus christ,i am so right about the tunes the two guitars played together..Awfully bad.
Two words for their performance: TOO SOFT
The second one by student councils..
What the fuck..All 3 persons wearing black sunglassess..I thought "Are you fucking trying to copy MIB movie"
The fat malay guy played a black electric guitar...He was quite good producing beautiful chain of middle-range tones.
The burly guy sang the song by uppering the tempo after boring first rock play..BUT!!!his voice was too rigid..
To be a singer,you must have flexible voice to sing and make audicence entertained.
The drummer from our accounting deparment(i think u add next two letter from our O class) seem to hit the drum with little contact.
At least,it was much better than the first one.
My first uncle from my father family visited to my home and gave bak kwa(barbeque pork)
It seem that male cantonese singaporeans(50 yrs old and above) have extremely dark and dark tanned skin.
While my mother family is khek,a lot of them have fair skin.
I am quite hopeful to pick more mandarin and cantonese language for my further knowledge and interest.
Played soccer with Junqiu at Tampines in early morning.
Still playing under the sun at 12 noon-1pm
Totally burnt out.
And then spring cleaning at my room after talking furiously with mother.
Supersitious?don't bring old chinese belief or myth when come to cleaning part.
Ah,i remembered...I don't want to throw somebody's school excerise book..It serve good memory for me.SSSHHHH
I saw my secondary school textbook..
especially sec 1 express...urgh..it look so easy for me to comprehend now.
I shouldn't have failed them with 1-20 out of 100 marks.
I improved and did well in normal academic because the pace of study was much slower than express.
Don't say too early whenever u think when will be the day u can let things go.
The crux of it is to let go on that day when you will never know at all!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:15 pm
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Just now,i particpated flea market due to my module subject.It is quite hot day for me.
I can talk with any kind of words but i am quite bad in selling stuffs.
Norisah was quite very persuasive and attentive when selling.
It was good thing to have her around.
I thought i nearly had heatstroke.*tsk tsk tsk*
Finally,i managed to settle with vpostusa for my friend.
I am quite impressed with their customer service despite the fact that they replied e-mails quite too long.
Flea market is around to boost friends among friends for better understanding but it will never let people to cancel the hatred for something over enemies.
There is plus and minus..
haha i am quite influenced by Civilization IV game.I was so hard up to improve my playing on noble level.*faint*
It teach me how to build according to the flow of the scenario.
Wah..i read a chinese blog about reviewing of albums.
The lady who wrote the review of Shi Fang 'Released' album by Nicholas.Well thought article explaining where he is weak at mandarin.
Guess what!I need to buck up on my own mandarin!
It is true that it is not easy to change your own accent when you rotate to different langauges or dialect.
To review every music album,it is important to listen with original cds to determine the level otherwise judgement will be totally fucked up if you listen mp3.
Another interesting talk made by a singaporean in online forum.
The complaint is "Why Uni students(nus) expeted to be spoonfed as they are asking lectures for some notes,10 years series,model essay and model answers..
That is good one to rattle some assholes.
A lot of replies coming out.Some agreed..some suggest him to look at the mirror.
In my opinion,it is majority of singaporeans who are like this.
But there is minor of singaporens who will never do that.
'There is some black sheep among the white sheeps'
Not too late.Just accept the mistake and move on to do the right things.
I see no point of kicking a fuss on mistakes(asking for half mark or whatever so) especially the fact that you wrote that words at your own accord.
Come on..we can do better than that.
'if you didn't hit bullet eye during the dart game and you aim only to hit the dart AT the bullet eye.And you will get it'
*there is the meaning behind this quote*
A lot of celebrities and well-known figures has one thing inside their heads.
Guess what?'gossip mongers are the cockroaches of the society'
It doesn't help if you say something about someone's doing to your friend.
It doesn't mean you are doing something entertaining.
It is best to keep your mouth shut unless the situation arise you to do so.
it is quite frustrating for some people.
If you don't really meant it,i suggest you to keep your mouth shut about it and talk something else.
tsk tsk tsk.....This kind of shits you have to face every day.It will never disappear in our whole life.
For now i am trying to improve my ideas to think poems and writing.
all the time i always admired afar how brilliant and honest scholars in the past wrote so beautifully that left a lot of people marvelled at it.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:12 pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Edwin asked me about school life before i was ready to go to school.
He said that it was good.I think inside my head that the subject get harder in next step,the more free time you need to settle down.
So boring at school especially when mrs yu was not around for accounting lesson.in the end,i listened 3 different cd albums.Somehow,it improved my idea on music.I have mood to think what kind of music i should develop on.
sssessh,i got such feeling again when i wanna have clear look.
Next time,i will wear sunglass so that girls don't have to pretend to look the surroundings.
I never own any sunglasses.Some of girls i know comment how nice my pair of eye.
Now i know why so many stars wear sunglasses.
I can imagine when i wear it and no one can see what i am looking at.*muhahaha*
Screw the rain..i still went to swim because i haven't done it for last two weeks.
i did 20 laps for one hour and i pushed myself to swim for 10 more laps but my legs said that it was time to stop after i had done 25 laps.
I looked at the clouds and rain.
I got some idea in my head.
White cloud is smiling at us
So beautiful that it shine above our head.
Very shiny....We are so happy to go out anywhere..
When the mood swing,the cloud turn to grey.
It was so sad!!!!
So sad that it wanna cry.
There the rain drop on our face.
The tears contained cloud's sadness and sorrow.
The rain has been on and off all the times as...
the cloud is trying to control its feeling.
But we should not think of BLACK BLACK cloud.
Because if it is black cloud,it was so angry that it wanna send heavy rain,powerful lighting and loudest thunder.
We can't go out anywhere and we are hiding under the shelter to protect ourselves from its harm.
Now the feelings go again and again like a rotation cycle.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:06 pm
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Last week,Yuan Xiang came my home just to get GTO drama ep 2 and 11.
But wait...he came my home from his home(in same area as mine) by taxi.
He said that he was too lazy to walk and take public transport like bus or mrt(one freaking 1min trip).
I raised my eye..He said it was only $3+.
Of course,he felt this easy because he completed his school attachment last month.
Yesterday,i went to bugis just to help Xiang to buy hard disk.
Again,he took taxi to Bugis and back home.
One word can sum up..His mindset was badly screwed by his 3 fucking months holiday before he packed himself to National Service.
After buying the hard disk,i went to bugis junction to have a haircut.I hate $10+ cut thing because the $10+ cut left me poor shape of hairstyle as it grew for about 2 months.
I am much more comfortable with saloon ones but not every one in Singapore.
I hate Jean Yip and Kimage(mass-coverage market) because their haircutting skills aren't good.
I prefer Monsoon(at bugis),Heatwave(at marina square) and Storm Hair(at Jurong Point and Tampines).
They are much better and delicate in hair cutting.
Actually,it was my first time to step in Monsoon at Bugis.
I heard Monsoon reputation somewhere because it seem that this has been assoicated with local celebrities.
I knew that my hair was still fucking short and so i couldn't ask to keep my fringe long.
I choosed to cut what it should be.
I was impressed that the lady hairdresser knew what to do.
I am just much into with the thing that hairdresser should finish the customer before cutting the next customer.
I heard from Xiang that his favourite saloon,reds(bugis) has his favourite hairdresser to cut 5 different customers' hairs at same time.
Ugh,it ain't giving any focus and concentration for hairdresser making your hair nice.
The cost i paid is $31.50
I am quite pleased but the massage is not too bad.I prefer Heatwave's massage.
I really missed.
Indeed,i shall get lady to cut my hair and never let male to cut.
The haircut isn't going well whenever i had male taking care of mine.
It should apply the same for lady..Ask male to take care of yours.It gotta turn out good day for your hair.
What i like is getting my sideburn hair cut correct.Not many asian hairdresser get it right.
While waiting for me,he bought a t-shirt.
the size of t-shirt is L.I was surprised because he is not that fat to begin with.
He said it is nice with M sized pants.Obviously,he is crazy with hip hop fashion.
I went to his home to put the hard disk into his casing.
After that,i went home by walking from Yew Tee area to CCK area.
by the time i reached home,i turned on my pc.
Xiang msn-ed me "So fast?You take by cab?"
Fucking no.I walked.
I was laughing because the fact is that i walk as fast as the cab.
I was walking at my own pace.Neither fast or slow!
40 years old virgin(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteSex,sex,sex..That is the content you will be hearing all over in this movie.
Why?he has no desire to do that until his working collagues encouraged him to do so.
The story?Decent
diagloue?not impressive but youngsters will like abusive talks.
it is a little on comedy side.
Kok wai said 'it is a must watch'..I don't think so.Nothing fantastic.
I have been hearing this kind of shit very often when i was in teens.
Same old ideas.
This scriptwriter should try harder on it.I have quite high standard to rate a movie.
I like movie that has good story script with fabulous dialogue.
I guess it is not too bad to yak while i pick more on chinese.
I thought i had culture shock when i got myself in public government secondary school because in my primary school,i barely spoke chinese even thought i learnt straight from my mom.All the day long,i read,write and speak english that time.
Each time i would gather a lot of guys and talk cock in abusive way like those guys in '40 years old virgin' movie.those days in primary school man.
Now whenever i hear or see people doing something what i did before,i would thought 'tsk tsk tsk,those days on what i did...'
It was an total life transition for me from exposure to english to chinese culture.
I used to be very westerised person but now,i am like mixed western and chinese type person.
since i have went through like this..it will be your turn to see some people doing someting the same on what you did before.
That is how life goes like.
No shame at all on what you did last time.
Bring it on and do it!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:35 pm
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I didn't expect that my entrepreneurship project was selected for Lee Kuan Yew competition thing.
An imaginary 'e-style-me' program?haha,i loved this one but i had no idea if it could be turn out true.
If it happen,the money should go everyone to fill up project mates' pocket.
Awww,i am craving for a certain kind of biscuit that kar ho shared with our clasmates.
Wah lau,the taste of this biscuit is damn high standard and got 'it-is-meant-for-rich-people' taste.
I know what kind of taste it is.
i think it cost more than $7.
There ate few types of biscuits i only eat.Mostly from korea.
Local ones never make it in my list.
I will haunt this biscuit in sg if any.I am quite hopeful! :D
Sarangni(Close to You)(Korean Movie 2005)
click here for official websiteit is quite slow processing story but it struck a little unbelieveable link between two different persons(same name,same face but different age)
This girl can easily passed as bitch because 3 men were worried of her.
In fact,it is not easy to live with outfounded gossips.
Indeed,it is not a crime to love someone.
*I am quite impressed with the 3 men's patience with her*
Yasuwa minyeo(The Beast and the Beauty)(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteGosh...nice romance movie.
When his girlfriend was about to regain her eyesight by having eye transplant.
she was blind for so many years and she never seen his boyfriend.
He was so afraid to show his ugly face.He decided to lie how he look like as his high school mate.
Ending is quite good.
*You can't rule heart just by looks or money*
Lord of War(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteI was stunned how people who sell guns to them who need them for war purpose.
I am quite impressed how the movie ran.
*it is true that you need to watch your back especially when you are dealing very dangerous things*
*basic-rule i always had in my lifetime is to eat humble pie in front of people's eye before i could take away their mindset of myself being powerful*
this basic rule i always carry in myself...i always remember how Liu Bei tried to pretend to be frightened in front of Cao Cao before he could escape Cao Cao's cage..
What did he do?He pretended to be afraid of lighting as Cao Cao tested him by praising that he was good leader.
It was enough to make Cao Cao to smile secretly as he thought that Liu Bei was no threat.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:52 pm
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I haven't given enough thought what i should be doing.
Not until i saw a moive.
It truly enlightened me in a sense.
We have 3 months to go down till our graduation.
Fucking hell,don't you feel shivering your toe and finger now?
No?I bet that you only do that only when the day draw near you.
Let not forget this moment each time many of you love to do last minute thing.
For myself,i couldn't forget the puzzling behaviour on some people who i know.
They want to turn on and off the behaviour.For what reason?
I ain't got a clue for it.
Guess what.
I choose the way to leave it for 3 months and i graduate with my mind forgetting about this little worries.
that is the way i should be doing?
Or should you telling me to play around with them and get their response to explain why they did that?
Either way...
Orora gongju(Princesss Aurora)(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteIt is about a woman who tried to kill/torture all people that indirectly linked to her daughter's murder and then kill the real and actual murderer.
Not too bad setup she did.
*my word for you,if you were to have a child,please have a good relationship with your husband/wife.They will grow very well if couples are in good harmony*
Two For the Money(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteNot the best but it certainly leave me excellent impression in my thought.
A man who twist his leg so badly during the professional american football game.
Now,every professional team reject him with the doubt of his recovered leg.
Someone drop the offer on the line to him.
Sport-betting business....
Ever since he got into this business,he has to create a clone and his behaviour to attract the gamblers to earn some comission.
Too much booze..too much money..too much lavish life...too much beauty
He found out how people work like this in this industry and he had enough.
I knew that i always been in control.When things go wrong,i will ponder and question it.
Today,after watching this movie,i realise that i do really want to be wanderer not wanting to put my hands onto analysing in order to gain a win in the next time.
Hell no...i rather contend with simple life and enjoy the silent tranquill.
When we are growing to be working men,we will bleed blood and even make stress for ourselves just to earn money to fill up our desire.
Think about that.
Doing that is not the thing we should be doing if you don't really want to hurt yourself.
What you should be looking for a life that give you comfortability and enough to get by for yourself and your own future life.
Not big mega bucks..
If i do things comfortably and i am earning big bucks.I am fine with that.
But if i do things with too much stress and i am earning big bucks?It is not for me because it gotta kill my character.
If you take the wrong path as your first adulthood being exposed to the world without any backbone(unlike studying in school),your character will change so much that nobody from your old times can recognise you.
It is your decision that you will have seriously to make in future.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
12:20 am
Thursday, January 12, 2006
When girls put too much make-up on their face,they are already so and so artificial that you can't even figure out what kind of characters they are.
How come?It is like creating a mask to cover up something they are very afraid of revealing things that they don't like to tell.
It is very similar to tell a lie to cover up your ass to avoid embrassement or want to get something for yourself.
It is ok to have a little of makeover to reduce your flaw but why cover everything to be so called cinderella princess?
No such thing.there is a true deal if you keep your face clear enough to leave someone a smile.
Cinderella Man(Hollywood movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteFwah,it is one hell story about a man struggling to keep his family alive during the great depression in America.
Chinjeolhan Geumjasshi(Sympathy For Lady Vengeance)(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteSlow-motion and boring story teach you what you should really value your own child.
Don't pick the wrong choice that cause your child not having a chance to see his/her mother as they grew up later.
I looked back..
At age of 15-17,i would have done going out every day to browse a lot of things today.
Today,i find myself content with short and simple hairstyle knowing that i may not do the same when i was young.
It is the time i move on my life for next life transition.
I looked Nicholas Tse's past videos until today,i realised that i have already move on my life too far and too fast.
I can't even recognise myself at all.
Nicholas Tse's music was with me since i was 15 years old till today.
Nicholas Tse broke 100,000 copies sales for 'Released' at China.

Interesting interview with 8 days reporter and Nicholas Tse
Q:What is love to you
A:Love is like water-it can flow, but it can crash.I don't want to miss it but when i am in love,i feel like i am top of the world.
Q:Are you in love right now?
Q:Searching for it?
A:No,I don't think you can search for love.It's destiny.i haven't gone out with anyone for two years and 3 months.
Q:You are keeping count?
A:No,I'm not keeping count-it's just that it's in here(pointing at his chest indicating his heart)
Indeed,i has same opinion as Nicholas Tse.
Every music he produce is very similiar what i felt in 22 years.
When a singer produce every music that contain what you have gone through for your lifetime,then he/she is the one for you to listen for lifetime.
Where are you?
You are walking on the thin ice...
the thin ice is ready to crack itself...the moment you stamp too hard...but...
It will never crack itself if only you walk with much cautious.
let youself be smart and choose your only one choice you are about to make as you are walking on it now....
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:51 pm
Sunday, January 08, 2006
today is an amazing day.
Right from morning to now,it is still raining.
I was feeling dizzy after memorising auditing and sleeping.
Wanting to kill dizziness,i slept again after having a bath and hot chocolate drink.
I am quite surprised that dizziness went away after i woke at 6.30pm.
Last week..
Last wednesday,i didn't expect that influenza strike at me in the school rather than at home.
I had done more work to wipe all 'water' out of my nose in school than in mrt and home.
One answer...dirty place.
I have sensitive nose and skin.It is nice if i don't have them.
On the way to home,I bought panadol that is specifically for cold,flu and fever.
Fucking hell,i did have slight fever with flu and sore throat.
I thought if it never subsidize,i gotta drag myself to school the next day no matter what it could for me.
Last thursday,it went down..
At school,i saw Jessica's accounting textbook.On the front page,i saw words 'CA1 5th Jan' written.
I just realised that i forgot about it and had not revised on my weakness in this unit.
Despite that i passed,i think i have done below par.
It is quite bad to get sick.
If i have fever,i will remember all those pasts how i did.*grin*
End of Life story
You know there is a chinese belief.
a pair of red-coloured crescent shaped thing is something you can determine whether your closed dead person bless it or not.
My mother don't have it and so she used 2 '20 cents' coin to ask my father to give a blessing.
Out of curiosity,i tried it myself even though i am not very strong believer in it.
First 5 tries:i ask him about buying things
Answer:both coins are the same face(meaning:negative)
6th try:I asked him if i have rosy future
Answer:one coin has front face and the other back face.(meaning:yes)
7th try:I asked him whether i have wife in future
Answer:one coin front and other coin back face(yes)
8th try:Seeing last two attempts' result,i asked the same question to buy things.
9th try:My future wife will be good enough for me huh!
*laughing out loud
10th:will i be really banker(not really easy job to apply)
It sound so true.The answer supposed to be random and yet i can't explain why it doesn't go random.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:55 pm
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The first of those topics i wanna talk aboutIf you have read this link,it is the reason i have been silently complaining.
Many singaporeans are trained to be know everything inside the book rather than thinking something creative out of the box which are not found the book.
I agree with the article if we all carry on this way and we will not able to handle such complexity situations that doesn't require you to get the answer from the book.
We need to be more original and freedom to think our avaiable creative to think out of the box!
Recently appointed ministry of education made a good point about it.I hope he will do something with it.
I always love to think creative out of the box but i am at the course that doesn't require me to do so even when i have some idea that i hardly say out.
CHALLENGE THE QUESTION!Not to answer the question!
End of the topic
Next...I heard awful story that remind me of korean story.
Let me lay down humble suggestions.
No matter how odd or strange relationship is,i would still hung up on you until we realise the differences..Yeah,for this situation,i can prefectly understand and i would have done the same.
However,it is not the time to put 'don't interfere' cross to those people.Just listen and then say nothing to them.Move on until you know the differences in it.
Again,you must learn how to control yourself and always make sure that you are 'clean' person all the time.
I hope people need to do that.
It doesn't pay if you do opposite what i said.
I can't forget the stories of many korean dramas.They certainly strike a lot in the real life.
It is certain that young or inexperience people will laugh it off because they ain't thinking that it will not happen.
If what!IF WHAT!...Look,if it happened to you,after the incident,it will 'struck you like a lighting' even though u are alive staring blankly telling that you can't believe it.
Don't be like Phoenix's Seo Jung-Min
End of the second
Welcome.To.Dongmakgol (Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteDongmakgol is a unknown and quiet village in korea.
during north and south korea war,this village was not affected because the people from dongmakgol don't know about guns or war.
Until one day....
Decent movie...A bit funny though...
Kôshônin Mashita Masayoshi(Negotiator Mashita Masayoshi)(Japan 2005)
A unknown person throw a challenge at Mashita who is the first negotiator in japan.
Bôkoku no îgisu(Aegis)(Japan 2005)
Another brilliant film from japan.
protect the country?!?!
were the enemies want making japan more powerful to challenge foreign countries?
It is the third japanese film that got my thumb ups.
Rating: 9/10
Flightplan(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteWah,another good one...similar to red eye but slower paced story and has more twist story.
I was prompt to watch it because i heard my mates talking about it due to its famed director.
I am waiting for 2006 films!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:32 pm
Friday, January 06, 2006
I got all 3 'G3 Concert'
I always loved Yngwie Malmsteen's gig when i first heard mp3s.
He actually could make as if he was playing violin when he was merely playing with his all the time favourite fender stratocaster electric guitar.
I watched G3:Live In Denver 2003 as my favourite guitarist was there.
It is my first time seeing him in action in my sony 17" E230 monitor.
First shocker:He was fat unlike the main picture of his official website
Second shocker:he liked to 'throw' his guitar as the guitar neck hanger brought guitar back.
third shocker:he often kick out of blue
Nevertheless,he is very entertaining.
Some people may think he is trying too hard as a circus person.
Tomorrow,i gotta write my thoughts.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:41 pm
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Taken from Phoenix ep 24.
Seo Jung-Min was miserable after his father died and hurt Ji-Eun.
I can understand how he feel.
Especially when there is case study,it is pain in the neck when you have a partner who never want to co-operate with you.
Surely,they want to get good mark;the highest they can do to improve their overall grade on one subject otherwise why they should have 'die-die' attitude to study in the final exam.
I am very keen to give easy time and convenience for partner.
if they want easy tasks for themselves and leave difficult ones,i have no objectives.
Just say it and we will do that way.
Apparently,humans who never have much enlightnment during life experience will have inconsistence behaviour.On-off thing.
Damn irritant because it kept bugging me as for myself being concerned person.
For now,i have to switch off the 'concern' thing in my head and carry on as usual since the partner is not co-operative.
When will they ever learn?if they don't want to do this,they should know what kind of actions can cause it.
For that,i feel like Seo Jung-Min for pitying myself not having reliable and consitent friend.
I sincerely hope that someone will knock some sense to the partner in proper and gentle way.
Ok.let not brood about it.
Have you ever receive good smiles from ladies in customer service sector.
1)When i went ben&jerry ice cream parlour and i was looking at the price list board.
A cute girl called me and asked me what i want in happily tones.Not only that,she gave me hugh and wide smile.I was elated but i politely told her that i am just browsing.
In end,i never buy.
This kind of tactics will attract a lot of people buying...
2)When i was in bugis Junction,i spot znic store selling all different kind of bags with my mother.She accidentally hit a handbag and it dropped.I nagged her to be more careful and i tried to put it back because it was hung on the hanger.
I didn't manage to but a young chinese girl somehow waved in front of my left side of face.
I raised my eyes at her and she pointed at the handbag i am holding.
I said ,"Oh" and passed it back to her.
Later i asked her about the small bag i wanted to buy.She took out a new one and let me browse.
I bought it and she gave me a plastic bag(my small bag is already inside) and the change.
Somehow,she attracted me somehow.
I can't tell.Got electric waves between her eyes and me?*laughing out loud*
Nice holiday week but to come back to school,i only find this sorrow feeling with sore throat.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:20 pm
Monday, January 02, 2006
Last two saturday,i reached City Hall a bit earlier than Junqiu and Kok Wai.
So i went to funan to have a check for a certain music dvd at Laserflair.
On the way there,i saw a pretty blonde young foreigner tourist walking together with their parents.
I was stunned when i saw her from head to toe.Almost prefect.
Was my unknown mixed blood which is probably european blood boiling in my veins?
I never actually found out and left it unknown for a long time.
After that,i went back to City Hall mrt and saw Kok Wai looking for me or Junqiu.
Few minutes later,a old chinese couple chose me out of hundreds of chinese youngsters in City Hall mrt station asking me for direction in chinese.
*faint* Luckily kok wai was around and Kok wai helped them how to get there.
In few minutes later,another old chinese man ask kok wai to excuse him as he was walking towards to me asking for direction in chinese.
Fwah,'i speak proper chinese' is writing on my face?*sad*
Again,kok wai explained him how to get there.
Junqiu arrived and we went to Marina Square(80% complete construction) for lunch.
I ate tomoato flavour pasta with hams($3.50).It was delicious.
Again,my stomach tell me that he is not full.
Fortunately,Junqiu want to go Carl Jr for a drink.On the same time,i order beef fries fro $3.90 at Carl Jr.
Very delicious.beef,cheese and bbq sauce mixed with fries.*thumb up* it certainly sell well.
I went to ntuc upon reaching at CCK..I saw ben&jerry ice-cream offer.
I decided to buy it tomorrow.
The next day,the promotion offer ended yesterday.
*slap forehead*
in the end,i bought 2 swenton ice-cream cups since it is on promotion offer.
I guess i have to wait long for another promotion offer for ben&jerry ice cream.
I bought new wallet to replace my 5 yrs old wallet.
I have not thrown my old wallet because it store some memories for me.
I put my old wallet in my drawer...
And also i bought myself a book to educate me further.
The Promise(China movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteDirected by famous chinese director,Chen Kaige and packed with 5 well known stars,Jang Dong Gun,Zhang Bo Zhi,Nicholas Tse,japanese actor(featured in The Last Samurai) and china actor.
Just what i thought after watching the trailer,it is really poetic story.
I was surprised that Wuhuan(nicholas acted) carry a golden stick with a hand.
Funny scene:Wuhuan gave approval with thumb up hand stick when Zhang Bo Zhi drop each cloth layer to get his army to kill the king.
Red Eye(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteSound similar to korean's movie 'red eye' in korean but it is not the same.
I enjoyed this film as the plot story is excellent.
Not only this,there is a pretty girl.
i admit that she with this screen character is somewhat my type i will want for.

Tom Yum Goong(Thailand Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteOnce again,Tony Jaa acted in this movie after Ong Bak(few years ago)
The action scenes are fantastic and breath-taking despite of no plot story.
It is definately better than his previous movie 'Ong Bak'
I am looking forward for more action movies from Tony Jaa in future.
Election(Hong Kong Movie 2005)
A lot of familiar faces in Hong kong entertainment circle featured in this movie.
So far,it is quite typical hong kong triad movie but it has dept plot story compared to all-action triad based movies.
Duelist(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteA well-known female lead is acting in this movie.
So far,she fit this character so well.
Sad love fate despite of that she,a cop fell in love with a male crook.
the downside is too many scenes happened at night.It take a excellent caliberated monitor/porjector to see it clearly
Wild Striker(Japanese Anime 2000)
Click here for official websiteI envy Kanou for being able to get back to soccer scene by encouraging school mates.
He matched his dead father's ability and broke his father's most-goal-in-a-tournment record.And then he went on to show himself and his aiblity in bigger scene from school tournment to professional european tournment to play for Holland's Ajax.
I may not have the same chance as Kanou but nevertheless i am still studying tactical and strategy stuffs in soccer.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:32 am