Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Oh yes,let me gather my composure.
Eugene informed me that Ngee Ann Poly took him in.
But i didn't receive any reply because i applied for Ngee Ann too..
30mins to NP closing time..Looking at the time,i took the chance to call Ngee Ann just to find out that i was rejected due to insufficient space.
It is all right.I knew it long time ago.
Wait till next year and then i will apply the same thing through JPAE.
Screw the rule of PPE.Going through PPE render you to submit 3 choices from only one same poly.
It spell tight space for us.It need a luck to get in.
Eugene's entrance justify my judgement i had last month.
This time,applying JPAE next year will be very sure for me to enter.SAME poly and same course.7 choices from any poly..
Best result i would like to receive is to enter Ngee Ann.If not but other poly..i am ok with it.
Disadvantage side is my age.Never mind,i have free few months left to do.
I need to work until i got sufficient money to spend on music instruments and the rest goes to mom.
Those few free months will be the days i start sekf-learning music.
This kind of fate will give me some other presents.I wonder what kind of presents i will have.
I am quite a bit disappointed not to have enough luck.
What the hell am i doing during past few days?
Last Sunday is very particular day..
I agreed to go chruch with my primary school mate,Louis last Saturday night after much asking me to to chruch for many times.
Around 11.20am on Sunday,i went to meet Louis at Bukit Gombak MRT station.
There was a female friend of Louis.
Uh-huh is what i can express on my face.We reached Outram Park by train and meet another group of friends.
Waiting for them,two male guys appeared and Louis introduced.
Oh yah,one of two male guys is somebody i saw before in my primary school but i don't know him.
Louis told me a few interesting things..
I heard someone's status...I raised my eyebrows and my heart somehow was glad.~_~"
i felt that fate must decree upon me and i could have a chance.
I don't believe in forcing things so that they would come to my direction.
After that,we reached Expo.
I never knew that there are more halls because i have been to Expo a lot but only went to hall 1 to 5 but never been to hall 6 to 8.
In this Hall 8 is where his chruch held there.
Louis brought me to a particular room for certain kind of cell group.
Hey presto..I dropped hello to my friend David who i knew him as a fanatic soccer fan.
David is the pastor..Not only him,Alan and his friends introduced Louis to Christian.
I sort knew it few years ago back.
And then Alan shook my hand and gave shoulder hug.
This friend of mine,Alan..he may be few years older than me but he is very nice and soicable guy.That is why many of primary school friends still hang out together for every sunday in Chruch..
I still got to meet Mao Qing,Jian Han and Terry.Knew them but especially Mao Qing..His outlook is different.
I remembered him as short and introvert guy but now he is taller than me and quite willing to talk.
Impressive..I must say Christianity has open his mind a lot.
Terry...His old home at Clementi...he had a lot of console machines and played a lot of console games..
Quite good in gaming unlike me in that time.Beside that,he is quite sort of genius in Mathematics.
With much observation i had on him when i was young,what i said about him is true with plentiful of solid visual evidence i had.
Right now,he is playing pc game...Warcraft 3 through battlenet.
Oh ya...i saw a guy.
He really look like Jay Zhou.too identical..
hairstyle,facial structure,clothing attire...
Wah lau,he can make a lot of people turn their heads..
tsk tsk tsk..
Not only him,some male guys wore as if they were hip hop/r&b singer.
It is quite good to see old faces i have not seen for few years.
More to write up for next blog entry.
Be there to read. :D
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
5:56 pm
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Everyone in school has been anxious enough to check his/her own result.
Results will matter if you bother to do 'winning formula' and then you will get the desirable result.
Seriously,you don't get what you want if you don't know the winning formula.
If you are disappointed and the route u want to take is being shutted down.
It is not the end as long as you start thinking of other options for future.
It will make things easier for your life.
1)Don't set the standard too high 2)Set the standard moderate and then if there is improvement,increase your standard till high enough 3)you need be very earnest enough to do work. 4)Each small improvement will increase the power of your determination
Kar Ho may be upset with hiw own result but it is better to have different options.
Sometimes i feel like giving my grade to him as long as he earn enough to do a lot of work when he have not done this much before.
Quality work is important but not quantity work..
I am sure that Kar Ho will do very well in future.
Doh...I am quite interested in overseas student exchange program to UK.If a school offer it,i will enter at any cost.
I heard all sort of thoughts from our classmates through Eugene.
i thought that i try that Sharon's suggestion to make a call to NP.
The female person told me that i had to wait because NP is collecting my final result before they will send the confirmation through letter.
My mother said i kan cheong. ~_~"
Looking at all sort of lives..
Lately,i heard something interesting.
Not so long since Brokenback Mountain kicked off with decent amount of attraction..Little wonder there are young teenger boys turning to be gay and not only that,they announced it publicily where their friends knew their relationship.
What a trend..Looking at the picture of two gays,they are your average boys on the street.
Out there,we can never imagine that some of them are gay.
Too far-fetched for one.
I will be back in few days later with plentiful of words to write on next blog entry.
*terminator pose*
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
4:20 pm
Monday, April 17, 2006
Everything happened so fast outside your home.
You couldn't know what is going on out there.Plain blank in your mind.
Seeing tons of emails in my hotmail.
There is odd but yet interesting email directly from a lady.
Looking at the sender..
I know i have two ladies that has the the first word called 'precious' in their own user id.
I was a little taken back after seeing the sender's whole email address but i still read out.
In the end i kept it.
Tons of mails from different persons..i kept them because of sentimental parcels.
You know where you are but don't stray away.Show yourself and everything solve at once.
Art of Seduction movie finally show its way to Singapore's Cathay 'now showing' listing.
It is damn good and so funny!MUST SEE!
Wolf Creek(Australian Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteNot entirely a horror movie in the first place.It is more like real life story showcasting how backpackers suffered in Australia under the wrath of murderer.
Gore scenes were there for you all to see..
Opening song was fucking fantastic.
One of the best rock and roll music i ever heard.
I was taken back because i don't rate english-spoken songs very highly till this song called 'Eagle Rock' by Daddy Cool(vintage song,dude..70s!)
Sweetness,melody,treble,bass,mid range are all there in right place.Totally stunned how beautiful the song is.
Most of today music are junks man!
After this music,the story began to start on two british ladies and one Australian man were going to visit Wolf Creek where it is situated in Australia Outbreak.
In the middle part,the pace increase from boredom to anxiousity to being afraid to terror..
Gore scenes are coming out fast and furious.Some people with weak heart may not able to take it.But I was told that it was nothing compared to 70s movie called Texas Chainsaw Massacare.
The ending part of the terror was quite brilliant.It was enough to make whole audience holding their own heart in hope that this person doesn't get killed by that another person.
In the end,the movie said that the murderer was never found and the australian guy(innocent one) was freed from all charges.No hard and solid evidence..NOTHING AT ALL!The two british ladies disappeared in thin airs.
I was like 'WHAT THE FUCK"
PS:one or two people may not like it because of boring beginning.Fuck it.it is a story u have to follow and it certainly drag you there and there and there till your heart took a rest after the show ended.With much viewing tons of movies in my whole life,i can say it is one of well done movie considering that it is heavy budgeted type.
Brokeback Mountain(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteI may be little slow catching this show because i took long time to settle down after watching so many different countries movies.
Heck care about Adeline having pirated dvd or Eugene watching it already.
I need time to settle down and start watching this show on fair footing.
*laughing out loud*
I was stunned.Two-timing with both opposite sexes..
Indeed it is overhyped show despite of winning a lot of awards.
Generally,it is all talk and touch show and yet it didn't bore me.
At least no cuts here and there.I saw the whole uncut verison.
Pretty amazing.
However for my case,not a chance to put this movie among top 50 movies over the years.
With two movies,my mind took a lot of mental beating.
It is important to take concern around you and then yourself or else you might ended up like the one in wolf creek movie.
Endless route where u have no chance to escape.
It pay to be careful.Once again, Prevention is better than Cure.
One day,you may realise how serious it is and you may deeply regret for not remembing the proverb 'Prevention is better than Cure'
Once things inflicted you,you can never forget it.
Over my dead body,you can not fucking forget those things that already embedded your mind.
That is why there are so many psychological cases or allergic our there because of those kind of things.
Look here!I can do anything but i choose to have brain than brawn because it bring less trouble for yourself.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:08 pm
Thursday, April 13, 2006
What kind of dark secret do you exactly have?
Wait!First of all,how do you define 'dark secret' as?
Simply to say that it contain something that numb many friends and people you know once it is exposed.
Korean dramas has this kind of thing to prevent somebody to get closer with the one he/she likes.
It can be a 'weapon' if it is not revealed.
Once revealed,it certainly leave people some shocked for a moment and then after that,they gather their thoughts to decide what they need to do.
Depending on its depth of dark secret,if it is not so deep,there is higher chance for forgivement or people to forget it.
But keeping it too long till somebody let the cat out of the bag,it is pretty hard to forgive or forget it because it is really too deep.
It do not always occur in stories or drama but it does happen in real life.
It does hurt you a lot when u happen to find out your close friend or someone u are very interested in.
In any case,it should be forgotten after you have heard it.
It must not be burden to anyone.Be free from it and show what life you have.
It is not wise to develop a secret that no one must know just because you and yourself only thought it is disgusting thing.
The actual fact is that it never been that disgusting to begin with.
That is why humans like us kept on creating complicated problem to ourselves.
Let move on to the next topic.
Recently,there is a lot of media talks towards to local elections.
Too bad i am going to be 23 years old and i have to vote.
Due to the law,if you did not vote,you will be charged by a law.That is the pest thing especially when i do not want to vote anything.
When i was young,i am free from any obligations to do anything.
At most i faced with all small petty matters and conflicts.
So what,it couldn't flick anything on my face.
When i grew to be adult,there are many and many obligations to do.
Adults are generally exposed to public politics,money,relationship and etc.
We have to prepare for it.
I am waiting for this day to suceed them.What about you?
Adapation(Hollywood Movie 2002)
There is nice action build after an 1hour moments where the writer was struggling to write the screenplay after a storybook was successful in selling.
Wham!Bang!thump! within fast paced action after the writer's twin brother spy on the storybook writer.
The storybook writer was trying to cover up her other side of life that was not written in the storybook.
Rating:7/10(Good build at the end but the beginning really bore me out so much)
야수 (Yasu)(Running Wild)(korean Movie 2006)
Click here for official website

It is now showing in local cinemas.
It is excellent all-out action movie.
"You fuck me up,i fuck you up back"..That is the attitude the homcide detective will do.
Haunting down the murder who kill his half brother..The prosecuter who was trying to take down a big gang family.they were looking at the same gang and this prosecuter recruit the detective(known as mad dog).
Kwang Sang Woo,acting as dectective..i barely recongise him.
Previously,he is fair and short hair but in this movie,he spot long hair and tan and diry guy.
A hugh difference.
*thumb up* it show the quality of acting.
Next up,i can't wait to catch up another action koraen movie 'Typhoon' after seeing this fantastic show.
Aeon Flux(Hollywood Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteAction show but the story is bad.
No wonder a lot of people gave a lot of bad reviews about this movie.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
5:08 pm
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I decide to postpone what i was orignally to write but i want to write this thing first.
When i was young,i couldn't care less how serious writing or speech you or i wanna say.
I kept on developing speech to mimic some sounds that produced by some animals and things.
It was fun and it directly affected my control of vocal cord.
Yes.it increase my wide range of vocal and at the time i am getting more confused with language speech.
Not until i faced talking with foreginers.
Especially the ones from China.They spoke english to me when we were working collagues.
It was so appalling that i politely ask what they mean.I may understand some of words but didn't get the other words they tried to speak.
To leave them proud of being able to speak english,i asked what they really mean by that.
I don't need a repeat from them but i wanted to know their meaning.
Their way of naming some things is quite interesting and strange.
I enjoyed their strong chinese-accent english so that i can learn new vocal i want to develop.
Since then,i was left an impression why i need to pay attention to my speech.
But it was like little too late as i practise to speak japanese owing that i pick up dragon ball anime and then other animation shows.
Till today,i can still remember some basic japanese words.
Korean,Japanese,Cantonese,Mandarin,English learning at once in my mind.All different tone of language formed a strange accent i have today.
Again,i am not very fluent in all kind of languages.
Do i have chance to be fluent my first language,english?
Every day,i hear chinese and hokkien from my mom,korean and japanese from shows and anime and then english from various show once a while.
For that price to keep on developing some interesting vocal tone likes of animals' speech,monstor's roars,nationality accent,it really directly confuse my mind and speech.
At times,i mixed up some words that sound very similar with other words.
For that,i paid more attention on it till i get it right.
It is like 50%
I thought "Oh yeah,it is little tough but it ain't deter me from correcting myself in speaking some english words.My determination to develop some sounds should be concenrated to this english speech at times"
From my experience interacting with some foreginers..
Making a friend from Indonesia.
Let call her Yuri.
The most interesting part is that she likes Nicholas Tse.
Indoesian listen him?Something new to me.
Her english language writing is a bit wierd and odd but it is quite unique to me.
I trained myself how to read her indoesian-english mixture language(just like Singaporeans' Singlish) as if i am doing comprehension.
In the end,i was happy to be able to understand her indonesian-english language.
She has her own accent or such thought to write.
No shame at all.It is my eye-opener to see what kind of english Yuri write.
Yuri,as you read this,tell me your opinion as well.
You will face some strong or weak accent of english speaking people from all different countries.Either you work hard to think and insert the words to replace unclear words between all the correct words u have heard or you politely ask them to rephrase.
When i used some website aid to translate chinese to english.
Woah,it was direct translation but the structure of the sentence is poorly done.
It is so hard for me to comprehend and understand it.It took me few hours to rearrange to proper structure sentence which is easier for people and me to understand.
Like this.It is one example of direct translation from chinese to englishIt is too crude.It is much better to rearrange or rephrase to proper and decent written english in that way.
Not to forget this 4 years moment....
When i entered Secondary school,i pratically knew nothing about singlish and hokkien till i heard those words from my classmates and of course in IRC.
With much learning,once again i had 'tweak' my voice.
I do still use it but i rarely do that because i am still too polite for one.
When i absent-mindedly spoke singlish,adeline was surprised and remarked about it to me.
I thought "Ah,really...oh well,it can't be helped especially when i have mixed accent to switch and switch."
It is quite tough path.Patience is a requirement for all kind of situation.
Let see how much patience i do have.
I took this opportunity to confront it today.
Since Adeline can conquer her infamous low-pitch voice(i did notice and i was able to hear her very clearly last few weeks of the school days),i must buck up to conquer the confusion in my mind that filled of thousands and thousands of speech tones.
Nicholas Tse also conqured his infamous mandarin speech,i must doubly work hard!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:26 pm
It is quite frustrating not able to watch your favourite shows when improper configuration deny it.
Eugene is the latest victim.
In any case,it will be your useful reference to refer as you install it with fresh-formatted windows xp.
Codecs that you must have and install in order to ensure that there is no 'mix-up'.
Divx 6 or later(this verison number is a must nowadays because latest divx videos require it)2)
Real Alternative(excellent codec to allow you to play RM,RMVB,RAM files on MPC)You don't need to install real player4)
Quick Alternative(Another great codec to allow you to play quick time files on MPC).You also don't need to install quick time5)
vsfilter(latest verison is a must to have for subtitle viewing purpose).Check below of this paragraph how to install it6)
AC3 filter 1.02a test 8(to allow you to play ac3 sound)7)
ffdshow(very important codec to have because it act as middleman between primary codec and video container)(latest ones will have h.264 support)8)
MatroskaSplitter(you need it to allow you to view mp4,mkv)vsfilter installation:
1. Unarchive the package and use the files from Release folder if you're running Windows 9x/Me or Release Unicode if you're running Windows 2000/XP
2. Copy DLL or AX files in system32 folder [ C:\WINDOWS\system32 ]
3. Click on Start > Run...
Type on the empty blank as indicated below
• To install the files, type: regsvr32 filename.dll or regsvr32 filename.ax
• To uninstall the files, use: regsvr32 -u filename.dll or regsvr32 -u filename.ax
4. In the end, you should receive a message saying that your file was succesfully installed/uninstalled.
You need a proper program to watch some videos.
There are various choices you can pick
VLCMPCZoomplayerbsplayerChoose one for your best preference.
*MPC is highly highly recommended by me.It is so effective that it play basic codecs*
Warning:Do not use wmp9/10 because it has no features to allow you to configure as much as u want.In my opinion,it is bloated junk.
Note:The verison ffdshow i am using is ffdshow_20060123,xvid XviD-1.2.-127-07012006.
Confirguration to be done:
1)If windows xp default style,Start->All Programs->ffdshow->Video decoder configuration
If classic style,Start->Programs->ffdshow->Video decoder configuration
Move your mouse cursor and click codecs at the top of left frame column just like the picture shown a blue coloured highlighted word called codecs.

From the same picture,you can see the right column showing the list of codecs.
Firstly,you fix the formula(below) in your brain so that you can figure it out easily
If you enabled it on ffdshow for a certain codec,then it will be:
primary codec(likes of Xvid,divx and etc)->ffdshow->video container(likes of avi and etc)
*The arrow incidate that the 'signal' being sent.
If you disabled,it will be: primary codec->video container.Notice that there is no ffdshow acting middleman.
Follow what setting i set up from xvid(top) to h.261(bottom).
And the rest below are disabled.
With this setting,you will able to view all kind of videos

Scroll down the left column till u see subtitle.You have to untick it to allow vsfilter as sole propretier for subtitle.
2)If windows xp default style,Start->All Programs->ffdshow->Audio decoder configuration
If classic style,Start->Programs->ffdshow->Audio decoder configuration
Click codec on the left column.
Adjust the setting on the right column according to the picture below

The rest below(not viewed in the picture as you scroll down on the right column are disabled.
With this setting,you can hear all kind of audio sounds.
*warning:you can install nero burning edition and express edition but don't install other nero programs because it has video and audio codecs which i couldn't configure it to able or disable.It directly affect mp4's audio.
3)If windows xp default style,Start->All Programs->AC3filter->ac3filter config
If classic style,Start->Programs->ac3filter->ac3filter config

Untick the box indicated in the picture.So that it will not take control the audio codec unless it is ac3 audio.
Assuming that you have 2 speakers and one subwoofer.set it up like this.

It will increase the loudness as you edit the numbers on Matrix section.
It is one reason why a lot of people can't hear ac3 sound that is barely audible.
4)All players i mentioned will have 'identify codecs'.
Look for filter type
I have mpc and zoomplayer but i never install or use other programs as per mentioned.

It was playing mp4

It was playing xvid avi.
Lastly,take a look how you would configure the options to control codecs.
View->Options or Alt+V and then Alt+O

You are encourage to tick or untick for your observation each time u play different videos with different settings.You will see what codecs are loading on filter menu.
It affect video and audio quality.
Ctrl+O or Right Click on the blank image and then click Option

If i miss out anything,please let me know.
For further notice due to changing circumstances,i will update this blog entry to ensure that we can play all kind of videos.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:12 am
Monday, April 10, 2006
These days,i was busy watching a lot of movies.
I will write one of two articles tomoorrow to keep you more entertained than usual.
For now,i just want to list the movies i saw and i am largely impressed with some of movies that directly or indirectly gave me some impressions why humans do some things.
I couldn't forget the story of Citizen Kane.
The day he was seperated by parents who sold him to a extremely wealthy man(who in turn paid 5,000 per month to his parents and treat him as a real son)
As Kane grew up,he rebelled against his guardian by losing 1 million dollars per year as he turned into 25 years old inherting guardian's fortune and assets.
Till his second wife left him,he suddenaly realised that he missed the happiness he had with his parents,hence 'rosebud'.
It is one fucking classic example why money can get you everything except one very thing that you really want badly and yet u can't have it in any time.
싸움의 기술 (Ssaum-ui gisul)(Art of Fighting)(Korea 2006)
Click here for official website

It is one funny show depicting about a young man who wanted to learn how to fight because he was fed up with bullying.
Some mens gave a lot of rubbish suggestions to him how to fight and in the end they got themselves beaten.
He met a real master who really know how to fight.
Begged the master to teach him.
Finally master taught the basic things that require to build his foundation.
The ending was quite half sad and half touching.
People like Kar Ho should be watching this show.
Highly recommended.Not totally kung-fu fight but anyhow fighting that allow you to win the fight.It is really entertaining.No doubt.
The main male lead look like Jay Zhou Jie Lun.(first picture)
작업의 정석 (Jakeob-ui jeongshik)(Art Of Seduction)(Korean 2005)
Click here for official website

This show is MUCH MORE FUNNY!*haha*
Player indirectly mean man or woman flirt and hooked their opposite sex as a pleasure.
Male and female player(two main characters) are tired of their opposite sex.
One day,they met each other and they immediately liked each other.
The next day,male player saw that female player as they were in the different cars waiting for the traffic light to change.
The moment the light change,the female player accelerated and sped away at full speed as if it is F1 race but nobody including the male player followed up
The male player was so shocked and tried to follow.
But he couldn't find and park at a side for a short break.
Female player pulled a similar stunt which she used it to hit all rich men.
HOW?SIMPLE!She just used her car to bang at male player's back of the car.
The male player was so shocked and angry at the same time.
He get out of the car and cursed at the her until he discovered that it was female player(they didn't know each other as player.of course)
She was thinking in her brain what he gotta say.
The 4 usual things men would say but the male player told her opposite.
Her morale was crushed as she got everything wrong.
As it went on,she and he quietly and constantly 'back stabbing' each other openly by playing against each other themselves.
*it was so hilarous that i laugh so much.Simply brilliant chemistry for a relationship *
*i really wish to be like that but then i am not very keen to be a player either*
The ending ended in a nice note.Ametuer players can't fool professional players.
Now i know why Son Se Jin(she was acting as femaleplayer) so attractive.
Although i heard a lot of korean fans telling me how pretty and attractive she is,i saw her in some old drama serials.
I find her decent and demure until this movie.
WOAH!So sexy and attractive.The movie she acted in alone is enough to justify the tag of pretty and attractive for her.
Everybody should see this movie.It may teach you one or two how to handle your man or woman.
Memoirs Of A Geisha(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websiteIt is a movie that a lot of people have been talking about.
Won some awards if i am not wrong.
I got it but i didn't watched straight away as i need to finish up my papers last month.
I watched it and i was amazed how the story about geisha told.
Simply great.Touching and sad love story.
Gong Li,Zhang Ziyi,Michelle Yeoh and some japanese male stars are well known figures in Asia.
They took part and acted.
I can't see any flaws.
I simple loved Gong Li's natural beauty a lot.
Sayuri who became the most pouplar geisha suffered a lot in many ways.
It took so long time not be able to with the man she loved till the ending was shown that the man finally came back to her.
At the same time,during the process to became full geisha(100% real) she had to learn a lot of things that you need to do as Geisha from young to adult.
Geisha is merely a entertainment performer not prostitute.
Adeline would have enjoyed this movie for sure.*haha*
Rating:9/10(it deserves to win awards(3 oscars out of 11 nominations)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb(American 1964)
It is a comedy movie about bombs.
Frankly i couldn't catch the joke of what the movie was trying to joke about the bomb,America and Russia.
U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper goes completely and utterly mad, and sends his bomber wing to destroy the U.S.S.R. He suspects that the communists are conspiring to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of the American people. The U.S. president meets with his advisors, where the Soviet ambassador tells him that if the U.S.S.R. is hit by nuclear weapons, it will trigger a "Doomsday Machine" which will destroy all plant and animal life on Earth. Peter Sellers portrays the three men who might avert this tragedy: British Group Captain Lionel Mandrake, the only person with access to the demented Gen. Ripper; U.S. President Merkin Muffley, whose best attempts to divert disaster depend on placating a drunken Soviet Premier and the former Nazi genius Dr. Strangelove, who concludes that "such a device would not be a practical deterrent for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious". Will the bombers be stopped in time, or will General Jack Ripper succeed in destroying the world ?
Knowing that it is within top 50 films and yet i don't get the whole point owing due to my age generation.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest(American Movie 1975)

A classic movie winning 8 academy awards.
Once again Junqiu lent it to me and i watched it.
I must say it is really fucking good and it justify why it won 8 academy awards
McMurphy thinks he can get out of doing work while in prison by pretending to be mad. His plan backfires when he is sent to a mental asylum. He tries to liven the place up a bit by playing card games and basketball with his fellow inmates, but the head nurse is after him at every turn.
McMurphy, a man with several assault convictions to his name, finds himself in jail once again. This time, the charge is statutory rape when it turns out that his girlfriend had lied about being eighteen, and was, in fact, fifteen (or, as McMurphy puts it, "fifteen going on thirty-five"). Rather than spend his time in jail, he convinces the guards that he's crazy enough to need psychiatric care and is sent to a hospital. He fits in frighteningly well, and his different point of view actually begins to cause some of the patients to progress. Nurse Ratched becomes his personal cross to bear as his resistance to the hospital routine gets on her nerves.
It deserve to be in top 20 movie films.
A lot of movies left me a lot of impressions.
Especially McMurphy and Sayuri.You must strive hard enough to get what you wanted.
No easy path for both of them.
I am looking forward to write two articles tomorrow.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:11 pm
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Last Tuesday night,i saw a cockroach crawling on the ceiling in my room.
Why my room of all of those rooms in my block.
It won't move when there is the light on but it would move when i switch off the light.
I took a piece of paper and captured it.
I quickly and furiously wrapped the paper.
Threw straight to the toilet bowel and of course flushed it!
It gave me a little horrible rememberance where i saw oversized cockroaches(thanks to modern CG) attacking humans in King Kong movie.
Wednesday..i had a chest cough...~_~
I took few hours to clean my room and rearrange my things and furnitures.
So far,it was quite more space now.
Citizen Kane(American Movie 1941)
I wonder why it is among in top 30 movies.
It make a sense when all best 30 modern movies in top 30 list voted by worldwide.
I took a chance to watch it as my friend bought it off from Amazon.
Black&white picture,slow motion story and picture.
After Kane's death,the reporter want to find out what Kane's last word 'Rosebud' means
I couldn't tell head or tail because people who know Kane had different opinion of him.
Each time the reporter interviewed each,i believed the first and then changed my mind to believe the second one.It went on.
At the same time,there are flashback of kid kane to baron magnate kane.
At his career,he bought practically everything in the world and kept them in Xanada(the hugh and biggest palace he ever build).
The money he spent on them was enough equivalent to all the banks in the world.
So much money and i wonder how he manage to amass such money even when his foster guardian died.
In the end,the reporter conlude that there was no explaination or meaning from a word 'Rosebud' to his life.
But the director of this movie show the audience including us the 'Rosebud' slegh was being thrown to furnace and then the next picture shown the cardboard on the barbed wire saying 'No Trespassing'
I guess that he could have everything but didn't have the happiness to be with his parents when he was young.that is why he said rosebud as the last word before he died.
So far,it is brilliant movie.Never mind about the colour of picture.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
1:22 am
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Starting from Friday morning(like 2am or 3am),i was sleeping until a voice in my head from some kind of a dream was telling me something that i missed out doing in cash budget.
I was telling to the dream that it was all right and i kindly thanked.
Since then,i woke up very early due to shrilling dream i spoke to.
I sms-ed Adeline what time she would arrive at East Coast.
She said 2.30pm.
I guess i would arrive there a little late.
My mother showed me a letter from UOB that contained no 217 share investment book.
I laughed because she got me to buy this book last week because she didn't know that UOB would still give it to her free every month.I nagged her that she should have waited or confirm with UOB.
It cost $6 per copy.
I took MRT to City Hall and i came out from Raffles City.
Not to forget to mention that i saw a beautiful Ang Moh ladies.
One of them was tall and very slim.Easily passed as model.Everything is in appopriate portion.The size of whole body,legs,arms in proportionate.
That was really unbelieveable that i ever seen before.
It was my first time to saw it because many girls i saw in my life were not like that.
Silm but not proportionate!
All right,i crossed the 4 lanes road to take a bus no 16.
In the bus no 16 going through nichol highbury...
At Kallang where national stadium and indoor stadium situated,there is hugh construction work for Circle Line underground.The bus had to take detour but then i can't believe that everything was gone.
Because i used to play soccer,play acrade and walked around there.
It was being reduced to heavy mud,holes for construction work.
After Kallang,bus no 16 had to go through Old Airport Road.
Again,that old airport road market was closed down.
I kinda missed there because my dead friend's parents work there as hawker centre.
Few distances away from that hawker centre,there is a condo where my dead friend lived there.
The fun was so nice.
When we were primary school students,he feared his parents' strictness.
Everywhere in that area instantly...i could recall where to go and what shops they are.
Bus no 16 have to go past Joo Chiat(a little well-known red district but not really big-scale as Geylang)..
Wah.there were some changes over there as well.
And then Marine Parade..AHHHHHHH
More memories there.I used to play acrade with my dead friend there.
Played long till we were damn tired.
Finally i alighted the bus where i used this place so that i can cross over East Coast when i was in secondary school.
I crossed East Coast through underpass.
In the underpass,i remembered a hugh concrete space(for people to do stunts with roller blade,bicycle and board skating),24 hours Mcdonalds and hugh arcade shop in my head.
By the time i came out of the underpass,everything changed!
Mcdonalds shop size reduced to half of its original size.Acrade shop seems to be gone.Pubs,resturants,kopitiam opened up.
Oh well,i managed to find the barbeque pit 21.I reached there at 3pm.
Adeline and Linda arrived like 30minutes later.The time was just nice to pour the rain on them who were looking for pit 21 with a miserable blue coloured umbrella.
Adeline told me that she would take a job that pay her $6 or more per hour and reject $5 and below per hour.
WOAH!What a high standard.
When economy go bad,there would be a lot of $5 per hour job.
I wonder how she gotta survive if she was searching at this period.
There are a lot of high-opinated people who reject good jobs due to low pay that does not justify their degree paper.
In the result,some of them were jobless for so many years.
That is unbelieveable.
Degree?The thing in working arena that react to degree holders is 'So what,it ain't justify the cost budget for the company' in their head.
Most of employers are actually more interested in abilities than papers today.
More and more classmates arrived.
But then i was stunned to see Zhen Wei to arrive as the last person.
When Yang Long turned around and then i followed his direction to turn around.
We saw Zhen Wei.
tsk tsk tsk..
I would like to stay longer but i am so tired due to lack of sleep.
Sadly,Haibi,Grace,Edwin,Sihui were not there.
The class of IQO wasn't complete.It mean less fun together.
Frankly,if all of you are happy,i would be happy to be at bbq.
Those days i went to east coast at night just to play acrade.
But now,i am not going there any more just for acrade purpose.
Went back to home but i was still stopped by a lady who begged me to do survey with her.
After filling up,i suggest to leave the mobile number blank but she showed me the other survey papers where people wrote down.
Oh well,i wrote my home number down instead.
These days,i was targeted by surveyers.
Saturday morning,my family have to go to my father grave for Qing Ming event.
So many people attending to their respective graves.
I am still tired.
After this,i went back to sleep.
At night,i had a chat with Kar Ho before i went off to pub with my friends to see a soccer match.
Since i couldn't take mrt back home because the last train to Jurong east or Boon Lay was 11.30pm.
by the time i reached there at 12 midnight and so i had to stay overnight at my friend home not wanting to spend expensive taxi fare with extortionate midnight charge.
Well,Zhongming commented about his two sisters coming home late like 3am+ and his mother was worried.
Actually from my view,it was ok to be late but it was better for ladies to take care of themselves away from possible evils.
I don't need to eloborate what evils we would face at late hours.
They do happen in any time without notify you.
Precaution is better than prevention.
I saw his sister coming home one bye at 3+am and 5+am.
wow,it made me wonder what they could do.
At most,pubs and clubs close at 3+am.
What about 3-5am?Do nothing other than ordering foods at 24 hours kopitiam?
If every time,it gotta be boring.
Sunday,i slept and woke up in the afternoon.
I went off to play soccer with my friends at Serangoon.
Nothing special.
Monday,i played The Sims 2 for some time.
*laughing out loud* relationship is nice.
there are 8 bars indicate your mood.
bladder,energy,hunger,fun,social,hygiene and etc.
nice nice.It really reflect truly in real life of human.
If the bar decrease under bladder,it mean u must go to toilet to relief yourself.
If Energy,u need to sleep
if hunger,u need to eat.
Social?U need to communicate with people(i bet zhen wei's social bar is extremely low when he is at our class.LOL)
Hygiene?Need to bath..
Fun?play games!
Quite fun especially romance relationship.
If never talk for few days,the level of friend will drop
The warning message will pop up to warn me and also say that it is not too late to be friend with them again.
It is quite true.
Think when u have not seen your friends from primary or secondary school,you would felt the same like that.
I was having sore thorat.
I bought sweets to soothen my thorat.
I forgot which newspaper my mother want to read.I picked Lianhe Wanbao and it turned out to be Shin Min she wanted.
And so i went out to buy Shin Min.
Geezz.She said there were some interesting articles to read on Shin Min.
Today,i recovered.
Yeah,i conquered the fucking illness.
Nana(Japanese Movie 2005)
Click here for official websiteNot too bad.
It protray most on Japanese rock music.
Japanese were much troubled in those relationship,money to survive...
Japanese rock music were quite heavy owing to those reasons.
Two girls met each other in the train as strangers and found that they had the same name called Nana.

Two Nanas

Nana and Ren
There is a unbelievable love between Nana and Ren.
Even though there were seperated due to working conditions.
Ren not knowing that Nana had attended to his band concert..
Despite the darkness and full of fans,Nana sended a telepatic ray to Ren.
Ren sensed it and during the break he called his friend to confirm that Nana came.
Wah.like that!I really like this one for myself.*geez*
Ending is that Nana gave a great present to other Nana.
the other Nana was so shocked and flabbergasted to see the present.
She was crying for joy.
You should learn from this exaample of relationship.Even though Ren and Nana went seperate way because they really want to fulfil their dreams which means that they are not wanting to give up those dreams to be together,they still have the same telepathic power to communicate.
*thanks for pictures
투사부일체 (My Boss My Student)(Korean Movie 2006)

It is second installment movie from part 1(2001)
So far apart from gangsterism,it was so funny and serious showing a gang boss as a student teacher teaching student in school.
But there was really a sudden shock.
I was really affected it when a student who tried to run away from evil teacher was knocked down by countless number of cars before she finally floored on the road.
What a tragic way to show!
The ending was decent to show justice by gang boss whacking this evil teacher.
썬데이 서울 (Sunday Seoul)(Korean 2006)

Did u see this dog?That is the dog i saw from my neighbour from nearby block.It really look like wolf.

IT consisted of different short stories.
I am totally bored watching it.
Screw the short stories!
The Chronicles Of Narnia(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websitePeople had been talking it as a relation to christian.
I saw it to justify whether it is.
I think the names like 'son of adam' and son of eve' may justify it.
Overall,great graphics but average sound effect.
It made me feel like kid.haha
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
7:59 pm