Friday, June 23, 2006
Human mindsets from people are all the same but people really want to achieve something to satisfy themselves.
For example,some really want to succeed doing well in one area but others prefer to succeed doing well in another area
It apply the same for every discussion.
Do not dishearted when your concept may not go well with people's agreement because either it may be too far-fetched or too high standard or too low standard.
When the impossible things can be done possible in someone's eye but in most people's eye,they think instantly ,"IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE!"
Simply to say that they are trying to avoid the trouble because of the risk of succeed doing impossible things.
Respect don't come by easily unless it was proven by fact and result.
If you think it is possible,let do it.
Low standard or high standard,you are free to do what you really want to succeed.
You get what you want hence your satisfaction is getting better.
You don't feel satisfied when u don't get to do something what u really want but doing the things that you hate the most which you regard as the cheating or dirty job at the cost of winning.
It is extremely tough when you faced with very very ambitious peoples like me because they still want to retain the "high-standard" option to entertain everyone at their expense or risk.
That is what ambitious people are about.
"Good but not good enough" is an direct hint that he can set the world alight but will never eclipse the work of someone.It is no way asking for replacement.Just do more than what someone did in the past.That is what people wanted to see.
"Good is good" is an simple indication that the person is really really content with current situation not asking for more.
For me,i want to entertain everyone till everyone is so happy enough to die for.
For others,they may want to do something else instead.
That is what you live for.
Never be afraid of telling your opinion and at least you made your character and feelings to be known to others.
English is a powerful tool where people read your character and feeling.
Don't try to misuse it and say "not really!not really!" and then ask for something contradicting.
I quote a scene from San Guo Yan Yi(The Romance of Three Kingdoms)
When Zhuge liang decide to go to Wu territory himself to presuade Wu officials and Wu king on the day where his lord,Liu Bei is taking rufuge away from Wei's attack(Cao Cao personally lead the army).
At Wu territory,Wu officials want to give way and work with Cao Cao(in fear of Cao Cao's power and better to give up than destory) but the Wu generals want to fight against Cao Cao(protect their motherland) when Cao Cao send a official letter to Wu.
*As you see there is a conflict between both.Both are in same mindset serving the Lord of Wu but prefer to do something different*
By the time Zhuge liang step on Wu territory,Lu Su(Wu official but he favor with Wu generals) constantly reminded him not to tell Lord of Wu about the power of Cao Cao but to lie so that Lord of Wu will not feel hurt.
Zhuge Liang said that he will see and handle the matter in care.
The first thing Lu Su brought Zhuge Liang to the area where Wu officials gather there.
Zhuge Liang sat and look each face of Wu official.He decided to start his mind game with them by wiping his fan purposely
Many were irritated by his action and decided to fuel the fire by starting to question Zhuge Liang ability.
Each question ask..Zhuge Liang dismissed them flatly with actual facts.
*if you want to dimiss such question,you need facts but not rumour to quell it down*
Wu general come in and scold Wu officials for wasting time in arguing with Zhuge Liang.*in fact,he is right.Wu officials merely want to save their faces and show off their abilities*
Wu general is straight-forward enough to ask Zhuge Liang to see Lord of Wu straight away.
Upon seeing Lord Of Wu,Zhuge Liang did not follow what Lu Su told him to.He want to start another mind game to get Lord of Wu to join hands with Liu Bei to fight Wei!
Zhuge Liang attacked Lord of Wu's confidence by telling him that Cao Cao has over 100,000 troops when asked.
Lord of Wu was so furious and walked away at once.
Lu Su asked Zhuge Liang why he did that.
Zhuge Liang laughed and said that Lord Of Wu did not ask his plan and so he did not say his plan.On top of that,Zhuge Liang said ,"Cao cao troops are not the problem.He could easily slap them like ants."
Lu Su quickly went to Lord Of Wu's room and ask him whether he find Zhuge Liang comment amiss.
Lord of Wu,given enough thought,realise that Zhuge Liang was testing his patience and asked Lu Su to invite him immediately.
Zhuge Liang come in and assured that Wu can survive as long as Wu work together with Liu Bei and Cao Cao can never defeat you as long as the ally exist.
Lord Of Wu is still hesitated and asked for more time to think.
Zhuge Liang knew it.
Zhou Yu,the head military general of Wu returned from a state.
Lu Su brought Zhuge Liang to Zhou Yu.
Zhuge Liang again start another mind game with Zhou Yu so that Zhou Yu will presuade Lord of Wu because Lord of Wu trusted him more than Zhuge Liang.
Zhuge Lian purposely say that Cao Cao want to attack Wu because of two beauties of Qiao(elder sister is the wife of Lord of Wu and younger sister is the wife of Zhou Yu).
Of course,Zhuge Liang pretended not to know!When Lu Su told him about the truth,Zhuge Liang apologised him.
It is enough to make Zhou Yu to get Lord Of Wu to fight Wei!
the next day,upon consultation with Zhou Yu,Lord of Wu decided to go war against Wei.
BUT BUT BUT BUT...(the scene after the meeting)...Lu Su and Zhou Yu thought they were ready and asked Zhuge Liang for plan.
Zhuge Liang modestly say that Lord of Wu is still not READY and he is still hesisting.
He suggest them to go and see Lord Of Wu and pacify his worries.
Zhou Yu tells Lord of Wu that 100,000 forces from Cao Cao are not to be feared because some of them are old,others are tired from travelling afar,another are new faces and there are 20,000 forces left to be fit to fight.
Lord Of Wu smiled himself and says ,"YOU REALLY ALLIVIATE MY WORRIES!" and declared once more that he will muster every force he have to attack Wei.
After that Zhou Yu realised how smart Zhuge Liang is and want to plot a plan to kill Zhuge Liang who just in case may be a thread of Wu in future.
Lu Su tried to dispersuade him not to kill Zhuge Liang.
Each time Zhou Yu purposely want to assign a mission to Zhuge Liang so that he need not to soil his hand just for his personal reason.
But Zhuge Liang foresaw his tricks and did a lot of mind games to make Zhou Yu to give up.
Mission 1)Zhou Yu ask Zhuge Liang to capture the food storage at Cao Cao battlefield in pretext to reduce Cao Cao's soliders morale low
Zhuge Liang agree and Lu Su was surprise because he know that the mission is extremely impossible.
After Zhou Yu ask Lu Su to find out what Zhuge Liang is doing,Lu Su quickly run to Zhuge Liang's room and asked him how he can do it.
Zhuge Liang laugh heartily and say that he is adapt in all kind of warfare unlike Zhou Yu who is adapt in only naval warfare.
Lu Su quickly go back and told Zhou Yu about that.Zhou Yu is so furious that he want to take this mission personally.
Lu Su run to Zhuge liang again and Zhuge Liang tell him to tell Zhou Yu to forget about it and think of working together with me because Zhuge Liang know his intention.
Lu Su quickly go back again and told Zhou Yu about it.Zhou Yu resigned to his fate realising that he can't kill Zhuge Liang with such plan.
Mission 2)Zhou Yu tell his woe to Zhuge Liang that he need more arrows and asked him whether Zhuge Liang can produce 100,000 arrows in 1 week.
Zhuge Liang said ,"It may be too late if Cao Cao army arrive."
Zhou Yu ask him how many days he need.
Zhuge Liang say that he need 3 days
Zhou Yu and Lu su are surprised and Zhou Yu told him that no jokes permitted in the army.
Zhuge Liang tells Zhou Yu that he will give you a written statement that if he can't produce the arrows,he will be heheaded.
Zhou Yu is smiling himself.
After Zhuge Liang went,Zhou Yu tell Lu Su ,"Let alone 3 or 10 days,it need few months to produce 100,000 arrows" and Zhou Yu tell Lu Su to go and check out with Zhuge Liang how Zhuge Liang gotta prepare.
Zhuge Liang pretend to weep in front of Lu Su and tells him that Lu Su should not have tell Zhou Yu about what Zhuge Liang see through Zhou Yu tricks(Mission 1 and as wel as other tricks against Cao Cao).
Zhuge Liang ask Lu Su to bring some boats and soliders on the third day and remind Lu Su not to tell Zhou Yu about his request.
Indeed,Lu Su kept his promise not to say anything to Zhou Yu.
Three days later,Zhuge Liang invite Lu Su to his boat at night
Lu Su asked Zhuge Liang why Zhuge Liang invite Lu Su.
Zhuge Liang tells Lu Su that Lu Su will find out later.
His boat set sailing with other boats(soliders on other boats).
You see a lot of humans made of staws on the side of every boat.
In few minutes later,Lu Su find out that the boats are heading to Cao Cao camp.
Lu Su panics and asks Zhuge Liang what he is doing.
Zhuge Liang laugh and said that Zhuge Liang is going to take advantage of the fog and Lu Su will find out what Zhuge Liang is doing.
Cao Cao scout see the boats and alert Cao Cao.
Insufficient information about the boat due to the fog,Cao Cao decide not to use their own boats because Cao Cao is weary of traps.
Cao Cao ordered his army to throw arrows at the boats.
Hence,the human made of straw on the boat caught a lot of arrows.
Lu Su is so impressed and ask Zhuge Liang how Zhuge Liang prepare so exactly on that day.
Zhuge Liang explains that he predict the weather and know that the fog will come on that day.
In the morning,Zhuge Liang took all the arrows he "borrow" from Cao Cao and give all of them to Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu is so flabbergasted and angry at the same time to find that there are over 100,000 arrows.
Upon hearing how Zhuge Liang does from Lu Su,Zhou Yu knows that he is no match for Zhuge Liang.

After chatting with Kar Ho,i wrote this in hope that people need to understand why,what,when,who,whom and how for this and that.
Some people can be presuaded and convinced but not all of them.
I don't intend to presuade unless an smart one will come out and say.
All i do is to tell my opinion and anyone is free to disagree.
If u want to persuade me,you need excellent concept to convince me and i pave my way to you to suceed it.It must be better than my concept at least.
If not,I am not paving my way to you because it is going to make the world boring.
Once more i say again,i only persuade people who try to pit their mind against my mind.
I only help people every day so that they can cope well with such things with their own in future and i don't persuade people to follow my concept unless someone is good enough to join me to aid me to succeed the concept.
To persuade people,you need subjective comments about judgement and opinions then people will understand.
Objective comments like "the ball is round" or anything based on your feeling when don't work or you will end up by swaying yourself to the mass who in turn make you absolutely bystander or useless person.
Open your mouth and i know whether it is objective or subjective as well as how smart you are.
Bear it in your mind.
I always judge people based on their actions and comments but i can always change my judgement if they show any improvement for long term basis.
I don't fool anyone and i always start talking serious stuffs when come to such things i value very very dearly.
Kar Ho,i hope that you understand it.
If someone is good enough to tell objective comments and i will withdraw and listen Intentively.
That is why i love to work with geniuses.
Genius ones i judge by their ability,brain-thinking and creativity.Not on their marks on papers.
I don't care how much mark you have and i am more interested into how you can think out of the box.
Can't think,never is good to be content what you have.
There is one way.And yet another way for people to walk on.
In 15months,i hope that i can help Kar Ho to develop himself into an adult whom he can do something in his own future like making his ideas into possible money-making or something else.
So that parents can understand what he need.
I want to help Kar Ho to develop his own style into very useful thing into the world society where his parents can accept him.
I simply admired Zhuge Liang for that and that is why i am constantly studying every strategies and think of my own ways to do.
Each time,i watch soccer game,i plotted such strategy to win this team and then plotted another one to win opposite side.
Look at Benitez,as young he use notebook to rate the players he saw and write pros and cons.
It depend how you develop your view.Trust those geniuses who are in good side and your life will be better and better,
I hope everybody can understand my other side of me.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
6:42 pm
Monday, June 19, 2006
GEEZ!!I couldn't sleep after watching germany winning against Ecuador by 3-0 in starhub preview channel.
I was thinking of my own working past.
It was fun and enriching.I decided to take the chance to write it and post it up before i go and sleep with peace.
I go and list out how i work like.
When i saw Zhongming working just to earn some money to buy some electronics stuffs,i decided to give myself a try to work the same job as him to venture in unfamiliar world.
A simple part time job to pack stuffs in Carrefour at Suntec.
Sat and sun..12noon to 11pm...
Young colleagues especially at my age or few years older are quite stuck up and all they think of is to kill boredom by doing work.
No doubt,it was proven exactly realistic in that way after i noticed with my few next jobs.
It took me 1 month to decide that it was enough.
1)helped lady where to put the trolley after putting the bags on the taxi boot.
2)the male supervisor was quite gentle and looked after me(eventually i had good impression on him)
3)the two old female superviors were so bitchy that they nagged me especially when i am pulling my socks up to work hard."Learn how to input the code of the product correct?" and "no sitting down while doing work".DOH!It is not like going to kill the store's sales.
4)wierd lockers...the lock has number code combination unlike what ite students do with key for locks.It was so hard for me to understand how to get the pattern right.It took me 30mins for my attempt until i failed to do so.Zhongming guided me how to do.I finally understood.push front and then push back and then push front and then push back until u get the right number combination.WTF!
Wait till you guys try it.I bet you can't stand it on the first few try.*grin*
One year later,with my agency help,i got a full time job.
In fact,i has nothing to think about.Good or lousy job wasn't a question for me too.
Work as die&tool maker/a relevant engineering job in production industry
I must say it was really insight experience i ever had.One of best job i ever had.
I felt like a small kid looking at machines,tools and air-con office the moment i step in.
Awww...the first thing is to go to clinic for body checkup and the boss would check my medical result.
I guessed that it is a must for every engineer or relevant job.
I was given a job to sharpen,polish the items..It was like Design&tech subject(secondary level).Within 1 month,i mastered it easily while the poly diploma holder(was hired 1 week earlier than me) couldn't do well as me.
Odd enough,i had only o level paper at that time.
The manager decide to put me a bit more difficult task.I needed to learn how to mould the things which serve as prototype for our customers.
Indeed,a bit difficult.Not found in any D&T textbooks.
Needed to cultivate my chemistry knowledge to determine the ratio of two liquids and then watch the reaction of two liquids when 'boiled' in the machine.
Not only that,i had to learn how to cut with a scalpel-alike.It was bloody tough to cut silicon with this.
My right hand had a lot of blisters for the first try but eventually with sufficient practise and observation,i masted nicely but not really 100%
Nowhere good as my manager.
i understood why uncle(my closet colleague;work together with him for every project)talked so much good things about my manager.
He came from China and then learnt a lot of things from my position to manager.
It doesn't really matter.What amaze me is his ability to think how to solve difficult task when come cutting the complicated silicon without breaking the item inside.
Seen him in action when he mould and then cut the mould.
Enough said,one of the genius that they can find once a blue moon.
Learnt a lot from him and i could do moulding on my own without help although uncle always worried too much and nagged me.
Comparing to the Carrefour's ladies,uncle had valid reasons.
Fit enough to guide me but not those silly ladies.
I had to make more friends outside my work office(uncle and me only stay there long) because more projects required more heads to do work.
4 male malaysians(similar positions but different roles) who can only speak chinese very well and spoke broken english vaguely and one china colleague(close friend with manager) and as well as another 2 female malaysians(working as accountants and admin officers)
When uncle was not around,Ah Kow was the next close working mate i worked together because manager assigned him to work with me for hugh project.
Learnt his humility a lot and i still have same kind of humility like him today.
I could tell you that he made a good husband because of his humility and high tolerance.
After work,i often asked him along to go out since he got a motorbike.
Uncle told me about him.Joined the company one year earlier than me and he had impressive record like working hard till late.
To work with him,i don't really mind working late.
My longest working hour feat is from 8am to 4am to complete a project(in fact,rushed one).
Ah Man was damn calm person as if he was monk inside.Really man!I 'saw' his heart each time he talked..So calm and relaxing.
Another good candidate for husband.
Ah Wah..hmm a bit flippant person..He may come late but he doesn't mind losing a bit money for his pay for late coming.
Easily passed as a kid who could do many kind of tricks.
Vincent..wah..freeloader just like what uncle said but i never detest him that much as uncle do.
Geradline(sp?)..very gentle lady...i heard from uncle that she obtained diploma from UK.the most trusted accountant...
Caslyn..I thought her name was odd and unique.With A level equalivant paper from Malaysia.working as admin and accountant..She was quite interesting lady and give some concern..
Too bad she seem to think otherwise.She was quite my type but few years older than me.(hey,i also like older women too ^_^)
opps,i forgot his name.Let call him poly diploma holder.His character is something i do not like to mix.He was more flippant than Ah Wah.I am really tired of listening his sex talks.
I thought moulding and cutting were the last task for me to learn.It wasn't!!!!
Boss wanted me to learn how to polish the painting/spray!!!
Another difficult task.a level up!
Aiya,that was the reason why i worked overtime a lot because of painting projects.
Ah Kow do painting while i do polishing the painting.
Nevertheless,i still earned a lot of money for overtime.
In no time,cleanliness was scarce to me!
Again,i thought polishing paint job was the highest difficult task i ever done.
NOT REALLY!Boss took me to jurong factory and he had to negotiate with his customers because of defective things he gave to them.
The customers were willing to give him a chance.It mean i have to fix all the buttons which seem to be oversized.
I had to replace them with smaller size of button.
There was no hot hot..fixing over ten thousand buttons...
I couldn't finish in a day and so had to come back again the next two days to complete it.
Beside that,i also learnt that Bangladesh workers do work as building stuffs beside than contruction workers.
The factory i was in..they were building network with tons of hard disk array..
It may be hot and tough but fun! :P
I crossed my finger...there was the last difficult task...
I was asked to sign the one year contract which mean i had to work there for one year before i was allowed to go to Thailand with them for holiday.
I was not willing but Geradline(sp?) suggested that it might be not fair for others who had done that.
I suggested that i may not want to go since i am not signing..
However my boss was generous and kind enough to understand my situation and allowed me to go Thailand with him and our collaegues..
Honestly,he was the best boss i ever had.You can't find such boss like that elsewhere.
Gave me a lot of opportunities to earn money faster.
Two other bosses(they were brothers to my boss) were a bit different from him and uncle(brother as well). carefree person
Boss..caring,kind and understanding person
Youngest boss..opportunist person and never been in his office every day..only come few days in a month.
2nd oldest boss..relaxing and doesn't poke a lot into the business.
To see their families..(but hey,i never seen their kids.i guess they never brought them or what).Uncle had been talking about me with his wife. @_@
youngest boss treated me to do massage in dark alley..Lucky,they only strictly offer massage and nothing else.I am not only one but two female and one male malaysian were there.
With much hand signals,i suspect that fat guy who was sitting seem to be boss of the shop or probably triad boss.
At least,no trouble there.Enjoyed a lot..
Sadly,i had to give a small heartache to him because i sent him a resignation letter that will end my 6 months working with them.
Nevertheless,i agreed to work with them until the jobs were complete.
May to June was the busiest period.Not only me,different industries too!
He couldn't persuade me to stay but i heard a lot of interesting comments from him.
Poly diploma holder couldn't make much progression while i do...*was it a flatting compliment?*
You decide it..
There was a day when boss argue with uncle over a small item which was either lost or thrown.
I was the witness because i was with the boss who put the small item in a container.
i had no choice to tell them to forget it and think of other way because this small item act as stopper to prevent the liquid to flow so that it will retain the original shape of the prototype.
I could see that boss was feeling a heart pain as if it could bring a lot of money and understood uncle feeling that the boss anyhow put and so he thought that it was rubbish.
That was how you people perceive when you anyhow assume..Believe it or not.You will get the meaning if you know the both sides' feelings.
I never thought that simple machine(Pri 6 science) will work in many ways.
On that day,it seem to be tough to use common trolley to carry 8 or more heavy boxes to bring it back to the van.
I couldn't bring it out of the lift at Bukit Batok HDB flat!
The wheel struck and so i am still inside the lift.There was no gap for me to get out of the lift..Not even the most slimmest woman could!
Due to my inexperience,i kept on trying to be incredible hulk to lift and then push.
but i couldn't because it was fucking heavy!
Boss went down and saw..He chided me for not having enough common sense or not thinking smart enough.
He demonstrated how to do it..I was stunned how simple machine concept applied it and he was spot on for childe me.
the point is i shouldn't push the trolley when the wheel was in the straight line(zero degree).It would move through the gap if i slanted the wheels in 45 degrees,it would move easily..EFFORTLESS and SIMPLE.OMG OMG OMG OMG!
No doubt,he was fit to chide me.I told myself that i needed to use brain than brawls!
Boss took me to somewhere because he needed me to carry a heavy metal to wielder to fix the error in the design.
Somehow his friend wanted to meet my boss up and i was happened to be with him.
Went to nearby kopitiam.Ordered kopi-o for both..
suddenly his friend rebuked me for not showing enough respect.
I thought myself "HOW!" but still,i asked him a little kind(but i think it is not good way to ask) what wrong.
He said that i should paid drinks for my boss.(wah,it is old generation type where bosses expect his staffs to do generation is different from it.It is something you don't get to see this in movie or drama every day).My boss said never mind.
After a drink,my boss offered to drive him back there.
It was hot day...I unknowingly took the front seat..AGAIN,i was scolded by boss for not offering a front seat to his friend(because he was the first person to alight and i should have to unlock back seat.
i thought myself ,"Oh well,i never thought of that.Never mind,i will take it to my stride and learnt such manners."
From this thing,Zhongming and some other people would have argue openly to protest their stupid pride "I see no wrong and i don't know mah!".
This kind of attitude won't was really bad attitude..
Thank god,i learnt a lot from Ah Kow.
Be humble and take things to your stride.
I don't think arguing such things like that would do any good things for me.
I rather quietly learnt from them and improve on it.
Why argue?It is really waste of time.
Zhongming can never understand the essence of it unless he foresee it even i once modestly hinted to him without any direct opinion.
He still doesn't know.If you happen to be one,it is about the time for you to learn how to do it.
With those 6 months experience,i gained humility,+1 smartness,+1 intelligence exposure and diligent.
Next year,i worked in a industry where they cut papers and sell to customers.
A lot of malay guys and few chinese guys...
Uncle(another one,from malaysian) was looking after me since i am new.
Why i wanna work?I want to learn all different kinds of things before i am ready to study on the right course.
i learnt a lot from this job(i worked for 2 months only)..
It was quite bloody long hours but then i learnt that they work on small budget and don't really spend a lot..
It seem impossible to change the direction of the hugh roll of paper(mind you,they are fucking heavy.over 100kg).Just put something on the floor and then push the roll of paper and then shift it.
Look simple when veterans demonstrate it to me but when come doing it,i can't do it!
I gritted my teeth and push with all my strength.
It took me few minutes while for them,it take only 1 min.
OMG OMG.Uncle told me that it is waste of time and so suggested that i need to work on it until i am good at it.
He taught me a lot of methods that need to be done fast with least effort so that i can do more works.
Interesting insight..I never thought of that way..
There was a event...It was shift job.In my night shift,i had break in 12am.
I walked to vending machine(near the gate).I inserted some coins.
Of course,it was so quiet and dropping the coins into the vending machine was heard.
I turned around and saw one adult dog and few puppy.
I froze for a while and quickly inserted remaining coins and got the can.
I was thinking what i should do..
I know i am fearless person but i do not like having scars.(imagine bitten by dogs and got yourself stitched).
Not nice to confront the dogs..I decided to run to the factory and took refuge there.
RAN TO MY LIFE(OH SHIT,it was my first time in my life to flee like that.FUCKING HELL).I tripped myself because i couldn't balance my running.
But then,i quickly regain my balance and ran away..
Phew the dogs didn't caught me up...Precisely,they were barking fiercely when i was running.
I learnt not to fight but look for less violent solution so that i don't have to injure myself.That is why i rarely do that.
i gained +1 understanding,+1 enlightnment,+1 intelligent exposure and more friendly.
After this,the agency offer me this dental job..
hmm,i am not really keen but i asked her if i can try it for 2 week trial with 2 week pay.The agency asked the company and they had no objection.
I made a good friend.
The other working colleagues are a fat guy,boss,boss' wife,boss' daugther..
Not really close because i only click well with this good friend.
Can talk everything especially cars.*wink*
He was very friendly and kind to drink me to nearest MRT so that i can go home faster.
Not much to learn but the most important lesson i learn is "Safety comes first before doing anything"
I became a bit more cautious person because of that lesson.haha.
With all those experiences,i realised that Singapore working environment focus more on cost budgeting.
Based on what Adeline told me in other day that it was a must $6 per hour or more for her,it is pretty hard to get one here in singapore where every company is so concerned about the wage budgeting.
With good understanding about the Costing subject i learn in my hnitec accounting course,i could easily imagine that if i were the director,i would leave two options to long-serving Adeline "Accept the pay cut or you get restrenched"
It is only example!EXAMPLE EXAMPLE OK!:P
It is gotta be realistic.
Want high pay?You need to migrate to other first world country where u can easily get it for long time.
Think carefully when u write salary on the resume.
A lot of our classmates might not be interested with Mr Liew's teaching but i liked because of my working experiences.Everything he said was spot-on.
You may think that it ain't happening.Wait till it hit you for real.
Then you know.
Many of you are too young to give such constructive talks about it.
one of mock interview..I remember Fanghui told something about sales job to Mr Liew and He and i looked each other and gave each other "Oh!shrugh" facial expression.
Inside our hearts,we can easily feel that Fanghui may not know some side of truth but nevertheless he never told.
Easy-going to let Fanghui to dictate the atmosphere of mock interview.
It is true that many of you are too young to realise even at this age.
Few years old,i was like you all.fucking inexperience and too young.
But now,i am like old wily man despite of my age and i am ready to study hnitec.
It is all about clear mind i have.Kar Ho said that i had clear mind.
I hope what i wrote is the clue to the clear mind he had been wondering how i could easily clear my mind.
Those kind of experience that englight you cannot be found in newspaper or magazines.
You have to go through them.Sales and clerk job can't teach you a lot unless you work full-time job where you have a lot of responsbility.
On my first full-time job,i had no time for playing games or talk with family man!
It is like in and out of my home at once with long hours of sleeping!
enriching experiences for me!
With them,i am set to study diploma and i am considering degree after i completed my own diploma.
i like that first full-time job the most becuase i enjoyed the most there despite of a lot of chinese speaking colleagues.
Truth don't reveal itself until you travel on the path hence you know the truth of it.
Learn not to speak too soon until you have sufficient experience to speak of.
Today,i don't go to pub very often.I spend more time at home talking with my mother and doing stuffs in computer and watching.
I am getting more and more like family man today.
No more outgoing guy like i was before.Enough fun.
It is better to avoid unexpected troubles and that is why i don't go pub very often nowadays.
Imagine yourself being hit with a bottle of beer or wine by stranger..
You need few stitches on your head and on that cut,your hair may never grow.
Horrible!You may lose your self-confidence from it.
Not worthwhile.
You can never know when it happen.It can happen in any time.
Don't be so gung-ho especially when there are unexpected events that you don't really want.
So what you are experienced going to pub and u are still hit by someone.
Experienced something doesn't mean you are gotta be saved from it.
It sum my life for now.In future,you will see how my life move on like.
Only You(Korean Drama 2005)
Click here for official websiteCharacters:
차은재(한채영) Han Chae Young is Cha Eun Jae; an optimistic girl who gets a scholarship to a cooking school in Italy as the prize for winning a cookery contest in Korea.
한이준(조현재) Jo Hyun Jae is Han Yi Joon; the son of the chairman of the powerful Dae Young Group who is looking for his mother who he haven't seen since he was 7 in Italy.
지수연(홍수현) Hong Soo Hyun is Ji Soo Yun; she harbored feeling for Yi Joon for many years in secret but is unable to watch a relationship develop between Yi Joon and Eun Jae without discomfort.
정현성(이천희) Lee Chun Hee is Jeon Hyun Sung; childhood friend of Eun Jae, he follows Eun Jae to Italy with his own feelings for her about be unleashed.
Jo Hyun Jae and Han Chae Young will lead the drama “Only You (온리유)”. JHJ plays the role Han Yi Joon (한이준) who is the son of the owner of a big business. He studies abroad to get an MBA degree. He finds his true love with an unwed mother Eun Jae (은재) played by Han Chae Young. Eun Jae came across a man while she was searching her mother in Italy. The man had to return to Korea to enlist in military service. Then she also returned to Korea and she found out that she was pregnant.

Picked this drama up based on people voting system in my favourite forums,i was quite impressed how this story consist of 16 episodes.
This lady named,Cha Eun Jae never had any interest in studies and took no heed to listen her mother who preached her to study for secure future.Ultimately,her mother did not want her to study in cooking school.
Nevertheless,she ran away from home with an aim to study food and understand the cooking.
With her much love and passion for food,she came back with a special skill that made food that made people feel something.
*For myself,i wanted to study soccer management but it was heading to no path.To get a job that allow me to manage 11 players to play soccer on the field in europe is tough one.After watching it,i may give it another thought after my completion on ongoing diploma*
The crux of this story is those lies.
1)In Italy,Cha Eun Jae and Han Yi Joon bed each other on that night.On the next day,Cha Eun Jae went out to sort her thoughts whether it is love or one night stand.
Jeon Hyun Sung saw naked Han Yi Joon in her home when she was not around.
The lie Jeon Hyun Sung told Han Yi Joon that she was his girlfriend.
It result Han Yi Joon went off hurry without classifying with Cha Eun Jae.
2)Six years later,Cha Eun Jae telling lies to Han Yi Joon so as to keep the secret of their son.
3)Cha Eun Jae told their son that his father was in the heaven.
So much augrish when Han Yi Joon and Cha Eun Jae found out the truth from both lies.
In the end,it was difficult moment for their son to see Han Yi Joon as his father.
So long...
All Han Yi Joon needed time to create a bond with his son and eventually,his son missed him as father not as his mother's friend.
What a day!
Han Yi Joon was determined not to carry the same thing like what his father did with his mother.
Underworld Evolution(Hollywood Movie 2006)
Click here for official siteStory(Taken from the war between the Death Dealers and the Lycans rages on, Selene (Beckinsale), the vampire warrior, and Michael (Speedman), the werewolf hybrid, work together in an effort to unlock the secrets of their respective bloodlines.
Beginning where Underworld finished, Selene and Michael are on the run from the vampires. Being the cause of Viktor's death, Selene can only hope to plea to the last remaining elder, Marcus. However, Marcus has already awakened and has become a more powerful creature than before. Now his only remaining goal is to awaken his Lycan brother, William from his eternal imprisonment. With time running out, Selene and Michael must piece together the final clues to unlock the secrets of their bloodlines and stop Marcus before it's too late.
Kate Beckinsale acting as Selene..Nice facial shape...
Wow,I didn't expect to see a sex romp between Selene and Michael in all-action packed movie.
Simple story with decent amount of action.
The Pink Panther(Hollywood 2005)
Click here for official websitePlot Outline: Loosely based on the 1964 Peter Sellers original film, where the detective must solve the murder of a famous soccer coach and find out who stole the infamous Pink Panther diamond
It is very funny and no substance in the story.
i wonder how girls gotta handle such amusing guy like this guy who want to investigate for the murder and theft.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:05 pm
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I watched most of the matches on internet.
So far Argentina,Italy,Germany preformed very well especially the direction of attacking.
On the other hand the tournment favourite,brazil who start with 4-2-4 with philsophy of near all out attack mentailiy disappointed.
And as expected,france drew with Swiss.
Last Monday,i went to my friend home just to watch Italy match which is shown live at 3am.
Although my favourite player,Del Piero was on the bench,Italy starting with Totti(whom i don't think of him highly because he created a lot of trouble and problems for italy in World Cup 2002 and Euro 2004).
Suddenly Totti showed some flashes of good play which we don't get to see him do that for italy in big competitions.
It seem that as if Totti thought that it is time to clean his acts and start doing serious actions.
Italy went against the world's expection of Italy who were thinking that italy gotta carry the usual tradition by score goal and then put up massive defence.
But it didn't happen,Italy kept on attacking in the quest for second goal to clear the doubt after Pirlo scored in first half.
Luca Toni is what Italy need very badly!
With that performance,you can see that italy can go far till final stage.
Forza Azzurri!
While waiting for the match,i took time to visit photographer based forums.
Some photos taken on insects with DSLR camera..
I never knew that there are much more details u need to see on a tiny insect with zoom function from camera.
A lot of things i have learn from the insects..
Especially the worms who is about to become butterfly!!!
gross looking and you all won't like to see that.
There was a few snapshots on each moment how small spider was eaten up by big spider and then bigger spider came out nowhere and eat the big spider!
*thumb up*
Kudoz to those photographers to take those photos as hobby.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
12:48 pm
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hello everbody.
Right now,i am writing this blog entry for the first time on my laptop.
It was remarkable that my mother was convinced to buy it by a moderate-technology knowledge guy.
The laptop model is Asus AJ8A and i bought it at Takashimaya.
Frankly,i put all money in the bank and let my mother to look after as if i have budget to spend.
I wonder if my future wife can be like the mindset of my mother and of course,i don't give a hoot when come sharing bank account with future wife.
Actually,i wanted to buy that dell insperon 9400 with customised specification but it cost few hundreds more than Asus A8JA.
Frankly i am quite attracted to dell's price:specfication marketing value but in the end my mother has some doubt on internet order.
Seeing stuffs at PC show last Two Thursday ago and then went again on Saturday.
Suddenly,i happened to see my friend,Mick who i had not seen him for few years.
He was looking and browsing the Dell insperon 9400 and i was standing next to him while looking at it.
For a moment,i cranked my neck and look at the person face because i found the person familiar.
"OH!It is Mick"
We chit chatted about the this laptop before i made a quick exit as i bade farewell to him.
Last Thursday,knowing that not many people attend the graduation day,i still went to ITE Tampinese campus to collect my certificate.
I took MRT so that i can use my laptop but in the end i read TNP for whole trip.
Took the bus there and i had to walk for short distance to reach there.
The moment i enter from the gate of the school,i saw the taxi came in.
There!Zhen Wei appeared out of the taxi.
~_~ That was sloppy attire.
Oversized white shirt with blue pants(our school's).
White on the top don't really compliment well with blue below.
Inside the waiting area,i saw my friend who i know in my school due to soccer CCA(i attended only once.gezzzz)
Dark red checked shirt with black tight-fitting pant..
wah.that is eye-catching colour but not really suitable for this occasion.
I thought so.
The committee scanned my IC and then was given a sticker to me.
Looking around and i guess zhen wei and me were only one for IQB/IQO
I went in the small-sized auditorium.
I decided to sms Eugene to double check who was coming.
Reena appeared out of the blue.The dressing attire...ah..not too bad..
Quite nice and suitable for this occasion.
We were taken to see some videos that contain from oritentation day to our last day in school.
Nisha and Yang Long appeared a lot in there(pictures and video)
And then,people including Reena were called to collect the awards followed by us including me to collect the red book contain a piece of paper that told me to go that room for certificate collection after this.
I went straight to that room to collect.I was asked to sign on the dotted line of the paper
Beside my name and my own gpa,i saw Eugene and Serene Low's gpa.
OMG!Serene Low's gpa was around 3.4 something and got into NP unlike me(similar gpa)
CCA huh?too complicated and there are hidden agendas all over.You can never know what they really want.
I had a chat with Miss Foo and Mr Sim.
Suddenly Miss Foo asked me whether Zhen Wei passed all the subjects.
Unforunately,i told her that i don't know.
The first thing she told me is "Why don't you ask him"
I modestly declined after she told me where Zhen Wei was.
I was picking some food and eat.
Zhen Wei behaved like outcast and went home.*roll eyes*
Of course he is already outcast long ago
I decide to leave a bit early so that i want to walk from Tampines Campus to Simei MRT(nearest).
It was my second time visiting the shopping centre at Simei.The last time was 10 years ago.
In the past,all shops opened but now,many shops are closed.
On the way to home in MRT,Xiang SMS me asking me what brand and model of dvd writer he should buy and telling me that he was at SLS.
Fortunately,i am at Adjuned MRT station.
I suggested that i would go to SLS.
On the way to SLS and then walking to fifth floor,a young man was standing on the rail near the escalator.
I looked at him and he showed me a facial expression of 'oh yeah,i know you'.
I thought carefully for a while.I asked him ."Are you Tian Loong?"
He nodded...
Wah lau,his facial shape was a bit different.I remembered him as small and rounder chin during secondary school.But now,his chin had sharper chin shape.
And then Jia Hao..As usual,he gained more weight than i have.
It was like "3 times" growing his weight.
I led Xiang to buy dvd writer..LG and black color..
They wanted to play DOTA at Penisular..
I went home instead..too tired to follow them there..
This much happening to meet some friends who i have not seen for a long time.Once again,Sarah(primary school classmate/new zealander) asked me whether i am that boy she knew in friendster and then Serene (secondary school classmate) requested me to add in friendster..
Who is the next person who i have not seen for few years i gotta see in person.
On the opening day,Germany as a host started very well against Costa Rica.
I am quite impressed with germany especially for pressure,quick attack,no-nonsense style,superb passing distribution.
Despite of quesitonable defence position which result two goals conceded to Costa Rica,i think Germany can make far and suitable canditate to challenge the tournment favourite,Brazil.
Quick attack football by germany vs silky and flair based attacking football by brazil.
It will entertain a lot of people in the world.
I am busy with computer game called Heroes Magic and Might V and new korean drama and movies!
I want to spend more time on leisure..I hope i can do that in future when i will be officially working person.
I want to see every Italy match in World Cup 2006!!!!
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:51 pm
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Yesterday,i took MRT..
I was supposed to stop at Bugis but then i unconsciously stop at City Hall and exit out of the gate.
Walking past the Singtel shop at Citylink,i suddenly remember that i should be going to hair saloon at Bugis Junction;not at Marina Square.
GAH!i was telling myself what the hell i am doing.
I walked through Raffles City to Chijimes to Bras Basah to National Library to finally Bugis Junction.
As i got myself into the saloon.
It seem that there are less staff in the saloon than the last time i went.
The man offered to use hair dryer to dry my back of my polo t-shirt due to walking.
We talked for a while and settle the haircut.
So far,he went as far as to serve me and talked how the hairstyle should be.
Good customer service...
That is why i came again.It is my second time.
I went home.I saw some familiar faces but i couldn't place myself to identify who they are.
Huo Yuan Jia (Fearless)(China/Hong Kong Movie 2006)
Click here for official websiteIt is understood that this film will be the last one for Jet Li before he retire from all-action movie.
Knowing his reputation,i expected all out action movie.
No doubt,the movie depicts all kind of martial arts but not to mention friction or true life story of Huo Yuan Jia.
One famous prime example is that no matter how old you are,you may not be able to realise how gravely the situation is.
Only when you encounter and experience it and you begin to learn the humility of the life.
What count is that how many life experiences you have and it will sum up to your wise thoughts as you grow older.
Huo Yuan Jia does exist in this world but we are still uncertain how his final fight went like in that time.
Spectular fight with plentiful of emotions.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
9:21 pm