Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Last Saturday morning,i had a dream of somebody telling me whether i have sign the Provision Posting Excerise form.
I suddenly recalled that i didn't signed and i instantly woke up at 7am.
What did i do?I quickly check the example of the form because i already passed it up to Miss Lam last rhursday.
It was true and real that i didn't sign.
I waited until 9am plus so that i could inform Miss Lam about it as i was afraid that the form had already passed up.
Thankfully i was saved after i received her reply saying that i could sign on Monday.
Can you fucking imagine that?
Last Monday,after school i went to NTUC supermarket to buy 5kg rice.
I looked at different brands.
I wondered...
Anyway i picked that brand that cost between the cheapest and the most expensive.
On the way leaving Lot 1 with 5kg bag of rice on my hand,i saw a ah beng with his girlfriend.
This girlfriend use padding and push-up bra to boose the size of her cup.
It was so obvious and apparent.
Too bad,she had no idea how to balance beacause oversized breast that boosted byp padding and push-up bra will make her overall body appearance not balanced at all.
On her upper front look big but lower front and lower back look small.
Where is the sense of fashion?
Even japanese female teengers know how to dress better.
Other than apperance,they look damn free to go out in early afternoon judging their dressing code and appearance.
I guess they had no job and loaved too much.
This girl will be more and more vain and demanding for this kind of lifestyle in future.
Slack for a few days is enjoyable but slack for so many months or even years is damn boring.
Today morning,i left home early.i almost reached CCK mrt station and suddenly i remembered that i forgot to bring something alone.
i walked back and get it from my room and walked again to MRT.
tsk tsk tsk.i am sweating.It was only slow walk!
In the mrt train,i saw some young girls wearing traditional office suit.
eh..the young girls with those traditional office suit turn me on. *embarassed*
Girls with modern attire like t-shirt and jeans who work in office bored and don't turn me on.
I guess i will get to see them at 8.30am onwards but i just want to meet shahril where i last saw him there outside mrt at 9+am because i wanna talk old times with him.
I saw and saw and saw at school and i went home.
I saw 3 teachers(my sister's) at my home for talking with mother.
One of them look like the one i saw in my school.
short,nice cheeks and chinese.it is like 95% similar.
I was stunned that how similar both of them look like.
My mother nag me that they are one year older than me.
ssshh ssshh :p
Magnolia(Hollywood 1999)
Wah,it is fucking 3 hours show.
It is about forgiveness.
the moral of this story is that there are multiple chain of horrible events that happened at the same time.
Scene 1)a man who loved a lady since childhood and she loved him too.But he did a lot of wrong things behind her back.She knew it and she stlll loved him till the day she died from cancer.
He regretted so much that he lost her as he was about to die.
Scene 2)A guy used to be whiz child after winning the gameshow(child pit against adults).
But one day he was adult and he found everything go wrong in his life.
He doesn't know what went wrong.
Interesting ending is that the frogs falling from the sky!
Overall,the story has substance for emotions but lack of entertainment value.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:15 pm
Monday, February 27, 2006
Today,i had a nitty computerisng accounting test.
It is fine.
I looked Adeline's written cheques.A lot of funny mistakes
She wrote 'micellaneous'.The correct word is 'Miscellanous'
Try to say this wrong word Adeline wrote.
Chicken Little(Hollywood Animation 2005)
Click here for official websitePoor Chicken Little not being trusted by whole people in the city even his father too!The truth is there for them to see but just that it is invisible like a mirror.
Until the truth was known..
There is odd and funny part.
Chicken Little like Ugly Duckling.
That is amazing ending to hold hand with each other.
Jarhead(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteIt is about US marine army life.
Well directed and the story is well spoken.
You can see that they are totally fucked up.
*You need this kind of discpline to do the tough works.*
Going in to train as a marine solider and then go war in Iraq.
*for myself,i can't believe seeing how oil field get burn.*
*it is truly eye-opener*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:24 pm
Sunday, February 26, 2006
My Name Is Kim Sam Soon?My Lovely Sam Soon(내 이름은 김삼순)(Korean Drama 2005)
Click Here for official website

I watched all 16 episodes throughout last friday and saturday.
Brilliant show...comparable to Full House but the climate and story is better than Full House.
aja aja Sam Soon!
Most exciting moments:
1)Hyun Jin-heon,the owner of a resturant called 'Bon Appetti' was desperated to hire pastry chef.He tried to borrow a baker from his mother who own a hotel.
She refused flatly.
Kim Sam Soon was in that hotel for interview and the interviewer rejected her citing that she has too little job history.
After that,everything happened so fast in a kitchen where Sam Soon was peeking at baker and his staffs to make cakes,cookies and etc.Jin-Heon was there and told here to scram before he called security.
Her head hit his stomach as she turned around to see who was talking.
Unfortunately,her strand of curly hair struck on Jin-Hyeon's suit button.
She refused to listen him not to move about as he was about to unbutton it.
In the end he used a scissor to cut her hair.
She was devested that she pushed,punched and cursed him before throwing her mango mousse cake(it was supposed to show to interviewer) on his face.
She stomped and left.
He used his finger to remove the cake cream off his face and tasted.
He taste more of her cake again and again.
He quickly ran to find her as he knew that she would be the one to solve the problem by filling pastry chef position for his resturant.
2)As Sam Soon was going to be 30 years old and yet she was still unamrried,her mom arranged a blind date with her friend's son.
Meanwhile Jin-Hyeon's mother also arranged a blind date for him with her rich friend's daughter.
Concidentally,both blind date events are at the same hotel.
As Jin-Hyeon was trying to make her to lose the design of him by interrupting Sam Soon's blind date.
He claimed that Sam Soon was his girlfriend.
Sam Soon's blind date male and Jin-Hyeon's female blind date were stunned and walked away quickly.
After that,Sam Soon walked away alone as Jin-Hyeon walked behind her all the day long.
The most funny part is that Sam Soon went to draw the money from ATM machine at very late night.
Few minutes past by,the small bank shop that has atms suddenly close the door automatically and sound the siren indiciatng that it was going to close.
Jin-Hyeon and Sam Soon were so shocked and tried to open the locked doors.
Jin Hyeon blamed her that she should have known that she shouldn't went in just few mintues before the closing time.
(lol)*their expressions are priceless!)
3)Jin-Hyeon decide to tell his mother that Sam Soon is his girlfriend(relationship contract in pretext to stop his mother from arranging more blind dates).They set the conditions on what they should not do.
They still bickered and hit each other despite of that they don't love each other.
The love developed as they knew more of each other.
Even Jin-hyeon's girlfriend,Yoo Hee-jin who left him for Amercia 3 years ago(the few days later after Jin-Hyeon's car accident) and she never told him the reason and no postcards from her was written to him,couldn't get him back even she was in korea now because his feeling has took its change to like Sam Soon.
*It teach you that you cannot just assume that it is all in the place when you have steady partner with you.Who know everything will change in 360 degree turns by liking someone and ask the current one for break up*
To womens..if people call you fat by your apperance(a little overweight),just look at Kim Sam Soon.she has only little fat and not very silm as Yoo Hee-Jin and yet she won the handsome guy,Jin-Hyeon by means of her character interaction with him.
Never lose faith of your appearance and show your character.Someone will like you.
Very simple concept.
Aja aja,Kim Sam Soon.I like her character despite of her bad mouth that contain a lot of vulgar words.
No wonder this drama hit the highest viewing rating at Korea last year.
Taken from Korean newspaper
"This year’s biggest hit TV drama, ``My Lovely Samsoon,’’ airing on Wednesdays and Thursdays, came to an end Thursday, surpassing 50 percent of the total viewer ratings. According to TNS Media Korea, the last episode of the MBC drama recorded a 50.5 percent viewer rating on a national basis. It reached 53.4 percent in metropolitan areas.
There have only been five drama series with viewer ratings above 50 percent since 2000.
The drama ended with a happy and yet realistic ending. Sam-soon (Kim Son-a) and Jin-hon (Hyun bin) get back together despite opposition from Jin-hon’s mother.
Since the show’s first episode on June 1, the drama series sparked ``Sam-soon syndrome.’’ At the core of the syndrome are Korean women who identify themselves with 30-year-old pastry chef Sam-soon, who is overweight, single and has nothing to boast of, but is confident and outspoken in Korea’s appearance-oriented society. Skillful performances by actors Kim Sun-a and Hyun-bin drew attention and the drama gave birth to new stars like Daniel Henney and Chung Yeo-won.
The main characters’ lines have dominated online bulletin boards, inquiries on pastry chef courses have doubled, and bread sales have risen. In bookstores, the original novel of the same title and the German children’s novel, ``Momo,’’ shown in the drama, have become bestsellers. "
"According to the documentary, the Kim Sam-soon syndrome contributes to Korean women's opposition to an appearance-oriented society and helps free them from stereotypes about woman"
If u can't be that silm?you can learn a lot from Kim Sam Soon!*thumb up*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:17 pm
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I woke up at 3.30am today just to catch up Chelsea and Barcelona soccer match live.
WAH LAU!a lot of drama shows than pure soccer play.
Del Horno meekily use his right leg to protect himself as he crashed against messi who evaded past robben's mistimed tackle.
both fell on the pitch.
Messi rolled himself indicating that he was in serious pain on somewhere.
WHAT THE FUCK.That is good acting getting the referee who oversee this match gave a red card to Del Horno.
For me,i would have given yellow card to him.
'You can play-acting and fool this person but you can't fucking fool whole world.'
After that,i slept for 30 mins before i woke up for school.
I am so tired that i barely muster up my strength to open my eyes clearly to see something.
accounting mark i got
hmmm...I am fine with it.
SW lesson..gah..what a game our class had...
I began to notice that adeline phsyical apperance has changed a bit.
After school,i went to NUS to play soccer.
Playing soccer for 2+ hours,i was so tired that i took a break.
I lie down on the concrete floor and stared at the dark blue sky.
It brought me to realise that i should be looking for love.
Geezz...not so fast.i really don't have the idea and i don't fancy short-term but i want is forever thing.
If short term,i will cruelly cut thing out and remain as a friend.
Better than nothing.
Avoid hurting someone than doing it!
given a chance,everybody will get it.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:46 pm
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
i remember the day when my sec3-4 form teacher asked me if i wanted to be a teacher.
For a moment,i blinked my eyes and responded with no answer.
Honestly,i don't mind to be one because guiding young people to meet their desires is quite good feeling for me.
But i want to work as a job that allow me to see the banking monetary world until i have enough of it.
Poly..hmm i am not really keen applying accounting course.
Screw it because of further education path route to ACCA.
I looked at people who took ACCA.
Quite a lot of things to learn.
I am much more interested in corporate banking or risk management's job scope.
I think TVB show's 'At the Threshold of an Era' that shown in 1999-2000 was the main reason why i am more interested in stock market and coporate banking.
Ye Rongtian(acted by Gallen Lo)from that show inspired me a lot.
It caught my eye when it showcasted in Ch 8 and then part 2 showcasted in ch U.
It is one of the best TVB drama shows!
Hanoi's Bridge(Korean drama 2005)
it is quite sad love story with 2 episodes in total.
A korean doctor working at Hanoi,Vietnam found a vietnamese girl who work as translator for her.
But the fate parted them as he has to go back to korea to see his dying father.
the girl whose sister said bad things about him thought that he ran away just like her sister's korean boyfriend.
She took the wrong path taking revenge at him by marrying his brother(it happened in few years later).
Sad in a sense...it is important to hear someone explanation before you ignore entirely otherwise ii is too late.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:13 pm
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I have finally saw Dragon Zakura drama and completed all 11 episodes.
Finally,it gave me a lot of inspiration.
ドラゴン桜(Dragon Zakura)(apan Drama 2005)
Click here for official websiteRacer-member turn into lawyer has a job to rescue the worst school whose overall average grade is 38 marks.Nobody from that school was able to enter Todai(Famous univerity at tokyo)
He had shown the challenge to all creditors who were hounding the school(around few million debts) by announcing that he would get 5 students here to be able to enter Todai.
He turn punks into serious people within a year.
They realised how fun the study was after they had guided how to study properly.
All the study methods in this show are something i have done except 'branch tree' method.
Originally,the 5 students were fucking brainless like what i see in many young people in the streets.In what way?
In a sense,they don't care how they should think before they decide what to do.
Each action carry pros and cons.Why not weight it before you do it.
Best quote to a punk from a lawyer:You sell,you will be cheated.You buy,you will be cheated'
(Adeline must learn how to read the question and highlight the most important words that earn you marks than empty and meaningless words on the accounting paper)
True enough..
This punk was desperate to sell his trumpet so that he could salvage his family debt that his father own.The music store owner offer extremely low price and this punk has not given enough thought and agreed to sell him at 30,000 yen.
The next day,he went to the same music store and saw his trumpet selling at 180,000 yen on the display window.Feeling cheated,he confronted the store owner.
the store owner smirked at him saying that he couldn't help it because of the business.
(I am quite gentle person but i still reserve my fierce side inside until i feel a need to pour all harsh words to knock someone into a sense if necessary.the harsh words i will like to say;"You punk,you stupidly do this and cause much inconvience for yourself"
Parents support is important.
Not always necessary compliments or scolding.
It can be either compliment or scolding on child.
Being parent,they must show their rapport to enable their child development progressing at normal and steady improving rate.
That is why there are so many punks,gangsters and useless assholes outside in the street because their parents have not guide them properly.
Simply no rapport.
There is a twin brothers.One at famous high school whose chances to enter Todai is much higher and the another at the worst high school.
It is so evil that this smart alec from famous high school gave his brother an expirid sandwishes in hope that his brother will not pass the Todai extrance examination.
(i wanna say to him "Fuck you,have you got any shame to do this underhand means?"
It seem that justice was there.This cruel brother failed while this blur brother from lousy school managed to pass.
(Serene Aw,look at this blur brother.No matter how much time he need to understand something,he has interest to be able to answer.that is why his parents dispise him for being slow learner.Slow or fast,you must not be affected by your classmates and focus on yourself.Do not allow any weakness to be affect you and remove them at your disposal.It make no sense if you continue studying and studying without correcting your mistakes and you did exams badly.)
The ending is different from what i expected.
Rating:9/10After watching show,i feel so regretful that i have not tried hard enough in my secondary school.Seeing them studying hard that i reall want to be like them.
Definately,you will regret if you don't do it now.
by the time you understand the concept of work,you will find it so easy that you wish that you study that hard.
Studying hard doesn't mean you are nerd.
You must get rid of this stupid mentality.
are you outdated?Afraid to admit it?Books are there to give you a lot of ideas.
It is the main purpose.
They are not to kill your fun.
People took the wrong way of studing.
psst..That is why they found them boring.
It is extremely important to guide them how to study properly.
to do well in subject will give you a achievement that you have solve all kinds of problems you have ever faced in this subject.
Do it and don't get yourself regret.
So what.i had 20-30 out of 100 marks in all subjects in pri 3-5.
I did a check on my primary school report book.
It was fucking remarkable that i still promote to the next class.
Until a new teacher assigned to teach me.
She was called Miss Han.
She didn't force me to study but she somehow convinced me how to study properly.
She encouraged to go her home to have tutition and remedial class to understand the subjects.She taught me 3 major subjects with all the points that i need to write down in order the marker will mark the most important words/sum.
I remembered in the day of PSLE,i was qutie nervous.
I passed with flying colours that enable me to enter Express stream class.
I went on to the next schooling level without her in different environment.
Of course i suffered and dropped myself to Normal Academic.
I had picked a lot of skills that enable me what i need to do in my life.
I am happy what i have learn in my 22 years.
good and bad things certainly accmulated in your years of life.With them,they serve the purpose for you not to repeat the same mistake and improve yourself to find the correct answer in your school life and adulthood life.
You need to learn to have some ability that can be learn through living your life.
1)The ability to adapt in all kind of situation and your way of doing will not go against the flow of the situation.(going against mean you are left stranded)
*Zhen Wei do not have this ability.that is why he was coward by avoiding NS*
What if the government change the policy that directly affect your life?You have gotta get along with it and adjust your life,dude.Anything can happen out of blue and you need to accept them.
2)The ability to treat your friend properly.you can joke but it is impossible to joke all the time.the content of word is important as it contain a lot of feeling.
Use the content of word properly.
*Yuan Xiang do not have this ability.Once a while he stupidly made cruel jokes even he didn't know that they were so cruel enough to kill someone's hobby.Jokes mean good?nah.Joke can be good for some purpose but it can be bd for other purpose)
3)The ability to adhere the rules.It will develop your self-discpline stronger.
If you think the rule is meant to be broken,i think u are thinking in the wrong way.
Rules can be modiftied for better purpose but not to be broken.
If the rules are broken,the hell will break loose.You will have the fear to live because there are so many crminials outside.
*Someone said stupidly to me that the rules were supposed to be broken*
If i don't say this,you can never realise what wrong with you.
I can turn to blind eye if you know what wrong and improve from it.
Louis has been preaching in his msn nick.I say i am quite impressed that he has turn good person ever since he visit chruch a lot.
Quality words.
I can afford to ignore weakness of a person 3 times and embrace them but he hasn't forgot his weakness that cause much harm.I shall not embrace him until he correct himself.
It is basic thing that friends should treat their own friends properly and nicely or else they will lose friends for stupid thing one day.
Don't wait until you realised their hints or you lose them.
Unfortunately,not for Yuan Xiang,he hasn't learn to notice how chruch friends treat each other at his own church.
A couple will drifted away each other if they have felt nothing for each other.It may be the best to part.
Japanese dramas are always good at school and sports related while korean dramas dominate in relationship,plot dramas.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:13 pm
Monday, February 20, 2006
Something crop up in my computer and i had to troubleshoot to determine and pinpoint the problem.
I went out of my home.
Waiting for the green walk light,it was very very very hot day.
Not wanting to face in front of shiny and bright sun,i turn back and look something.
A man standing on the edge of pavement and the car was moving in increasing speed.
Suddenly,he cross the road despite of the car being so close.
Luckily the car reduced the speed.
Like that,he behave like emperor owning the road...good as commit suicide.
(normally,you would have wait for the cars to go past before u cross where there is no white lines)
I was on the way to Clementi to borrow IDE cable from my friend.
Damn..it was so hot that i felt asleep in whole afternoon.
I watched some shows.
wah,i really feel like crying after watching some show.
There is a jdrama called Nurse Aoi(i intend to write it in one whol blog entry after i watched the whole episode).
Her hospital couldn't afford a computer system that let you to key the patients' particular and access..
without it,the patients had same medicines twice.
But worse thing nearly happen,a old woman had a peacemaker machine in her body so that it would enable her to breath properly.
But the doctor told her that she cannot use handphone,oven,MRI and any thing related to magnet.
In few days later,she went for checkup on why her ears are buzzing.Another doctor in different department checked her and asked her if she has any problems like peacemaker.
She couldn't remember and so he assumed that she doesn't have..
MRI scan machine has the power to attract the metal things and spoil any metal things.
(jesus christ,why didn't he check the record of hers before proceed her to MRI scan)
After the MRI scan,she was in the restroom having a milk drink.
Aoi saw her and noticed that she had became weak.
She describe what doctor took her.
Aoi was so horrified that she told her to wait for her and look for the doctor who inserted peacemaker in her.
by the time Aoi came back,she was gone.
She was so desperated that she took her bicycle to find her.
In few hours later at the far-away place,Aoi found her and quickly took her back to hospital by ambulance.
Luckily,she was saved otherwise she could have died with her heart being stopped.
However,the doctor who took her to MRI scan was so confused that he said he did check.
The hospital decided that he was not the fault.
It is like covering the horrible mistake which result to death.
The doctor who did the peacemaker operation told Aoi that to leave the matter alone and assured her that he will not repeat the same mistake.He calmed Aoi that other matter can be the cause and MRI scan may not be the one that make peacemaker broken.
(i am fine with that if that blur doctor will not make the same mistake because it is not good to destory his future just for a small thing.It can be other reason why peacemaker.It is good to give him a chance)
*however,it is important to double check again and again to ensure that you don't make a bloody mistake that MAY lead to downfall to yourself or your workplace*
Everything down,your confidence go down as well including your reputation being tainted*
what i saw it.I felt like a light cry.
If i heard this small or big mistake on my mother,i would have lambust them and sue them to the court.
Sigh..very high pressure in a job and it justify the high pay for doctors.
Monday,i read someone's blog.
Wah lau,i also wanna cry because i can feel the same for him.
People are damn evil enough to do this to you but i understand because they don't have clear picture to see why their doing can be very cruel enough to dampen someone's mood.
I buried myself listening cantonese songs nicholas tse sang when he was 18-20 years old.a lot of sad feelings inside.
非走不可 , 無聲仿有聲 , 末世紀的呼聲 (it made me so sad that those times i felt are about to be forgotten.)
不要說謊 , 謝謝你的愛1999 (sentimental songs that made me not willing to let someone to go)
改造人 (frustration on why people wanna go against each other for protection)....
Aww...but it is quite good thing i felt sad for some time today.
I don't like computerised accounting even though i began to know what to do except difficult ones.
I nearly freaked out whenever i hear a mistake in the accounting database i have input because it cannot be erase.It mean i have to redo!.Not like written accounting!
Besides sadness,i am quite hopeful to have such luck to enter poly course.
Edison Chen look good when i saw his picture in UW magazine.Nice hairstyle that fit his face shape.Fucking nice!
I am quite disappointed with EEG as EEG cash in Eason Chan's uprising fame last year by releaseing 'The Best Era' album that contain all best songs he have sang for EEG albums of his.

Wah lau,EEG should have give all of them to Universal(his current music company).
WAH!NYP sex is already in headline now in all local newspapers(Straits Times,The News Paper,Wanbao,Shin Min)
I have heard it last month and i asked Yuan Xiang few weeks ago at his home about it.
He thought that it is fake rumour.Seriosouly,i heard a video of a nyp female student having sex in somewhere.
It was understood that she lost her handphone that contain this sex video.
I wonder why she was so bo liao to record it and keep it.
Not only that,i also wonder how she gotta handle this hoo-haa farce.
In my strongest opinion,it is nothing to shout about but it seem that the local media are old fashioned thing making this big proportion hype.
Poor thing.
Singaporeans still goosip it.
What is more.She isn't celebrity.
To Adeline,It is good to read a lot of life story about celebrities.I am quite intersted because sometimes i wonder what kind of life i need to do.
i am sure that many of us will also think the same.
For me to see how celebrity do in their life is quite insight for me and i can decide what i need to do for a day.
Nicholas tse isn't lonely for now.He is busy working two drama in this year to meet the demand of the contract he recently signed it.
Work and work and work.
you will be like this if you are working as very demanding job.
After listening his old songs,come to think of that.
17-20 years old,he bare all his soula and feelings into singing.
21-22 years old,he switch by spending more time on musical instructments(either playing or add his co-workers's work)
24 and onwards,he focus on his vocal singing.
Looking back till now,he really improved a lot and not only that he also improved his mandarin speech until it is softer tone compared to cantonese-accent mandarin speech.
I wanna cry again today because of those sad pasts that nicholas tse,my friends and i had.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:48 pm
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Practially nothing to do other than learning new topics and received CA2 accounting marks.
I submitted the Edusave Busary at nearby Community Centre and the auntie tried her best to talk english.
Not too bad.I kinda admire her preservation to say what i will expect to do in english.
I tried Korean ice-cream.Different taste compared to any ice-creams from all brands.
Seriously,if u think of life hard,u are pulling yourself down not realising that life is expecting you to do something against.
You think u bother too much on it?In fact,your frustation mindset will pull down you into deeper pit.
I never knew that 'all in' is a poker terms until my long time friend,Mick told me it so
i got new korean dramas.
I have japanese and korean dramas at my disposal.
I guided Zhongming what to do with spoil motherboard by going to abit distributor,congervent.
Their excellent customer service repaired the minor problem with free of charge knowing that it has no warranty on it.
And helped him to fix motherboard back to his casing.
After that,i attended with Miss Lam and her father and maid.
I gave a try and see.
Heard and saw testimontals.
I have a lot of divided impressions.
Anyway,there are many people who have both angel and devil inside.
At the same time,she introduced me her friend who is a teacher(used to teach in ite bishan but now ite bukit batok)
Her friend is damn nice.Spontaneous type..
This kind of type is something i like to have as a friend.
She is nice person.
Too bad she is not in our school.
Oh ya.i saw something interesting to define.
Honda Goro who can rise up against amueteur and whoever are same level as him but he couldn't stop his team losing to a guy whose standard and skill is exteremly high.
He knew that he was not good enough and so he needed to sharpen his skill and raise his standard of the game.
That is what i am talking for a long time but nobody catch the idea.
I say in my head quietly that you are not good enough.
'You are not good enough' means u can beat anyone but not the ones who are in higher level.
'you are lousy' means your skill is so bad that it has no entertainment value for your team and opponent.
'you are good but you need to improve" means you are in highest level but your attitude is bad enough to ruin the entertainment value.
That is how i define sportsmen and musicians.
Actually i loved to be sportsman or musician but i never had a chance.
however,i am hoping to practise until i am decent musician for my own room.*laughing out loud*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:56 pm
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Yesterday morning,i went to Ngee Ann to clarify which admission excerise i do need to enter correctly.
It turn out to be next year excerise because of my accounting course which require me to have 4 semester results.
I am owned by poor customer service by NP's admission department becuase i got my mother call for me.
It was waste of time for me.
It is true that there are a lot of poor or inadequate customer services in Singapore.
But there are very few good ones.
Like..KEC(selling hi-fi stuffs;give me a lot of freebies and a lot of patience to let me decide),Sheng Bao(selling sugar cane;they greet me and my friend like a family).
I wonder customer service in tertiary education will help to improve future standard?
I was standing in front of mrs yu and saw someone who saw me and went hiding.
I wonder...
The thought went wild on my head.
Why not face and show the compusure whatever you can do.
That is what i admire girls for that whenever i noticed.
Especially foreginers...
I think last two tuesday,i saw few foreginers wearing bikini in swimming pool..they don't give a hoot.Just walk like nobody business.
I was resting on the edge and admire their open-minded apporach.
Of course everybody can't do that.
Today...i finished fast in CA2 test in my first two lessons.
Not that i want to be early,just that the question gave me easy time to complete.
I feel jaded because of what i felt during this week.
Somehow listening 'xie xie ni de ai 1999' song comfront me.
I may be open-minded person but i am still sentimental person!
I had a class photo with IQO.
Geez..i am in such a position where i never dreamt of.
Again,wild thought coming up to my mind.
"it is so great to have wild thought giving you a lot of pleasure in your mind.
it is a sweet daylight dream
It may be nothing happening but it give you the happiness in your heart that nobody can see it.
I want to value it whilst it last.
I cannot say goodbye to it now because i want to let it to disappear.
The moment it disappear,the invisible tears ran down on my cheeks.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:46 pm
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Miss Lam announced the closing date for admission excerise to poly.That is tomorrow.
I got my mother to make a call to Ngee Ann while i surf aggressively on poly websites.
By jpae or DAE.I wonder which one is the one i should be doing.
I need to increase my 0.2 more to secure the cumulative gpa.
I don't want 'maybe' status and i am more interested in 'confirm chop' status.
Hmm...i have been increasing my effort in this final term but i am going to increase my amount of effort to bet more before i do 'all in' next month.
By hook or crook,i am going to do everything..Of course clean and honest way.
Group work may pull my marks and i am not holding anyone to ransom or blame them.
I am arranging for the visit to my father grave next month for good luck.At the same time,i know i am not that suspicious but then i wanna try everything that is possible and impossible and unrealistic as long as i obtain the aim.
It is quite my first time to have so much focus.
I am quite pleased with my effort work on accounting revision questions.
The two questions papers i got from Mrs Yu are quite tricky but i managed to get all correct without waiting for the answer from her tomorrow.
I need to exceed my personal record to do work!*aja aja*
On the way home,i saw a malay adult guy whose right toe being amputated.
I feel uneasy because i have my own precious right toe alive.I hate to see my toe being amputated!
Just now i went to Yuan Xiang home to print the form.I saw his sister ever since she work as SIA stewardess.
I was stunned because of her hairstyle.
Japanese styled short hair...I bet she spend a lot of money to cut this hairstyle
i suspect she could have cut at japan.
Judging the cutting,it is something you don't get to see in normal hair saloons unless high class japanese saloon in singapore.
Mostly i saw SIA stewardesses whose hairstyles are long or short and simple.
This one.Oh my god!
I say she is the new age SIA stewardess.
Girls,if you really want to be one,go and apply as long as u have decent figure and height.decent looks will do.
On top of that,you must be patient and courteous all the time.
Good luck girls.
Today is valentine day,

He was seen in Central area at Hong Kong.When asked by reporter what he was doing here,he said that he invited Eric Kwok to watch a film(Chinese Tall Story;he hasn't have time to watch it yet)
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:04 pm
Monday, February 13, 2006
Tomorrow is happy valentine day.
No big deal for singles....Big Deal for attached/married person.
Let forget everything and hang out ourselves among people as friends.
Happiness is always there.Why not grab it nicely and softly?
Let not underestimate each other.
To help people,they need to experience something that teach them properly.
That is why we shouldn't push our luck in hope that they can change for goodness because it will not do anything good for each other.
Domino(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteThis movie was directed by a director of Donnie Darko.
So far,it is quite not too bad show.
That is why you shouldn't get into such dangerous situation when you grow to be an adult living in open world.
You want safe?keep yourself low enough that you don't have to involve yourself into such dangerous situation.
(For now,we are schoolers,there is hardly any danger other than backstabbing,gossips and go on)
What can kill you is putting you in a extremely situation that you are facing all problems from all the directions.
SPL(Hongkong Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteWah,it is quite fantastic fighting chronology.
Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen.
New face like of Donnie Yen coming to fighting related movie will be benetifical.
I predict that Donnie Yen will be well-known as Jet Li or Sammo Hung if he walk on the right path.
Honda Goro is in quite pitiful situation where he want to have clean and direct challenge against his childhood friend, Toshiki.
Toshiki was jealous of him that the prestigious school want to recurit Goro but Goro rejected flatly citing the reason that he want to challenge against best players.
For myself,i would have loved to be 100% competitive that i will give you entertainment value for people who love to challenge evenly against me.
But if it is cocky opponent,there is no need to give any entertainment value other than giving clean and honest confrontation to prove why you need to learn how to respect people.
That is my idea whenever i play.*grin*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
8:48 pm
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Donnie Darko (Hollywood 2001)
This sci-fi based thriller film is among top 50 films worldwide but however i,myself not being hugh fan of sci-fi.I borrowed this dvd film from my friend,Junqiu
I watched it throughout 1hr 50mins(estimated time)
It is quite truly mind-killer,spending time to kill your brain cell slowly.
So far,there is low on entertainment value.
Rememeber the basball i mentioned.
The cocky guy,Joe Gibson accidentally hit the dead ball at Honda's head(protected by the helmet but the next day,honda died.
He was so distraughted that he would make japanese baseball to be its best as USA's major league.
That is good turn.
Speaking of one of pitch techniques,i like this forkball.Very wicked drop.
It will work on soccer's shooting but it can be easy if the ball is midst the air.
Imagine that the ball being kicked by 'forkball' styled footballer is midst the air until the goalkeeper can relax..BUT!...it will drop suddenly out of the blue.
Prefect foil for every serious goal poacher.
It is sad that a son has to follow every instruction that is made by his father.
No emotion allowed!No making friends that might hinder the progress!
This kind of method is quite effective but will not exceed the best potential of a ability.It will be like consistent robot.
Looking at my both pair of feet,i can see black dot on my inner side.
Obvious sign of footballer who spend a lot of time in shooting the ball with curl.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
12:15 am
Friday, February 10, 2006
Last Wednesday,Junqiu wanted to order a small drink at Burger King.
A lady salesperson suggested him to buy value combo(a small drink+any one of 4 food)
He rejected and insisted on ordering a small drink.
The cash register showed $1.70 for a small drink.
His thought started with ."Hey,why not spend $0.30 more for this value combo?"
He quickly asked her to change the order.
Unbelieveable value for money.
Today,Mrs Yu offer IQQ's paper for answer of Q13.
Somehow Kar Ho was looking at IQQ's Oh Bee Hong's paper and he was laughing.
I wonder..was it her name?
Judging her handwriting,she has so much strength to write as if she was in hurry to complete it.It also suggest that she has a little hard life to live in and a small hint that she has a little tomboy character.
Do u know that somebody's handwriting can describe about somebody?
For my handwriting,it is so small that i prefer to keep my favourite things(not all of them though) small.Not only that,my handwriting stroke suggest that i am too lazy to do anything.It was so gentle that i love to do things in smooth-flowing way without any problem.
After school,Miss Lam actually wanted me to check out her church she go.
Geez,it is not the first time i received such offer.
I am all right with that and i am still free-thinker.
American History X(Hollywood Movie 1998)
i borrowed this dvd from Junqiu.
It was great movie to explain what it will happen if u stupidly do racist things.
More on education side teaching people how to maintain the culture of different races.
All we need is to give some respect for them and trust them to do with them.
In turh,they will do the same.
If not,everybody will fuck up against each other because of brainless conflicts that were created for some no reason.
Justice or injusttice?It doesn't matter as long as u know where your place is.
You behave they will also behave.
Simple like that
What a great story and meaning i ever seen.
That is why this movie is within top 50 movies in the world.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:51 pm
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Today,i was about to walk straight to school from bishan bus interchange but i need to go to toilet.
I prefer going to clean toilets than dirty or ill-equipped toilets.
i have only two options to go to clean toilets.
1)toilets at Junction 8
2)toilet at macdonald.
I choose option 2 because it is direct route between bishan mrt station and my school.
The moment i went in,i saw a lady eating one of 4 mcchickens for herself.Of course she was alone.Freaking 4 burgers.That is too much for an singaporean.
Not so fat.
Walking past,i saw kaho,yang long,linda and adeline eating mcdonalds meals.
First surprise
Reaching school,i entered the classroom.
Woah..Wanzhen and Habib were early coming to school than me and angela.
Second surprise.
During Accounting lesson,i went to montior linda-adeline-shirley group.
woah...shirley accounting is getting better.i guess her ca1 test isn't fluke.
I think she will do very well for Accounting.
Shamefully,i slacked too much on accounting..especially this topic.
I just managed to get back to understanding.
I am just like some of my classmates who are struggling to do accounting.
At this topic,i am good as habib.*grasp*
I learnt something new.
It is important to challenge yourself to improve in one area you badly wanted to do well.
That is why i need to practise doing acocunting without answer and help.
I am going to put more effort for it.
Keep it up,shirley.
Third surprise...
After school,i went to City Hall to meet Junqiu but then i reached earlier than i predicted.
Hmm..for some reason i am not sure i am thinking right thing.
While i was waiting for Junqiu,i saw a adult lady trying to show her charm by walking past me where i was standing on the information board.
I am wearing school uniform and my combing style isn't fantastic.
Geez..What was she doing?Or Am i dreaming too much?
After that,i reached home.
I gave a shot doing accounting.
And then watched some anime.
AHHH.baseball do interest me.
I like how japanese battler,honda shattered the cocky american pitcher's confidence who think that no japanese minor players will win his pitch.
On top of that,he was so naive that he thought that japanese crowd would boo opponent's strategy by picking boring strategy just like his homeland,amercia would do.
In the end,he heard no boos.
*thumb down* to amercian guy who has 20 wins record in major.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:12 pm
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
nothing special at school today or even outside..
All i know is myself being spending time on swimming as i enjoyed looking at bright sky with pure white clouds.
At the same time i saw some kids learning how to swim under the swimming instructor guide.
There is one cute girl saying that she don't want.
I overheard it and i felt that sooner or later she would overcome this fear that paralyzed her body and learning how to swim.
In Her Shoes(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteWah,Cameron Diaz rox!She is damn pretty,sexy and geogerous.
Actually, i knew and saw her long time ago but wasn't impressed until i saw her in action in that movie.
I was aroused by her!*shocked*
It is quite good story.
Elder sister being mature shielded so much on her younger sister being so immature.
I wanted a lady who has already settle down and know what she and her partner want.
I fancy that.
In that show,the elder sister nearly lost her boyfriend because she was not willing to say something in her heart(couples supposed to share).
Seriously,there is no place for an excuse if you can't share it with your trusted and close partner.
Lucky,her younger sister managed to salavage it and she managed to tell why she never told to her boyfriend.Eventually,her boyfriend married.
That is good thing.
No harm intended as long as the couple know what to give and take for each other.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:12 pm
Monday, February 06, 2006
Nothing new today as long as i don't spend my time looking at strange things at school.
I was spending my time thinking what i should be doing.
This morning before i went to CCK mrt station,i saw Shahril(my secondary school classmate) waiting outside mrt station with his friends.
Fwah,he is Home United(s-league) soccer player now because he was wearing polo t-shirt with home united logo.
He look manly now.
I wanted to hi him but i guess i would do that next time.
No doubt,it is shahril.Nearly can't recognise.
His workplace is two buildings opposite to my school.
"Your friend is so near and yet it seem so far for you to notice.
It take a careful thought if you can remember your friend.
So long..have you forgotten how your friend look like?
Fate decree this way..."
I was thinking of sad story i watched yesterday.
At that point in the story,Asou was very interested with Aya but his father warned him to think carefully before he got himself deeper into this relationship.
Because if he got deeper in this relationship,it mean he had to look after her.
If what one day he got tired of it because there is no cure for her.
He might left her.It will cause heartache for her and mind-wretching for him.
Indeed.It is something you need to think.
Don't be so childish by thinking that present is enough.
Look at the future,u must hang on there no matter what it is if you take this path.
If u can't,just fucking withdraw yourself and being hurt is not so great like it would in the future.
His father make a sense though.
the realitiy in the story is that asou listened to aya to leave her for a while as aya told her frustration that she was jealous of him being able to go school and go on.
Now...it is important to consider the choice of the path you think AND it make a point to be more considerate for your partner.
Ace Wo Nerae(エースをねらえ)(Japan Drama 2004)
Click Here for official websiteHiromi got interseted with tennis when she saw someone(later on,she was Aya's idol) playing tennis beautifully.
Suddenly,a new tennis coach 'shove' Aya into first team among Senpais(older students) which result one senpai have to lose the place.
It cause much unhappiness.
Nevertheless,coach wanted to train her from scratch no matter how lousy she was.
Of course she was so naive that she didn't know what glory and aiming for the world means much for tennis player.
In the end,she became professional player and she loved tennis so much after her beloved coach died.
So far,it is not so dramatic.
9 episodes and a special movie..
But she is quite cute.She is the most attractive lady in japan in term of the polls japanese people vote for.Her name is Aya Ueto.

The main female lead actress and this Aya Ueto's appearance are not so artifical.
That is what i prefer.
Hate artifical looks when ladies tried to pose either with or without makeup.
It will be nice if very very little makeup!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:41 pm
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I found Louis in friendster and at the same time i read Mike's wife friendster profile.
Wah lau,mike and his wife got daughter!
Yuan Xiang tried his best to introduce this Japan drama called One Litre Of Tears.
I watched whole 11 episodes.
Ichi Ritoru no Namida [1リットルの涙](One Litre Of Tears)(Japanese Drama 2005)
Click here for official webisteIt is based on real-life story.
How it got into the show.
Aya,the real life person wrote the diary and sold 1.1 million copies.
Alas,she died
After watching,i feel that we are too lucky to be able to use our arms,legs,eyes and anything.
Just at her prime age..at age of 15..she was struck down by a incurable illness called Spinocerebellar Degeneration.
What does it do?All nerve cells,cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord shrink and disappeared as the time passed by.
Slow and painful death she had.
She tried so hard to school in her normal sch but most of her classmates and their parents wanted her to quit school and transfer to better school that meet her needs.
Why?Late for lesson as she has to walk slowly with her two legs as her two close classmates helped her to get by.
slow to catch up the lesson..how come?can't write normally which mean she has to write very very slow.
It created a concern that they were worried about the grades.
The day the class was without Aya,the whole class raise this issue with form teacher.
Aya went back to classroom(take her textbook from her desk) but didn't enter and overheard the conversation.
Asou scold them including teacher not being truthful.
Don't want to do?Just say it.
*i think he is right.Why put pretend to be kind?If u feel like avoid this 'pest',just do it.*
(Society has not fully accept such people.
She took about 10 years to hang on until she died despite the fact that the illness progression was going so fast.
Touching story but too much focus on tears..I think Korean drama will have perform better.
The actress who act Aya is quite pretty and attractive especially when she smile wide!
She is somewhat my ideal girl.

Rating:9/10(1 mark minus due to too much focus on tear jerky feeling)
Aya...you kick my emotion..I feel like looking after my sister and mother again.
I had already settle down long time ago as i wanted to spend more time on family than friends.That explain why i have not in touch with my friends for a long time.
Her poems and writing is fantastic.It gave so much hope to everybody.
Everyone,please value what you can do and you have.
Aja Aja Aya.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:28 pm
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Wallace and Gromit In The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteIt is one of the best hollywood movie based on animation i ever seen.
Good story,good sense of joke and dialogue.
Tried the way to brainwashed animals not to behave like pests but it backfired...
I like the character of Gromit.
This dog is very loyal,smart and hardworking lad.
Wedding Campaign(Korean Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteWah,it is hell movie.It is about a 38 years old man looking for woman so that he can marry as her mother will be happy.
His friend dragged him to find women overseas..somewhere in middle east.
He didn't like the choice the agency found but he found someone.
She was the agency agent!On top of that,she was korean.
She behave like her mom and he felt attached.(exactly,that is how i felt that time.oh man i feel like shit especially i never turn my engine to purse her)
He never purse but tried his best to get close and gave some hint.
In the end,it was quite good ending.
Damn it,if it is for real,he is fucking good.
What is love?
It is something like firecracker in your heart when you see someone as a light to guide you to relationship and partnership for your whole life.
Not even amount of appearance,status and power is the reason.
Don't mention about sweet-talk or 'flowery' talk.
simple and honest talk tick everything between man and woman.
Yeah,that is it
What is there to ponder and ask yoursef 'what is love'
The answer i mentioned above is there.Just that we haven't found it.
Mind,heart,thoughts are always centred by her.Not her status,appearance or power.
Actually,if you feel that this person never meant for you,you should let it go amicably.
So that you don't have to feel like shit.You will get what you want in future and she/he will get what she/he want as well.
Better than having empty shell relationship.
Honestly,i couldn't figure out why my friend choose it.
I know him and his 5+ yrs old ex girlfriend.On surface,they were on the course to marriage.
I wasn't around that time when he married somebody else few months later after i last saw him with the same ex-girlfriend.
How do i know even i am not in contact.
I remembered he left me to check his website.
Looking at his website as i remembered and was curious how he was.I saw his wedding photos.
Wah lau,that girl is his ex girlfriend's classmate.
Am i brainwashed by removing this content of memory?
I can't believe because it happened so fast within few months.
I wanna ask him about it but i lost contact.
That period,handphone wasn't that popular and expensive as we contacted by icq and his old home number.
But now,icq obselete and he moved to hdb flat to new house.
For that,i can only imagine and guess that he must felt lost after being with her so long.Nothing exciting to attach together for further years in future.
Or it was her problem feeling that way as well?
Something like that or what.
It is only pure speculation by me until i find him in person.
He is fucking good gentleman.
We should not think that they are the one for us because anything can change later.
If we can last,they will be the one for you by the time we are damn bond-attached with them by heart,physical,mind and feeling.
That is what we should do.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:56 pm
Friday, February 03, 2006
Last thursday,i saw something that i shouldn't bother to see.
It brought me some thought.
HUH!Is it really like this or what?
I decided to be blind eye on what i saw..
During SW lesson,eugene made a dare bet with Jasmine and Angela whoever lose the set of badminton would have to do 20 pushups.
~_~ little wonder,we lost twice and we did 40 pushups.
After school,i went to NUS to play soccer with Junqiu.
Wah lau.soccer session turn out to be my sprinting practise.Running to get the ball at my maximum speed.
Today,my leg and arm ached.
I was walking mindlessly from home to school to A2-06 for CDP lesson.
I am 100% looking forward for CDP lesson because Mr Norman Liew had such way to make things interesting.
To take hugh steps,you gotta need hugh confidence to do it.
After school,i was eleeping and i dreamt something that is in the future which invovled some of people i know.
Sound scary but i don't see myself as prophet.
It left me the desire to tell people if you want something,ask someone reliable how to obtain it in honest and clean means.
By right,the lunar chinese new year has not ended yet.

"Tian Shi"(Angel) song will be running on this blog theme forever till i revamp the blog.
Young people need to grow up with proper mindset.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:43 pm
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Why do i have so much to write?I see something happening or fun.I write it down here.
Today is quite stressful for mrs yu.
Don't you think things will be easier if you talk softly and nicely with your friends since you have fucking so much things to talk with?
It is so simple and no one has done that.
That is a pity.
Try to do that again and you might create more burdens for yourself.
You will see it with your own eyes.of course yourself.
i only raise my voice when something is not right.
To talk?chit chat so loud at my own pleasure?
It will be fine if we all together doing that?
But some of you talk in one side there and then the other do something.And there,another group talk softly.
What is the point?
tsk tsk tsk.
We must watch our own conduct.
If teacher is fine and good,don't take advantage of it.
We need to learn to appericate by doing proper things.
I think you are not kid any more.
"A shepard guide a flock of sheep..
it was so peaceful that a shepard and sheeps had nothing to worry.
The sheep slacked while the shepard was working so hard keeping his pair of eyes open wide.
aye aye aye,there is no black living thing.
let move on that way.
How sweet of the shepard taking so much comfort.
suddenly a black living thing appeared
Shepard tried to guide the sheeps to other way.
sheeps have forgetten his instruction because they were living in luxary life.
they were so happy to look at each other ignoring the wolf.
shepard tried so hard to get them to his attention.
but alas..wolf ran and ate every sheep while shepard ran away for his life since the sheeps never heed his warning."
Let forget it but everybody need to learn how to excerise self-discpline in future.
I wanna cry when i know someone in my mind.
So sweet and yet it was short.
My mother asked me not to go for swim because there was rain(but then it end after 10mins)
in the end i went to buy dinner for myself.I said ,"hor fun..bao"
By the time i reach home,i opened.
I was so shocked to see that it is fried rice.
~_~ x2
After eating,i saw rain!
~_~ x3
I decide to give myself a space to watch some japanese drama ever since i last watched Densha Otoko and watching too many korean dramas.
This one is good one.I will write about it here after i have done watching whole episodes.
psst..gabby..i asked my mother...she said it took me 1 year 6mths for me how to walk.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:01 pm