Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Recently, i was reading a thread that is about someone opinion on education system which was posted on Stratis Times. Self-study is better?Few years of primary and secondary school?
My take is that i stand on both sides which mean i both agree and disagree on this issue. Certainity, self-study, if well supervised or supported by parent will ensure that the child to develop interesting tools of creativity and focus. But there is one big and very ambiguous con. Depending on the environment child live in and the nature of character the child develop, if it is not properly take care of, the child will be much more withdrawn and quiet person with the years to come for the child growth. It spell that the child will have difficulty to make friends. I have enough and yet considerable amount of experience of 3 years self-study and this kind of effect didn't appear on me. Like what I say, with consideration of environment, child development and ceteris paribus, this con will not happen.
I totally disagree that 10-12 years -depending on the education path you took- of primary and secondary schools is wasted. NO WAY. At primary and secondary school days, you had fun with chatting and playing with your classmates. You get to learn interesting things regardless of tangible or intangible benefits of schooling. Actually, it is not a sin to play!Not to study is not a sin as well!
Like what i said in previous blog entry, MOE must toughen the education path of primary and secondary schools by encourage childrens to learn abit more complex and yet interesting to learn. One suggestion is to use central year-end examination for each primary and secondary school. I am trying to imply that MOe appoint one independent and well-qualified examiner to set exam questions for all levels of primary and secondary schools except the final term of primary school and secondary school(Primary 6:PSLE,Secondary 4 Express and 5 Normal Academic: O Level, Secondary 4 Normal Academic and Normal Tech: N Level). Letting teachers who work in schools to set the exam is good as if giving tips. To make things tough, not letting your teacher to set the paper is the way to do it. It effectively make teachers difficult to give tips to students and no chance to set 'give-away' questions. However teachers should be allowed to set CA test. This way, in my belief, it will set the standard high.
I know some parents love to complain why MOE should make things difficult for their children. I think it is totally bollock! With careful consideration of children's learning curve based on well done observation studies, it is feasible to develop tough and yet suitable course for them to study. Long time ago, childrens who never had a chance to go school and most of them spend time to work and work. I call it ridiculously tough which mean they do not have comfort at all as they are trying to make ends meet. Prime and true real life example: Oliver Lum, owner of Hyflux(public listed company) had no parents,no home, no food and no money. All she had is her grandmother. They migrate from Perak to Singapore when she was 16 years old. In my opinion, to move from Perak to Singapore is madness when you do not have money to get by. But she did and learned all the way until she with few years experience started her own business in chemistry industry. Another madness. This industry is not so big globally. Despite of daunting prospect, she made it. She has my respect.
If she can do, why not those childrens... No offence, I think getting children into tough course will shape their consciences and behaviour towards doing things.
Next topic:Sunshine Empire
There is hoo-haa about this company doing multi-level marketing. I looked at various people comments. Somewhat, one of their comments sound familiar. I realised that Jun Bin earned money from putting his money in this Sunshine Empire because he once told me about the company dealing wireless internet stuff in Taiwan. Now this story fit nicely. Sadly to say, i will give interesting piece of talk. In my present condition, such marketing talk don't easily sway me and i can easily demand for better explaination to justify why I should do it.
Let look at their operations. Taiwan operation about building wireless internet...Most of the comments are something you can think of. I have acquire considerable amount of knowledge learning 4 subjects in my degree course. Right now I am going to apply them on this qualitatively.
For this taiwan wireless internet, i am going to point that thing that nobody talk about. I don't need to talk the obvious ones that everybody know. Considering that the risk and return, based on the comment that if you invest $10k and you get back maybe few ten thousands. the percentage of return is pretty high. If it is so, the project must be very profitable. Virtually calculating by using NPV, IRR and payback period tools, it should very extremely profitable. If it is true, a big corporation will borrow money from the bank with good faith standard by meas AAA credit and by then, it will push subsidiary company of Sunshine Empire out if this kind of project is known publicity. It will happen as long as the corporation will use the muscles if their financial manager or CIO think highly of the project by using the tool i mention.
Another interesting point i want to talk about.
Apparantly the rumour say that Sunshine Empire bought the whole floor which is 7th floor in HDB building at Toa Payoh and government can't tear the building should it happen. I think it is ridiculous. You buy HDB flat and it is under your name. However it has the number of years being lease attached. Say 99 years lease, after that government can take it back. Likewise for buying house. To be effectively own 100% without having government interference, you gotta buy land/plot. Once the land is under your deed, nobody can touch your land/plot ever!It is just rough explaination. TOO BAD i am not lawyer even though i did studied business law. Frankly speaking, i think someone who love law or work as lawyer is better qualified to explain it clearer.
End of the Sunshine Empire. That is whati want to talk about these two points. The other points can be discussed easily by many people at their pleasure. You know the excitement of branding a company or someone so badly. It is where i will not participate.
This episode media and public portray it remind me of a Japanese drama. A oompany using MLM as cover is actually cheating people money. Behind the scene, Yakuza is controlling it and earning the money. Another Japanese drama remind me as well. A professional conman..create a company and he/she encourage you to sign the contract and your money is gone..Totally conned. To you, reading this paragraph make sound kid game. But it is not kid game as you perceived from this paragraph. It is truly professional con work where a lot of people thought it is real. Everything seem to be legal to them and sadly, "once the wallpaper are torn", they will realise that they had be CONNED of their money.
Don't jump to any conclusion. I bet that some of you who may happen to invest money in Sunshine Empire will start thinking that this paragraph above is more or less related to Sunshine Empire. Hell no, i am recalling how professional con game work. I have no say on whether Sunshine Empire is true and legal company or the company that is out to con.
To know more about MLM, i figure that you can start reading one of these books written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Alrhough, online investigation proved that Robert T. Kiyosaki is selling lies on the book. Nevertheless, you can have some ideas about MLM. One thing for sure that will hold forever is "the more people put money, they will get the money as long as there are cash inflows for the company who can use the part of cash inflow to pay out. Once the cash inflow dried(e.g no more people to put money), what will happen? Very easy to figure. You do simple logic thinking.
This kind of work is not within my circle of competence because of my nature and handling. Like Warren Buffet, he tried to sell the stock of the company whom the management never heed his instruction. Door to door, he can't sell. He realised that he is not suit to this kind of work. Therefore, he asked Charlie Munger to help and then the stock of that company is already sold by then. Similarly, I do not have that skill which salesmen have.
I know that Junbin will not put money in stock market because he doesn't know about them. To know a MLM company and how to earn money is very easy to learn unlike to learn about stock market. With absence of the asymmetric information, a risk-averse person like Junbin is not willing to invest money in stock market. Being rish-averse, he prefer sure thing. To him, sure thing is getting his friends to invest in any project Sunshine Empire 'sell'. That is why it is not easy to get such information how to invest stock market well.
Now this last topic is something i want to point at the owner of Sunshine Empire, James Phang. He claims that he is better than Warren Buffet. Looking at his profile that is avaiable to view online, i disagree with him 100%. To you it can be very subjective. Of course, it is because of asymmetric information.
As you know that James Phang sell all kind of things through MLM channel. Does it effectively make him better than Warren Buffett? HELL NO. His nature of business dealing is actually not that risky while Warren Buffett's is. Let me supply you some information that many people don't know. Warren Bufett bought a lot of insurance companies. One of those insurance companies named General Re is selling reinsurance. Woah, now this reinsurance is sudicial one if you get the bad deal which mean you buy insurance from other insurance companies so that the insurance companies can protect itself. This deal is one kind of the lifetime. If something happen to the insurance company(like hurrance swept through out in few of US states), reinsurance company gotta pay more than $1 billion payout for this policies. Imagine that! It is one hell big loss. Now you create a vision imaging that Sunshine Empire is to donate whole wealth to the charity. Same scenario i mentioned in last few paragraphs above. It imply that he can't earn the same amount of money he gave away again but Warren Buffet can! By this battle, you should know who is better.
James Phang need is to collect money from people to grow the business and give payout to people in order to justify the evidence that it is real company(this kind of tactics is very obvious. Even Sony use limited warranty to encourage people to buy Sony products again). For Warren Buffett, he work all the way by investing money on index fund and he got the money from there. People who trusted and put the money in the hands of Buffet were millionaires by then. The big question is "Do you see all of James's 'followers' who 'invest' money in his company become millionaires?"
Pfft, so contradicting.
If you want to compare to someone, you must show that you can produce better performance/result than someone in the similar circle of competence. If James were to list his company in the stock exchange, he has to keep the shareholders happy. If he can't cope the pressure, the chance of him to doctor the accounts is very high. It will be like Enron's scenario. Look at Warren Buffett..He turn Berkshire Hathaway from Texile Mill into congolmerate company and the company share price(Class A,Class B,Class C) is worth $128,000 per share. Who can achieve this kind of expensive share? I can't think of anyone other than Warren Buffet. Now you should know who is obviously better.
To say that he is better than Warren Buffett, he is a joke to the public as well as Singapore! If you are not convinced, all you need to drop me email and i will reveal further more information about Warren Buffett. I wanted to draw economics graph to illsutrate but i do not have time to do it. Like what Warren Buffett say, whatever Bill Gates work in, Bill Gates will be the winner no matter what kind of product he sell. To Warren Buffett, Bill Gates is the best entrepreneur he ever met. If it is true, Bill Gates will knock him out easily.
Next blog entry will be about charity. I am quite hopeful that i have tiee to draw the economics graph to illustrate.
Du Saramyida (Someone Behind You)(Korean Movie 2007)
Ga-in, a smart, pretty girl who is loved by everyone, witnesses the deaths of people around her. She is then singled out as the next in line to die from the curse that has one person in each generation die at the hands of two people close to them. Ga-in searched for the truth about the curse with Suk-min, a boy who always lingers around her, and her boyfriend Heon-joong, but attacks on her life by those dearest to her, like her best friend and her mother, never cease…
It is horror show as per stated by the media. I think it is not so horror thing but it is more like thriller. Filled in the dream, she unknowingly stab and stab and stab....Opps..nothing to say further..
Apartment 1303(Japanese Movie 2007)
Directed by Ataru Oikawa (Tomie, Tokyo Pyscho), Apartment 1303 is adapted from a novel by Oishi Kei, the writer of Ju-On. Like Ju-On, the film revolves around a haunted residence, the titular Apartment 1303, whose tenants pay with their lives. Starring Nakagashi Noriko (Strawberry Shortcakes) and Furuta Arata (Hana), the film thrills and chills in classic J-horror fashion with nightmarish suspense and spectres and a piercing examination of guilt and obsession.
At a housewarming get-together with her friends, the usually cheerful Sayaka suddenly jumps to her death from the balcony. As the blood dyes the winter snow red, the little girl who lives next door walks up to Sayaka's corpse and smiles. Sayaka's sister Mariko (Nakagashi Noriko), refusing to believe her sister would commit suicide, begins to investigate and realizes that the apartment's previous residents also died in the same manner. As she probes further, she discovers the terrifying source of Apartment 1303's string of deaths, a vengeful grudge that dates back 20 years.
Now that is the real horror movie. My defintion of horror show must have a story illustrating ghost,vampires or relevant spirtual stuffs to chill your spine nicely. So far, it is quite decent one. Check it out, Eugene. However, i am not really fan of watching tons of horror movies at all. Don't be surprised with mediocre rating
Bonsuses:1) One scene did startle me.
ライアーゲーム (raiaa geemu) Liar Game(Japanese Drama 2007)
Based on the manga series of the same name, Toda Erika plays an honest college student, Kanzaki Nao, who receives a hundred million yen one day, along with a card saying she has been chosen to take part in the "Liar Game". The aim of the game is to trick the other players out of their hundred million dollars. At the end, the winner gets the hundred million and the loser is a hundred million yen in debt. The next day, she receives notification that her opponent is her former teacher, Fujisawa Kazuo. She goes to him, seeking help, but ends up getting tricked into handing her money over. Desperate, she approaches the police for help, but they are unable to do anything. However, she is told of a mastermind swindler, Akiyama Shinichi, who is to be released from jail the next day. Desperate, she goes to him for help.
I this this female lead actress is gotta be A-list actress. Always appear in a lot of japanese drama. Not too bad, i can think of economics ideas how to use in application of probability.
Bonuses:1)LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE 2)strategy to overturn the table
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
1:45 am
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hello.. I am getting better from fever,blocked nose, and cough! Now the first thing i do is to write a bit more on Singapore economy which i forgot to write on the previous blog entry.
I will like to point out the education system in Singapore. Unfortunately, Mike didn't get the chance to feel the environment in the thought of school where you have to analyse. This thought of school i mention earlier is where i am experiencing in right now. Based on the last conversation I had with Mike, i feel that it is the kind of element he is missing of. However, it doesn't imply that he has no chance to learn. Alternatively, he can engage such kind of discussion with such kind of friends as long as his friends are able and willing to do that in proper way. How proper? Simply to say, one must be willing to open to anything upon the discussion on certain fault or doubt of something. Just like Keynes and his social circle of group.
According to the guy who wrote his view in TNP's talk section, his former professor always look for the working that students treally understand rather than the fixed answer right away. Exactly, that is what i am talking about. There is no fixed answer and I love analysing and thinking of few possbilities of answers to answet the question. As the life go on, people including Mike can really find out a lot of interesting things ahead of him. That is why i feel that it is best thing to learn things along the path of your choice that has impact on your life. Very natural process of learning which i believe in.
Now I am analysing and thinking of Singapore education system. The way i look at the Singapore education system, it is capable of producing few hundreds of elites but very little entrepreneurs. Have you actually wonder why? I bet very few, maybe one or two of you may have thought of that.
Thank god, I was properly educated by my primary school teacher, Miss Han. My thinking is very flexible that I can bring tons of arguement to slap on your illogical or not-so-fitting thoughts you may spoke of. There is no need to be afraid of and if you got valid arguement, DO IT! However, the people i gave my piece of analysis end up with no response. Very few gave me intelligent responses. Pity.Why pity? Obviously, it is education that breed those people. I want to pit myself up against John Maynard Keynes and few people but they are dead or live in America. Damn..But i do give no reply because their thinking are correct that is exactly what i believe in as well. There are two persons who did very well in this. Suliana and Arthur whom both of them i know very well. Extremely well-educated and their mind are much more broader than any other friends i know. I can say that they think much better than Mike but Mike has his own circle of thought which i feel that he can be more broad thinking as he gain more experience in the life ahead. Why Mike in particular? He was the one i approached when i was checking my own principle and methods i have whether i am doing the right thing. Not quite direct questions I asked him but rather indirect questions that pointing his working life. I am happy to say that Mike is fine guy.
Let look at primary school system. The crux of teaching which i pout very much is iron-fist rule which mean every child must listen the teachers how to do and etc. It effectively brainwash them and lose the bearing of directions. Great example is 'Chinese'. Singapore government want people to speak mandarin everywhere rather than chinese dialect. What it do is to get teachers to 'brainwash' indirectly with powerful and yet effective slogan. 'Mandarin is Chinese'. I am very delighted to find another Chinese Singaporean who gave the same analysis I thought of this few years ago back. It reinforce my belief. I am quite heavily bred into Western belief. There is no taint of Chinese0style thinking in my head at all(What am i trying to say?). Unfortunately, I do not have any vocabulary to explain it better right now.
In my opinion, Chinese is made up of all different Chinese dialect. Sadly, i am somehow forced to say Chinese as in Mandarin each time i questioned Singaporeans because they have this slogan in their heart and mind unconsciously.
What i want to see in primary school system is to effectively use Swedish way of teaching. I marvel on how Swedish students must learn how to do things on their own at their own choice. (e.g fit the furniture on your own without any help or pointer). It is very powerful tool that bring out creativity. And of course, it should be implemented in few schools. It is better to have schools with different teaching styles.
The subjects taught in primary school are not a problem. It greatly benefit a lot of students who will move on to next level of education system. However, I will like to point that current system which parents have say to enrol their kids. Queuing to get the place in best school?Come on, you are idoit to do that. Someome who was bred by his father like that told that his studies aren't that fantastic especially english. He said that he can't speak in the 'ang moh' standard pattern. It is prime example which most of parents tend to think illogical. But however, Suliana was bred in that way but she came out smart and capable of putting good work. What i think is to abolish this enrolling system. For best schools, if their parents want to enrol them, all the school do is to arrange extrance exam and personal interview. Stress?My foot..When they grow up, they will experience stress. Even CEO has stres working too. In any way, there is no place for mercy in this real world. Has your life give you any mercy at all. If you think of that, you have a lot of situations that you get no mercy than the situations you did receive mercy. Give no mercy to kids and parents. It will ensure that smart ones will get in rather than mediocre ones get in and then suffer(UOL is prime example for this where a lot of lazy assholes get a big slap when they receive Fail result in most of the subjects).
What about smart kids whose family is poor?Just enrol in the normal school but MOE need to train and empower teachers with tools that enable them to inspire smart kids to do great things later on. Such illogical compaints should be thrown to bin and only entertain logical compaints. Of course complaints are the source where you can use it as a tool to improve on such areas. HOWEVER you can make worse or no improvement if you act on illogical complaints. Such a farce on prelim PSLE in one of top school on TNP news rader is stupid thing. Too much concern on kids or some of parents never experience of schooling in this level. Two possible reasons that lead to this farce. It is really about parent upbringing and kids learning potential curve. It is stupid to think that teachers have 100% responsible for it. It will not help children to think better.
I know it is not possible to have every child to think like Leonardo Da Vinci. This man is the kind of guy I want to see in every child. He always constantly ask any kind of questions to gain more knowledge he want to understand. Likewise, children should do like that. Not eveyone can cut into this but a few can. It is better to have a few children who cao think like Leonardo Da Vinci than nothing! In whole, i am saying that children should find their desire by questioning themselves and the things they see or learn. In fact, the lesson i was taught by Miss Han never been bored. I get to see many things which most of many primary school kids don't get such chance. Walk around the school outside to see plants to better understand science...do every experiment practically to understand the whole process of the science...encourage us to use intelligent proverbs and pronoun to use for composition...It goes on.
I never had a problem learning after primary school. I has very solid foundation to study further. It is all because of my primary school teacher. Oh yes, moral education is important too. Nowadays i envy kids that they are learning abit more complex ones that were not taught during my time. It is good move by MOE. I think it is better to expose kids more on simple biology!There is no point to wait until suitable ones are good enough to study pure biology from Secondary 3 and onwards. Just small content of biology that kids can easily digest for their own knowledge will do(just like small part of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics was taught in poly's business courses-In degree courses, degree students will learn whole part of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics(but depend on which school you study in..e.g RMIT don't teach full range of both Micro and Macro in Economics and Finance).
Move on to Secondary school system..I marvelled at China and Vietnamese people because they were made to study all subjects. They can't even choose some subjects like Singaporeans do for Upper Secondary stream. I think it is better to arm yourself with tools like Differentiation, Intergration and goes on. Despite of their unwillingness to learn some subjects they are not comfortable, at least they are better off when they get to learn diploma and degree level course! The ones i learn in Mathematic bridging course should be taught in Secondary school but just make things more simple. It should be aimed at secondary 3. By then, seconday 4 students can decide which choice to take so that they can choose the right course which mean they don't have to suffer in the course they like because of the subject they never learn.Secondary 1-3 period is where students must arm all the basic tools to develop basic foundation befure they can prepare seriously for 'O' and 'N' levels after that period. Right now, i am complaining that i do not have sufficient 'tools' to study because of this secondary school system. I never had problem studying in Secondary school because of my wonderful primary school teacher who equipped me a lot of tools I can understand easily.
ITE and POLYTECHNICS...such subjects like moral education and history should be removed. They should be taught in primary school and secondary school. Lack of ethics? It is really the choice they choose. Be bad or Be good. it is up to them. For business course in poly, economics, socialogy, organization behaviour or Human Resource are sufficient subsititution for them. For ITE,i remembered there are two or three waste-of-time subjects which are not graded but one subject that teach you to understand better about interview,jobs and behaviour is good one(Unfortunately, i forgot the name of this subject).
For JC, although there is small project works but it remain as the flaw. ITE do not have this flaw because they are learning very technical subjects but JC do not teach technical subjects but very highly academic subjects and one or two serious projects will suffice.Unfortuantely, i never went to JC before and so i cannot say much. Maybe biased but i don't know if it is reeally like that. My emphasis on JC is this project work is to make things more harder to pass. The harder the course or lesson is, the better it is. It will make you tough and resilient when you get to work.(e.g: you are working with bunds of useless friends who slack all the way and contribute nothing) This kind of shit do happen in working environment. I hope that you didn't discount this one out. On good side, they get to learn useful academic subjects that are taught in JC because they enable them to have sufficient background to learn the subjects at their choice in their university. Therefore, they are on higher utility(only who study economics in degree level know what mean by this word) which means they are better off despite not being able to access directly to technical subjects that poly students are exposed.
I know that not everybody can be 'Richard Branson' but there will be bound to have a few 'Richard Branson' coming out from my idea of education system. Why 'Richard Brason'?Simple, he has dyslexia which render him unable to study properly. If the course or the subject is too tough,they will be screaming like mad but in the end they can use the tools in the working arena. I am saying more and more entrepreneurs will be born in this way.
It come this picture of economy. It will give multiplier effect on Singapore economy.
That is all what i have to say about education that may have impact on economy.
Now i touch on interesting opinion from some of my friends(i saw it on msn or heard it somewhere). Don't be so rigid if you happen to see my analysis on your comment and it is simply my way to create a big picture of this comment with my modest analysis skill. In short, what i am saying is that you are not wrong. I hope you understand the meaning of freedom. The persons who write/say such comment will be anonymous here. However few comments i read off the book and i will name them who said that.
"The culture we've does not make people feel good about themselves. We have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesnt work, dont buy it!"
I just want copy and paste this comment intact in terms of grammer but i just change some words that are not spelt correctly. Assuming that the person is pointing towards local culture, one of these possible ones, i do not know it is just the case of naivety. However it can be dispelled at once if you have ideal culture you want to present in order to enrich the good side of the life that people should have. If a person say like that without the support of your opinion on what kind of changes/improvement needed to make culture good for the people. With much disagreement of the culture at your frustration or disappointment, 'Don't buy it(this culture)" will effectively create a friction among people. Depending on how serious it is, it can elevate into civil war for silly reason. i have few evidences to support it. That is why you should start thinking of what kind of culture it should be like as long as it doesn't hurt people at all.
Now i present one of these evidences to support. It happens recently. There are a lot of civil conflicts in each Middle East country. If you have read news or read widely, you will know immediately. The crux of it is that many different ethnic groups have a lot of disagreement(IRAQ). The current and up-to-date Middle-East based civil war is Israeli-Lebanese conflict. What cause it? The agruement is no peace treaty between Israel and Lebanon. A short and quick research from my usual site, wikipedia lead to one conclusion: fighting for the land. The conflict last for for long time since 1948. When can it stop? It happen only when they respect each other. And then there will be truce and however i can't see it happening since current generation will spreading words to next and future generation about bad things on this country.
From what i read about Middle East from TNP, there are a lot of ethnic groups who don't respect their culture each other. Very appalling because they look at each other in different light..Take an analogy:Australian working as cashier in supermarket smile at another Australian but when come to Asian person approach to pay, Australian cashier's lips transformed immediately from a smile to sulk.
Consider this..If everybody in Singapore think like that, we will be facing a lot of discrimination which in turn make our lives very uncomfortable for stupid and yet useless conflicts that serve no meaning of the purpose. Not very rational. Just recall the history you have studied in secondary school(for those who studied history before), you will remember the older days in Singapore where Malay went righting against Chinese because of silly thoughts. Do you want this happen here again if you insist that you don't the culture? Consider this. I will like to recommend that you need to come up a solution to resolve the culture you don't like. If your solution is excellent, i will support you.
"When you go to poker game, you look around, there is always one patsy. If you look around, you don't know who patsy is, that is because that it is you."
It is the favourite quote from many investors. I love this quote too. The first time I saw it, I laughed. It is true and it apply to you. It is what Warren Buffet told the guy who was interviewing him.
The reason why i took time to write is to proofread. At the moment, i regain some confidence to study after reading biography of Soros and Buffet. I did read school life that former US federal reserves chairman Alan Greenspan and John Maynard Keyes.
Very insightful. I am going to formulate the methodlogy to study. Let me warn to future propective postgraduates:Other courses likes of RMIT and other school may be lower difficult standard than UOL, you will suffer instandly if you don't study properly. I guarantee you for that. If you don't believe, you may bet on the chance that you want to study at your preference and find out the result in the end.
Next blog entries till my graduation of degree course will be full of economics talk on how i can apply what i learn on real life. It will be very interesting. For those who never study economics or know very little will find it interesting. Of course it is my nature to write interesting ones. If I make any mistakes, please let me know. if you have any doubt on my opinion, do let me know as well.
Kuchisake-onna(A Slit-mouthed Woman)(Japanese Movie 2007)
In a small suburban town there is a rumor about a slit-mouthed woman making its rounds among students. A woman wearing a trenchcoat, having a big rusty scissors with her and with a face covered by a mask, is said to snatch little children and kill them. It is also said that this woman is hiding a dreadful smile behind her mask, which is going from one ear to the other, as her mouth is slit wide open.
Apart from small children nobody believes in these rumors until suddenly one day several children vanish one after another. When one of her pupils, Mika (Rie Kuwana), is kidnapped right in front of school teacher Yamashita (Eriko Sato), she decides to go after the slit-mouthed woman (Miki Mizuno) together with her colleague Matsuzaki (Haruhiko Kato). The two get closer and closer to revealing the secret behind the strange woman, who seems to have some kind of close relationship with Matsuzaki. It seems as if the mysterious woman is invulnerable. Then the body of one of the kidnapped children is found. Time is running out on the two teachers who make only slow progress until they finally find the hideout of the woman in a run-down house...
This Japanese horror movie has very typical Japanese ending which is done in 99% similar fashion as many other Japanese horror movie. With a mind that Eugene asked me if there is any horror movie to get from me, i decided not to do it because it is no better than The Ring which i loved a lot with the shred of fear. In other words,you are better off watching other and yet better horror movie instead.
バブルへGO!!~タイムマシンはドラム式(Baburu e go!! Taimu mashin wa doramu-shiki)(Bubble Fiction Boom or Bust)(Japanese Movie 2007)

Japan is in trouble. Serious trouble, to the tune of 800 trillion yen. At the current rate of national debt accumulation, the country will effectively collapse in a few years' time. The Ministry of Finance traces the beginning of the end to 1990 when a real estate cap set in motion a series of events that caused the bubble economy to burst, plunging the nation into hard economic times. But the Ministry has a crack plan to reverse all this. Into the picture comes flighty indebted bar hostess Mayumi (Hirosue Ryoko) whose mother has just passed away - or so she thinks until grave-faced civil servant Shimokawaji (Abe Hiroshi) shows up on her doorstep. It turns out her mother Mariko (Yakushimaru Hiroko) invented a time machine and traveled back in time to prevent the Finance Minister from making his disastrous policy move. Mariko has since gone missing, however, and now it's up to Mayumi to go back to 1990 to find her mom and, oh yes, save Japan.
Directed by Baba Yasuo, Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust is a delightfully over-the-top comedy that colorfully and good-naturedly pokes fun at Japan's contemporary concerns and past bubble economy. Heads would burst if one tried to analyze the time travel logic or economic reasoning presented in the film, but the goal here is laughter, and Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust delivers it in large, sidesplitting portions. Director Baba contrasts the somber present with a hilariously excessive neon-lit 1990, a time when dresses were tight, eyebrows were thick, and money was everywhere for the taking. Abe Hiroshi (Trick) transforms seamlessly from a humorless, gray-haired salaryman to a goofy and irresponsible womanizer, while petite pop idol Hirosue Ryoko (Collage of Our Life) and former 80s idol Yakushimaru Hiroko (Always - Sunset on Third Street) make a formidable time-travelling mother-daughter duo. Packed with broad humor, pop culture references, and bubbly nostalgic fun, Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust is easily one of the most enjoyable and entertaining films of 2007.
Wow, i remembered my old time. I am sure that how the past your country look like. Just merely small percentage of similarity with Hollywood film titled 'Back to the Future' in comparsion, this film is quite good. It indirectly bring you truly an impact why there is a need to study economics. With bits of knowledge of economics, you can wholely understand what the world is actually doing. It show the dire consequences how such plans that affect a country's economic can bring doom to its people. Just watch it and you know the rest of the story. I guarantee you that you will enjoy it.
Bonuses: 1)Full picture of economic-much more on Macroeconomics 2)It is very nice to go back to the past and enjoy.
Shrek The Third(Hollywod Animation 2007)
When his new father-in-law, King Harold falls ill, Shrek is looked at as the heir to the land of Far, Far Away. Not one to give up his beloved swamp, Shrek recruits his friends Donkey and Puss in Boots to install the rebellious Artie as the new king. Princess Fiona, however, rallies a band of royal girlfriends to fend off a coup d'etat by the jilted Prince Charming.
Oh!Oh!...I already watched the first and second installation of Shrek. And now this the third one is pretty decent one. It was fine warm-up for me to watch the movie lightly without any tension when i was sick.
Pirates of Caribbean At Worlds End (Hollywood Movie 2007)
After Elizabeth, Will, and Captain Barbossa rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from the the land of the dead, they must face their foes, Davy Jones and Lord Cutler Beckett. Beckett, now with control of Jones' heart, forms a dark alliance with him in order to rule the seas and wipe out the last of the Pirates. Now, Jack, Barbossa, Will, Elizabeth, Tia Dalma, and crew must call the Pirate Lords from the four corners of the globe, including the infamous Sao Feng, to gathering. The Pirate Lords want to release the goddess Calypso, Davy Jones's damned lover, from the trap they sent her to out of fear, in which the Pirate Lords must combine the 9 pieces that bound her by ritual to undo it and release her in hopes that she will help them fight. With this, all pirates will stand together and will make their final stand for freedom against Beckett, Jones, Norrington, the Flying Dutchman, and the entire East India Trading Company.
The moment i saw the tralier of this movie in few months ago back, my mind was running usual fantasy like "Holly shit, that battle(shown in the trailer) loook cool to me. I liked part 1 and part 2. For this part 3, i find it quite good. I always like Jack Sparrow because of the odds against him. That is why I like or favor people whose odds are totally against them as if people normally think it is doomed situation for them which bring you in the picture where there is no solution to win or get out of the situation.
Bonuses:1)Two ships fighting in the whirlwind on the sea-Isn't it cool! 2)The development of the story is pretty good and convicing by its flow.
Galgalri Family 2(Korean Movie 2007)
The Gag Concert gang is back! One of the most popular standup comedy shows in Korea, Gag Concert is bringing back the tradition of comedy for children, which was made popular by none other than Shim Hyung Rae, now director of films like Yonggari and D-War. After the previous two Galgari installments, Galgari Family & Dracula (a hilarious pastiche of Hong Kong horror comedies and kung fu flicks, with some Korean traditions thrown in the mix) and Magic Police, the gang returns with Galgari Family 2, directed by the legendary Nam Ki Nam, one of the most prolific Korean directors of all time.
What if the son of a gangster and the president's son became rivals? Transferring to the same school on the same day, Bada and Haneul (Sea and Sky!) find themselves fighting for the same girl, Mina. They're just kids, it's understandable. Problem is the grown ups who follow them also start fighting each other in the strangest of ways. Starring in the show are Kim Hyun Sook of the Chulsandra segment, Kim Shi Deok, Kim Byung Man of the Crying Fist segment, and impersonation queen Kang Ju Hee, along with plenty of other Gag Concert stars.
Although i didn't see part 1 verison, i think it is not up to my liking. Much more suit to kids who are actually way way way way younger than me!
못말리는 결혼 (Motmallineun Kyeolhon)(Unstoppable Marriage)(Korean Movie 2007)
Eun-ho, a daughter of Ji-man the Feung Shui expert who lives up to tradition inheritance, and Ki-baek, the only son of Mal-nyon who is both a tycoon in Kangnam-gu and a leader in luxury, rode a paraglider and had an minor accident. They grew up and live in the different backgrounds so that they fight like a cat and dog over everything. Even though they hate each other, at the same time, they come to fall for each other and become a couple. The only matter is to obtain each family’s consent.
Not too bad. There is element of comedy in this movie. I did laughed while banging on my table. That is why i prefer watching movie at home rather than in cinema unless it is big movie. Couples should watch this movie.
Bonsues:Laugh as much as you can while you watch this movie.
Miracle on 1st Street(Korean Movie 2007)
You've seen it before: gangsters trying to force people to move from their homes in order to clear out the area to make way for corporate construction. It was one of the major plot points of Holiday in 2006, and one of Korean society's less charming realities. Pil Je (Lim Chang Jung, Sex is Zero) is exactly one of these thugs, raising a fuss with the entire neighborhood and trying all he can to drive the residents away so his boss and his people can build that new and shiny complex. Most people tend to be scared of Pil Je, but Myeong Ran (Ha Ji Won, Hwang Jin Yi) is not too impressed. An aspiring boxer, Myeong Ran isn't scared by Pil Je one bit; on the contrary, she's starting to look as menacing as some of the people Pil Je has to deal with in his line of business. But as he gets to know her and the locals more, Pil Je senses himself changing, changing enough for a miracle to happen?
Miracle on 1st Street brings back the trio who made 2002 sex comedy Sex is Zero, one of the top 20 grossing Korean films of all time. Director Yoon Je Gyun comes back to directing after years as a producer. After founding Dusabu Films and focusing on his production company, Yoon decided it was time to try his luck once again, with his two friends from the past, Ha Ji Won and Lim Chang Jung, the stars of Sex is Zero. After quitting his music career in great fashion, Lim has become one of the few surefire box office draws in Korea, proving himself to be quite a fine comic actor as well. And Ha Ji Won continues with her endless transformations. After learning traditional dance and Geomungo for the historical drama Hwang Jin Yi, this time she went through boxing training for a couple of months to make her performance more realistic.
Fairly decent movie and a bit of one-three percent similar to Hollywood movie titled 'A million dollar baby'. But it is done in Korean way in terms of culture. That is why we must slog and slog until we realsie the dream we actually want to do for our life. Your dream job will not be the same as the reality spell out but at least you get the chance to do and experience your dream job about what it actually is like.
Bonuses:1)Time to carry tissue box?
리턴 (Riteon)(Return)(Korean Movie 2007)
Due to inadequate use of anesthetics, a young boy experiences "intra-operative awareness" during his own heart surgery, hearing every sound and movement of the procedure. From the scalpel slicing through his body and surgical saw cutting through his rib cage, he remains completely aware! Unable to respond from the muscle-relaxation used during his surgery, the little boy is severely traumatized from this horrific accident. As a result, the child ends up brutally murdering a young girl soon after the incident. The boy is placed in a mental institution. Several psychiatrists find interest in his case, and decide to utilize radical treatment methods in order to cure the child. Through the use of hypnotism, they succeed in sealing the part of the boy's memory, his past and the personality that spawned from it. With this success, the boy is given a second chance and is placed to lead a normal life in society. 20 years later, the man's childhood is once again unlocked from a series of events, and leads to a series of gruesome murders. On a mission to spread the same pain he suffered as a child, the killer becomes cruel yet clever. As the killing continues, each of the memories and the secrets that lie 20 years in the past are slowly revealed.
Fantastic movie!I was blown by the gravity of the story. I also never knew about intra-operative awareness. Bloody hell...after watching this movie, i did a research about it. I feel that there is a need for medical research to find the 99.9% accuare procedure. Imagine that the anesthetics used that may be sufficient to the doctor opinion and during operation you still feel that surgeon is doing anything on your body. And there you feel the pain of being cut. Sadly, nobody is Guan Yu- if you have read about his story in The Romance of Three Kingdom.
Bonsues:1) do not eat while watching-the power of operation as you get to see a surgeon use scalpel to cut the skin. 2)Brilliant twist 3)Almost realistic plot which it can be achieveable except hypnotism part(i am not sure if it can be done in real world) 4)Just enjoy this film!
Philadelphia(Hollywood Movie 1993)
Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer infected with AIDS, is fired from his conservative law firm in fear that they might contract AIDS from him. After Andrew is fired, in a last attempt for peace, he sues his former law firm with the help of a homophobic lawyer, Joe Miller. During the court battle, Miller sees that Beckett is no different than anyone else on the gritty streets of the city of brotherly love, sheds his homophobia and helps Beckett with his case before AIDS overcomes him
When i first saw this dvd in Laserflair at Lot 1, it did catch my attention but the price was more tan $40 for region 1 DVD. Until this week, the price surprisely drop by few dollars and it is quite acceptable price which i am willing to pay. No doubt, it is quite great film where you can see a lot of emotion panning out in the courtroom. No doubt what most people in imdb.com and amazon.com say about this movie is just what i think after watching this movie. I can see why Tom Hank is highly sought(for fans or people who want to see his acting again) actor.
Bonuses:1)Top actors:Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington 2)Exactly, you get to see how lawsuit for discrimination right is done 3)Won few well-known awards for this film-Need i say more?Just get your ass on and watch this film.
Wargames(Hollywood Movie 1983)
A young computer whizz kid accidentally connects into a top secret super-computer which has complete control over the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It challenges him to a game between America and Russia, and he innocently starts the countdown to World War 3. Can he convince the computer he wanted to play a game and not the real thing ?
Oh that year the firm produce is when i was born!Well, i happened to know this movie when i was finding out more on 'Theory of Games and Economic Behavior' book that was mentioned my Microeconomics lecturer, Mark Harris. Prior from this research, wikipedia say that this film develop on it. Being eagar to know more and understand about every kind of economics theory, i decide to check it out. And there, I really enjoyed this classic film. At least it is better than the other movie titled 'Dr Strangelove'. I was very impressed and i get few ideas what can be done in such situation like that.
Bonuses:1) Just check out the vintage computer in 80s look like 2)Games? I bet you love to play. Can you really differentiate reality from game?Try this movie and you know what i am saying 3)A truly lesson that you should not put your guard down ever!
환상의 커플 (Fantasy Couple)(Korean Drama 2005)
This series is based on the 1987 American movie Overboard. Anna Jo (Han Ye Seul) is a rude, feisty, and audacious American-bred heiress who can never be satisfied. She returns to Korea only to continue being a controlling wife to her already cowardly husband, Billy Park (Kim Sung Min). When her yacht gets stuck for repairs, she hires local handyman Jang Chul Soo (Oh Ji Ho) to fix her shower, but when they have a heated spat over her dissatisfaction and non payment, she pushes him overboard and dunks his tools into the ocean right along with him. Later, after a quarrel with Billy that threatens to end their marriage, she herself gets drunkenly pitched overboard and falls victim to a bad case of amnesia.
My mother bought local-produced DVD of this drama show few months ago. Being saddled with my school work, I wait for the moment when i am ready to watch it. I was blown and attracted by this main lady character right from the start of the drama. *thumb up*. This actress, Han Ye Seul but acting as Anna..Just the type i like. No doubt, i also fancy myself having arguement in small matter just like the male lead character.
Ha.. No surprise at all..This film has won few awards. I highly reocmmend it to everyone! This local produced dvd is quite good. Good picture but do not have dobly digital sound(Stereo sound is sufficient for you). Go and buy! The price of this dvd is pretty good.'Hmmpphh..SO CLASSLESS!'..This comment is already embedded in my mind.
Aww...i keep on thinking this Anna..
Bonsuses:1)Just look at Anna and you will be in awe somehow 2)This couple is very fun to look at. 3)Ultra funny..no wonder my mother has huge preference to buy comedy drama than serious type 4)You will watch whole 16 episodes without fail at once!
不能说的秘密(Secret)(China Movie 2007)
The story is about a high school student Ye Xiang Lun, who studied in a school for the musically and artistically gifted. Ye’s piano skill was unmistakably a notch above others. On the first day of school, while wandering in the piano rooms, he heard an unknown and alluring melody played by a fellow female student, Lu Xiao Yu.
From then on, the two were always together, which thereafter led to incidents that gradually binded them together. However, Lu seemed to always carry a mysterious aura around her and when Ye tried to get to know her more, she always brushed off his questions by saying that it was a secret.
Unfortunately at the later stages, there was a misunderstanding between the both of them, which subsequently led to Lu's disappearance. Ye was heartbroken and tried to locate her whereabouts frantically.
But the more he tried to find out, he realized that things were not as they seemed with the chain of events that spiraled along during his search for Lu's whereabouts
I watch this movie based on local reviews by local teenagers who saw this movie in cinema. Surprisingly, they spoke well of this movie and Zhou Jie Lun. I thought for a while and try it out since a guy comment that it is similar to butterfly effect.
Oh hell, butterfly effect is truly hell movie that brainwash my brain so easily.
But this chinese movie, Secret is much more romance drama with no brainwash effect like what the Hollywood Movie, 'The Butterfly effect' do. the ending of this movie had an huge impact on it and i was stunned. Definitely, it is not similar to butterfly effect although it bring you back to the past or the future. For once, it is quite meaningful one. No doubt, i am very sentimental guy who value the past.
Bonusues:1)Sentimental love 2)Piano play
Ratatouille(Hollywood Movie 2007)
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down
It is truly mavellous story which kids and as well as adults need to learn from. This movie depicts the thing which many humans are missing. Regardless of smart or stupid, anyone actually can succeed as long as his/her interest is there where perfection and excellence at their definition by their point of view. Yes, you can do it. Many great people have done it. Let me name a few which i do really think they are the great one. They are Richard Branson, Li Ka Shing, Mrs B and few.
Bonuses:1)Great story 2)Dare to dream and realise it! 3)If they have such kind of talent but their appearance irked many humans. that is where we are going to help them by getting them do what they really want.
Book Title: The Warren Buffett CEO: Secrets From the Berkshire Hathaway Managers
Date Published 4th April 2003
Book Description
" Everyone knows Warren is the greatest investor of our time. . . .This book for the first time captures his genius as a manager." -- Jack Welch
The first book to reveal the investment and management strategies of the Berkshire Hathaway all-star management team. Much has been written about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophy; little has been made public about the inside management of Berkshire Hathaway. With a market cap exceeding 100 billion , Berkshire Hathaway has a market value surpassing many icons of American business such as Dell, AT&T, Disney, Ford, Gillette, American Express, and GM. Drawing on his personal experiences as well as those of Berkshire's chief executives, officers, and directors interviewed for this book, Berkshire insider Robert P. Miles provides a unique look at the Berkshire Hathaway culture and its management principles.
Excellent insight about their lives of CEOs. Originally, i strongly believe in good ethics and strong goverance but the guy whom i interact online for a few weeks about conversation of working environment. Somehow he laughed and believed that with or without ethics, you can achieve. Of course he is nobody. After reading this book, i have no doubt any more. I admire few Buffett CEOs. They are Rose Blumkin (commonly known as Mrs B), Lou Simpson, Richard Santulli, Ajit Jain and Albert Ueltschi. The other CEOs are admirable.
I respect the most is Mrs B. Screw your ass.. Mrs B,Russia with no english background(after living in US, she still speak broken english) start fron nothing to open furniture business during the Great Depression period. She turn this simple business into one of the well-known respected business in US. You should check out about her life. I was surprised that Buffet once gave his talk in US-based Business School university saying that Mrs B even know how to do depreciation even though she doesn't know the word itself as well as the meaning but she can get it right much better than anyone in the business school. Shocking though but i simply admire her gritty. I think everybody should learn from her. I once said that you don't need degree to start business and Ka Ho don't think likewise. Now Mrs B is great example of it. You still don't believe me? Another fact: Being deluded with her work at her old age in carpart department as her sons ran the company, she was so outraged that she decide to start another new business just few distance away from her original company in 1988. Evenutally it cause the dent to carpet sales to her original company that was managed by her family members. To do the same thing over again, she still get the success. It is no east feat! Anyone will not willing to give up and restart over again. RESPECT! Another fact:She worked and worked until her age of 104 and then eventually died. RESPECT! How many grandfather or grandmother work like that strolling around your work area doing the same old rounite work for more than bloody 20 years. To know more about her and the rest of CEOs, you can either surf or borrow this book. Highly recommended!
Book Title: Buffett: The Making of An American Capitalist
Author: Roger Lowenstein
Year Published(I read):1996
By picking the right stocks and businesses to invest in, plainspoken Nebraskan Warren Buffett became the richest man in the U.S. In this excellent biography, Wall Street Journal reporter Lowenstein details the billionaire stock market wizard's strategy of betting on the long-term growth of a handful of successful companies such as American Express and Berkshire Hathaway. Providing personal glimpses of a very private man, Lowenstein unearths childhood traumas such as the tormenting rages of Buffett's mother and his forced relocation to Washington, D.C., in 1943, where, at 13, he ran away from home (he was found by the police the next day). Buffett's wife, Susan Thompson, a nightclub singer, walked out on him in 1977 and was quickly replaced by his mistress, Latvian-born Astrid Menks. Lowenstein profiles an emotionally guarded, "strangely stunted" Midas obsessed with work and secrecy, who seemingly derives little pleasure from his fabulous wealth. Photos not seen by PW. Author tour.
Stunned! The more i know Warren Buffet, the more convinced on why my method can work. Impressive part:Buffet don't use computer to do business. Mental calculation and information are being processed inside his mind. In my opinion, we including me are actually living on too much luxury. I finally understood. What did i undestand? You may find out later or in future. :D
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:20 pm
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Awww.i am really on low in confidence right now after experience ultra dynamic lectures for past 3 weeks. I have to constantly study to keep the pace so that I don't get lost easily. I used to be super confident guy before but now, i recognise the gap between this field of knowledge UOL-LSE present to me and my present knowledge. BLOODY HUGE GAP! For this week, i decide to slow down my studies in order to reduce stress and gain my confidence back. By then, i will resume intensive study program I set for myself.
I decide to stop reading finance-based books and start reading some biographies in order to restore my confidence and use their lives as an example why I must conquer the challenge no matter how tough it is. Reading Soros' life is great start. I am planning to read more on Warren Buffett's life even though i know about 50% of his life. HOWEVER!!I want to know more how his student life is like. Beside Buffett's life, I am also interested in finding out more on Keynes' life
Recently, I talked with few friends of mine whom i regard them quite intelligent. Who knows they may be not intelligent than me. It doesn't really matter. I am very interested to keep tab on their progress and their insights. I will be talking with not so intelligent but know how to live friends soon. I still want to learn from all of my friends regardless how intelligent they are if any.
I let Mike to tell me his opinion. I am proud for Mike because of his opinions presented to me. My few principles are there when Mike told his opinions to me.
I recalled one time when Donald rejected my opinion where in vaguely education paper prevail over experiences when i relate my opinion supported with my former boss conversation with me. My former boss even highlight so greatly that I, having no diploma perform much better than the diploma holder because we are employed in the same time. What Mike learnt prevail here even in the future.
Hold on!it is small picture. Let me take all of you in big picture which i researched long time ago at my own discreet. It will certainly make a sense. Should you disagree, please let me know and we will reach to the point and therefore my opinion on it will be modified based on this amicable debate if any.
Education assets are not worthwhile when it come to hand-on jobs. Such hand-on tasks can be easily learnt. To prove that you have learnt, all you need is to get professional or academic certifcate(poly diploma) at its best. I am not sure what job scope Mike do other than the short information about him i know( data mining and SQL). Assuming that he is hand-on approach towards projects for his company. Wonderful, he is on right stead where he don't have to worry about 'paper'. However IT industry has high turnover rate in the span of few years. Who knows when is the day you will be retrenched? Mike will not be affected by frictional unemployment but will be affected by structural and cyclical unemployments. Mike said that he is indepensible with some certain degree of element of luck where he got good position which he think so. i am happy for him that he is soaring high with his wings flapping as he says. Start early and you get good result?it is true but it is really general context. What it may work for him may not work for others. There are at times you gotta be careful when you apply such thinking like that. Junbin is another great example where he has no diploma and he is earnying big bucks and spending big bucks too. i will spell out the effect below after the paragraph of a need of education paper.
There is a need for education paper especially towards Financial and senior management positions(beware:it is not for normal manager). Why? Such powerful theories are taught in Degree level and higher although there are some that can be learnt in Diploma level. What we learn in Diploma level is insufficient and at its best for employees for operating section in the hiearchical organisation structure. They cannot be learnt by working. Working experience enable you to create new ideas and theories at your own choice. At this point, it is hard for me to explain until you get the idea. You will only understand when you take the position of CEO of corporation if it happen.(NOT your own company) :-)
In general, there is pros and cons. No one is right or wrong in this aspect. A lot of people don't get the chance to see whole world. If you have travelled to other countries for holiday, it doesn't mean you have understood the world already. It take a lot of time to understand. I consider that mature and well-thought people with such considerable amount of intelligence will be the ones who don't hank for something like common people do right now. I am quite fortunate to watch a Korean movie, Hwang Jin Yi before i resume typing here. It inspired me as well as i was gazing at the female lead character. What a magnanimous lady in this show! She did which nobody really think of and dare to do. That is the type of people i admire. I dare to say that there are really very very very very very few humans who are really that magnanimous with much excellent understanding. From i wrote about a person perspective till now, I am saying that you will realise that what you thought is actually not the right thing by the time you, as old person in few ten years time would look back at your own past. That is where real reality hit you and therefore, you will get things right at your old age where you take a big break from everything.
Now, i will write about Singapore economy from my viewpoint. It is just amateur work with non statistics information. I can't even dare to write global because i have not travel that extensively.
Indeed, the inflation rate is growing considerably at small increase percentage. It is estimated to be around 3% at the moment according to the media. Many people with little understanding on economics aka political science tend to overhype inflation too much as if they are panicking to escape from horrible disaster. Although there are a lot more jobs available and the statistica from media who in turn obtained from government show that the wages in Singapore is growing nicely.
Ever since 1970(from what i read Soro's Alchemy of Finance), the task of controlling oil price is increasingly difficult which mean many companies that need oil to offer business such as transportation, lighting and etc may not be able to sustain the cost that long. It is quite understandable that our eletricity bill may increase from time to time. To control the oil price is really global responsbility which spell out that big powerful nations need to take charge co-operating with OPEC and Middle East. I do not know what kind of plan I can think of because I have only just learn two topics of Microeconomics that are about consumer behaviours and intertemporal choice at degree level. I will write economy much more extensively once I complete my degree with much hope!
Surprisingly, the currency exchange rate between Singapore dollars and American Dollar is at US$1=SGD$1.47 as for now. in layman’s term, the local products that made in Singapore will be expensive while the products that made in US are cheaper for Singaporeans to buy. Unbelieveable, it has drop so much! It signify that Singapore economy is now strong.
With more new roads, tunnel, bridges and tweaking of ERP charge policy, it certainly ease traffic jam in most of areas in Singapore but it doesn't really mean 100% traffic jam free at all. It will attract a lot of foreign companies to invest with strong and yet attractive governance here.
I don't really know how much damage sub-prime loans affect globally especially on Singapore. Even the ecomomist who was working for UOB don't know upon the seminar i attend to hear his opinion about global economy.
My opinion is that Singaporeans should invest as much as they can but should also set soe money aside in the bank for urgent needs such as sudden hospital bill, car repair. There is a need to set the money aside in the saving deposit because they are the most liquid ones you can turn to when your monthly spending exceed your monthly budget due to rising prices of products and services. Why invest? The economy mood in Singapore is slighly above the average which mean there is sign of positive economic growth.
End..Next blog entry topic may be about people who we need to be aware of. The principle i want to get across is 'What you think right now based on your experience may not work in future later on.'
Wild Hogs(Hollywood Movie 2007)
Four middle-aged men decide to take a road trip from Cincinnati to the Pacific in order to get away from their lives which are leading them nowhere. Taking their motorcycles, these "Wild Hogs" tear up the road and eventually stop in New Mexico for a drink not knowing that the bar belongs to the "Del Fuegos", a mean biker gang. When the Del Fuegos steal a bike that belongs to the Wild Hogs, the four men form a plan to steal their bike back
Wow.It is unbelieveable comedy movie. I was thinking that it was just average movie. With American slang jokes, my early thought was completely banished! For young adults, they should watch it for relaxing entertainment such as relieving from stress from work or degree studies.
Bonsuses:1)4 main characters are making you laughing without letting down 2)friendship soul..We should be like them.
Wall Street(Hollywood Movie 1987)
Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is a Wall Street stockbroker in early 1980's New York with a strong desire to get to the top. Working for his firm during the day, he spends his spare time working an on angle with with to approach the high-powered, extremely successful (but ruthless and greedy) broker Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas). Fox finally meets with Gekko, who takes the youth under his wing and explains his philosophy that "Greed is Good". Taking the advice and working closely with Gekko, Fox soon finds himself swept into a world of "yuppies", shady business deals, the "good life", fast money, and fast women; something which is at odds with his family including his estranged father (Martin Sheen) and the blue-collared way Fox was brought up.
i bought this movie DVD online. No doubt, I am totally attracted by Wall Street and its stories. This movie is quite good showing how evil work are conducted quietly. Such big money movement attract the authorities to start its investigation whether it is really inside trading in this course of action.
Rating: 8/10
Bonsuses:1)Michael Douglas is quite convincing actor led me and perhaps everybody believing that we can do it in the Wall Street. 2)Do you want to live 'fast life'?
3) Of course, greed is good
백만장자와 결혼하기(Baekmanjangjawa Gyeolhoonhagi)(Marrying A Millionaire)(Korean Drama 2005)
Want to marry a millionaire? Add one ‘Average Joe’, be one of eight women selected, and money from the television network station and you can.
Han Eun-young works as a clerk at a bank, trying to pay off the debts her step-mother and sister have piled on her. Kim Young-hoon is your regular, ‘Average Joe’, worker. He provides for his father, his older brother and his wife, as well as his younger brother.
One day, PD Yoo Jin-ha is asked to take over the project, “Marry a Millionaire”. Reluctantly, he agrees to handle the project. His search begins for the perfect man to play the ‘millionaire’. His goal is to use a man who is an average worker, but can pull off the facade of a millionaire. Kim Young-hoon is that man. Although he works hard for a living, there are many who can easily mistake him for a rich guy.
By chance, Eun-young is selected to be a particpant in the TV show. Although the women are not supposed to know that this millionaire of their’s is just a regular worker, Eun-young knows his true identity.
Simple. Young-hoon was her first love. After many years, they meet up again at a party. Although she didn’t recognize him at first, she realized it was the young boy she had fallen in love with back in middle school. Although she says she made a mistake in liking him, being in the show with him is bringing up warm feelings once again.
Marrying a Millionaire is based on the US reality television show, Joe Millionaire.
This drama portray how the life of nobody-turn-into-celebrity-star is like. i hope everybody understand most of celebrity's life because it is not easy job to work in irregular hours(acting in movie or drama). And also, TV companies tend to exaggerate things in order to attract the audience in sake of competition among TV companies. Indeed, there is a need for competitons like that which in result audience in the country will get good shows every day. That is what Singapore is lacking in this. As far as i know that South Korea is quite big country, all TV stations never fail to change the crew of each drama. I am so amazed and wished that Mediacorp should do likewise. FORGET ABOUT A-list actors and actress..Just pick the ones who did well during audition!
I admire this male lead character.. He is honest and forthright with a lady who he loved since young. I wished that I could be like him.
Bonsuses:1)reality celebrity life 2)honest love
Shooter(Hollywood Movie 2007)
Bob Lee Swagger, one of the world's great marksmen and the son of a Congressional Medal of Honoree, is a loner living in the Rockies. He's left the military, having been hung out to dry in a secret Ethiopian mission a few years before, when he's recruited by a lisping colonel to help find a way that the President of the US might be assassinated in one of three cities in the next two weeks. He does his work, but the shot is fired notwithstanding and Bob Lee is quickly the fall guy: wounded and hunted by thousands, he goes to ground and, aided by two unlikely allies, searches for the truth and for those who double-crossed him. All roads lead back to Ethiopia
Wow, It is quite impressive action movie exhibiting the element of intelligent. Yes, it is some sort of intelligent game with small twist. BANG BANG BANg BOOM BOOM BOOM...Anyone should watch this movie. I happen to watch this movie because i see this movie DVD all over video stores and i thought i should try my chance to watch this movie.
bonsuses:1)intelligent story as well as the main lead chatacter 2)dirty business for the sake of earning money 3)of course you will be glued to your favourite seat till end of the movie.
アンフェア (Unfair: The Movie)(Japanese Movie 2007)
Click here for official websiteSynopsis:
Hardboiled, hard-drinking, and hard-hitting female detective Yukihira Natsumi (Ryoko Shinohara) has the best record in the police force, but it has come at a cost. Her fiercely independent personality and penchant to not go by the books has alienated her from colleagues, while her dedication, or perhaps obsession, with work has already cost her a marriage and custody of her eight-year-old daughter. Natsumi has no time for apologies and misgivings though when there is crime to be fought. She is forced to reconsider everything she knows, however, when terrorists take over the hospital her daughter is being treated at. How far will she go to save her daughter?
Wow, it is another excellent action movie in Japanaese way.Trying to save her daughter in the hospital where it was besieged by 'terrorists' who are up against cops over secret fund. Just grab this movie and watch it.
Bonuses:1)Twists in the process keeping you guessing but not so sophiscated one 2)Japanese standard of movie is getting better. Young actors at our age easily shone with convicing acting.
Flashpoint(Hong Kong Movie 2007)
Ma Jun, a serious crime detective sergeant has been working on to crack a triad of three brothers; Archer, Tony and Tiger for years. He planted a mole, Wilson to infiltrate into the gang. Over the years, Wilson started to have more disagreements with Ma Jun. During a gang confrontation, Wilson’s identity was exposed and Tiger died during the battle. Tony destroyed all the evidence. The only person left to bring Tony and Archer to justice is Wilson…
Wow, i am in awe that Donnie Yen showcase all boxing skills he just picked during training before filiming(I believe so when i saw ending credit video). I think it is one of his best performers i ever seen. Overall, the movie is average.
Bonuses:1) A treat of fighting battles.
황진이 Hwang Jin Yi(Korean Movie 2007)
The life of the famous kisaeng (female entertainer), Hwang Jin Yi, who lived in 16th century Korea.
What a philosophy movie! I think young people need to watch this and understand what life is really about. Any slight slack will not let you to escape from the thorns of life. After all, there is no mercy in the world. Your action justify the result of the life you get. Frankly speaking, from what I heard from Sihui, although there is no need to get A for exam(indeed, no need to be smart ass in this study as long as you enjoy the life), there is need to understand the subject very well which mean you will be the one applying your knowledge from what you learn from the course in your own working job. If you don't know, you will not be let off. Like what I said, there is no mercy in the world you live in. I find that this movie apply this principle i always believe in very well. Eugene can't remember what he learn from his subjects he took. It is ok. I did stress the importance to know them because all you need to open your mouth to explain such financial product with your pure essay knowledge, you will get the fee because the potential customer know how well-knowledge you are. That is easy money especially when you don't need to use your hand to calculate as long as they need your service. You want their money? You need to exhibit the correct knowledge they want to know about complicated products or services.
bonuses:1)Meaningful life to tell us 2)teach you what smart person should be like
Title:George Soros:The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire
Author:Michael T. Kaufman
The first biography of George Soros written with his cooperation--a dramatic story of the capitalistic genius who has become the leading philanthropist of our time.
In a fascinating narrative, we follow Soros from European dislocation to unfathomable success and wealth. Born into a Jewish family in Budapest, he was on his own by age 14, passing as an Aryan to survive World War II. As a penniless 17-year-old in London, he dreamed both of personal glory and making the world less harsh. Ambition and opportunity drove him to Wall Street, where he arrived in 1956. Soon he was "the greatest money manager in the world." In his early 50s, restless and having made his fortune, Soros turned to doing good as a full-time occupation, showing the same energy, imagination, and courage in spending his money as he had in making it. He has invested more than $1 billion worldwide through his Open Society foundations, undermining the kind of totalitarianism he knew in his youth. Kaufman reveals how Soros became a key figure in accelerating the collapse of communism, while minimizing the trauma of transition, and how his work continues today.
Packed with event and character, this is the story of a remarkable, brilliant, hugely generous, but--until now--little-understood man.
I borrow this book from library because i am now facing a lot of difficulties to cope studies. I want to know how Soros went through his life in London especially his stint at LSE. It is really insightful for me. I am gaining little confidence and my understanding on philanthropy is getting better. Excellent life Soros has and i do envy that he has the chance to stand on the rope making the 'near-death' or 'near-bankruptcy' decision in his life
Book title:The Rule of EQ
Author:Rob Yeung
Savvy and timely, this quick tutorial in the uses of the Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a valuable tool in the arsenal of the effective business person or manager. IQ might get a worker through the front door, but EQ can open doors beyond that, allowing the smart business person to improve and capitalize on relationships at work. The books in this series are designed to be read in only a couple of hours and are perfect educational reading for a business trip. Rather than feeling like a mini-MBA course, the lessons are succinct and to the point. Chapters offer practical advice based on—but not mired in—solid EQ theory and are valuable in the daily context of a business career. Tactics discussed include understanding the thoughts and emotions of others, influencing the emotional states of others, knowing when to pick a battle and when to back down, and harnessing productive anger. Being intelligent is no longer enough to succeed in the world of business; those who want to get ahead quickly and efficiently will learn to make use of the lessons in emotional intelligence detailed in this handbook
I never knew that i has consierable amout of EQ as most of skills i usually use are on the book but it is only small part. The other parts which i do not possess are worth learning. I happened to borrow this book in the mind that Suliana emphasize heavily on EQ. I thought i should find more detail about EQ although i know vague meaning of EQ. Indeed, i am very very impressed how the author wrote in short to keep readers comfortable when reading. The content is quite interesting and impressiev that you really want to pick for your own benefit.
Tony Del Piero wrote and posted at at
11:37 pm