Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The first Chinese New Year day, i had to visit to my relatives(mother's family) home at evening. By the time my family reached there, my relatives were already eating by then. Seriously, it was sudden because my mother asked me to move out as soon as possible. It is a sort of last minute thing. I always prefer 1 hour in advance to know when to leave. No wonder my mother always come late. Like mother like son?Most of time but not the lateness or last minute habit. :D
My cousin brought his girlfriend there. I think it is smart move to get his girlfriend to be known among the family as well as relatives. It is one clear cut and yet straight route to marriage. Hopefully when they start working, all kind of adult stuffs shouldn't pose any problems to them.
That is where one of the toughest test challege many couples to get through this before they are ready to marry.
Few years ago, a guy 'cried' so much that a year of studying university had changed his former girlfriend so much that she spend more time on her new friends. She was paying too much attention on new things like fame,money and etc. She changed totally within one year and he was giving in most of the time. At one point, he requested her to ignore the call and have a quiet moment going out with him. She scorned at him and THAT WAS IT. Broken up on spot..
It was incredible..Everything change too fast and they couldn't withheld the problem!
I see no wrong about the guy but the girl did a small part for it. What a pity.
Should such things influence you? You should decide what to do before everything go down into the dustbin.
On the second Chinese New Year, i went with my cousins to watch Norbit movie at Bishan. Woah, it was almost one year since i last went to Bishan. I simply miss my classmates from my former school at Bishan. We bought the tickets but we had to watch the movie at 1945. Given few hours more, we went to Orchard. It was my first time to see Orchard as a quiet place with very little people as well as Wisma and Takashimaya being closed! I am so used to see Orchard Road being busy area with a lot of noise and people.
Today, Jason invited me to his birthday party, a lot of my classmates atteneded including a few from Semester 5 DMSFT. I could say that we enjoyed a lot.
I begin to notice something and it seem to be true.
Sadly to say, it is really difficult to find out what wrong after you say something.
Human is very complex...It can be opposite or negative effect after action has happened. Hardly positive unless it is one hell beautiful stunt.
Before i went to Jason's home, i was practically sleeping throughout whole afternoon.
The moment i woke up, i thought a lot about myself. With the event from first two Chinese New Year, i began to think that i should stop being depressed and start restoring myself with new character of me.
'A NEW ME!' I shall take few months to shape myself until it is just like me in the past by appearance first. I have not even paid attention on my appearance for a long time ever since i left my Secondary school.
Oh yeah,i first saw a advertisement. It was a lady.. I sort of know her and then i had a sharp look at the words written on the advertisement. It said "A singapore Idol participant". I thought like "Jesus Christ, she really take part Singapore Idol"
I knew that she liked music since she was with music school since young but i never dreamt that she would go this far taking part of Singapore Idol. The last i met her was few years ago at Lot 1. I was taken back how she appeared that time. She was truly angel with broad thinking mind. Truly rare gem for a Singaporean. For her age, many singaporeans girls would probably whined about the work and etc.
Casino Royale(Hollywood Movie 2006)
Click here for official websiteSynopsis:
Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two professional assassinations in quick succession, he is elevated to '00' status. Bond's first 007 mission takes him to Uganda where he is to spy on a terrorist, Mollaka. Not everything goes to plan and Bond decides to investigate, independently of MI6, in order to track down the rest of the terrorist cell. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters Dimitrios and his girlfriend, Solange. He learns that Dimitrios is involved with Le Chiffre, banker to the world's terrorist organizations. Secret Service intelligence reveals that Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro at Le Casino Royale. MI6 assigns 007 to play against him, knowing that if Le Chiffre loses, it will destroy his organization. 'M' places Bond under the watchful eye of the beguiling Vesper Lynd. At first skeptical of what value Vesper can provide, Bond's interest in her deepens as they brave danger together and even torture at the hands of Le Chiffre. In Montenegro, Bond allies himself with Mathis MI6's local field agent, and Felix Leiter who is representing the interests of the CIA. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying climax. Written by Krafty
James Bond is a seductive British secret agent for M:I-6 who has achieved "007" status. After trying to capture a criminal in an embassy, by illegally entering the country, 007's boss 'M' is displeased with his efforts and is unsure if he is the right man for the job. As he continues to follow the trail, the trail leads Bond to the Bahmas to corrupt banker Le Chiffre who is funding international terrorists. After seducing Solange, the beautiful wife of criminal Alex Dimitrios. 007 takes part in a card game in Montengro called 'Casino Royale' where Le Chiffre plans on raising the prize money for terrorist activities. With help from the beautiful and mysterious British government agent Vesper Lynd who is supplying his betting money, field agent Rene Mathis and Undercover CIA agent Felix Leiter, 007 sets out to thwart the corrupt bankers efforts to raise the money, where if Le Chiffre looses, his organization will collapse. Where 007 must uses his instincts and wits as he also deals with attempts on his life, double agents and finds himself falling in love with Vesper. Written by Daniel Williamson
The British Establishment has an ally, in the guise of newly appointed double-00 James Bond. Daniel Craig joins a prestigious line up of iconic cinematic history; James Bond is back with a vengeance. His introduction is a sparing partner of both intelligence and brutality, his mission is to take the ultimate gamble and place his life on the line in the arenas of terrorism and the ivory towers of power. Taking Bond around the world once more but it is in Casino Royale where this battle of wit and cunning will take place, taking no prisoners and leaving nothing but death in his wake. This gripping updated Ian Fleming story is dealt with the expectancy of urgency and drama that when the chips are down this action packed high-octane movie will deliver what England expects
The story coupled with action scenes is quite good. The female lead isn't that fantastic as previous ones from 007 films. Nevertheless, it truly meet every review's generous rating on this movie.
1) Superb fighting chronology despite of few local viewers questioned them as Jackie Chan carbon-copy fighting moves.
2)There is a simple twist during the gambling part. Once again, local viewers thought it is like God of Gamblers movies(chinese). Then again, it deserve for a mark.
3)Everything is very realistic and not very exaggerated and impossible. It is very unlike 007 films from early 90s.
Norbit (Hollywood Movie 2007)
Click here for official websiteSynopsis:
A mild-mannered guy (Murphy) who is engaged to a monstrous woman (Murphy) meets the woman of his dreams (Newton), and schemes to find a way to be with her.
The comedy show is quite stale for guys like me. Too many sexual jokes.
Seriously, if i were Norbit, i would stand against the marriage with a fat girl who forced Norbit to marry her as well as his foster family's approval for marriage.
It seem to be a big mistake until Norbit took the chance very well to break the 'chain' and get the girl who he want the most.
Apart from this movie, i was greatly reminded that there are times for people including me have many chances but never make used of it. In my case, it seem to be too close but yet i never put a step up front because i knew it will be wasted effort when there is zero commitment from the other side. I always put the step forward as long as the route is very clear enough.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:14 pm
Friday, February 16, 2007
Sometimes i do not know what i am because i am already lost again.
Why is it so?The things you wanted is not within your hands or with you.
Just like that? To me, it is a precious moment to have those things to boast my morale and it will tell me that i have secure the future.
This week, there are some unbelieveable commotions i have come across.
There are two sides in a conversation.One want the other not to publish somebody nanem. The other want to express his unhappiness with the product he bought and return it back. Unfortunately, they reserved their own stands as true and right.
They don't want to compromise although there are no sour grapes among them.
It make me think that the world is filled of humans who insist that they are right especially when the evidences are not there to see. The evidences were kept for confidential or some kind of respect for somebody.
I know it because i never get the chance to read the my father's medical report book that is on the table because nurses quickly took away.
I was wondering whether the hospital was making any blunder..It brought me a memory of a Japanese Drama how the hospital made a huge mistake on a patient in the operation. In that show, it was kept quiet until someone found the scalpel in the urn. I decided not to think this much and rest my case on it.
I don't know why i didn't pursue this far on my first love. I am still at loss why i bother to cut the contact between me and her since we were in different secondary schools. Can i really move on and give a try to like a girl? So long, i never do anything about my own humble single status under my head because i don't feel any need or urge to do it.
I remembered the day my previous class from ITE Bishan went to BBQ at East Coast. It was around 6.30-7pm and i was taking picture of female classmates with Eugene. Out of blue, i saw a man and woman. They were wearing office type attires and a man was holding a bottle of wine and the other hand holding the woman's hand. I thought it was bloody romance to do that at the bench.
I can only sigh for now. It is great to have a dream to be realised. A wife like Victoria Beckham or Scarlett Johansson. I admit that i am very very westernised person.
Although Benny suggest that Ms Lim, HR lecturer pointed out chinese people on the surface may be westernised but very traditional in modern times.
Unfortunately, i am traditional person. I don't even follow chinese belief or whatever chinese culture it is but i do respect it. I still visit my relative homes to greet them just based on the chinese culture.
Why am i like that? It must be due to the background environment i was lived for a long time.
The reason why you readers notice that i watch so many movies,drama and animation shows is that i learn a lot of things from the shows. Hence i can easily relate how some of meaning from the show can be applicable for real-life situation.
傷城-Seung Sing/伤城-Shāngchéng,(Confession of Pain)(Hong Kong Movie 2006)
Click here for official website

In a city of love and prosperity, a city of lost hope and premature death, veteran detective Hei (TONY LEUNG CHIU-WAI) feels it all: the hurt, the helplessness, the horror. When his father-in-law, the billionaire benefactor Chau, is gruesomely murdered in his palatial mansion, he enlists the assistance of his former partner turned private detective, Bong (TAKESHI KANESHIRO).
On the surface, the murder smacks of a vendetta that has taken a lifetime to fulfill. But no sooner has Bong agreed to crack the case with Hei than he realizes nothing is what it appears to be. Undoubtedly, they are after a monster in a perfect crime: every detail was meticulously orchestrated, every motive conveniently justifiable, and every culprit and potential witness mysteriously eliminated.
But Bong has his own demon to fight. Ever since the suicide of his pregnant girlfriend, he has lost his joie de vivre, even though he still retains the finest instincts of a man hunter. As he digs deeper and deeper into the case, all evidence seems to point to Chau’s daughter and Hei’s hysterical wife, Susan. But then the killer ups the ante by murdering Susan as well. Bong starts grappling with the suspicion that the man they hunt is someone very close to them, someone on the verge of a total breakdown.
Like lost souls in a city of fallen angels, the cop, the private detective, and the killer are doing what they must. Every step of their journey takes them closer and closer to one another, until a shocking denouement in which no stone is left unturned and no one can escape unscathed.
TONY LEUNG CHUI WAI!!!He is my favourite chinese male actor hence i use Tony for people who prefer to call me in english.
It is one sad and complicated story. I simply understood it but i feel that it is not good as infernal affair.
A lot of reviewers rate this movie quite so high.Before i watched this movie,i raised my expectation really too high hence there is a slight disappointment.
At least the story is weill-written and complicated one unlike many other Hong Kong films that had simple and 'cheap' stories.
Xiang told me that he would rate Sapuri 9.9999 out of 10 just because of his idol.
For my case,it aint happen to me even this movie starred Tony Leung Chui Wai.
Bonsus:1)Reasonable story 2)A-list stars act their emotions very well
FWAH!I was really surprised how Grace has grown.
Hey Eugene..we would agree the fact that Grace is very blur girl.
What she told me that it is better to act blur altough she is smart.
I was like oh yeah oh yeah...
She proved me that she is not trying to be naive one as we perceive!
In few days later, Grace talked with me about marketing project.
She said that she loved to think of innovative things and talk about it such as product specification and so on.
I never thought of her talking like that man!
I was quite impressed the way Grace has grown. Mature and humble girl at her own age..few years younger than me on top of that..
Mind you..there are so many immature girls playing the fun too much at her age.
That is why i am in awe of her growth progress.
she went on to say that she has now different perception on courses. She used to want to study Accounting but now she want to study marketing
As far as i know, she said that she wanted to apply RMIT marketing after DMS because it has one year degree course due to DMS.
I wonder what make her change her mind. Her recent msn nick say she is aiming for University of London. The same one i am aiming for!
WTF..I thought she would bulk out on the difficulty level of UOL and choose RMIT just like Ka Ho.
I will find out when i will ask her. Once i get the information, i will write it down for every classmate who want to know how Grace is.
I can say Ka Ho and Grace are fantastic..doing well in their own league.
Don't forget to check out for the next or next two blog entry about Ka Ho,Grace and myself, Eugene and whoever from our class.
This week is 'hai' thing for me.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:40 pm
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I wished that i am Kudo Shinichi/Edogawa Conan. He love a girl who has been with him ever since they were child. Plus, he has a lot of adventures to investigate tough and yet interesting mysteries!! That is why i want to have a lot of adventure and a childhood female friend!*grin*
I also wanted to be Shigeno Goro/Honda Goro. He is very arrogant guy who want to do exciting baseball. Yet i love his kind of character. Best part is that he decide to start a baseball team from scratch in his new school after he quit Kaido High.
Anyone will bulk it out because it is already impossible to win baseball national championship with people with no baseball background or just started. He make things possible with his constant training and unique potential.
Not only that,before that,he also injured his right arm which he use it to throw the baseball. It mean he can't use right arm any more although he can use it for anything else other than baseball. He took only few years to train his left arm to throw the baseball. INCREDIBLE! He never waver at all! He is truly extraordinary guy i ever seen in any show. There is a girl who liked him ever since they were child. Quite similar to Shinichi/Conan. Other than that, he has family who is crazy about baseball and that is how he love to play baseball.
That is why i wishs i have a family who is too crazy about soccer. If i had one, you probably not see me studying SIM by then. That is why environment background play big part of your life.
Let see what path i am going to in near future.
Ever since Suliana told me that Kayla got A for Business Oommunication. I was surprised because she is foreginer from Vietnam. I wonder how she manage to do that.
Until few days ago, i asked her how long she learn English. 8 years..That solve my puzzle to as why she got A for this subject. To learn English jsut for few months or 2 years is not enough to achieve this feat. 8 years is reasonable amount of time to achieve it. It take a genius to achieve it. WHY MUST IT BE GENIUS? It is simply to say that genius only need few months to learn and understand them perfectly.
サプリ- Sapuri(Japanese Drama 2006)
Tokyo, 2006. Minami Fuji is riding a train along Tokyo Bay. Weary from a day's work, she falls asleep while on the train. Her nap time is obstructed by the sound of somebody's cell phone ringing. She opens her eyes to see the phone lying unattended on a nearby seat. Reluctantly, she answers the phone. It's a man claiming to have dropped his phone. He wants Minami to deliver it to him before his job interview begins. However, since Minami too has a meeting she must attend, she takes the phone to the lost and found department of a nearby station.
On her way to work, Minami spots an old commercial being shown on a big-screen TV. She immediately takes a picture of it with her camera. That is when she realizes that someone else is also absorbed in the commercial. It's Yuya Ishida, the young man who called to have his cell phone delivered.
Kyotaro Imaoka, creative director of an advertisement agency, is having a meeting at an insurance company with Kunio Sakuragi and Satoshi Hagiwara. Minami soon joins the meeting. They have come to give a presentation for the new TV commercial for their company.
Meanwhile, Yuya has arrived at the place where he will have his interview. He is immediately given a tour of the office as well as a lecture on commercial planning. He has no idea that Minami has returned to the office and is having a meeting with Kyotaro and the others.
Later on, Yuya delivers mail to Minami. At first, she doesn't even look up at him. But when she does, it only takes 15 seconds;the same length as a television commercial;for Minami to realize that she had ran into Yuya while watching the commercial on the big-screen TV, and it was also his cell phone that she picked up on the train.
I got this drama from Xiang few months ago and i ame entirely no idea about this show.Few days ago, i show the synopsis of this drama show from a website. He wasn't keen to watch it. I wonder....So i decide to watch it last Tuesday..The moment i see a main male character...Jesus Christ!!!That is the guy Xiang idolise. I thought that it was no wonder why he pick this drama. I was in awe how love developed between male and female lead character. Simply unconditional...It is true that many ladies always think twice about their own men and other targets because they want to have their future secure. Simply to say, there is no fixed method to make them feel secure being with you.
Secondly, male character look like any average teenager. He has no idea what potential he have until this female lead character lead the way until he realise where he is good at. It brought me two memories.
Thirdly,that is why Japanese drama show has huge edge over Singapore's. I remember i once saw Singaporean drama show about advertisement drama few years ago back and it wasn't that fantastic as Japanese one. I get a big picture how advertisement company work like from Japanese show whereas Singaporeans prefer to focus on human interaction than looking the working process. It sum up the standard of filming!
OH YEAH! i saw an interesting technology which many countries do not have. It is about mobile phone charger. We usually use a charger with a round or usb jacks to charge your mobile phone. What Japanese do is a mini-charger machine..all they need is to put the mobile phones on it without using conventional phone chargers like we do or remove the battery. It was fucking innovation and brilliant one.
Pingwei show off the mobile battery to me last semester and it was good but not that impressive as Japanese! No wonder China technology are forever copy other people's design or ideas. I have not seen them making anything new and interesting enough other than EVD. I feel sad for China future for technology department.
Bonus points:1)Showing the audience a big picture how advertisement companies operate in Japan.2)It taught me the essence of the advertisement.
Following up the drama after what i felt, the moment female lead character brought the male lead character the light. In similar fashion in two different scenario..
In my primary school, i always fail every subject until i first pass science exam in primary 5 for the first time with such high score. Miss Han pointed out that i concentrated better if i am alone and the surrounding is quiet.
Indeed,that is where i am now. I have finally established my potential.
Later on, i move on to study in secondary school. It seem everything is fading inside me due to different environment especially the school culture and the learning method. One day..Chemistry teacher suddenly told whole class that i have potential to do better than all of them IF ONLY I SPEND MORE TIME ON STUDYING. I was surprised and i thought that it will make me stick out too much to class. I wonder how my classmates felt after hearing it. As far as i am concerned, I thought that having a private and personal lesson from her gave her an impression of that. It is due the quick response and interest i had shown to her. At that point, she was talking about atoms and i quickly response with much interest saying that every thing has blah blah blah atoms. She nodded.. It was very technical one then.
Again, i picked another potential. She indirectly suggest that i learn very fast. WAY FAST as long as i spend time in learning.
It was so unbelievable that i never knew that i had those two potentials that teachers pointed out. It firmly established myself into a serious,no-nonsense and no mercy guy.
Just like this advertisement manager, he rejected all works from his subordinates and only accept the ones that are very good and unique. In the same manner, i would have done the same way. If a person is very satisfied with the work and the effort, he/she submit the work. If i see the content of the work is like as if girls do 30 mins make-up before they leave home, i will definitely tear it or throw it to the waste basket. I will tell them to do another one but better than this one. What i want is unique,creative and different from others. It is like having professional one doing the make-up for more than 3 hours before they are ready for photo-shooting.
This semester projects..i feel a bit disappointed because everything done too quickly and they didn't try to follow the schedule i would like to. Next semester, there is no more same line up for group and i am not going to suffer again by doing 705 of the work until the creative level of the project increased by me. I wonder...Their work isn't up to the standard. It is really amateur ones. For god's sake,they are spending money to study. Why waste the money and give me below par work. Only Ruo Nan impressed me a lot with her Semester 1,2 and 3 works.
Given a chance,i will have a proposal to tell SIM to increase the standard of English requirement to apply the course. There are so many foreigners who are not trying hard enough to write proper English without copying from somewhere plus they still don't get the exact meaning from one person's saying. The meaning is always something else not the meaning what a person is trying to convey. Bloody hell, there should be no mercy to reject those who are not competent enough.
Just memorise the subject without understanding the concept? Fuck!i don't like this kind of culture among people.
Smart or not. It is another matter. Surely they can put a bit more effort to study in proper manner. They need to learn that they should not be burden to themselves and as well for the group project. Although the may not be in my shoes, it is for their future. Should it happen, they will drag the company down with work failure or inefficiency that cost a lot of money.
I never think much about planner book. I always thought that i can remember inside my mind like i always. Not until i saw this drama show, i know why there is a need for planner book. There are simply too many appointments cramping in a day hence planner book is needed to organise oneself to make a decision whether to attend or not. i guess one day i will have one if i am very busy man with huge workload.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
12:18 am
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Last two Saturday ago, i was going home after finishing marketing meeting with Pingwei, Wang Wen and Stephen. It was evening by then. I was surprised to see Emmanuel there. I wonder why he is still at school with his friends at such late hours.
After making bus transfer, the bus i am talking to home directly is quite packed. Few minutes later, a girl who i think she may from Ngee Ann poly since she carry laptop bag suddenly fell as she lost the balance. That was when bus took mildly sudden brake. She fell onto elderly lady's feets. Lucky she and i were standing in front of the Mercedes TIBS bus(longest one) because one seat is facing in front of another seat where there are so much spaces for 4 people to lay their legs there.
It would be stunner if she stand in the middle of bus because she probably fall on people's lap instead! I raised my eyes and eyebrows. Based on my gut feeling, she is trying to camouflage her embarrassment on her face but i am not exactly sure if she really did that. I can only say that she has superb composure to move things on. *thumb up*

If i 'push' my hair with comb or hairdryer, i am truly european person. I remembered when i only dyed my front fringe gold and people commented that i look like european guy. Again i with black hair was also commented that i look like 'ang moh' by my secondary school classmates. From this picture result, it proved likewise.

Let see what wavvy hair style render me look like of what!
Actually i love to sport long and curly hairstyle.

If my hairstyle is flat,it seem that i am very asian person. HOWEVER, most of my features should be belonging to females. Sadly, many girls will die for my eyes as their own. When i was secondary 2 student, two female temporary teachers who have jsut graduated from junior colleges told me that my eyelashes are very long and one of them want to have my eyelashes. I teased her that she should take plastic surgery.
It is not one-off thing i would thought of. Norisah also comment that my eyelash and my eye are very nice. Furtermore, my former working colleague told me that i should been female instead. *roll eyes*
Good facial features i have but it went to wrong reason somehow.
I can say that if you have something on your facial feature not being nice, who knows this particular so-called-ugly thing can be your benefit in near future.
I cannot be bothered with my looks and i am willing to trade my looks for a wife who know how to communicate with my kind of character.

Sigh,i feel sad because she commited suicide due to her depression like not knowing who she is and also the rumour of her having plastic surgery. I liked her a lot especially her cuteness and natural look because i saw her in Korean Drama show called 'She Is Nineteen'
She is really so cute that i want her to be my sister and i want to play with her like a kid. And now she is gone...I can tell you that plastic surgery is not worth to fix your ugly ones into beautiful ones.
I can only dream to have her as my sister because i really like her personality in that drama show.
It is 2nd actress after U-Nee killed herself for same reason.
What the fuck! Open-minded society is good thing but it has also bad thing.
It can enable you to say anything as you want but it also can 'kill' someone.
Come on Korean netizens.. is it about the time to embrace plastic surgey as common thing? I will remember her as bubbly lady and she is fit enough to be my sister. *thumb up*. Hopefully in next life,she will be my sister?*grin* 평화안에 나머지!
I hope that this news will bring seriousness to everyone in the world by embracing the looks and forget about the jealousy of other people's look.
Look at myself,i don't even care about my own look or girls looks.
But i wished that i had a childhood female friend to begin with. I am quite loyal guy sticking to one life partner. To have childhood female friend as a girlfriend or wife just like Rooney is good thing but it is very scary to find this girl that she had changed her characters and everything due to ever-fast changing world.
It is not easy for any human to be resilient against changing world. Who knows money has ruled their head for some reason. I can say it is very scary for any guy/girl who have their own childhood friends. It is like 'HUH!HOW THE HELL SHE/HE BECOME LIKE THAT!WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GLORY AND HAPPY DAYS WE HAD?'
It can easily disappeared into tiny air and it will be your sorrow memory in your lifetime.
To follow it up, i understand how adeline felt as she wrote about friends in her blog. The real friends are the ones who still hang on you because of your character.
Should this friend suddenly become another person? It is best thing to leave it alone as long as nothing is wrong. You and your friend are friends together as long as it become into enemies issue. ^_^
I decide to revise and revamp my rating system on movie and drama listing. Lately, i have rated too many movies with 7/10. This time 5/10 is normal.any more mark adding on it will be bonus due to some factors.
Babel(Hollywood Movie 2006)
Click here for official website
"In Gen. 11:9, the name of Babel is etymologized by association with the Hebrew verb balal, 'to confuse or confound'" (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/babel)..."Babel", through a series of misunderstandings, interweaves the unfortunate circumstances of a Moroccan, an American, a Mexican and a Japanese family. A Moroccan family acquires a rifle to protect their goats. An American woman, on a bus tour with her husband, is accidentally shot, which is in turn grossly exaggerated by the press who are quick to label the incident as a "terrorist attack". The same couple's children accompany their long-time caretaker to Mexico to attend her son's wedding, where upon re-entering the United States face problems. A Japanese widower confronts difficulties in communicating with his deaf-mute teenage daughter whom simply craves human contact.
Quite good film but not very brilliant. 3 different pieces of scenarios evolved together in one piece of movie where most of people are directly related from one to another.
Unbelieveable,this japanese actress, Rinko Kikuchi acting skill is excellent. I remembered that there was a newspaper acticle about her in the interview. Many Japanese people in the film industry don't value her this much because of her outspoken character that is very unlike for average Japanese person.
From this film, i believe that something can be prevent..
One of 3 scenarios is created by the act of curiousity.
Obviously, youngsters gotta love to try it out to satisfy their own curiousity.
In similar fashion, secondary school students are fast picking smoking just to make new friends.
2nd secnario..it is pure tragic..Needing for someone as companion..All you need to do dare stunt.
In reality, you need to do something that is suitable for yourself and don't try to do something unusual or something uncomfortable for you. Otherwise you will pay the price for it. Every doing has its own price.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:46 pm
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I am really impressed and i can see why Ka Ho tell me this Ms Lim is very professional. I like that way.. NO MERCY stance. Yes i adovcate no mercy attitude like what Ms Lim do.
Again, i also was impressed with this certain group who even bother to go and get changed to proper attire. That is the attitude i want to see. I presume that the army thing has instill the proper thinking in them. "Make it or give it up!"
Sadly, that guy from the same group wearing purple shirt..his left hand is practically shaking as he tried his best to present his work in front of us.
I forgot to write something for previous blog entry again.
I want to say that last two weeks ago, Shunrong made contact with me.
To give his thanks for helping him to solve simple problem in his computer,he treat me a meat to Breeks at Takashimaya.
I joked if he still keep porn in his new computer. He said that he never.
Wah,that is good change. Few years ago back, he was practically download every porn he can find. One time ,i went out with him for IRC outing. I didn't know those guys and girls but Shunrong knew them.
Fwah, he talked about porn with a girl. It raised my eyebrow and he is truly extrovert person. Admirable..talk so much about porn with so many guys and girls.
They viewed him as dirty guy. *grin*
I ordered a western food and cocktail. WAH,i like cocktail so much because it is first time experience. I think i am going to be cocktail addict. I like the taste!
After that we went to Novena just to check out new sports shopping centre.
WHAT THE FUCK.It is only small add-on to the existing shopping centre. ~_~
Totally waste of time. Shungrong wanted to eat waffles and so treat me again. *grin*
Few days later, Shunrong want to be tourist guide and i suggest him to forget about degree and diploma since he love outgoing job. So i suggested him to get profession certificate to make him qualified tourist guide. He check with Singapore Tourism Guide Board and STB said the same thing as what i said. ~_~
That is why i loathe people who get my advice and then go and double check.
The Departed(Hollywood Movie 2006)
Click here for official website
Years ago, a powerful Irish mafia figure placed a small selection of his youngest, brightest men into the Massachusetts Police Academy as cadets. Their purpose is to eventually rise within the prestigious ranks of the city's police department, to serve as the eyes and ears of their boss. While somewhere else, a young cadet was assigned with an equally dangerous task: infiltrate the Irish syndicate headed by the man sending in his own to the Boston Police. Now, one cadet is an up and coming police official with a torn allegiance to his job and to the criminal mastermind that put him there. While the other cadet is the trusted number two of that man, only finding his professional duties are becoming blurred with his current state. But new clues have lead to unfortunate discoveries, when both sides realize they're being watched by the enemy. It's now all just a matter of time before the men assigned to find out whose the infiltrator, could come to a bloody end when someone's identity may be revealed.
Not too bad,this show is largely tailored for hollywood but it can never do better than the original film 'Infernal Affairs'. A guy in imdb say that it is better than godfather. Yes it does in terms of plot and film production.
墨攻- Mò Gōng(Battle of Wits)(Hong Kong Movie 2006)

In 370 B.C, China was separated as seven nations and several other small tribes, one of these being the city state of Liang. The nation of Zhao is led by the terrifying prime commander Xiang Yangzhong who orders his troops to launch an attack on Liang in a bid to conquer the small city. Leaping to the defense of the cowed people of Liang is a warrior who goes by the name of 'Ge Li' from the Mo-Tsu tribe, renowned for its defensive skills. He is their last hope as the terrors of Yangzhong's troops are unleashed. The future of Liang now hangs in the balance, with all their hopes pinned on the mysterious Mo-Tsu warrior Ge Li...
FUCKING GOOD! I simply love the way how Ge Li command the weak Liang against Zhao.
Interestingly,i learn from this film about Mohism. We all knew about Confucianism and Taoism only.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
10:19 pm