The last blog entry was was not well organised as i was too tired to proof-read it. Let me fill up empty space.
On the day we had Auditing paper,before we all went in,i saw Grace bade goodbye cheerfully to her boyfriend as she was 'hugging' a concrete pole-shapped wall. It was so funny that she had to 'hug' it so tightly that nobody except me saw her doing that because we were busy looking at the books or talking each other.
After that paper,i went home and went out again to buy necessities for my family. breads from breadtalk because it is $1 day.*roll eyes* I reached home and saw a guy writing cheque for my mother as she couldn't spell and write the numbers in letters. She always ask me to write down on a piece of paper so that she can copy it down on the cheque every time. It was because her cheque was dishonoured to a double handwriting on a word as i pointed that double handwriting will dishonour the cheque but i still suggested her to give a try in hope that the bank would give it a pass. Since she need to pay the money for the deadline and so the guy took the trouble to go my home and get the cheque from her. Investments investments investments...@_@
After that,she asked me what age i think of this guy? I said ,"25+ years old lah!" She said ,"The guy said no and he is around near 40 yrs old" I was like WHAT THE FUCK. He really look young. Guess what?it seem that stock brokers have good life opening their mouth to their customers what shares to buy or when to sell it while they shake their legs. otherwise why he is so young. But then he was driving a motorbike.
Yesterday,i practised a lot of accounting questions but i never been able to have no mistake right starting from the reading the question to finish writing the accounts and yet in the end,i still refered to answer paper where i made a mistake.
My mother asked me why her share on a company is losing cents. I told her that i did not know. But still,she suggested me to check any information in internet. So i went to that company and saw accounts and accounts. Cashflow,cash budget are there.*roll eyes* but they are written in more difficult way unlike i do. I told her that this company was good as the profit went up double from 2004 to 2005 indicating that it was good company.
That is why i took accounting because i wanna lay my eye and hand on shares but not the ones my mother is doing.*grin* I need more time to pick up more knowledge to understand how it work out.
Today..the last paper i need to do before i graduate. Oh yeah,i forgot to ask my late father whether the outcome for accounting would be good. Never mind,i still walked on the way to school.
I saw a female Ang Moh(a foreginer with blonde hair) entering the MRT train. Quite young.Wah lau she was very charming. Stunning looker. But the she was taller than me. I wonder whether i mind taller girls.But i willl answet it once i found the reliable answer.
Once again,i tried so hard to conceal myself in hope that those people who were doing survey with public would not see me. But i was still caught by a mid 20 lady who ask me to pick one of those different colour of straws. I still had time to mingle with her as it was too early. After picking black coloured straw,i was led to a table to write down her survey paper. Usual question always pop up from the mouth of every surveyors. "Are you foreginer?"...Yes,it is the question i first heard. After completing the survey,she gave me a free small package of potato chip.
During the exam,i knew that i would have some problem.I couldn't finish it early and used up the whole 2 1/2 hours. but then i managed to balance Q1 and Q2 but it is all black magic. This paper,i did a black magic to make it balance because it contradicted on what i practise for few months with Mrs Yu and class. Some questions from 3 questions are something we never done.It was so complicated and good one that i stretched my hands,arms,neck,eyes,brain to maximum alert to find where the fucking missing amount is.
In the end,i did a black magic.tsk tsk tsk. Hopefully it go well with few mistakes. It may look balanced but somewhere there carries some mistakes. that is why it is easy to cheat accounts. I have skill to write proper and clean and correct account and the other hand i also can do a fake account with black magic*grin* No matter what black magic it is,there is still mistakes to be spotted by an independent marker/auditor.
the photo connie took of boys including me with mrs yu...Wah of two photos.See this Zhen Wei.His eyes was looking somewhere else,not at the len of digitial camera. Disgusting! It is so hard to make our appearance good while taking picture of us.
finally my mother's progress package arrived yesterday and mine arrived last monday. I signed up for myself and my mother to put the money into our bank account. And she happily told me that that share which it dropped by few cents yesterday was rising up to few cents more. It was quite quick arrow shot rising up and she earned a lot of profit from it but nothing compared to corporate company buy shares. And she sold it 30minutes earlier before the SGX close.
finally 11 episodes went into end as i watched the last episode today. Fantastic ending..
The suffering of nurse to look after patients with all her strength and might. Problems,suspicious from her colleagues and etc didn't deter her at all. She continued to look after patients and carry on defying doctors' orders due to money or lack of belif that patient will live. It reached her colleague hearts.
At the last episode,she broke the rule to operate the sicky person who happened to be head nurse from her hospital. It was her second time but she had no choice because the van's tire burst and it was in isolated area rendering the ambulance able to arrive within 10 minutes. It is life or Death situation if she doesn't operate her within minutes.
She needed to suck out the air that is blocking head nurse's breathing as she listened the doctor's instruction over the phone.
At least,the head nurse was saved. Punishment is to be expected.
there is a sub director cum doctor who is money-minded.. He pushed all the responsbility to Nurse Aoi. A lot of her colleagues wanted to quit but Nurse Aoi told them not quit and continue their love of the job.
There was urgent emergency as there were shortage of staff in hospital. Nurse Aoi and her colleagues went to hospital and arranged all various things so that patient can have quick treatment fast. It left an impression to the money-minded doctor.
*teamwork prevail over the money.Money can't buy or create this kind of teamwork where everything goes smoothly from treatment to check to operation needing hugh manpower*
The smiles was on all viewers is that money-minded doctor changed his mind and told the the board that he would tak responsibility and told them Nurse Aoi was needed in the hospital.
From this show,i really envy this kind of teamwork.It is something i never had or experienced in my lifetime.
King Kong(Hollywood 2005) Click here for offical website Woah,what a graphics!It blew my mind. Oversized cockroaches?tsk tsk tsk,it leave you eerie impression that u wanna stamp on every coackroach u see on the sight around you.
Story is not well-detailed but the graphics made it up. Best quote:"Beauty killed the beast"
I had been revising a lot on audit until i took the Auditing exam today afternoon.
Let me recount how i studied. It is indeed not fun when u study with only a book and memorise all the day long. That is why i prefer studying in class with classmates and teacher than self-study with only a book. It is a proof that environment can directly affect people for their own education.
How did i study auditing? I tried to blend my hobbies into study. I must be very creative enough to make self-study fun.
Firstly,i needed to read throughout the auditing book few times together with my speech.
Secondly,i challenged myself to recall what to write on the questions(Miss Lam gave us) for 1-3mins. If cannot,i take the book and walk around my home and recite as if it is a poem. (just like exactly the old-fashioned chinese scholar in the past in china) (those scholars in china always walked around through the forest reciting the poems that were written on the books before they reached capital for imperial examination). Why did i do that?If your body is very active,you can easily remember most of the content of the book very easily.
After that,i tried to challenge myself to answer the essay questions. I managed to answer few of them.
Again,i increase my mood by singing those words as if they were song lyrics. Whoops,i am getting better as i was able to answer a lot. But i am still not able to get everything correct when come to 'identify the control' for each question.Especially compliance test or substantive test! But it didn't stop me from giving.
I repeated them from Friday to Monday.
On Monday,i woke up at 5.30am and i took audit book and read straight away as i said it aloud. It took me 1 hour and i slept again at 6.30am.
I woke up at 9.30am.I tried to answer the questions. Not too bad,i am quite comfortable.
Why like that? I remembered i saw a chinese movie about special police force in tv when i was young. A pretty and sexy lady instructor asked the trainers to look at the things on the table and memorise them. One of the trainer even boast that he could easily remember. She said ,"Not so fast.After 5 minutes memorise,i would ask all of you to run around the field for 20 rounds.After that,try see if you can recall." True enough,not many can remember after having 20 rounds run. Reason?Tired and insufficient time to remember them exactly. They were simply own by long period of idle and taxing activity.
That is why I want to remember regardless where I sleep or wake up. I don’t intend to force myself to remember. I slowly take some minutes by minutes. There was no rush even thought i spent some time gaming on friday and saturday. On sunday,i didn't game as my mood was very good by the time i was able to answer most of MCQ and essay questions.
From Monday morning,9.30am...i surfed around and had a chat with Grace. She asked me whether i studied. OF COURSE LA!Why should i not study when there is an exam around the corner. *doh* She said that understanding the subject is important. I suggested that she may not survive well if she solely depend on understanding the subject without memorising.
Nothing to say to those people who has too much ego beliving on their own methods when they suffer the hands of searching for answers during the hour of examination.
After that,i had a breakfast cum lunch. Woot.i threw two twenty-cents coins to ask for my father whether i would do well in audit exam later. He said that i would do well. one front face and the another back face..WOW!that was the sign of approval.
I left home at 12.55pm. I took my time to go to bank and deposit the cheque and then went to popular to buy blue pen. Took MRT to Bishan.I saw Linda as we were coming out from the Bishan Mrt Station. She was waiting for Adeline while i walked slowly.
I was stopped by a lady who request me to do survey with her. She questioned my nationality by judging my face. I am no stranger to it because i always asked by those people like that. Fine with me.
i heard how Habib suffered. I can feel him because i wrote and wrote from Friday to monday non-stop. My right hand hurt after i stop writing. that is why i took a long rest just now before i took the audit paper.
In the audit paper,everything is there but just a bit tricky on MCQ part. End of the day,we have all done it.
It is time to laugh and start thinking of the next paper.
tomorrow i will design the safety-first plan for accounting paper. I don't like to panic when i can't balance. YOU TOO.Never panic because it gotta throw you out of concentration and cause you to make the correct answer into wrong answer(like erase the correct one and write down the wrong one)
Last Saturday afternoon,i visited my father grave and asked for his blessing and luck. My mother suggested me not to go because the place is so deserted over there but i insisted going. :D Ya,it is very deserted place. Of course right in Lim Chu Kang where few hundred metres away,you can see army,air force,fire academy and police 'warhouse'.
Last monday morning,i went into mcdonalds for toilet.I saw Grace chit chatting happily with a tall guy from our school. In class,i teased her whether he was her boyfriend.She nodded without hesistation. wow...It is good thing for her. If hesistate,i think it is really bad thing. To have someone next to you every day in front of friends,strangers and people in the world,you must be proud to show without any hesistation. But i had tummyache and i couldn't concentrate my school work. I managed to clear my bowel after school. ~_~ IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO DO THAT.
Last Wednesday,i saw Grace again in Mcdonald but she was wearing outside clothes. Obviously,she skipped school. The more worse part is that after school in mrt,i saw Ah Pek scrolling his t-shirt and show his chest and stomach flesh. What did he do after that?SCRATCH HIS STOMACH. Wah lau... I was facing directly to him where i sat opposite seat but then i was not sitting next to him.
Today,there were so little people attending the lesson. Adeline was calling my name behind my back in the class but i was listening music with discman.Both of my ears are covered by earphone. It was really no brainer thing. Adeline went up and playfully pull my left earphone.Tapping on my left shoulder,my expression was like 'HUH'
After accounting,all of us except emelia and zhen wei went to Mcdonalds. I nearly choked myself after having a small bite on hash brown. I coughed hard and went the counter asking for plain water. tsk tsk tsk. So bad for me.
상두야 학교가자(Sangdooya Hakgyo Kaja!)(Let Go To School,Sang Doo)(Korean drama 2003) Rain was acting in this drama. He look suave if he show his megawatts smile This story show the defination of true love. AFter watching whole 16 episodes from monday to thursday,i was sobbing for some time. Simply touched.
This drama was produced by KBS
"Chae Eun-hwan has been in love with a guy for fifteen years. But they neither gave a warm hug nor said, "I love you" to each other. They were always heading for different directions. People’s prejudices and hypocrisy hurt and deceived them. When other couples share love for each other, they wasted their time picking on each other, ignoring, dating others to make their partner heartbroken, and hurting each other by saying harsh words, which they did not intend to. But they never feel sad, angry or despair because they believe in love."
Left:Chae Eun-hwan and right:Cha Sang Doo
They simply loved each other more than their own life. In their teens days,Sang Doo was looking behind Enn-Hwan's home but he saw all the commotion about their neighbours confiscated all things they had in their house because her mother cheated them by taking their money and ran away without repaying them back.Her mother was not around.Eun-Hwan was begging them not to take one of those items.A valuable item her father(dead) loved.
behind her back,Sang Doon seized that precious item and hugged. The man warned to release it but he refused. With much shoving,Sang Doo accidentally knocked the man to the shallow lake. He was badly injured and went into coma. He was caught by cops and went jail. But Eun-Hwan didn't know!
They parted as Sang Doo went to jail and her mother ran away with her from her hometown.
10 years later,they finally indirectly met but Sang Doo was gigglo trying to sqeeze the money out from old woman while Eun Hwan who was teacher acted as a student to catch his uncle(she didn't know). Sang Doo was shocked to see her.
After few days or weeks later,Sang Doo managed to collect enough information of her and he started to purse her because he did not want to lose her again.
Why did he work as gigglo? the reason is that he needed a lot of money to pay hospital bill. WHO IS SICK?his daugther,Cha Bori
How did he got a child? He saved a woman called Sera by paying the meal bill which she couldn't afford. After that,he went off and slept in the street. Sera brought him to hotel without him knowing anything.She even stripped to a nightgrown and then slept with him.Of course,they never touched each other. *it is really ~_~*
Sang Doo became security guard in the school where Eun-hwan worked there as maths teacher. And then few weeks later,he quitted because of violent conduct with a student,Ji-Hwan(her brother;Sang doo didn't know) But with the kind principal aid,he became student in her class because she was form teacher of that class. *woohoo,that is good one.I wished that i can do that like him*
Eun-hwan had boyfriend,Min-suk who work as doctor in the hospital. That is where Boris tended her health there.
But the power of love between Eun-Hwan and Sang Doo was too powerful that they decided to love each other and not to lie each other.
BUT BUT BUT in ep 13-15,there was nice twist in the story. Sang Doo couldn't go together with Eun-Hwan because of Boris. Why?Boris' mother,Sera found her mother who abandoned Sera when she was young. At the same time,her mother had non-blood related daughter called Eun-Hwan. Sang Doo decided to get rid of her by not going out with Eun-Hwan.
*wah lau*
But they all discovered that Sera lied Sang Doo that Bori was his daughter. But again,Sang Doo never went back to Eun-hwan because he still loved Bori. 7 fucking years to look after Bori from baby to 7 yrs old sicky girl and wasted his youthful.
Nothing changed even Bori was not Sang Doo's daughter.
Sang Doo was caught by police after the woman he tried to scam reported him. He tried to hide this fact from them but they still knew. Eun-Hwan who gave up on him(ep13-ep14) discovered that he was going to jail and she ran all the way from her home to hospital where he was arrested after having a last check on Bori. Finally,Eun-Hwan was back but Sang Doo told her not to wait for him.
One year later,Min-Suk came back from USA and he had total change. He behaved like Sang Doo. Famous trait is "use both of hands to lick the tongue and apply saliva on side(hair)" Min Suk went straight to see Sang Doo who released from prison.
Sang Doo's uncle was the first person to see. They walked... Eun-hwan and Bori was opposite path and were about to cross the road as they were waiting for green light. Sang Doo saw but he quickly stepped back. Eun-Hwan,upon seeing it,quickly ran towards him. SHE WAS CROSSING THE ROAD WHEN THERE IS RED LIGHT! A scream from Min-suk...Sang Doo turned his back and ran. Sang Doo hugged Eun-Hwan but they were knocked by a truck.
*wah it was brilliant ending.i am nearly crying*
Min-Suk's old image(ep1-ep15) Min-Suk's new image(ep 16)
Their teen days. adult days...
Best quotes: "We have love but we came in wrong time"(the scene Eun-hwan tried to get rid of Sang Doo when she had boyfriend)
"When the sad days passes by, A happier day will come to you... We believe that love is the only hope in this lonesome world, The thankful people who have allowed andyielded, and permitted our love We love you and you'll always be remembered People that forgave our love... We love you. From Eun-whan and Sang-doo n a world without despair." *finale ep 16 after they died*
It was when Zang-ga(Young Sang doo's dog) died after 10 years looking after by Eun-Hwan.during those 10 years,Eun-Hwan see Zang-ga as Sang Doo.
Eun-hwan to Sang Doo conversation: Eun-Hwan:No matter how long you make me wait,I won't get mad. Eun-Hwan:No matter how you upset me,I'll understand. Eun-Hwan:Let's not get angry now.Let's not get pissed off. Eun-Hwan:Let's not fight. Eun-Hwan:Life's short.Let's not waste time.
Densha Otoko(Train Man)(japanese drama) will be showing in Cable TV.
I can tell you that you should clear everything with your steady. Love always prevail because it appear in your heart with no payment. Steady will come to you even there is no condition unlike Sera who tried to use Bori as a pawn to get Sang Doo married to her.
What is there to be afraid? Have a talk and know what went wrong in you first and then your steadyy. Everything will be all right.
You must not be afraid to make a step forward together with your steady. Because the path is rough where it inflict you pain,joy,sorrow,frustration. There is a need to conquer every thing before you are ready to marry.
Done bad to your steady?It doesn't matter as long as you are selfish for your own gain where you don't have to hurt your friend.Go and get her/him no matter how bad it is.
Pride get you nothing and nowhere.Abandon it and you get plenty.
It is quite some time since i last blog. Why so long? I have so many things to do leaving no time for myself to write on the blog. geez.
Auditing,accounting,korean drama,japanese animation,japanese movie,korean movie and etc.
Today is Mrs Yu's birthday.53 years old.. time fly fast. Worst is still worst whenever i hear about Zhen Wei. Nothing change about him. Worse part is that after school,i saw him checking the surrounding before using posb ATM. Serene Aw and her group were walking and i was behind them. Tsk tsk tsk.Zhen Wei give you creeps when he is purposely trailing you.
I took my time to walk around Junction 8 alone. I saw a guy from IQQ and he was walking few cm away from where i was walking towards to him. Stupid part of him is showing smirk smile.It easily spell a evil intention. I was wondering but i forgot about it as i bought pen and coffee favoured mos shake and then meet my friend.
No doubt he is a player. Do u know what i mean by that? A player we refer to those who try to 'play' with too many girls. i always see him talking with different girls(i can tell that they were not his classmates either) in different occasions. ~_~
Thanks to my stupid good picture memory.I rather not remember those.
I will not be blogging for some time until examinations BUT i will post one or two when i have time. AUDITING!ACCOUNTING!GAMES!DRAMA!MOVIES!ANIMATION!
Some of you may have seen kar ho's blog. Far away from his homeland,his mother would have suffer from mental worries if kar ho was not doing as much as he wanted. My mother would have done the same if i had went overseas. there is no way to tell anyone not to worry. Best thing to do is to prove your worth in your own life. It is enough to tell thousand words that he is ready to move on to greater heights discounting off his parents' worries.
Actually,i do fancy myself working overseas. the working environment in overseas is really different from heavy working environment in Singapore. But the downside is racism still exist!
My Girl(Korean Drama 2005) Produced by SBS and there are 16 episodes. I simply love the chemistry of characters and looks in triangle relationship. Wah lau.This guy is quite stunner with his sharp-appearanced sideburn and youthful appearance. His hairstyle is quite nice.Once a while,i was admired his hairstyle. This main female lead character is quite charming with her puffy cheeks. Any emotions she make,her face look damn nice. WAH LAU! And i liked her motto 'basahya'(with clenshing fist)to motivate her morale.
Lee Da-hae plays the role Ju Yoo-rin (주유린) who is an imposter proficient in English, Chinese, and Japanese. Lee Dong-wook plays the role Seol Gong Chan (설공찬) who is the second generation heir of a big corporation. Because of his grandfather's illness, he's forced to ask Yoo-rin to be his long-lost cousin so that his grandfather's last wish can be fullfilled. So therefore, they both are bound in a lie that noone in the family knows the truth. Park Si-yeon plays the role of Kim Sae-hyun (김세현) who grew up in a rich family and dreams to become a tennis star with the nickname “Sharapova of Korea (한국의 샤라포바)”. Her charm and intelligence attract many men. She and Yoo-rin have cutthroat competitions. Lee Jun-ki plays the playboy role Seo Jeong-woo (서정우) who will fall also for Yoo-rin and finally learn to love that special someone.
ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING AUDITING AUDITING. I have been buried myself into books and questions these days. But i still took time to surf.
Geez... I was reading in a forum where it made me laugh like hell. The topic was "don't wanna get into a relationship because...." *hmm,i thought that it was very interesting and so i clicked on this topic* One of 196 replies was the best.Very meaningful and agreeable. It happened to be 30+ yrs old guy. He said "people demand too much from each other. and they can never get a good relationship or get married. period.
As Goh Chok Tong said, u need a TV, not a bf. Grow up, learn to swim, silly little green-housed flowers.
that's one of the reasons that sometimes I shun chinese girls. they look for a father, not a life partner. U gotta hurt them several times, then they realize what relationship is about."
Wah,that is classic! I agree the last paragraph. I hope they don't look for father. Do u know what it mean? A man who provide money to her to spend like water. *thumb up*
Although other posts were not too bad but i thought they were usual words you often heard from your own friends countless times.
Another topic also caught my attention. They reminisced the old times. in early 90s..branded clothes,ah bengs,ah lians and etc. Now they found that they were waste of time and money as they grew. I remembed i used to have few versace clothes. I gave them away to my cousin. Wah lau. I tell you.Those kind of money can be spend on other stuffs like electronics stuffs in my wishlist. *slap my forehead* Clothes doesn't last long and don't let you wear it every day(every secs,mins,hours) but electronics stuffs like guitars,speakers,computers can fucking last long(can use any time) tsk tsk tsk
The more they talk the old times in late 80s and early 90s,i felt like i am matured by now.The more i think of them,i just smiled at myself. Nice memory.
During a chat with Zhongming,i bother to search a brazilian soccer player who had crooked leg. He was legend with legendary left dribble wizard. But the sad part is that people went down so quickly after received worldwide fame. Click here for his history
That is why Goal! movie talked about it. I can say a lot of people went bankrupt or killed due to alcohol problems after becoming famous or being kowtow by people for their fabulous works.
I could feel it if i were him. Excellent exam result or high pay or got famous in newspaper?Don't let it go to your head. Be humble and accept it as a achievement and carry on doing the fabulous works for people to enjoy. Don't let yourself go downhill so fast and the pit where u can't pick up yourself because you were fucking blinded by those fame.
Come on,i think if your result is not good,it didn't lead you astray like those people.It is quite good thing.
i remembered a movie called Magnolia.There was a guy who kept on banking his fame(he won the game competition as a kid against adult).The employee had lost the trust on him after giving him so much chances. By then,he was sacked for doing nothing for his business.He was wits end and nearly stole all the money from the store where he worked.
It is one classic example where people easily go down very easily because of those fames. Actually,there are very few people who didn't get blinded. Kudos those people who set the world alight with their fabulous works!
There is not much to write. Once again,humans are deceptive at times. Facial expressions gave the truth away and yet they contradict themselves from the facts people were thought of. *shake head*
Tse Ting Fung won 4 awards in 9+2 music ceremony at Guangzhou. It seems that EEG has their stars winning a lot of awards. Finally,what i am proud is his recent mandarin album,"Shi Fang"(Released) was awarded as best album of the year. No doubt,i have been listening it again and again whenever i play CIV 4 game.
At,Shi Fang album(hk and taiwan verison) were sold out! It was heavily marketed in China and Taiwan as Nicholas Tse himself visited there and appeared in many variety shows.
the other 3 awards he won are: hk gold award song:給天使看的戲 (A Movie for the Angels) singer for hong kong and taiwan of the year award composer for hong kong and taiwan of the year award
Not only him,Joey Yung,Hacken Lee won 4.5 awards while Eason Chan won 4 awards. I am quite pleased with the result beacuse hk singers are always on my soft spot while taiwanese ones never been the ones for me.
Few weeks ago,Nicholas Tse attended to Eason Chan's concert with Eason's wife and daughter at Hong Kong Oooo aahhh,eason's daughter.
Counting the days during past last week. Last monday,my mother asked me whether i did see letters regarding the sale of her shares. There is no letter.She happened to be worried suggesting that that letter has been lost or thrown to rubbish bin. Because she was damn sure that the letter would arrive by then. I suggested that the mailing process might be slow but she don't believe me. It went on the same on Tuesday. She made a call to her stock broker and they assured her that they would check. On Wednesday,my mother said that it have not sent! ~_~
Last friday,after buying milkshake from MCD,i walked into LOT 1 and saw hugh silent commotion outside the jewellery store. I wondered why so many people were looking at that store. And so,i looked curiously and saw two young men who participate the star idol. ~_~ By the time i finished looking and the tcs crew had done.
I can't be bothered with IT show even though i was looking at laptops these days. ASUS laptop impressed me the most.*grin
Hana Yori Dango(Japanese Drama 2005) Click here for official website Orignated from japanese managa.. Taiwanese was the first to use this Hana Yori Dango but they called it Meteor Garden as the title. Hana Yori Dango means Boys Over Flowers All you know in this story is F4! There are 9 episodes in total.
So far,it is quite not too bad show. I admired the cartier watch that one of F4 was wearing. Damn nice and expensive. Only richest of richest can afford it.
There is reverse physiological for love between the leader of F4 and the gutsy girl But then the story is not so fantanstic because it is really too much fantasy in anyone imagination. At least,this japanese verison whack taiwanese verison flat despite as a late-comer.
What amaze me is that the family(f4 leader's) can give a lot of money without feeling any pinch. Offer 30 million to the girl's family to cut the ties with his family.Upon rejected by the girl's family,they still spend money to 'attack' their friends by business means. Wah lau.That is what i call richest of richest. In sg?I don't think any rich singaporean can do it because they easily felt the pinch of giving the money away like water! haha
This girl may not be pretty but i like her puffy cheeks. Damn nice!GRRRR!
Shinobi(Japanese Movie 2005) Click here for official website Showcasting the japanese old era Based on real life history timeline,after the long years of war ended,the peace of transquill arrived. However the shogan(emperor) want to remove shinobi out.
Deep down in this story,there is insignificant love between man from one shinobi clan and the woman from shinbo rival clan. In the end,he gave his life to her so that he could persuade her to save both of the village from the hands of japanese army. *I liked this man character*
For now,i am thinking of strategies and strategies and gaming than two core subjects. *grin*
I have been spending a lot of time gaming with Gabriel during past few days. That is why i was a bit tired and made some careless mistakes in schoolworks recently.
I love the cuteness and jokes! It nearly rip my stomach due to my addiction of laughing. Top left:Choi Su-Ji Centre:Hae-won right:Kang Min-jae(wearing doctor suit) Bottom left:Kang Seung-jae
See the girl who was grabbing a guy with her arm. She is damn cute and pretty. Nearly ideal look i would have fancy for a girlfriend.
Another girl who tried to make a angry punch is quite charming. That is why local actoresses never be able to challenge against korean's acting and expression skills.
This small kid..wah lau.too cute. I want to have a daughter like that. cute,happy,like to play with relatives and parents. She grew into
As a adult,still cute. Wah lau!i want a daugther like this when i become a father one day *laughing out loud*
The story goes.. Hae-won was abandoned by a auntie due to money problem as her mother died and her father disappeared. On top of that,her auntie was forced to do this because of her another aunite MONEY MONEY! why?She did not want her childrens being harmed from loansharks.
In future,Haewon met them again. A lot of plots hatched. Jealous girl,Su-ji hatched those plans so that she could have all the attention from hae-won father(lost his memory of his family due to accident) and company of Seung-jae(she had crush and first love for him but he liked Hae-won). She plotted all.
Best conversation to jealous girls: Seung-jae:Although I can hide my feelings well,I cannot deceive your feelings.I'm not confident. Su-Ji:Kang Seung Jae Seung-jae:You said if one really loves another person.. it'll continue..Happiness will be repetitive Seung-jae:You're wrong. Seung-jae:If it starts out wrongly,unhappiness will follow. Seung-jae:It's best to end it. Seung-jae:Put a full stop to it. *it is pretty good one.99% true*
Min-jae waited for his girlfriend who left korea without leaving any message.It was already 6 years and she came back.. The quote: "As a doctor, I've seen all kinds of illnesses.Human beings've a built in immunity system to heal and fight against virus.I don't understand what you just said. For the past 6 years, I waited for you and missed you. The process made me immune to you now so I cannot be affected by you. I'm left with sympathy and kindness for you." Kang Min-jae *You will understand this meaning*
The ending was good with hae-won back with her father who regained his memory of his family Aja aja,hae-won
i am back from blog from few days break because i was so tired to write anything on the blog during past few days. Let recap my days and then sum up what i saw and thought.
Thursday It was disappointing afternoon but i shall reserve my comments and give a benfit of doubt for Yuan Xiang until he classify it. It is better to make things easier for both parties to breathe than assuming too quick without concrete evidence and ideas.
At late evening,i went to NUS to meet Junqiu so as to pass 6 dvds to him.' On the way to clementi from NUS,we went to order chicken chop from hawker centre and i am getting tired of this delicious taste of chicken chop.
After having dinner,i took MRT to Yishun because i need to get 3 printed papers from Zhongming.I prefer taking trouble to travel so that i can have some 'warm excerise' than idling and waiting. On the way to Yishun,i saw a young lady furiously(a bit) demanded something from her boyfriend.You can even tell by looking at her action like stretch out her hand and shoved in front of his chest. Her boyfriend tried to console her by offering his mp3 player's earphone but she pushed his hand away to indicate that she don't want that but something else. She sulked to one corner. @_@
Friday I was the second person having interview in first two hours CDP lesson. tsk tsk tsk but then at least i know what i need to do after hearing Mr Liew's comment. Frankly,i never knew that i had flat vocal. Come to think of that,having flat vocal is not good thing at times because it is quite icey and no feeling. Upon his recommendation,i am trying to vary and adjust the vocal pitch which is good thing to express feelings by tone alone.
I saw Kar Ho's education history and i thought it was not too bad. That is why you can't judge the person ability by looking at appearance and current performance.
After school,i waited for Zhongming at Bishan MRT. I saw Linda&Adeline going in...and then Yang Long and Kar Ho(1-2mins later) and lastly followed by Daphne(3-4mins later) Zhongming came and went off with me to Corbell to replace his spoilt power supply for new and working power supply. Upon there,Corbell's customer service surprised him by their offer of $10 to top up for the new revision and verison of similar power supply model because his model was out of manufacture.
After having lunch,he went to my home because we were gotta playing soccer in my area tonight with my friends.
Saturday.. I planned to go my father grave but i woke up late and found the weather RAINY! I guessed that i gotta delay to next week or something. At evening,Zhongming,Junqiu,Kok Wai and i went to Geylang for a dinner. We paid $70+ and then walked to MRT station. On the way to the resturant earlier and on the way to MRT,i saw a lot of women wearing skimpy or low cut attires. I was in impression that the ladies were in 'young lady' mindset despite of their age. Sigh.In that area,money talks!That is what they think
We went to City Hall and i brought them to Chijmes. In the pub resturant,we watched a soccer match between Chelsea and West Brom. We ordered a jug of Heineken beer. Hmm,after drinking,i think this type of beer is not my type. I prefer british beer like Strongbrow.
Sunday I decided to stay at home for whole day. Of course i need a rest since i had so much activities in those past few days.
Goal!(Hollywood Movie 2005) Click here for official website Being inspired by the passion and beautiful of soccer,the director arranged with FIFA(Fédération Internationale de Football Association ) for permission to film. The director decided to pick Newcastle United because of its fan being so passionated compared to other club fans. Woot,i am newcastle united supporter because i simply loved their history.
It showcased how footballers lived by using fiction character called Santiago Munez(Mexcian) For people who dream to be professional footballers,they need luck to get scouts to notice them and recommend to clubs.
After getting this luck,the next step is to learn how to adapt in different environment,culture and lifestyle.
If you made it,the next step is how you handle with quick fame. If you can't,you will go down very fast like Gazza. How? going pubs,nightclubs and play with womens are enough to take away your energy to work(report to training in the morning) and attention to play soccer.
Munez nearly failed but the 'scout' helped him to have one more chance by asking the manager to give him one month trial.
But then,Munez did not declare that he has respiration problems(Asthma) and so the burly and arrogant defender stamped his inhaler(he dropped). He smirked at Munez. The amazing part is Munez kept his cool.(If it is somebody else,he would have punched) Too bad,he didn't play well in his first reserve game and was asked to go home. The next day,Harris,the first time player heard his story and got him to see manager. He told manager about Munez's problem.
The manager understood and decided to give him one more chance. In second reserve game,Munez did play well.
He went on to promote to first team squad. Harris brought him to disco to have fun with womens but he didn't like the lifestyle. On his brithday,Harris pushed him to the crowd of womens who were wearing just bra and panties. Harris' friend took a picture and sold the picture for money to Sun the next day. (that is why celebrities are uncertain whether to trust friends today) Amazingly,Munez didn't tell the manager who is the second person involved in it.
This Munez is really good friend.*thumb up*
At hospital,Munez tried to explain the girl he liked on what is going on in the picture. She told him to see his teammate in a ward. Upon seeing his teammate having horrible leg injury,Munez could sense that his future was about to be shattered. He decided that he had enough of this lifestyle and 'wake up' Harris by telling him why Harris' girlfriend left him and he need to change his lifestyle.
If not for this,Harris and Munez could have become into pauper.
Flaws of the movie...being myself as avid soccer fan,i know a lot of things except internal polititics. 1)Since Munez is a Mexcian,the director didn't show how he got work permit to work in England. Even famous stars from Non-EU need work permit to play soccer in England. 2)Hey,why the fuck Munez used both of his legs to lift 10 pounds weighting?Anyone can lift 30 or more. 3)Poorly done GG especially the 3rd goal against liverpool in the soccer match.
Impression of the movie: 1)a insight of dressing room where manager motivate players' morale&focus and discuss strategy. 2)Number of different coaches to train players in different groups(1st team,reserves team,youth team) 3)how to interact and get girlfriend in foregin land(England)even when Munez is from Mexico.
Judging the nightlife in this movie,wah it is really good life and too addiction compared to SG's Singapore's nightlife here is too narrow-mind to begin with. BORED BORED!
Starting to write based on the topic. from here till end of the this blog entry. Seriously...How many people have bother to understand us without asking in the first place? Not a second place,please.Why must it be the first place? It is all down to their life environment they live and life experience they had. When a situation crop up,only experienced school people will know and instantly understand your meaning of the problem you are frustrating.
Just now i had a conversation with Yuan Xiang. After that,i realised that he was damn fucking thick-skinned person because he could never know how many people he had hurt with his jokes(he thought not cruel or insults). Wah lau,i think i don't have take my effort to explain what wrong in him because he instantly shut down his brand and turn on his raw instincts to 'abuse' people. As far i think very hard enough,i think that he has made a lot of jokes like 3 out of 5 occasions. I wonder when he go in NS in few days later and i wonder how much he will change into? Inside him,if you are damn fucking street-wise in your head or mouth or whatever it is,i am expecting that he will suffer under the superior,assholes and bastards much more than i can do with him.
I remembered that he was sacked due to his insistence to attend the church but the owner denied the access of leave. He still tell me cheekily that he sacked the owner. Obviously,he has felt no shame to say that he was sacked. If i were him with enough consideration of his character and feeling,i still say i am sacked by this owner(regardless of denied or accessed from having work leave) I hope that you don't do the same as him otherwise u will mislead a lot of friends. It is worse to lose friends than lie yourself and them. Pride and 'don't care' attitude do not have the value of worth to save your ass from losing friends.
If you really want to point out someone's mistake and offer the correct verison of it,you must be damn accurate to bring out the concrete evidences and scienitific-proved reasons. It will make a lot of sense than bring out your wild thinking like making words that someone never did. tsk tsk can we improve ourselves if people like that continue to do this?
Beside that,he is decent friend to have.Great tolerance but damn thick-skinned especially his handling of his own friends.
That is why humans are very complicated. It take endless time for me to comprehend. In the end,i never bother to try guessing them even i get 50% correct in most of occasions.
I give you an imagination idea. Imagine that you are guessing what this person was thinking. You said your guess to this person. Hey presto,this person said that you got it right. BUT..inside this person's heart stopped him from say ,"you are almost correct but there a bit more" It happen most of time even you got your guess right Why is it so?They never bother to try to let you to understand them. That is why we take long time to realise what characters they have hidden for a long time.
Piss it!shit it! We are in delusions of dreaming that we have owned the people with our own hands and mindset. Fuck it,we are not that close. The fact is that everybody does it. There is stupid mindset in many singaporeans who are limited to the size of small world saying ,"you are all correct and i am all wrong" Look at the usage and 'power' of the word. How strong or moderate or weak the word you can speak of? Those people who are well-aware of english language are the most frustrated with people who are not well-aware of english because the latter always undermine their understanding of good contruction of english sentence with apporpriate feelings. It was damn so polite and yet the later think the former are not right. If there is right or wrong,it is courtesy and manner to say something to correct someone in polite way. In that sense,there is no real distress for people to feel below par.
How many ways that can frustrated people and yet the user of doing don't know that it really hurt friends?
1)Not being firm enough to make a decision and keep on changing the mind just because of the situation? It is important to stick to that decision u have ultimately made. What decision?the decision that affect you and someone together.. Why must we stick to that decision and why not we can change it all the time when it is so convenient? *going into Dragon Zakura's Sakuragi character mode*FOOLS!if you keep on changing,somone will be confused and feel that it is waste of time that she/he prepared for it. It is much more inconvenient for someone and convenient for yourself.Very easy to say "So what,it is my problem"
2)Divert your attention into something you are extremely interested but u are still clinging on someone hands or leave matter unattended. Someone tried so hard to get your attention back to him/her but no avail. Why are you fucking clinging someone or leave matter unattended so long? "i don't want to lose someone by the time i lose interest" / "I don't know how to deal this matter" hey wait!What is the something you are interested in? It can be women or jobs or hobby. Conveninent for you but not for someone. Best thing is to give up if you can't divide your attention to all different matters. This way,someone will not be sad/the matter will not go worse. As far as i know,i hate myself being stranded when someone has not made confirmation. LACK OF ATTENTION! Grrrr..damn frustrating when i have no solution to solve it when someone couldn't say to give up.
3)Loose mouth.. Worse of Worst..Very powerful tool to make someone to stab own heart without doing with your hands. How come they cannot control their loose mouth? the point in that is they thought that they were fucking fun and their friends enjoyed. tsk tsk tsk. Again,there is no solution to let them to know that they really have one. They will deny and deny all the way.
4)Naive people who are capable of saying wrong things but they thought they were right. Wah lau,how many times do i face naive people in this world? Sometimes i wanna say the correct one but they still think. Again,i have no solution unless they educate themselves properly. After this incident with Yuan Xiang,i can go and fuck myself and don't bother what shit they say. Save my effort to correct them since they don't want to work on it to understand the meaning of a thing.
There are much more in the list.I can't remember all of them. I have been frustrated with those people who have done them because i am the victim of them for a long time even they are nice people. Why did i say nice people? they are treating you nice but one day they will do this. No surprise for all nice people.